6 research outputs found
Rigorous Design of a Compact, Low-Speed, Open-Loop Wind Tunnel
Currently available literature regarding the design of fluid flow systems tend to focus on the specific system without providing a general guideline for how to address the design problem. This thesis focuses on developing such a general approach which is applied to the design of a wind tunnel meant for the University of Windsor. It is shown that, by applying the first principles of fluid mechanics to the problem, the components required, for operation of the wind tunnel within set constraints and requirements are identified. Numerical simulations are performed in two parts: 1) two-dimensional computational fluid dynamics simulations, which enable a parametric study of each component, and 2) three-dimensional computations, which provide a more accurate estimation of the performance of the wind tunnel. By following these steps, it is found that computational cost is greatly reduced by first sizing the components during the parametric study. The metrics used to assess the wind tunnel performance are the flow non-uniformity and the total pressure loss coefficient throughout the tunnel. The first principles based approach yields a set of components, respecting the constraints set while two-dimensional computations allows the determination of the wind tunnel dimensions and estimation of its performance, which is verified by a three-dimensional computation. Employing this approach, a successful wind tunnel design rated with a maximum volume flow rate of 12.9 m^{3}/s at a test section inlet velocity of 40 m/s with the ability to be attached to different test sections is achieved. This wind tunnel comprises a fan followed by a constant area duct leading to a diffuser, which is attached to a flow conditioner. The last component is a nozzle directing the flow into the test section. The wind tunnel operates with an estimated 8% flow non-uniformity at the nozzle exit together with a total pressure loss coefficient of 0.238 based on the test section inlet dynamic pressure
Policy responses to disaster management: a comparative case study of the BRICS countries to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Masters Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Disaster management is a component that is responsible for ensuring the protection and safety of countries and their communities. The role of disaster management incudes, to organise the appropriate control mechanisms, allocate the necessary resources and follow the required practice policies. This is all done to prevent, prepare for, respond to as well as recover from a range of emergencies. Disaster management is utilised to respond to a range of disastrous events ranging from natural disasters, man-made disasters, biological disasters and technological disasters The COVID-19 pandemic presented a new set of challenges for countries to combat, which ultimately led to many revisiting their disaster management policy responses. Previous work has failed to address the disaster management policy responses that governments sought to implement particularly when dealing with pandemics. The main aim for governments was to implement effective disaster management policy responses which would result in reducing the spread and impact of the virus. For this, governments relied on restructuring existing disaster management policies to evoke greater powers to make decisions faster. This study sought to investigate the disaster management policy responses in BRICS countries through comparative case approach and SWOT analysis towards the COVID-19 pandemic.
The study implemented a qualitative approach, secondary sources of information were used. Secondary sources of information such as articles, journals, books and government publications. These sources were fundamental towards this study because it provided the overall research that was examined in this study. Content thematic analysis was used to comprehend the information collected from texts to present arguments and grasp a coherent conclusion. Comparative case study approach was used for effective comparison among the chosen case studies. The formulation of themes was guided by the Disaster Management Model being mitigation, preparedness, prevention, recovery and response.
The results of this study showed that the case studies possessed individual strengths and weaknesses. Due to the impact of the pandemic the policy responses varied based on population size, resources, leadership, accountability and preparedness. This concluded in varied disaster management policy responses that were effective during different stages of the pandemic
This research aims to gain knowledge about the implications of digital marketing for the competitive advantage of MSMEs in the convection sector in Tasikmalaya City in the endemic era. This research is qualitative research with a qualitative descriptive approach. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews with 12 informants from 12 convection MSMEs, and documentation studies. The object of this research is aimed at convection business owners in the Tasikmalaya City area. Based on research results, the majority of convection MSMEs in Tasikmalaya have used digital marketing/social media as a means to promote their business products, namely Instagram, Shopee, Facebook, TikTok, WhatsApp, Lazada, Tokopedia and Google Ads. Convection business actors also use digital marketing to see consumer needs. Regarding pricing, several convection business actors adapt to consumers because when using promotions with digital marketing, pricing will be more dynamic compared to traditional methods. Digital marketing facilities have the advantage of easy distribution of products. Moreover, information related to their brands can also be more widely promoted and seen by potential consumers.
Penelitian ini mempunyai tujuan untuk memperoleh pengetahuan tentang implikasi digital marketing untuk keunggulan bersaing UMKM bidang konveksi di Kota Tasikmalaya di era endemi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan ialah observasi, wawancara dengan 12 informan dari 12 UMKM konveksi, dan studi dokumentasi. Objek penelitian ini ditujukan kepada pemilik usaha konveksi yang berada di wilayah Kota Tasikmalaya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian pelaku UMKM konveksi di Tasikmalaya, mayoritas UMKM telah menggunakan digital marketing/media sosial sebagai sarana untuk mempromosikan produk usahanya, yaitu instagram, shopee, facebook, tiktok, whatsapp, lazada, tokopedia, dan google ads. Digital marketing juga digunakan oleh para pelaku usaha konveksi ini untuk melihat kebutuhan konsumen. Dalam hal penentuan harga, beberapa pelaku usaha konveksi ini menyesuaikannya dengan konsumen. Hal ini dikarenakan ketika menggunakan promosi dengan digital marketing, penentuan harga akan lebih dinamis dibandingkan dengan menggunakan cara tradisional. Sarana digital marketing memiliki keuntungan dengan kemudahan distribusi produk. Selain itu, informasi terkait merek/brand mereka juga bisa lebih luas dipromosikan dan dilihat oleh calon konsumen
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Phenomenon-based research in management and organisation science: When is it rigorous and does it matter?
Recently, the editors of Long Range Planning called for more phenomenon-based research. Such research focuses on identifying and reporting on new or recent phenomena of interest and relevance to management and organisation science. In this article, we explore the nature of phenomenon-based research and develop a research strategy that provides guidelines for researchers seeking to make this type of scientific inquiry rigorous and relevant. Phenomenon-based research establishes and describes the empirical facts and constructs that enable scientific inquiry to proceed. An account of the study of open source software development illustrates the research strategy. Rigorous phenomenon-based research tackles problems that are relevant to management practice and fall outside the scope of available theories. Phenomenon-based research also bridges epistemological and disciplinary divides because it unites diverse scholars around their shared interest in the phenomenon and their joint engagement in the research activities: identification, exploration, design, theorising and synthesis
Model pembelajaran merupakan perencanaan atau pola yang digunakan sebagai pedoman dalam merencanakan pembelajaran di kelas serta membantu peserta didik memperoleh informasi, ide, keterampilan, nilai-nilai, cara berfikir, dan belajar untuk mencapai tujuan pembelajaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Decision Making berbantuan poster terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik kelas X Madrasah. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain quasi eksperimen. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik the nonrandomized control group pretest posttest design. Sampel penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X IPA Madrasah yang terdiri dari kelas X IPA 1 berjumlah 30 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X IPA 2 berjumlah 30 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini dalam bentuk tes berupa soal essay sebanyak 1 butir soal dengan indikator berfikir kreatif Fluency, Flexibelity, Originaliti dan elaboration. Analisis data kemampuan berpikir kreatif menggunakan rumus uji “ ” juga dengan bantuan Software Microsoft Excel 2010. Analisis indikator dan hasil perhitungan rerata kemampuan berpikir kreatif peserta didik menunjukkan kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi dari kelas kontrol. Uji prasyarat terbukti berdistribusi normal dan homogen. Hasil perhitungan uji diperoleh bahwa bernilai 2,21076 dan bernilai 1,6973 sehingga menunjukkan maka menerima diterima. Simpulan dalam penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Decision Making berbantuan poster pada materi biologi terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa kelas X Madrasah
Pandangan Pencerita Dan Maknanya Dalam Novel Kamu Cerita Yang Tidak Perlu Dipercaya Karya Sabda Armandio: Kajian Naratologi
Penelitian yang berjudul “Pandangan Pencerita dan Maknanya dalam Novel Kamu Cerita yang Tidak Perlu Dipercaya Karya Sabda Armandio: Kajian Naratologi” ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan pandangan pencerita mengenai masalah-masalah yang dihadapi teman-temannya. Di antaranya adalah, kenakalan di sekolah, hamil di luar pernikahan, bunuh diri karena depresi, Ujian Nasional yang membuat pikiran tertekan, kisah asmara remaja. Serta mengusung pandangan pencerita mengenai masalah alam seperti kebakaran hutan dan punahnya Orang Utan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teori naratologi pandangan pencerita yang dikembangkan oleh Gerard Genette. Dilihat dari sudut pandang tokoh Aku yang memiliki posisi sebagai pencerita mengungkapkan beberapa permasalahan remaja dan ekosistem yang terjadi secara umum di masyarakat. Hasil pemaknaan pandangan pencerita terhadap permasalahan yang diusung, pencerita menyikapi setiap persoalan yang dihadapi teman-temannya. Terdapat beberapa makna dari pandangan pencerita yaitu tentang kehamilan bagi perempuan dipandang wajar meskipun belum menikah. Tindakan bunuh diri yang bukan merupakan penyelesaian dari segala masalah di dunia. Manusia harus sadar akan pentingnya menjaga kelestarian ekosistem serta perlunya menjaga populasi Orang Utan, sehingga keseimbangan alam tetap terjaga. Secara keseluruhan cerita ini menunjukkan beberapa kenakalan remaja dan permasalahan ekosistem yang terjadi pada masa lalu, namun di masa sekarang kedua masalah tersebut masih tetap sering terjadi. Oleh karena itu, pencerita ingin mengubah pikiran manusia agar lebih terbuka terhadap kedua masalah yang tetap terjadi hingga sekarang