504 research outputs found

    Bianchi type I space and the stability of inflationary Friedmann-Robertson-Walker space

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    Stability analysis of the Bianchi type I universe in pure gravity theory is studied in details. We first derive the non-redundant field equation of the system by introducing the generalized Bianchi type I metric. This non-redundant equation reduces to the Friedmann equation in the isotropic limit. It is shown further that any unstable mode of the isotropic perturbation with respect to a de Sitter background is also unstable with respect to anisotropic perturbations. Implications to the choice of physical theories are discussed in details in this paper.Comment: 5 pages, some comment adde

    Decoupling of Degenerate Positive-norm States in Witten's String Field Theory

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    We show that the degenerate positive-norm physical propagating fields of the open bosonic string can be gauged to the higher rank fields at the same mass level. As a result, their scattering amplitudes can be determined from those of the higher spin fields. This phenomenon arises from the existence of two types of zero-norm states with the same Young representations as those of the degenerate positive-norm states in the old covariant first quantized (OCFQ) spectrum. This is demonstrated by using the lowest order gauge transformation of Witten's string field theory (WSFT) up to the fourth massive level (spin-five), and is found to be consistent with conformal field theory calculation based on the first quantized generalized sigma-model approach. In particular, on-shell conditions of zero-norm states in OCFQ stringy gauge transformation are found to correspond, in a one-to-one manner, to the background ghost fields in off-shell gauge transformation of WSFT. The implication of decoupling of scalar modes on Sen's conjectures was also briefly discussed.Comment: 18 pages, use Latex with revtex

    Disease management at the wildlife-livestock interface: using whole-genome sequencing to study the role of elk in Mycobacterium bovis transmission in Michigan, USA

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    The role of wildlife in the persistence and spread of livestock diseases is difficult to quantify and control. These difficulties are exacerbated when several wildlife species are potentially involved. Bovine tuberculosis (bTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, has experienced an ecological shift in Michigan, with spillover from cattle leading to an endemically infected white‐tailed deer (deer) population. It has potentially substantial implications for the health and well‐being of both wildlife and livestock and incurs a significant economic cost to industry and government. Deer are known to act as a reservoir of infection, with evidence of M. bovis transmission to sympatric elk and cattle populations. However, the role of elk in the circulation of M. bovis is uncertain; they are few in number, but range further than deer, so may enable long distance spread. Combining Whole Genome Sequences (WGS) for M. bovis isolates from exceptionally well‐observed populations of elk, deer and cattle with spatiotemporal locations, we use spatial and Bayesian phylogenetic analyses to show strong spatiotemporal admixture of M. bovis isolates. Clustering of bTB in elk and cattle suggests either intraspecies transmission within the two populations, or exposure to a common source. However, there is no support for significant pathogen transfer amongst elk and cattle, and our data are in accordance with existing evidence that interspecies transmission in Michigan is likely only maintained by deer. This study demonstrates the value of whole genome population studies of M. bovis transmission at the wildlife‐livestock interface, providing insights into bTB management in an endemic system

    Emergence of Skyrme crystal in Gross-Neveu and 't Hooft models at finite density

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    We study two-dimensional, large NN field theoretic models (Gross-Neveu model, 't Hooft model) at finite baryon density near the chiral limit. The same mechanism which leads to massless baryons in these models induces a breakdown of translational invariance at any finite density. In the chiral limit baryonic matter is characterized by a spatially varying chiral angle with a wave number depending only on the density. For small bare quark masses a sine-Gordon kink chain is obtained which may be regarded as simplest realization of the Skyrme crystal for nuclear matter. Characteristic differences between confining and non-confining models are pointed out.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, added reference, corrected sig

    Mott Transition in An Anyon Gas

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    We introduce and analyze a lattice model of anyons in a periodic potential and an external magnetic field which exhibits a transition from a Mott insulator to a quantum Hall fluid. The transition is characterized by the anyon statistics, Îą\alpha, which can vary between Fermions, Îą=0\alpha=0, and Bosons, Îą=1\alpha=1. For bosons the transition is in the universality class of the classical three-dimensional XY model. Near the Fermion limit, the transition is described by a massless 2+12+1 Dirac theory coupled to a Chern-Simons gauge field. Analytic calculations perturbative in Îą\alpha, and also a large N-expansion, show that due to gauge fluctuations, the critical properties of the transition are dependent on the anyon statistics. Comparison with previous calcualations at and near the Boson limit, strongly suggest that our lattice model exhibits a fixed line of critical points, with universal critical properties which vary continuosly and monotonically as one passes from Fermions to Bosons. Possible relevance to experiments on the transitions between plateaus in the fractional quantum Hall effect and the magnetic field-tuned superconductor-insulator transition are briefly discussed.Comment: text and figures in Latex, 41 pages, UBCTP-92-28, CTP\#215

    Thermodynamics of an Anyon System

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    We examine the thermal behavior of a relativistic anyon system, dynamically realized by coupling a charged massive spin-1 field to a Chern-Simons gauge field. We calculate the free energy (to the next leading order), from which all thermodynamic quantities can be determined. As examples, the dependence of particle density on the anyon statistics and the anyon anti-anyon interference in the ideal gas are exhibited. We also calculate two and three-point correlation functions, and uncover certain physical features of the system in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 18 pages; in latex; to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Evolutionary dynamics of group formation

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License CC BY 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Group formation is a quite ubiquitous phenomenon across different animal species, whose individuals cluster together forming communities of diverse size. Previous investigations suggest that, in general, this phenomenon might have similar underlying reasons across the interested species, despite genetic and behavioral differences. For instance improving the individual safety (e.g. from predators), and increasing the probability to get food resources. Remarkably, the group size might strongly vary from species to species, e.g. shoals of fishes and herds of lions, and sometimes even within the same species, e.g. tribes and families in human societies. Here we build on previous theories stating that the dynamics of group formation may have evolutionary roots, and we explore this fascinating hypothesis from a purely theoretical perspective, with a model using the framework of Evolutionary Game Theory. In our model we hypothesize that homogeneity constitutes a fundamental ingredient in these dynamics. Accordingly, we study a population that tries to form homogeneous groups, i.e. composed of similar agents. The formation of a group can be interpreted as a strategy. Notably, agents can form a group (receiving a ‘group payoff’), or can act individually (receiving an ‘individual payoff’). The phase diagram of the modeled population shows a sharp transition between the ‘group phase’ and the ‘individual phase’, characterized by a critical ‘individual payoff’. Our results then support the hypothesis that the phenomenon of group formation has evolutionary roots.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Cosmological evolution and statefinder diagnostic for new holographic dark energy model in non flat universe

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    In this paper, the holographic dark energy model with new infrared cut-off proposed by Granda and Oliveros has been investigated in spatially non flat universe. The dependency of the evolution of equation of state, deceleration parameter and cosmological evolution of Hubble parameter on the parameters of new HDE model are calculated. Also, the statefinder parameters rr and ss in this model are derived and the evolutionary trajectories in s−rs-r plane are plotted. We show that the evolutionary trajectories are dependent on the model parameters of new HDE model. Eventually, in the light of SNe+BAO+OHD+CMB observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in s−rs-r and q−rq-r planes for best fit values of the parameters of new HDE model.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, Accepted by Astrophys. Space Sc

    Search for a W' boson decaying to a bottom quark and a top quark in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV

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    Results are presented from a search for a W' boson using a dataset corresponding to 5.0 inverse femtobarns of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 by the CMS experiment at the LHC in pp collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV. The W' boson is modeled as a heavy W boson, but different scenarios for the couplings to fermions are considered, involving both left-handed and right-handed chiral projections of the fermions, as well as an arbitrary mixture of the two. The search is performed in the decay channel W' to t b, leading to a final state signature with a single lepton (e, mu), missing transverse energy, and jets, at least one of which is tagged as a b-jet. A W' boson that couples to fermions with the same coupling constant as the W, but to the right-handed rather than left-handed chiral projections, is excluded for masses below 1.85 TeV at the 95% confidence level. For the first time using LHC data, constraints on the W' gauge coupling for a set of left- and right-handed coupling combinations have been placed. These results represent a significant improvement over previously published limits.Comment: Submitted to Physics Letters B. Replaced with version publishe
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