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    6698 research outputs found

    Tracing the Permission to Act in Necessity in the Germanic Tradition : From ‘alleged right’ to ‘absolutely ascertained principle of our law’

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    Das deutschsprachige Recht erkennt an, dass manche Notstandhandlungen erlaubt sind („gerechtfertigte Notstandshandlungen"). Der vorliegende Beitrag macht die Ideengeschichte dieser Regel sichtbar und zeigt, was man aus ihr lernen kann. Er stellt den Diskurs über die Erlaubnis von Notstandshandlungen in seinem ersten Auftreten in römischem pragmatischem Rechtsdenken, in gemeinwohlorientierten mittelalterlichen Diskursen und in seinem Ringen mit individualistischen Positionen der frühen Neuzeit dar. Der Beitrag zeigt auf, wofür die Notstandslehre im heutigen Theorienpluralismus stehen könnte und schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die Lektionen, die aus dieser Diskussion für das allgemeine Verständnis von Rechtsgütern und Rechten gezogen werden können.Germanic law accepts that some acts of necessity are permitted ('justified acts of necessity', or, in German, 'gerechtfertigte Notstandshandlungen'). The present article shows the intellectual history of this rule and what may be learned from it. It presents the debate on permitting acts of necessity in its first appearances in Roman pragmatism, in medieval common good reasoning, and in the context of individualistic views on entitlements in the early modern ages. It suggests what thoughts the doctrine may represent in the pluralism of theories in our times and concludes with an outlook on the lessons of this discussion for how entitlements and rights should more generally be understood today.&nbsp

    Occasional Prayers Concerning Sickness & Healing in Bohairic Euchologia

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    Prayer texts from late antiquity and the medieval period attest to the prevalence of practices related to healing, both those promoted as official ritual and those denounced by Church authorities as competing magical practices. These healing practices often, consisted of prayers pronounced by clerics empowered for such ministry (e. g. priests and bishops) to bless substances like oil or water or to otherwise invoke divine grace for the healing of individuals. Such practices took place either in church or in a domestic setting, though in many cases were designed for individual use on a particular sick person. The present article provides texts, translations, and commentary on a group of seven such prayers related to sickness and health found in manuscripts of the Bohairic Coptic Euchologion as part of a broader analysis of the manuscript tradition of the Bohairic Euchologion and the prayer practices of medieval Copts that it reflects

    Education and digital Capitalism – a Position Paper

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    Im Positionspapier werden zunächst grundlegende Positionen zum Verhältnis von Kapitalismus und digitalen Technologien beschrieben und kritisch betrachtet. Danach skizziert das Papier das Verhältnis von Bildung und digitalem Kapitalismus auf vier Ebenen: Begriffe, Subjekte und Ziele von Bildung; bildungspolitische Programmatiken; digitale Infrastrukturen der Bildung; Didaktiken und Bildungsmaterialien.In the position paper, basic positions on the relationship between capitalism and digital technologies are first described and critically examined. The paper then outlines the relationship between education and digital capitalism on four levels: concepts, subjects and goals of education; educational policy programs; digital infrastructures of education; Didactics and educational materials

    Erinnerung an Michael Mitterauer (12.6.1937 - 18.8.2022)

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    CALL: Educational Innovation Lab: Einreichfrist: 20. Oktober 2024

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    Bildungsinnovationen gesucht! Der Open Call für Bildungsinnovationen von Lakeside Science & Technology Park startet ab sofort! Projekte und Konzepte können bis 20. Oktober 2023 eingereicht werden. Das Projekt wird aus den Mitteln des Österreichische Forschungsförderungsgesellschaft gefördert.Looking for educational innovations! Lakeside Science & Technology Park's Open Call for Educational Innovations is starting now! Projects and concepts can be submitted until October 20, 2023. The project is funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency

    [mla] 2023 - Preisverleihung und Fachtagung: vom 18. - 20. Oktober 2023

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    Das Medienfestival mla:connect präsentiert seit vielen Jahren drei Tage lang die besten [mla]-Projekte des Jahres, und auch der [mla] 2023 ist bereits in Planung. Ausgezeichnet und vorgestellt werden medienpädagogisch herausragende Leistungen an der Schule. Eingeladen sind Schülerinnen und Schüler, Lehrende und Eltern.The media festival mla:connect has been presenting the best [mla] projects of the year for three days for many years, and [mla] 2023 is already being planned. Outstanding media-educational achievements at the school are honored and presented. Pupils, teachers and parents are invited

    Woche der Medienkompetenz - media literacy week: vom 15. bis 25. Oktober 2023

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    Auch heuer sind wieder vom 15. bis 25. Oktober 2023 alle Schulen, Lehrpersonen, Schülerinnen und Schüler, Vertreter der Medien, der Wissenschaft und Kunst sowie NGOs und Politik eingeladen, sich aktiv mit eigenen Ideen und lokalen Aktivitäten österreichweit an der Woche der Medienkompetenz zu beteiligen.This year again, from October 15th to 25th, 2023, all schools, teachers, students, representatives of the media, science and art as well as NGOs and politics are invited to actively participate in the Media Literacy Week with their own ideas and local activities across Austria participate

    The Re-Emergence of IG XII,9 1196

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    The rediscovery of the stone from Histiaia, IG XII 9, 1196 in the collection of the Middle Temple, City of London, prompts a new edition notably because previous versions, including an unpublished one by Edward Hicks, did not take into account one preserved edge.  The text is a typical ban on violating a tomb, here of a Thracian, G. Kourtios Theseus; the composer of the epitaph which follows this proclamation, his wife or her assistant, is not a good versifier.The rediscovery of the stone from Histiaia, IG XII 9, 1196 in the collection of the Middle Temple, City of London, prompts a new edition notably because previous versions, including an unpublished one by Edward Hicks, did not take into account one preserved edge.  The text is a typical ban on violating a tomb, here of a Thracian, G. Kourtios Theseus; the composer of the epitaph which follows this proclamation, his wife or her assistant, is not a good versifier

    Museum-Cemetery: (Infra)Structural Violence Against Human Remains

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    In this paper, I investigate Polish memorial sites and museums established at former Nazi extermination camps, defined by the presence of human remains of their Jewish victims, through a conceptual prism of museum-cemetery. Museum-cemetery is construed here as a concept (an analytic category), a practice, and a dynamic cultural/political space, extending to include the burial sites curated by the memorial institutions. In my reading, museum-cemetery is a transformative and politically productive infrastructure that instantiates a material and spatial articulation of hierarchies and social norms as well as one of structural violence, and a complex politics of dead bodies. Acknowledging that not only living bodies but also those of the dead are subject to sovereign power, through various social and material practices, I argue that museums and memorial sites partake in the production and undoing of the dead. But they are also carriers of necroviolence: violence against human remains. Analysing the post-war history of Polish sites of memory at former Nazi extermination camps and the practices and infrastructural transformations that arise around them – including robbery of the dead, archaeological research, work on commemoration, musealization – I discuss the forms of necroviolence that affect dead bodies, from immediate physical violence to violence of abandonment.In this paper, I investigate Polish memorial sites and museums established at former Nazi extermination camps, defined by the presence of human remains of their Jewish victims, through a conceptual prism of museum-cemetery. Museum-cemetery is construed here as a concept (an analytic category), a practice, and a dynamic cultural/political space, extending to include the burial sites curated by the memorial institutions. In my reading, museum-cemetery is a transformative and politically productive infrastructure that instantiates a material and spatial articulation of hierarchies and social norms as well as one of structural violence, and a complex politics of dead bodies. Acknowledging that not only living bodies but also those of the dead are subject to sovereign power, through various social and material practices, I argue that museums and memorial sites partake in the production and undoing of the dead. But they are also carriers of necroviolence: violence against human remains. Analysing the post-war history of Polish sites of memory at former Nazi extermination camps and the practices and infrastructural transformations that arise around them – including robbery of the dead, archaeological research, work on commemoration, musealization – I discuss the forms of necroviolence that affect dead bodies, from immediate physical violence to violence of abandonment

    Defragmenting Apulum: A Re-Examination of IDR III/5.2.586 (With a Digression on IDR III/5.2.622+626)

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    Based on autopsy, the authors provide a new reading, reconstruction, and discussion of IDR III/5.2.586 (Apulum/Alba Iulia). Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that two stones which were previously edited separately (IDR III/5.2.622 and 626, also from Apulum/Alba Iulia) were, in fact, adjoining part of the same monument.Based on autopsy, the authors provide a new reading, reconstruction, and discussion of IDR III/5.2.586 (Apulum/Alba Iulia). Furthermore, the authors demonstrate that two stones which were previously edited separately (IDR III/5.2.622 and 626, also from Apulum/Alba Iulia) were, in fact, adjoining part of the same monument


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