1,417 research outputs found

    Helical motion and the origin of QPO in blazar-type sources

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    Recent observations and analysis of blazar sources provide strong evidence for (i) the presence of significant periodicities in their lightcurves and (ii) the occurrence of helical trajectories in their radio jets. In scenarios, where the periodicity is caused by differential Doppler boosting effects along a helical jet path, both of these facts may be naturally tied together. Here we discuss four possible driving mechanisms for the occurrence of helical trajectories: orbital motion in a binary system, Newtonian-driven jet precession, internal jet rotation and motion along a global helical magnetic field. We point out that for non-ballistic helical motion the observed period may appear strongly shortened due to classical travel time effects. Finally, the possible relevance of the above mentioned driving mechanisms is discussed for Mkn~501, OJ 287 and AO 0235+16.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; presented at the 5th Microquasar Workshop, Beijing, June 2004. Accepted for publication in the Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Discovery of the Most-Distant Double-Peaked Emitter at z=1.369

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    We report the discovery of the most-distant double-peaked emitter, CXOECDFS J033115.0-275518, at z=1.369. A Keck/DEIMOS spectrum shows a clearly double-peaked broad Mg II λ2799\lambda2799 emission line, with FWHM 11000 km/s for the line complex. The line profile can be well fit by an elliptical relativistic Keplerian disk model. This is one of a handful of double-peaked emitters known to be a luminous quasar, with excellent multiwavelength coverage and a high-quality X-ray spectrum. CXOECDFS J033115.0-275518 is a radio-loud quasar with two radio lobes (FR II morphology) and a radio loudness of f_{5 GHz}/f_{4400 \AA}~429. The X-ray spectrum can be modeled by a power law with photon index 1.72 and no intrinsic absorption; the rest-frame 0.5-8.0 keV luminosity is 5.0×10445.0\times10^{44} erg/s. The spectral energy distribution (SED) of CXOECDFS J033115.0-275518 has a shape typical for radio-loud quasars and double-peaked emitters at lower redshift. The local viscous energy released from the line-emitting region of the accretion disk is probably insufficient to power the observed line flux, and external illumination of the disk appears to be required. The presence of a big blue bump in the SED along with the unexceptional X-ray spectrum suggest that the illumination cannot arise from a radiatively inefficient accretion flow.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, ApJ in pres

    The Radio - X-ray relation as a star formation indicator: Results from the VLA--E-CDFS Survey

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    In order to trace the instantaneous star formation rate at high redshift, and hence help understanding the relation between the different emission mechanisms related to star formation, we combine the recent 4 Ms Chandra X-ray data and the deep VLA radio data in the Extended Chandra Deep Field South region. We find 268 sources detected both in the X-ray and radio band. The availability of redshifts for 95\sim 95 of the sources in our sample allows us to derive reliable luminosity estimates and the intrinsic properties from X-ray analysis for the majority of the objects. With the aim of selecting sources powered by star formation in both bands, we adopt classification criteria based on X-ray and radio data, exploiting the X-ray spectral features and time variability, taking advantage of observations scattered across more than ten years. We identify 43 objects consistent with being powered by star formation. We also add another 111 and 70 star forming candidates detected only in the radio or X-ray band, respectively. We find a clear linear correlation between radio and X-ray luminosity in star forming galaxies over three orders of magnitude and up to z1.5z \sim 1.5. We also measure a significant scatter of the order of 0.4 dex, higher than that observed at low redshift, implying an intrinsic scatter component. The correlation is consistent with that measured locally, and no evolution with redshift is observed. Using a locally calibrated relation between the SFR and the radio luminosity, we investigate the L_X(2-10keV)-SFR relation at high redshift. The comparison of the star formation rate measured in our sample with some theoretical models for the Milky Way and M31, two typical spiral galaxies, indicates that, with current data, we can trace typical spirals only at z<0.2, and strong starburst galaxies with star-formation rates as high as 100Myr1\sim 100 M_\odot yr^{-1}, up to z1.5z\sim 1.5.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figures, 5 table

    X-ray properties of radio-selected star forming galaxies in the Chandra-COSMOS survey

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    X-ray surveys contain sizable numbers of star forming galaxies, beyond the AGN which usually make the majority of detections. Many methods to separate the two populations are used in the literature, based on X-ray and multiwavelength properties. We aim at a detailed test of the classification schemes and to study the X-ray properties of the resulting samples. We build on a sample of galaxies selected at 1.4 GHz in the VLA-COSMOS survey, classified by Smolcic et al. (2008) according to their optical colours and observed with Chandra. A similarly selected control sample of AGN is also used for comparison. We review some X-ray based classification criteria and check how they affect the sample composition. The efficiency of the classification scheme devised by Smolcic et al. (2008) is such that ~30% of composite/misclassified objects are expected because of the higher X-ray brightness of AGN with respect to galaxies. The latter fraction is actually 50% in the X-ray detected sources, while it is expected to be much lower among X-ray undetected sources. Indeed, the analysis of the stacked spectrum of undetected sources shows, consistently, strongly different properties between the AGN and galaxy samples. X-ray based selection criteria are then used to refine both samples. The radio/X-ray luminosity correlation for star forming galaxies is found to hold with the same X-ray/radio ratio valid for nearby galaxies. Some evolution of the ratio may be possible for sources at high redshift or high luminosity, tough it is likely explained by a bias arising from the radio selection. Finally, we discuss the X-ray number counts of star forming galaxies from the VLA- and C-COSMOS surveys according to different selection criteria, and compare them to the similar determination from the Chandra Deep Fields. The classification scheme proposed here may find application in future works and surveys.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    Sub-milliarcsecond Imaging of Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. Fine Scale Structure

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    We have used VLBA fringe visibility data obtained at 15 GHz to examine the compact structure in 250 extragalactic radio sources. For 171 sources in our sample, more than half of the total flux density seen by the VLBA remains unresolved on the longest baselines. There are 163 sources in our list with a median correlated flux density at 15 GHz in excess of 0.5 Jy on the longest baselines. For about 60% of the sources, we have at least one observation in which the core component appears unresolved (generally smaller than 0.05 mas) in one direction, usually transverse to the direction into which the jet extends. BL Lacs are on average more compact than quasars, while active galaxies are on average less compact. Also, in an active galaxy the sub-milliarcsecond core component tends to be less dominant. IDV sources typically have a more compact, more core-dominated structure on sub-milliarcsecond scales than non-IDV sources, and sources with a greater amplitude of intra-day variations tend to have a greater unresolved VLBA flux density. The objects known to be GeV gamma-ray loud appear to have a more compact VLBA structure than the other sources in our sample. This suggests that the mechanisms for the production of gamma-ray emission and for the generation of compact radio synchrotron emitting features are related. The brightness temperature estimates and lower limits for the cores in our sample typically range between 10^11 and 10^13 K, but they extend up to 5x10^13 K, apparently in excess of the equipartition brightness temperature, or the inverse Compton limit for stationary synchrotron sources. The largest component speeds are observed in radio sources with high observed brightness temperatures, as would be expected from relativistic beaming (abridged).Comment: 31 pages, 13 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal; minor changes to the text are mad

    The nucleotide and partial amino acid sequences of rat fetuin

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    Fetuins are among the major plasma proteins, yet their biological role has remained elusive. Here we report the molecular cloning of rat fetuin and the sequence analysis of a full-length clone, RF619 of 1456 bp with an open reading frame of 1056 bp encoding 352 amino acid residues. The coding part of RF619 was identical with the cDNA sequence of the natural inhibitor of the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase from rat (pp63) except for four substitutions and a single base insertion causing divergence of the predicted protein sequences. Partial amino acid sequences of rat plasma fetuin were in agreement with the predictions based on the RF619 cDNA. Purified rat fetuin inhibited the insulin receptor tyrosine kinase in vitro. Therefore, we conclude that RF619 and pp63 cDNA encode the same protein, i.e. authentic rat fetuin which is a functional tyrosine kinase inhibitor

    Fermi Discovery of Gamma-Ray Emission from NGC 1275

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    We report the discovery of high-energy (E>100 MeV) gamma-ray emission from NGC 1275, a giant elliptical galaxy lying at the center of the Perseus cluster of galaxies, based on observations made with the Large Area Telescope (LAT) of the Fermi Gamma ray Space Telescope. The positional center of the gamma-ray source is only ~3' away from the NGC 1275 nucleus, well within the 95% LAT error circle of ~5'.The spatial distribution of gamma-ray photons is consistent with a point source. The average flux and power-law photon index measured with the LAT from 2008 August 4 to 2008 December 5 are F_gamma = (2.10+-0.23)x 10^{-7} ph (>100 MeV) cm^{-2} s^{-1} and Gamma = 2.17+-0.05, respectively. The measurements are statistically consistent with constant flux during the four-month LAT observing period.Previous EGRET observations gave an upper limit of F_gamma 100 MeV) cm^{-2} s^{-1} to the gamma-ray flux from NGC 1275. This indicates that the source is variable on timescales of years to decades, and therefore restricts the fraction of emission that can be produced in extended regions of the galaxy cluster. Contemporaneous and historical radio observations are also reported. The broadband spectrum of NGC 1275 is modeled with a simple one-zone synchrotron/synchrotron self-Compton model and a model with a decelerating jet flow.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    A Brief History of AGN

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    Astronomers knew early in the twentieth century that some galaxies have emission-line nuclei. However, even the systematic study by Seyfert (1943) was not enough to launch active galactic nuclei (AGN) as a major topic of astronomy. The advances in radio astronomy in the 1950s revealed a new universe of energetic phenomena, and inevitably led to the discovery of quasars. These discoveries demanded the attention of observers and theorists, and AGN have been a subject of intense effort ever since. Only a year after the recognition of the redshifts of 3C 273 and 3C 48 in 1963, the idea of energy production by accretion onto a black hole was advanced. However, acceptance of this idea came slowly, encouraged by the discovery of black hole X-ray sources in our Galaxy and, more recently, supermassive black holes in the center of the Milky Way and other galaxies. Many questions remain as to the formation and fueling of the hole, the geometry of the central regions, the detailed emission mechanisms, the production of jets, and other aspects. The study of AGN will remain a vigorous part of astronomy for the foreseeable future.Comment: 37 pages, no figures. Uses aaspp4.sty. To be published in Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 1999 Jun

    A search for periodicity in the light curves of selected blazars

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    We present an analysis of multifrequency light curves of the sources 2223-052 (3C 446), 2230+114 (CTA 102), and 2251+158 (3C 454.3), which had shown evidence of quasi-periodic activity. The analysis made use of data from the University of Michican Radio Astronomy Observatory (USA) at 4.8, 8, and 14.5 GHz, as well as the Metsahovi Radio Astronomy Observatory (Finland) at 22 and 37 GHz. Application of two different methods (the discrete autocorrelation function and the method of Jurkevich) both revealed evidence for periodicity in the flux variations of these sources at essentially all frequencies. The periods derived for at least two of the sources -- 2223-052 and 2251+158-- are in good agreement with the time interval between the appearance of successive VLBI components. The derived periods for 2251+158 (P = 12.4 yr and 2223-052 (P = 5.8 yr) coincide with the periods found earlier by other authors based on optical light curves.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy Report