122 research outputs found

    Mehrsprachige Figurenrede in der postmigrantischen Gegenwartsliteratur am Beispiel von Fatma Aydemirs Ellbogen (2017): Dekonstruktion oder Reproduktion sprachlicher Dominanzen?

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    In den Literaturwissenschaften kann derzeit eine gesteigerte Zuwendung an literarische Formen von Mehrsprachigkeit beobachtet werden. Die Figurenrede bspw. zeigt, dass Unterscheidungen wie manifeste oder latente Mehrsprachigkeit eine gleichermaßen wichtige Rolle spielen wie Sprachmischungen und/oder Sprachwechsel. Sie ist einerseits die offensichtlichste Form literarischer Mehrsprachigkeit, auf der anderen Seite kann durch sie auch sprach- und kulturpolitisch Stellung bezogen werden. In der Literatur werden somit Formen innerer wie äußerer Mehrsprachigkeit im Besonderen dann eingesetzt, wenn eine Figur und ihre (Nicht-)Zugehörigkeiten realistischer wirken sollen und sie (sozial) charakterisiert werden soll


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    Podemos definir ciência como uma forma de conhecimento instituída e universalmente válida. Já o conhecimento popular é orientado pelas ações e necessidades cotidianas. Assim, a pesquisa com o tema “A ciência e o conhecimento popular” objetivou compreender qual é a relação da ciência com o conhecimento popular e como este é transmitido no espaço regional do Extremo-Oeste catarinense; identificar como o conhecimento popular é transmitido e vivenciado pela população; conhecer as diferentes práticas adotadas pela população no que se refere à medicina popular e perceber a influência da ciência e dos meios de comunicação nos saberes historicamente construídos e mantidos pela tradição. A metodologia baseou-se na revisão bibliográfica e na coleta de depoimentos – Histórias de vida – de três agentes sociais que fazem uso da medicina popular no município de Iraceminha, SC. As informações evidenciaram que a população faz uso deste conhecimento popular (benzimentos, uso de plantas medicinais e massagens), ocorre influência religiosa, existe aceitação por parte da população e que permanece o processo de transmissão dos saberes popular. Palavras-chave: Conhecimento popular. Histórias de vida. Tradição.


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    Em 2017 o tema da redação do Enem surpreendeu grande parte dos alunos que realizaram a prova. O tema foi: “Desafios para Formação Educacional para Surdos no Brasil”. Sabemos que o tema abordado no Enem é de grande relevância para abrir novas discussões sobre a inclusão dos surdos na educação, apesar de ofertada em leis, é um grande desafio enfrentado, principalmente no ensino público. Nesta perspectiva, entende-se que a inclusão escolar de alunos com necessidades educacionais especiais, não se limita apenas em sua permanência física junto aos demais educandos, mas do compromisso com uma educação de qualidade para todos, favorecendo a acessibilidade, a flexibilização curricular, as adaptações curriculares, que caracterizem sua opção por práticas inclusivas. Por isso, acredita-se que as escolas regulares com professores capacitados para educação inclusiva, são as mais eficazes no combate às atitudes discriminatórias, assim proporcionando condições adequadas para o desenvolvimento dos alunos. Pensando nisso, houve a necessidade de problematizar questões que abordem quais são as dificuldades existentes ao se deparar com a realidade da inclusão no ensino médio. Precisamos também ressaltar que embora a inclusão seja algo politicamente correto, é necessário dar atenção para o que o incluído quer, pois muitas vezes na sede de inclusão acabamos deixando de lado a vontade do individuo incluído. É preciso pensar, é preciso nos questionar

    The importance of subcutaneous abscess infection by Pasteurella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of meat condemnation in slaughtered commercial rabbits

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    [EN] Subcutaneous abscesses are lesions frequently reported in commercial rabbits. Both at farm and slaughterhouse level, these lesions are responsible for economic losses and a potential decrease in meat quality. The present study was devised to identify the main causes of meat condemnation in slaughtered commercial rabbits and assess the importance of abscess lesions in this domain. For these purposes, 281423 rabbits were evaluated during meat inspection at the slaughterhouse. The results achieved showed that subcutaneous abscesses were the major cause of condemnation, being responsible for the rejection of 1355 (0.48%) rabbit carcasses. The main affected area was the hind limbs (31.37%), followed by the cervical area (23.10%). Microbiological analyses of 27 abscess samples indicated Pasteurella spp. as the bacteria mostly isolated (59.3%), followed by Staphylococcus aureus (25.9%). These results enable us to advise the industry on the significance of abscesses as an important cause of economic losses, due to meat condemnation during post mortem inspection, and highlight the importance of implementing monitoring plans as a way to control this pathological problem.This research was supported by the Strategic Research Project PEst-OE/AGR/UI0772/2014 financed by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT)Ferreira, A.; Monteiro, J.; Vieira-Pinto, M. (2014). The importance of subcutaneous abscess infection by Pasteurella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus as a cause of meat condemnation in slaughtered commercial rabbits. World Rabbit Science. 22(4):311-317. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2014.2238.SWORD311317224Antia, R. E., & Alonge, D. O. (1982). Survey of abattoir data in southern Nigeria. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 14(2), 119-120. doi:10.1007/bf02282595Badiola J.I. 2000. Aparato respiratorio: Pasteurelosis. In: Rosell J.M. (ed.), Enfermedades del conejo, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain, 275-288.Coudert P., Rideaud P., Virag G., Cerrone A. 2006. Pasteurellosis in rabbits. In: Maertens L., Coudert P. (ed.). Recent Advances in Rabbit Sciences, Belgium, Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research, 147-12.EFSA. 2005. The impact of the current housing and husbandry systems on the health and welfare of farmed domestic rabbits. EFSA J., 267: 1-31.EC Council. 2004. Regulation laying down specific rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption. No. 854/2004/EC, 29 April 2004. Off. J. Eur. Comm., 25 June, 2004, L226, 83-127.García B.M. 2003. Higiene e inspección de la carne de conejo y de caza de cría o granja. In: Garcia B.M. (ed.), Higiene e inspeccion de carnes, Ediciones Diaz de Santos, SA, Spain, 441-454.Kofer J., Kutschera G., Fuchs K. 2001. Monitoring of animal health at abattoirs. Fleischwirtschaft, 81: 107-111.Menes I., García M.L., Moreno B., Gutiérrez L., Polledo J.J., 1984. Staphylococci isolated from abscesses in slaughtered animals: characterization and epidemiological studies. Zentralbl. Bakterio. Mikrobiol. Hyg. B. 178: 551-61.Murray P.R., Baron, E.J., Pfaller M.A., Tenover F.C., Yolken R.H.1999. Manual of Clinical Microbiology, 7th ed. American Society for Microbiology, Washington, D.C. USA.Okerman L. 1988. Diseases of Domestic rabbits, Blackwell Scientific Publications, London, UK, 1-119.Rampin, F., Piccirillo, A., Schiavon, E., Poppi, L., & Grilli, G. (2008). Detection of pathological lesions in slaughtered rabbits. Italian Journal of Animal Science, 7(1), 105-111. doi:10.4081/ijas.2008.105Rosell J.M. 2000. Aparato respiratorio: Introducción. In: Rosell J.M. (ed.), Enfermedades del conejo, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain, 267-268.Rosell J.M., Dronda M.Á., Fuente L.F. 2000. Dermatologia. In: Rosell J.M. (ed.), Enfermedades del conejo, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain, 354-396.Tanti-à M., Rosell J.M., Facchin E., 2000. Salud pública. In: Rosell J.M. (ed.), Enfermedades del conejo, Ediciones Mundi-Prensa, Madrid, Spain, 465-513.Vecerck V., Kozak A., Malena M., Tremlova, B., Chloupek P. 2003. Veterinary meat inspection of bovine carcasses in the Czech Republic during the period of 1995–2002. Vet. Med. Czech, 48: 183-189.Xiccato G., Trocino A. 2007. Italy, system of integrated rabbit production. In Proc.: II Congresso Ibérico Cunicultura, 5-6 June, 2007. Vila Real, Portugal. 175-184

    Diversitätsorientierte Deutschdidaktik

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    PublishedDer vorliegende Band versteht Diversität als Querschnittsthema der Deutschdidaktik und adressiert aktuelle Forschungsfragen aus Perspektive der Literatur-, Medien- und Sprachdidaktik. Dabei werden sowohl theoretisch-konzeptionelle als auch empirische Forschungszugriffe diskutiert und reflektiert. Am Band beteiligt haben sich (in der Reihenfolge der Bandstruktur) Judith Leiß, Magdalena Kißling, Nadine Bieker, Kirsten Schindler, Karina Becker, Martina Kofer, Daniela A. Frickel, Bettina M. Bock, Wiebke Dannecker, Pirkko Friederike Dresing, Anna Kochanova, Pia Sabrina Maria Königs, Laura M. Lewald-Romahn, Julia Podelo, Kristina Schmitt

    The Complete Nucleotide Sequences of the 5 Genetically Distinct Plastid Genomes of Oenothera, Subsection Oenothera: II. A Microevolutionary View Using Bioinformatics and Formal Genetic Data

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    A unique combination of genetic features and a rich stock of information make the flowering plant genus Oenothera an appealing model to explore the molecular basis of speciation processes including nucleus–organelle coevolution. From representative species, we have recently reported complete nucleotide sequences of the 5 basic and genetically distinguishable plastid chromosomes of subsection Oenothera (I–V). In nature, Oenothera plastid genomes are associated with 6 distinct, either homozygous or heterozygous, diploid nuclear genotypes of the 3 basic genomes A, B, or C. Artificially produced plastome–genome combinations that do not occur naturally often display interspecific plastome–genome incompatibility (PGI). In this study, we compare formal genetic data available from all 30 plastome–genome combinations with sequence differences between the plastomes to uncover potential determinants for interspecific PGI. Consistent with an active role in speciation, a remarkable number of genes have high Ka/Ks ratios. Different from the Solanacean cybrid model Atropa/tobacco, RNA editing seems not to be relevant for PGIs in Oenothera. However, predominantly sequence polymorphisms in intergenic segments are proposed as possible sources for PGI. A single locus, the bidirectional promoter region between psbB and clpP, is suggested to contribute to compartmental PGI in the interspecific AB hybrid containing plastome I (AB-I), consistent with its perturbed photosystem II activity

    Quantitative analysis of DNA levels in maternal plasma in normal and Down syndrome pregnancies

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    BACKGROUND: We investigated fetal and total DNA levels in maternal plasma in patients bearing fetuses affected with Down syndrome in comparison to controls carrying fetuses with normal karyotype. METHODS: DNA levels in maternal plasma were measured using real-time quantitative PCR using SRY and β-globin genes as markers. Twenty-one pregnant women with a singleton fetus at a gestational age ranging from 15 to 19 weeks recruited before amniocentesis (carried out for reasons including material serum screening and advanced material age), and 16 pregnant women bearing fetuses affected with Down syndrome between 17 to 22 weeks of gestation were involved in the study. RESULTS: The specificity of the system reaches 100% (no Y signal was detected in 14 women pregnant with female fetuses) and the sensitivity 91.7% (SRY amplification in 22 of 24 examined samples). The median fetal DNA levels in women carrying Down syndrome (n=11) and the controls (n=13) were 23.3 (range 0–58.5) genome-equivalents/ml and 24.5 (range 0–47.5) genome-equivalents/ml of maternal plasma, respectively (P = 0.62). The total median DNA levels in pregnancies with Down syndrome and the controls were 10165 (range 615–65000) genome-equivalents/ml and 7330 (range 1300–36750) genome-equivalents/ml, respectively (P = 0.32). The fetal DNA proportion in maternal plasma was 0%-6 % (mean 0.8%) in women carrying Down syndrome and 0%-2.6 % (mean 0.7 %) in the controls, respectively (P=0.86). CONCLUSIONS: Our study revealed no difference in fetal DNA levels and fetal DNA: maternal DNA ratio between the patients carrying Down syndrome fetuses and the controls

    Chloroplast genomes: diversity, evolution, and applications in genetic engineering

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