10 research outputs found

    Fibroblast growth factor 21 is induced upon cardiac stress and alters cardiac lipid homeostasis

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    Fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) is a PPARα-regulated gene elucidated in the liver of PPARα-deficient mice or PPARα agonist-treated mice. Mice globally lacking adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL) exhibit a marked defect in TG catabolism associated with impaired PPARα-activated gene expression in the heart and liver, including a drastic reduction in hepatic FGF21 mRNA expression. Here we show that FGF21 mRNA expression is markedly increased in the heart of ATGL-deficient mice accompanied by elevated expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers, which can be reversed by reconstitution of ATGL expression in cardiac muscle. In line with this assumption, the induction of ER stress increases FGF21 mRNA expression in H9C2 cardiomyotubes. Cardiac FGF21 expression was also induced upon fasting of healthy mice, implicating a role of FGF21 in cardiac energy metabolism. To address this question, we generated and characterized mice with cardiac-specific overexpression of FGF21 (CM-Fgf21). FGF21 was efficiently secreted from cardiomyocytes of CM-Fgf21 mice, which moderately affected cardiac TG homeostasis, indicating a role for FGF21 in cardiac energy metabolism. Together, our results show that FGF21 expression is activated upon cardiac ER stress linked to defective lipolysis and that a persistent increase in circulating FGF21 levels interferes with cardiac and whole body energy homeostasis

    Adipose triglyceride lipase plays a key role in the supply of the working muscle with fatty acids

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    FAs are mobilized from triglyceride (TG) stores during exercise to supply the working muscle with energy. Mice deficient for adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL-ko) exhibit defective lipolysis and accumulate TG in adipose tissue and muscle, suggesting that ATGL deficiency affects energy availability and substrate utilization in working muscle. In this study, we investigated the effect of moderate treadmill exercise on blood energy metabolites and liver glycogen stores in mice lacking ATGL. Because ATGL-ko mice exhibit massive accumulation of TG in the heart and cardiomyopathy, we also investigated a mouse model lacking ATGL in all tissues except cardiac muscle (ATGL-ko/CM). In contrast to ATGL-ko mice, these mice did not accumulate TG in the heart and had normal life expectancy. Exercise experiments revealed that ATGL-ko and ATGL-ko/CM mice are unable to increase circulating FA levels during exercise. The reduced availability of FA for energy conversion led to rapid depletion of liver glycogen stores and hypoglycemia. Together, our studies suggest that ATGL-ko mice cannot adjust circulating FA levels to the increased energy requirements of the working muscle, resulting in an increased use of carbohydrates for energy conversion. Thus, ATGL activity is required for proper energy supply of the skeletal muscle during exercise

    Monoglyceride Lipase Deficiency in Mice Impairs Lipolysis and Attenuates Diet-induced Insulin Resistance*

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    Monoglyceride lipase (MGL) influences energy metabolism by at least two mechanisms. First, it hydrolyzes monoacylglycerols (MG) into fatty acids and glycerol. These products can be used for energy production or synthetic reactions. Second, MGL degrades 2-arachidonoyl glycerol (2-AG), the most abundant endogenous ligand of cannabinoid receptors (CBR). Activation of CBR affects energy homeostasis by central orexigenic stimuli, by promoting lipid storage, and by reducing energy expenditure. To characterize the metabolic role of MGL in vivo, we generated an MGL-deficient mouse model (MGL-ko). These mice exhibit a reduction in MG hydrolase activity and a concomitant increase in MG levels in adipose tissue, brain, and liver. In adipose tissue, the lack of MGL activity is partially compensated by hormone-sensitive lipase. Nonetheless, fasted MGL-ko mice exhibit reduced plasma glycerol and triacylglycerol, as well as liver triacylglycerol levels indicative for impaired lipolysis. Despite a strong elevation of 2-AG levels, MGL-ko mice exhibit normal food intake, fat mass, and energy expenditure. Yet mice lacking MGL show a pharmacological tolerance to the CBR agonist CP 55,940 suggesting that the elevated 2-AG levels are functionally antagonized by desensitization of CBR. Interestingly, however, MGL-ko mice receiving a high fat diet exhibit significantly improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity in comparison with wild-type controls despite equal weight gain. In conclusion, our observations implicate that MGL deficiency impairs lipolysis and attenuates diet-induced insulin resistance. Defective degradation of 2-AG does not provoke cannabinoid-like effects on feeding behavior, lipid storage, and energy expenditure, which may be explained by desensitization of CBR

    ATGL-mediated fat catabolism regulates cardiac mitochondrial function via PPAR-α and PGC-1

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    Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors that regulate genes involved in energy metabolism and inflammation. For biological activity, PPARs require cognate lipid ligands, heterodimerization with retinoic X receptors, and coactivation by PPAR-γ coactivator-1α or PPAR-γ coactivator-1β (PGC-1α or PGC-1β, encoded by Ppargc1a and Ppargc1b, respectively). Here we show that lipolysis of cellular triglycerides by adipose triglyceride lipase (patatin-like phospholipase domain containing protein 2, encoded by Pnpla2; hereafter referred to as Atgl) generates essential mediator(s) involved in the generation of lipid ligands for PPAR activation. Atgl deficiency in mice decreases mRNA levels of PPAR-α and PPAR-δ target genes. In the heart, this leads to decreased PGC-1α and PGC-1β expression and severely disrupted mitochondrial substrate oxidation and respiration; this is followed by excessive lipid accumulation, cardiac insufficiency and lethal cardiomyopathy. Reconstituting normal PPAR target gene expression by pharmacological treatment of Atgl-deficient mice with PPAR-α agonists completely reverses the mitochondrial defects, restores normal heart function and prevents premature death. These findings reveal a potential treatment for the excessive cardiac lipid accumulation and often-lethal cardiomyopathy in people with neutral lipid storage disease, a disease marked by reduced or absent ATGL activity

    Retinyl ester hydrolases and their roles in vitamin A homeostasis☆

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    In mammals, dietary vitamin A intake is essential for the maintenance of adequate retinoid (vitamin A and metabolites) supply of tissues and organs. Retinoids are taken up from animal or plant sources and subsequently stored in form of hydrophobic, biologically inactive retinyl esters (REs). Accessibility of these REs in the intestine, the circulation, and their mobilization from intracellular lipid droplets depends on the hydrolytic action of RE hydrolases (REHs). In particular, the mobilization of hepatic RE stores requires REHs to maintain steady plasma retinol levels thereby assuring constant vitamin A supply in times of food deprivation or inadequate vitamin A intake. In this review, we focus on the roles of extracellular and intracellular REHs in vitamin A metabolism. Furthermore, we will discuss the tissue-specific function of REHs and highlight major gaps in the understanding of RE catabolism. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Retinoid and Lipid Metabolism