95 research outputs found

    Changes in Management Intensity, Management Wage Premium, and Employment Growth Across the U.S. Economy 2002 to 2020

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    With 228 matched U.S. industries for 2002 and 2020, aggregated data has slightly rising management intensity (MI), defined as management’s share of total employment, and minimally declining management wage premium (MWP), defined as the average wage for management divided by the average wage for all other workers. Meaningful pattern differences in MI and MWP across economic sectors are found along with unconditional divergence from 2002 to 2020 in MI, but unconditional convergence in MWP from 2002 to 2020. No association is found between MI and total employment growth, but a negative association between MWP and total employment growth exists

    Loss of Cathepsin B and L Leads to Lysosomal Dysfunction, NPC-Like Cholesterol Sequestration and Accumulation of the Key Alzheimer's Proteins

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    Proper function of lysosomes is particularly important in neurons, as they cannot dilute accumulated toxic molecules and aggregates by cell division. Thus, impairment of lysosomal function plays an important role in neuronal degeneration and in the pathogenesis of numerous neurodegenerative diseases. In this work we analyzed how inhibition and/or loss of the major lysosomal proteases, the cysteine cathepsins B and L (CtsB/L), affects lysosomal function, cholesterol metabolism and degradation of the key Alzheimer's disease (AD) proteins. Here, we show that cysteine CtsB/L, and not the aspartyl cathepsin D (CtsD), represent a major lysosomal protease(s) that control lysosomal function, intracellular cholesterol trafficking and AD-like amyloidogenic features. Intriguingly, accumulation of free cholesterol in late endosomes/lysosomes upon CtsB/L inhibition resembled a phenotype characteristic for the rare neurodegenerative disorder Niemann-Pick type C (NPC). CtsB/L inhibition and not the inhibition of CtsD led to lysosomal impairment assessed by decreased degradation of EGF receptor, enhanced LysoTracker staining and accumulation of several lysosomal proteins LC3II, NPC1 and NPC2. By measuring the levels of NPC1 and ABCA1, the two major cholesterol efflux proteins, we showed that CtsB/L inhibition or genetic depletion caused accumulation of the NPC1 in lysosomes and downregulation of ABCA1 protein levels and its expression. Furthermore, we revealed that CtsB/L are involved in degradation of the key Alzheimer’s proteins: amyloid-ÎČ peptides (AÎČ) and C-terminal fragments of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) and in degradation of ÎČ-secretase (BACE1). Our results imply CtsB/L as major regulators of lysosomal function and demonstrate that CtsB/L may play an important role in intracellular cholesterol trafficking and in degradation of the key AD proteins. Our findings implicate that enhancing the activity or levels of CtsB/L could provide a promising and a common strategy for maintaining lysosomal function and for preventing and/or treating neurodegenerative diseases

    Converging and Differential Brain Phospholipid Dysregulation in the Pathogenesis of Repetitive Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Alzheimer’s Disease

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    Repetitive mild traumatic brain injury (rmTBI) is a major epigenetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The precise nature of how rmTBI leads to or precipitates AD pathology is currently unknown. Numerous neurological conditions have shown an important role for dysfunctional phospholipid metabolism as a driving factor for the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the precise role in rmTBI and AD remains elusive. We hypothesized that a detailed phospholipid characterization would reveal profiles of response to injury in TBI that overlap with age-dependent changes in AD and thus provide insights into the TBI-AD relationship. We employed a lipidomic approach examining brain phospholipid profiles from mouse models of rmTBI and AD. Cortex and hippocampal tissue were collected at 24 h, 3, 6, 9, and 12 months post-rmTBI, and at ages representing ‘pre’, ‘peri’ and ‘post’ onset of amyloid pathology (i.e., 3, 9, 15 months-old). Total levels of phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), LysoPE, and phosphatidylinositol (PI), including their monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acid (FA) containing species were significantly increased at acute and/or chronic time points post-injury in both brain regions. However, levels of most phospholipid species in PS1/APP mice were nominal in the hippocampus, while in the cortex, levels were significantly decreased at ages post-onset of amyloid pathology. Sphingomyelin and LysoPC levels showed coincidental trends in our rmTBI and AD models within the hippocampus, an increase at acute and/or chronic time points examined. The ratio of arachidonic acid (omega-6 FA) to docosahexaenoic acid (omega-3 FA)-containing PE species was increased at early time points in the hippocampus of injured versus sham mice, and in PS1/APP mice there was a coincidental increase compared to wild type littermates at all time points. This study demonstrates some overlapping and diverse phospholipid profiles in rmTBI and AD models. Future studies are required to corroborate our findings in human post-mortem tissue. Investigation of secondary mechanisms triggered by aberrant downstream alterations in bioactive metabolites of these phospholipids, and their modulation at the appropriate time-windows of opportunity could help facilitate development of novel therapeutic strategies to ameliorate the neurodegenerative consequences of rmTBI or the potential triggering of AD pathogenesis by rmTBI

    Use of cerebrospinal fluid biomarker analysis for improving Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in a non-specialized setting

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    Low levels of amyloid-ÎČ42 (AÎČ42) and high total-tau (t-tau) or phosphorylated-tau (p181-tau) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were shown to be characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and for mildly cognitively impaired (MCI) or non-demented individuals who will progress to AD. The goal of this study was to evaluate the benefit of CSF biomarker testing in a setting with no specialized dementia centers, in order to improve the accuracy of AD diagnosis and to identify individuals with incipient AD. Using ELISA assay we analyzed CSF AÎČ42, t-tau and p181-tau levels among clinically diagnosed non-demented individuals, AD patients and individuals with uncertain dementia (n=36). CSF cut-off values of low AÎČ42 (≀530 pg/mL) and high t-tau (≄350 pg/mL) or p181-tau (≄52 pg/mL) were used to identify individuals with AD/ MCI-CSF profile, regardless of clinical diagnosis. APOE genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP method. In accord with previous studies we detected significantly decreased levels of CSF AÎČ42 and increased tau and p181-tau levels in clinically diagnosed AD group vs. non-demented controls. CSF profiling identified individuals with a typical AD/MCI-CSF pattern in clinically referred non-demented group (9%) and among patients with uncertain dementia (41.7%). APOE Δ4-allele was associated with the CSF biomarker changes typical for AD. This study shows that in a non-specialized setting CSF biomarker testing may be used as a screening tool for improving the accuracy of AD diagnosis and for predicting individuals with incipient Alzheimer’s disease who need to receive further clinical follow-up

    Use of cerebrospinal fluid biomarker analysis for improving Alzheimer's disease diagnosis in a non-specialized setting

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    Low levels of amyloid-ÎČ42 (AÎČ42) and high total-tau (t-tau) or phosphorylated-tau (p181-tau) levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were shown to be characteristic for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients and for mildly cognitively impaired (MCI) or non-demented individuals who will progress to AD. The goal of this study was to evaluate the benefit of CSF biomarker testing in a setting with no specialized dementia centers, in order to improve the accuracy of AD diagnosis and to identify individuals with incipient AD. Using ELISA assay we analyzed CSF AÎČ42, t-tau and p181-tau levels among clinically diagnosed non-demented individuals, AD patients and individuals with uncertain dementia (n=36). CSF cut-off values of low AÎČ42 (≀530 pg/mL) and high t-tau (≄350 pg/mL) or p181-tau (≄52 pg/mL) were used to identify individuals with AD/ MCI-CSF profile, regardless of clinical diagnosis. APOE genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP method. In accord with previous studies we detected significantly decreased levels of CSF AÎČ42 and increased tau and p181-tau levels in clinically diagnosed AD group vs. non-demented controls. CSF profiling identified individuals with a typical AD/MCI-CSF pattern in clinically referred non-demented group (9%) and among patients with uncertain dementia (41.7%). APOE Δ4-allele was associated with the CSF biomarker changes typical for AD. This study shows that in a non-specialized setting CSF biomarker testing may be used as a screening tool for improving the accuracy of AD diagnosis and for predicting individuals with incipient Alzheimer’s disease who need to receive further clinical follow-up

    Neuroepigenetics and Alzheimer's Disease: An Update

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    Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene expression which may be triggered by both genetic and environmental factors, and independent from changes to the underlying DNA sequence-a change in phenotype without a change in genotype-which in turn affects how cells read genes. Epigenetic changes represent a regular and natural occurrence but can be influenced also by factors such as age, environment, and disease state. Epigenetic modifications can manifest themselves not only as the manner in which cells terminally differentiate, but can have also deleterious effects, resulting in diseases such as cancer. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing are thought to initiate and sustain epigenetic change. For example, in Alzheimer's disease (AD), both genetic and non-genetic factors contribute to disease etiopathology. While over 250 gene mutations have been related to familial AD, less than 5% of AD cases are explained by known disease genes. More than likely, non-genetic factors, probably triggered by environmental factors, are causative factors of late-onset AD. AD is associated with dysregulation of DNA methylation, histone modifications, and ncRNAs. Among the classes of ncRNA, microRNAs (miRNAs) have a well-established regulatory relevance. MicroRNAs are highly expressed in CNS neurons, where they play a major role in neuron differentiation, synaptogenesis, and plasticity. MicroRNAs impact higher cognitive functions, as their functional impairment is involved in the etiology of neurological diseases, including AD. Alterations in the miRNA network contribute to AD disease processes, e.g., in the regulation of amyloid peptides, tau, lipid metabolism, and neuroinflammation. MicroRNAs, both as biomarkers for AD and therapeutic targets, are in the early stages of exploration. In addition, emerging data suggest that altered transcription of long ncRNAs, endogenous, ncRNAs longer than 200 nucleotides, may be involved in an elevated risk for AD

    A comparison of five lipid extraction solvent systems for lipidomic studies of human LDL

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    Lipidome profile of fluids and tissues is a growing field as the role of lipids as signaling molecules is increasingly understood, relying on an effective and representative extraction of the lipids present. A number of solvent systems suitable for lipid extraction are commonly in use, though no comprehensive investigation of their effectiveness across multiple lipid classes has been carried out. To address this, human LDL from normolipidemic volunteers was used to evaluate five different solvent extraction protocols [Folch, Bligh and Dyer, acidified Bligh and Dyer, methanol (MeOH)-tert-butyl methyl ether (TBME), and hexane-isopropanol] and the extracted lipids were analyzed by LC-MS in a high-resolution instrument equipped with polarity switching. Overall, more than 350 different lipid species from 19 lipid subclasses were identified. Solvent composition had a small effect on the extraction of predominant lipid classes (triacylglycerides, cholesterol esters, and phosphatidylcholines). In contrast, extraction of less abundant lipids (phosphatidylinositols, lyso-lipids, ceramides, and cholesterol sulfates) was greatly influenced by the solvent system used. Overall, the Folch method was most effective for the extraction of a broad range of lipid classes in LDL, although the hexane-isopropanol method was best for apolar lipids and the MeOH-TBME method was suitable for lactosyl ceramides
