250 research outputs found

    The Effects of an Auditor\u27s Communication Mode and Professional Tone on Client Responses to Audit Inquiries

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    In this study, we investigate whether receiving an auditor inquiry via e-mail differentially affects client responses as compared to more traditional modes of inquiry, and whether those responses are affected by the auditor\u27s professional tone. In an experiment, experienced business professionals respond to an auditor\u27s information request regarding a potential accounting adjustment. We varied the communication mode of the request (e-mail, audio, or visual) and the professional tone of the communication (more versus less professional) and then measured the extent to which participants revealed information that either supported or did not support the client\u27s accounting position. We find that if an auditor asks for information via e-mail, client responses are more biased towards information that supports the client\u27s position as compared to audio or visual inquiries. In addition, we find that clients respond in a more biased manner when the inquiry is worded in a less professional tone as compared to a more professional tone. Further underscoring the implications of these findings for audit outcomes, our results suggest that if an auditor\u27s request leads clients to provide a response that is biased towards client-supporting information, clients may be less likely to agree with an auditor\u27s proposed income-decreasing adjustment

    Magnetohydrodynamics of the Early Universe and the Evolution of Primordial Magnetic Fields

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    We show that the decaying magnetohydrodynamic turbulence leads to a more rapid growth of the correlation length of a primordial magnetic field than that caused by the expansion of the Universe. As an example, we consider the magnetic fields created during the electroweak phase transition. The expansion of the universe alone would yield a correlation length at the present epoch of 1 AU, whereas we find that the correlation length is likely of order 100 AU, and cannot possibly be longer than 10410^4 AU for non-helical fields. If the primordial field is strongly helical, the correlation length can be much larger, but we show that even in this case it cannot exceed 100 pc. All these estimates make it hard to believe that the observed galactic magnetic fields can result from the amplification of seed fields generated at the electroweak phase transition by the standard galactic dynamo.Comment: 15 pages, REVTeX. Added results of numerical simulation, enlarged and revise

    Survey of Period Variations of Superhumps in SU UMa-Type Dwarf Novae

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    We systematically surveyed period variations of superhumps in SU UMa-type dwarf novae based on newly obtained data and past publications. In many systems, the evolution of superhump period are found to be composed of three distinct stages: early evolutionary stage with a longer superhump period, middle stage with systematically varying periods, final stage with a shorter, stable superhump period. During the middle stage, many systems with superhump periods less than 0.08 d show positive period derivatives. Contrary to the earlier claim, we found no clear evidence for variation of period derivatives between superoutburst of the same object. We present an interpretation that the lengthening of the superhump period is a result of outward propagation of the eccentricity wave and is limited by the radius near the tidal truncation. We interpret that late stage superhumps are rejuvenized excitation of 3:1 resonance when the superhumps in the outer disk is effectively quenched. Many of WZ Sge-type dwarf novae showed long-enduring superhumps during the post-superoutburst stage having periods longer than those during the main superoutburst. The period derivatives in WZ Sge-type dwarf novae are found to be strongly correlated with the fractional superhump excess, or consequently, mass ratio. WZ Sge-type dwarf novae with a long-lasting rebrightening or with multiple rebrightenings tend to have smaller period derivatives and are excellent candidate for the systems around or after the period minimum of evolution of cataclysmic variables (abridged).Comment: 239 pages, 225 figures, PASJ accepte

    Immune checkpoint blockade – how does it work in brain metastases?

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    Immune checkpoints restrain the immune system following its activation and their inhibition unleashes anti-tumor immune responses. Immune checkpoint inhibitors revolutionized the treatment of several cancer types, including melanoma, and immune checkpoint blockade with anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 antibodies is becoming a frontline therapy in metastatic melanoma. Notably, up to 60% of metastatic melanoma patients develop metastases in the brain. Brain metastases (BrM) are also very common in patients with lung and breast cancer, and occur in ∼20–40% of patients across different cancer types. Metastases in the brain are associated with poor prognosis due to the lack of efficient therapies. In the past, patients with BrM used to be excluded from immune-based clinical trials due to the assumption that such therapies may not work in the context of “immune-specialized” environment in the brain, or may cause harm. However, recent trials in patients with BrM demonstrated safety and intracranial activity of anti-PD-1 and anti-CTLA-4 therapy. We here discuss how immune checkpoint therapy works in BrM, with focus on T cells and the cross-talk between BrM, the immune system, and tumors growing outside the brain. We discuss major open questions in our understanding of what is required for an effective immune checkpoint inhibitor therapy in BrM

    Exclusion of known gene for enamel development in two Brazilian families with amelogenesis imperfecta

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    Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a genetically heterogeneous group of diseases that result in defective development of tooth enamel. Mutations in several enamel proteins and proteinases have been associated with AI. The object of this study was to evaluate evidence of etiology for the six major candidate gene loci in two Brazilian families with AI. Genomic DNA was obtained from family members and all exons and exon-intron boundaries of the ENAM, AMBN, AMELX, MMP20, KLK4 and Amelotin gene were amplified and sequenced. Each family was also evaluated for linkage to chromosome regions known to contain genes important in enamel development. The present study indicates that the AI in these two families is not caused by any of the known loci for AI or any of the major candidate genes proposed in the literature. These findings indicate extensive genetic heterogeneity for non-syndromic AI

    Preventing β-amyloid fibrillization and deposition: β-sheet breakers and pathological chaperone inhibitors

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    Central to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the conversion of normal, soluble β-amyloid (sAβ) to oligomeric, fibrillar Aβ. This process of conformational conversion can be influenced by interactions with other proteins that can stabilize the disease-associated state; these proteins have been termed 'pathological chaperones'. In a number of AD models, intervention that block soluble Aβ aggregation, including β-sheet breakers, and compounds that block interactions with pathological chaperones, have been shown to be highly effective. When combined with early pathology detection, these therapeutic strategies hold great promise as effective and relatively toxicity free methods of preventing AD related pathology

    Comparative Pathogenesis of an Avian H5N2 and a Swine H1N1 Influenza Virus in Pigs

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    Pigs are considered intermediate hosts for the transmission of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) to humans but the basic organ pathogenesis of AIVs in pigs has been barely studied. We have used 42 four-week-old influenza naive pigs and two different inoculation routes (intranasal and intratracheal) to compare the pathogenesis of a low pathogenic (LP) H5N2 AIV with that of an H1N1 swine influenza virus. The respiratory tract and selected extra-respiratory tissues were examined for virus replication by titration, immunofluorescence and RT-PCR throughout the course of infection. Both viruses caused a productive infection of the entire respiratory tract and epithelial cells in the lungs were the major target. Compared to the swine virus, the AIV produced lower virus titers and fewer antigen positive cells at all levels of the respiratory tract. The respiratory part of the nasal mucosa in particular showed only rare AIV positive cells and this was associated with reduced nasal shedding of the avian compared to the swine virus. The titers and distribution of the AIV varied extremely between individual pigs and were strongly affected by the route of inoculation. Gross lung lesions and clinical signs were milder with the avian than with the swine virus, corresponding with lower viral loads in the lungs. The brainstem was the single extra-respiratory tissue found positive for virus and viral RNA with both viruses. Our data do not reject the theory of the pig as an intermediate host for AIVs, but they suggest that AIVs need to undergo genetic changes to establish full replication potential in pigs. From a biomedical perspective, experimental LP H5 AIV infection of pigs may be useful to examine heterologous protection provided by H5 vaccines or other immunization strategies, as well as for further studies on the molecular pathogenesis and neurotropism of AIVs in mammals

    Central nervous system lymphatic unit, immunity, and epilepsy : Is there a link?

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    Summary The recent definition of a network of lymphatic vessels in the meninges surrounding the brain and the spinal cord has advanced our knowledge on the functional anatomy of fluid movement within the central nervous system (CNS). Meningeal lymphatic vessels along dural sinuses and main nerves contribute to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage, integrating the cerebrovascular and periventricular routes, and forming a circuit that we here define as the CNS-lymphatic unit. The latter unit is important for parenchymal waste clearance, brain homeostasis, and the regulation of immune or inflammatory processes within the brain. Disruption of fluid drain mechanisms may promote or sustain CNS disease, conceivably applicable to epilepsy where extracellular accumulation of macromolecules and metabolic by-products occur in the interstitial and perivascular spaces. Herein we address an emerging concept and propose a theoretical framework on: (a) how a defect of brain clearance of macromolecules could favor neuronal hyperexcitability and seizures, and (b) whether meningeal lymphatic vessel dysfunction contributes to the neuroimmune cross-talk in epileptic pathophysiology. We propose possible molecular interventions targeting meningeal lymphatic dysfunctions, a potential target for immune-mediated epilepsy.Peer reviewe