206 research outputs found

    How deep is deep enough? -- Quantifying class separability in the hidden layers of deep neural networks

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    Deep neural networks typically outperform more traditional machine learning models in their ability to classify complex data, and yet is not clear how the individual hidden layers of a deep network contribute to the overall classification performance. We thus introduce a Generalized Discrimination Value (GDV) that measures, in a non-invasive manner, how well different data classes separate in each given network layer. The GDV can be used for the automatic tuning of hyper-parameters, such as the width profile and the total depth of a network. Moreover, the layer-dependent GDV(L) provides new insights into the data transformations that self-organize during training: In the case of multi-layer perceptrons trained with error backpropagation, we find that classification of highly complex data sets requires a temporal {\em reduction} of class separability, marked by a characteristic 'energy barrier' in the initial part of the GDV(L) curve. Even more surprisingly, for a given data set, the GDV(L) is running through a fixed 'master curve', independently from the total number of network layers. Furthermore, applying the GDV to Deep Belief Networks reveals that also unsupervised training with the Contrastive Divergence method can systematically increase class separability over tens of layers, even though the system does not 'know' the desired class labels. These results indicate that the GDV may become a useful tool to open the black box of deep learning

    Predictive Analytics On Public Data - The Case Of Stock Markets

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    The Power of Alumni Networks - Success of Startup Companies Correlates With Online Social Network Structure of Its Founders

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    In this paper we analyze the success of startups in Germany by looking at the social network structure of their founders on the German-language business-networking site XING. We address two related research questions. First we examine university-wide networks, constructing alumni networks of 12 German universities, with the goal of identifying the most successful founder networks among the 12 universities. Second, we also look at individual actor network structure, to find the social network attributes of the most successful founders. We automatically collected the publicly accessible portion of XING, filtering people by attributes indicative of their university, and roles as founders, entrepreneurs, and CEOs. We identified 51,976 alumni, out of which 14,854 have entrepreneurship attributes. We also manually evaluated the financial success of a subsample of 80 entrepreneurs for each university. We found that universities, which are more central in the German university network, provide a better environment for students to found more and more successful startups. University networks whose alumni have a stronger “old-boys-network”, i.e. a larger share of their links with other alumni of their alma mater, are more successful as founders of startups. On the individual level the same holds true: the more links founders have with alumni of their university, the more successful their startup is. Finally, the absolute amount of networking matters, i.e. the more links entrepreneurs have, and the higher their betweenness in the online network of university alumni, the more successful they are

    Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus A (H7N3) in Domestic Poultry, Saskatchewan, Canada, 2007

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    Epidemiologic, serologic, and molecular phylogenetic methods were used to investigate an outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza on a broiler breeding farm in Saskatchewan, Canada. Results, coupled with data from influenza A virus surveillance of migratory waterfowl in Canada, implicated wild birds as the most probable source of the low pathogenicity precursor virus

    Entangled Stories: The Red Jews in Premodern Yiddish and German Apocalyptic Lore

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    “Far, far away from our areas, somewhere beyond the Mountains of Darkness, on the other side of the Sambatyon River…there lives a nation known as the Red Jews.” The Red Jews are best known from classic Yiddish writing, most notably from Mendele's Kitser masoes Binyomin hashlishi (The Brief Travels of Benjamin the Third). This novel, first published in 1878, represents the initial appearance of the Red Jews in modern Yiddish literature. This comical travelogue describes the adventures of Benjamin, who sets off in search of the legendary Red Jews. But who are these Red Jews or, in Yiddish, di royte yidelekh? The term denotes the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel, the ten tribes that in biblical times had composed the Northern Kingdom of Israel until they were exiled by the Assyrians in the eighth century BCE. Over time, the myth of their return emerged, and they were said to live in an uncharted location beyond the mysterious Sambatyon River, where they would remain until the Messiah's arrival at the end of time, when they would rejoin the rest of the Jewish people. This article is part of a broader study of the Red Jews in Jewish popular culture from the Middle Ages through modernity. It is partially based on a chapter from my book, Umstrittene Erlöser: Politik, Ideologie und jüdisch-christlicher Messianismus in Deutschland, 1500–1600 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2011). Several postdoctoral fellowships have generously supported my research on the Red Jews: a Dr. Meyer-Struckmann-Fellowship of the German Academic Foundation, a Harry Starr Fellowship in Judaica/Alan M. Stroock Fellowship for Advanced Research in Judaica at Harvard University, a research fellowship from the Heinrich Hertz-Foundation, and a YIVO Dina Abramowicz Emerging Scholar Fellowship. I thank the organizers of and participants in the colloquia and conferences where I have presented this material in various forms as well as the editors and anonymous reviewers of AJS Review for their valuable comments and suggestions. I am especially grateful to Jeremy Dauber and Elisheva Carlebach of the Institute for Israel and Jewish Studies at Columbia University, where I was a Visiting Scholar in the fall of 2009, for their generous encouragement to write this article. Sue Oren considerably improved my English. The style employed for Romanization of Yiddish follows YIVO's transliteration standards. Unless otherwise noted, translations from the Yiddish, Hebrew, German, and Latin are my own. Quotations from the Bible follow the JPS translation, and those from the Babylonian Talmud are according to the Hebrew-English edition of the Soncino Talmud by Isidore Epstein

    QUBE-II - Quantum Key Distribution with a CubeSat

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    The digitization of our everyday lives is omnipresent. Secure data transmission is therefore of enormous importance in almost all areas of our society. The cryptographic processes for encrypting transmitted messages used today are based on algorithms relying on the limited computing power of today's computers. However, data intercepted today can be stored, decrypted and altered in the future with more powerful or even quantum computers, which are currently under development. However, the use of quantum states as carriers of information makes physically secure communication possible. The laws of quantum mechanics guarantee that data cannot be intercepted or stored unnoticedly. The security against eavesdropping is based on fundamental laws of nature and therefore cannot be overcome even by future technologies. One approach for the global distribution of quantum keys is communication via satellite. This enables a greater range than fiber-optic links, which are currently limited to a few 100 kilometers due to losses along the line. The exchange of secret keys between several ground stations via satellite thus enables global, secure communication. The QUBE-II group is working on the development of a novel miniature satellite capable of complete quantum key exchange. The platform for this is formed by low-cost miniature satellites, so-called CubeSats. New technologies for generating quantum keys on the CubeSat platform in combination with powerful optical communication systems will enable a fully functional system in a 3x2 cube form factor. Building on the predecessor project QUBE, miniaturized quantum components are being developed that can withstand the extreme temperature and radiation loads in space. These will then be integrated into a miniature satellite weighing about 10 kilograms. The research team will use the Optical Ground Station Oberpfaffenhofen near Munich as receiver station and upgrade it accordingly for reception of QUBE quantum states and implementation of the needed classical free-space optical communication links. This paper provides insight into the structure of the QUBE-II project and lays out the challenges of a successful key exchange between CubeSat and ground station. Thereby, especially the future improvements and innovations compared to the predecessor project QUBE will be discussed

    Disease Dynamics and Bird Migration—Linking Mallards Anas platyrhynchos and Subtype Diversity of the Influenza A Virus in Time and Space

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    The mallard Anas platyrhynchos is a reservoir species for influenza A virus in the northern hemisphere, with particularly high prevalence rates prior to as well as during its prolonged autumn migration. It has been proposed that the virus is brought from the breeding grounds and transmitted to conspecifics during subsequent staging during migration, and so a better understanding of the natal origin of staging ducks is vital to deciphering the dynamics of viral movement pathways. Ottenby is an important stopover site in southeast Sweden almost halfway downstream in the major Northwest European flyway, and is used by millions of waterfowl each year. Here, mallards were captured and sampled for influenza A virus infection, and positive samples were subtyped in order to study possible links to the natal area, which were determined by a novel approach combining banding recovery data and isotopic measurements (δ2H) of feathers grown on breeding grounds. Geographic assignments showed that the core natal areas of studied mallards were in Estonia, southern and central Finland, and northwestern Russia. This study demonstrates a clear temporal succession of latitudes of natal origin during the course of autumn migration. We also demonstrate a corresponding and concomitant shift in virus subtypes. Acknowledging that these two different patterns were based in part upon different data, a likely interpretation worth further testing is that the early arriving birds with more proximate origins have different influenza A subtypes than the more distantly originating late autumn birds. If true, this knowledge would allow novel insight into the origins and transmission of the influenza A virus among migratory hosts previously unavailable through conventional approaches

    Diabetic β-Cells Can Achieve Self-Protection against Oxidative Stress through an Adaptive Up-Regulation of Their Antioxidant Defenses

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    Background Oxidative stress (OS), through excessive and/or chronic reactive oxygen species (ROS), is a mediator of diabetes-related damages in various tissues including pancreatic β-cells. Here, we have evaluated islet OS status and β-cell response to ROS using the GK/Par rat as a model of type 2 diabetes. Methodology/Principal Findings Localization of OS markers was performed on whole pancreases. Using islets isolated from 7-day-old or 2.5-month-old male GK/Par and Wistar control rats, 1) gene expression was analyzed by qRT-PCR; 2) insulin secretion rate was measured; 3) ROS accumulation and mitochondrial polarization were assessed by fluorescence methods; 4) antioxidant contents were quantified by HPLC. After diabetes onset, OS markers targeted mostly peri-islet vascular and inflammatory areas, and not islet cells. GK/Par islets revealed in fact protected against OS, because they maintained basal ROS accumulation similar or even lower than Wistar islets. Remarkably, GK/Par insulin secretion also exhibited strong resistance to the toxic effect of exogenous H2O2 or endogenous ROS exposure. Such adaptation was associated to both high glutathione content and overexpression (mRNA and/or protein levels) of a large set of genes encoding antioxidant proteins as well as UCP2. Finally, we showed that such a phenotype was not innate but spontaneously acquired after diabetes onset, as the result of an adaptive response to the diabetic environment. Conclusions The GK/Par model illustrates the effectiveness of adaptive response to OS by beta-cells to achieve self-tolerance. It remains to be determined to what extend such islet antioxidant defenses upregulation might contribute to GK/Par beta-cell secretory dysfunction

    Glucose sensing in the pancreatic beta cell: a computational systems analysis

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