2,618 research outputs found

    Reproductive Biology of Middle Mississippi River Shovelnose Sturgeon: Insights from Seasonal and Age Variation in Plasma Sex Steroid and Calcium Concentrations

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    Shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus are endemic to the Mississippi River drainage and are commercially harvested for roe in several states. Status of shovelnose sturgeon populations throughout much of its range is unknown or declining; Mississippi River stocks are experiencing recruitment overfishing and may be at risk of collapse. Restoration of shovelnose sturgeon populations will require additional information on their reproductive biology, including age at maturity and reproductive status and cycles. The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of reproductive stage, fish age, and season on plasma 17-β estradiol (E2) and calcium (Ca2+) concentrations in female shovelnose sturgeon and plasma testosterone (T) concentrations in male shovelnose sturgeon from the middle Mississippi River (MMR). We also assessed the relationship between plasma vitellogenin (VTG) and Ca2+ concentrations for female shovelnose sturgeon. Plasma E2 and Ca2+ concentrations in females and T concentrations in males differed among reproductive stages, consistent with results of prior research on shovelnose sturgeon and other sturgeon species. VTG and Ca2+ concentrations were strongly correlated in female shovelnose sturgeon, indicating that Ca2+ can be used as a surrogate for VTG assays for identification of vitellogenic females, as has been shown for other sturgeon species. Age at maturity was estimated at 10 years for males and 9 years for females based on T and E2 profiles, consistent with other recent age at maturity estimates in the MMR and Wabash River determined by gonadal examination. Peaks in plasma sex steroid and Ca2+ concentrations during April and October possibly reflected the spring spawning season and provide additional evidence in support of recent documentation of fall spawning by shovelnose sturgeon in the MMR. Additional research is needed to elucidate fall spawning by shovelnose sturgeon in the MMR

    Is there a potential of misuse for venlafaxine and bupropion?

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    © 2018 Schifano and Chiappini. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.Objective: Traditionally, studies on the nonmedical use of pharmaceutical products have focused on controlled substances; e.g. opiates/opioids; and benzodiazepines. Although both bupropion and venlafaxine have been reported as being misused, only anecdotal reports have been made available so far. Hence, the European Monitoring Agency (EMA) Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs), misuse/abuse/dependence and withdrawal, venlafaxine- and bupropion-related, database was here analyzed. Methods: All EMA spontaneous reports relating to venlafaxine (2005-2016) and bupropion (2003-2016) notifications were here analyzed, to provide a descriptive analysis by source, gender, age, and type of report. The UK-based, 2000-2016, Yellow Card Scheme pharmacovigilance database, bupropion and venlafaxine withdrawal reports were compared as well with those pertaining to fluoxetine and paroxetine. Results: Out of 20,720 (bupropion) and 47,516 (venlafaxine) total number of ADRs, some 2,232 (10.8%), and 4,071 (8.5%) misuse/abuse/dependence ADRs were respectively associated with bupropion and venlafaxine. Conversely, bupropion withdrawal-related ADRs were here reported in 299/20,720 (1.44%) cases and in 914/47,516 (1.92%) cases for venlafaxine. Overall, all bupropion and venlafaxine misuse-/abuse-/dependence- and withdrawal-ADRs were related to a respective number of 264 and 447 patients. According to the Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR) computation, in comparison with venlafaxine bupropion resulted to be more frequently misused/abused (PRR: 1.50), but less frequently associated with both dependence (PRR: 0.92) and withdrawal (PRR: 0.77) issues. Yellow Card Scheme data suggested that paroxetine and venlafaxine, in comparison with fluoxetine and bupropion, were associated with higher number of withdrawal-related reports. Conclusions: The dopaminergic, stimulant-like, bupropion activities may be associated with its possible recreational value. Present data may confirm that the occurrence of a withdrawal syndrome may be a significant issue for venlafaxine-treated patients.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Biological and Pharmacological Activities of Squalene and Related Compounds: Potential Uses in Cosmetic Dermatology

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    Squalene is a triterpene that is an intermediate in the cholesterol biosynthesis pathway. It was so named because of its occurrence in shark liver oil, which contains large quantities and is considered its richest source. However, it is widely distributed in nature, with reasonable amounts found in olive oil, palm oil, wheat-germ oil, amaranth oil, and rice bran oil. Squalene, the main component of skin surface polyunsaturated lipids, shows some advantages for the skin as an emollient and antioxidant, and for hydration and its antitumor activities. It is also used as a material in topically applied vehicles such as lipid emulsions and nanostructured lipid carriers (NLCs). Substances related to squalene, including β-carotene, coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) and vitamins A, E, and K, are also included in this review article to introduce their benefits to skin physiology. We summarize investigations performed in previous reports from both in vitro and in vivo models

    Applying the Higher Education Academy framework for partnership in learning and teaching in higher education to online partnership learning communities: A case study and an extended model

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    As internet access and use increase exponentially, pedagogical practice becomes increasingly embedded in online platforms. We report on an online initiative of engaged student learning, the peer-led, staff-assisted e-helpdesk for research methods and statistics, which we evaluated and redeveloped using the lens and guiding principles of the framework for partnership in learning and teaching of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). The aim of the redevelopment was to steer the initiative towards a more integrative and sustainable implementation, as manifest in the applied construct of an online partnership learning community. Our evolving experience of the e-helpdesk highlighted the central role of the facilitator in engineering and maintaining social presence in the online community. We propose an extended model for building an online partnership learning community, whereby partnership encapsulates all the essential elements of student and staff partnership as outlined in the HEA framework, but is also critically defined by similar parameters of partnership between users and facilitators. In this model, the facilitator’s role becomes more involved in instructional teaching as disciplinary expertise increases, but descending levels of disciplinary expertise can foster ascending levels of independent learning and shared discovery for both users and facilitators.  &nbsp

    Major contribution of the type II beta carbonic anhydrase CanB (Cj0237) to the capnophilic growth phenotype of Campylobacter jejuni

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    Campylobacter jejuni, the leading cause of human bacterial gastroenteritis, requires low environmental oxygen and high carbon dioxide for optimum growth, but the molecular basis for the carbon dioxide requirement is unclear. One factor may be inefficient conversion of gaseous CO2 to bicarbonate, the required substrate of various carboxylases. Two putative carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are encoded in the genome of C. jejuni strain NCTC 11168 (Cj0229 and Cj0237). Here, we show that the deletion of the cj0237 (canB) gene alone prevents growth in complex media at low (1% v/v) CO2 and significantly reduces the growth rate at high (5% v/v) CO2. In minimal media incubated under high CO2, the canB mutant grew on L-aspartate but not on the key C3 compounds L-serine, pyruvate and L-lactate, showing that CanB is crucial in bicarbonate provision for pyruvate carboxylase-mediated oxaloacetate synthesis. Nevertheless, purified CanB (a dimeric, anion and acetazolamide sensitive, zinc-containing type II beta-class enzyme) hydrates CO2 actively only above pH 8 and with a high Km (∼34 mM). At typical cytoplasmic pH values and low CO2, these kinetic properties might limit intracellular bicarbonate availability. Taken together, our data suggest CanB is a major contributor to the capnophilic growth phenotype of C. jejuni

    Discovery and Follow-up Observations of the Young Type Ia Supernova 2016coj

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    The Type~Ia supernova (SN~Ia) 2016coj in NGC 4125 (redshift z=0.004523z=0.004523) was discovered by the Lick Observatory Supernova Search 4.9 days after the fitted first-light time (FFLT; 11.1 days before BB-band maximum). Our first detection (pre-discovery) is merely 0.6±0.50.6\pm0.5 day after the FFLT, making SN 2016coj one of the earliest known detections of a SN Ia. A spectrum was taken only 3.7 hr after discovery (5.0 days after the FFLT) and classified as a normal SN Ia. We performed high-quality photometry, low- and high-resolution spectroscopy, and spectropolarimetry, finding that SN 2016coj is a spectroscopically normal SN Ia, but with a high velocity of \ion{Si}{2} λ\lambda6355 (12,600\sim 12,600\,\kms\ around peak brightness). The \ion{Si}{2} λ\lambda6355 velocity evolution can be well fit by a broken-power-law function for up to a month after the FFLT. SN 2016coj has a normal peak luminosity (MB18.9±0.2M_B \approx -18.9 \pm 0.2 mag), and it reaches a BB-band maximum \about16.0~d after the FFLT. We estimate there to be low host-galaxy extinction based on the absence of Na~I~D absorption lines in our low- and high-resolution spectra. The spectropolarimetric data exhibit weak polarization in the continuum, but the \ion{Si}{2} line polarization is quite strong (0.9%±0.1%\sim 0.9\% \pm 0.1\%) at peak brightness.Comment: Submitte

    AI ATAC 1: An Evaluation of Prominent Commercial Malware Detectors

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    This work presents an evaluation of six prominent commercial endpoint malware detectors, a network malware detector, and a file-conviction algorithm from a cyber technology vendor. The evaluation was administered as the first of the Artificial Intelligence Applications to Autonomous Cybersecurity (AI ATAC) prize challenges, funded by / completed in service of the US Navy. The experiment employed 100K files (50/50% benign/malicious) with a stratified distribution of file types, including ~1K zero-day program executables (increasing experiment size two orders of magnitude over previous work). We present an evaluation process of delivering a file to a fresh virtual machine donning the detection technology, waiting 90s to allow static detection, then executing the file and waiting another period for dynamic detection; this allows greater fidelity in the observational data than previous experiments, in particular, resource and time-to-detection statistics. To execute all 800K trials (100K files ×\times 8 tools), a software framework is designed to choreographed the experiment into a completely automated, time-synced, and reproducible workflow with substantial parallelization. A cost-benefit model was configured to integrate the tools' recall, precision, time to detection, and resource requirements into a single comparable quantity by simulating costs of use. This provides a ranking methodology for cyber competitions and a lens through which to reason about the varied statistical viewpoints of the results. These statistical and cost-model results provide insights on state of commercial malware detection

    Brazilian Education, National Education Parameters and Quality for Education: New Horizons

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    Under emergency conditions in the Brazilian educational system, since the turn of the 21st century, the National Curriculum Parameters consist of guidelines elaborated by the Federal Government with the purpose of guiding education, being separated by discipline. It is understood that reflective practice and critical involvement, in the context of extracting recreations in teaching, support debates and the development of teachers\u27 productions and educational projects at the school, encourage reflection not only on pedagogical practice, but also about the planning of classes. Therefore, the objective of this work is to re-discuss, under the spectacles of the dialogic approach, some national parameters of education that govern Brazilian education, considering the expansion and potentializing of studies already carried out on the subject