93 research outputs found

    A Review of Different Applications of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) in Monitoring Rehabilitation

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    Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative brain disorder that affects movement. The lack of dopamine in the brain cells causes patients have lesser ability to regulate movement and emotions as time goes on. There is no cure for this disease. Although drug therapies are successful for some patients, most of the patients usually develop motor complications. In this paper, we presented our work towards the comparison of several wireless sensor network (WSN) systems for monitoring Parkinson’s patients. The designs of each system are explored. The parts being considered to design a wireless sensor network and limitations are discussed. These findings helped us to suggest a possible wireless sensor network system to supervise Parkinson’s diseases patients for a more extended period of time

    Many private mutations originate from the first few divisions of a human colorectal adenoma.

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    Intratumoural mutational heterogeneity (ITH) or the presence of different private mutations in different parts of the same tumour is commonly observed in human tumours. The mechanisms generating such ITH are uncertain. Here we find that ITH can be remarkably well structured by measuring point mutations, chromosome copy numbers, and DNA passenger methylation from opposite sides and individual glands of a 6 cm human colorectal adenoma. ITH was present between tumour sides and individual glands, but the private mutations were side-specific and subdivided the adenoma into two major subclones. Furthermore, ITH disappeared within individual glands because the glands were clonal populations composed of cells with identical mutant genotypes. Despite mutation clonality, the glands were relatively old, diverse populations when their individual cells were compared for passenger methylation and by FISH. These observations can be organized into an expanding star-like ancestral tree with co-clonal expansion, where many private mutations and multiple related clones arise during the first few divisions. As a consequence, most detectable mutational ITH in the final tumour originates from the first few divisions. Much of the early history of a tumour, especially the first few divisions, may be embedded within the detectable ITH of tumour genomes

    Optical chemosensors and reagents to detect explosives

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    [EN] This critical review is focused on examples reported from 1947 to 2010 related to the design of chromo-fluorogenic chemosensors and reagents for explosives (141 references). © 2012 The Royal Society of Chemistry.Financial support from the Spanish Government (project MAT2009-14564-C04) and the Generalitat Valencia (project PROMETEO/2009/016) is gratefully acknowledged. Y.S. is grateful to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for her grant.Salinas Soler, Y.; Martínez Mañez, R.; Marcos Martínez, MD.; Sancenón Galarza, F.; Costero Nieto, AM.; Parra Álvarez, M.; Gil Grau, S. (2012). Optical chemosensors and reagents to detect explosives. Chemical Society Reviews. 41(3):1261-1296. https://doi.org/10.1039/c1cs15173hS12611296413Furton, K. (2001). The scientific foundation and efficacy of the use of canines as chemical detectors for explosives. Talanta, 54(3), 487-500. doi:10.1016/s0039-9140(00)00546-4H�kansson, K., Coorey, R. V., Zubarev, R. A., Talrose, V. 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D.Hodgson, Organic Chemistry of Explosives, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 2007, ISBN-13, 978, 0-470-02967-1, HBCumming, C. J., Aker, C., Fisher, M., Fok, M., la Grone, M. J., Reust, D., … Williams, V. (2001). Using novel fluorescent polymers as sensory materials for above-ground sensing of chemical signature compounds emanating from buried landmines. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 39(6), 1119-1128. doi:10.1109/36.927423Toal, S. J., & Trogler, W. C. (2006). Polymer sensors for nitroaromatic explosives detection. Journal of Materials Chemistry, 16(28), 2871. doi:10.1039/b517953jMcQuade, D. T., Pullen, A. E., & Swager, T. M. (2000). Conjugated Polymer-Based Chemical Sensors. Chemical Reviews, 100(7), 2537-2574. doi:10.1021/cr9801014Zhou, Q., & Swager, T. M. (1995). Method for enhancing the sensitivity of fluorescent chemosensors: energy migration in conjugated polymers. 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    Prostate cancer stem cells and nanotechnology: a focus on Wnt signaling

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    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men worldwide. However, current treatments for prostate cancer patients in advanced stage often fail because of relapse. Prostate cancer stem cells (PCSCs) are resistant to most standard therapies, and are considered to be a major mechanism of cancer metastasis and recurrence. In this review, we summarized current understanding of PCSCs and their self-renewal signaling pathways with a specific focus on Wnt signaling. Although multiple Wnt inhibitors have been developed to target PCSCs, their application is still limited by inefficient delivery and toxicity in vivo. Recently, nanotechnology has opened a new avenue for cancer drug delivery, which significantly increases specificity and reduces toxicity. These nanotechnology-based drug delivery methods showed great potential in targeting PCSCs. Here, we summarized current advancement of nanotechnology-based therapeutic strategies for targeting PCSCs and highlighted the challenges and perspectives in designing future therapies to eliminate PCSCs

    Ex vivo evaluation of 4 different viscoelastic assays for detecting moderate to severe coagulopathy during liver transplantation

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    Prolonged prothrombin time (PT) and its ratio are routinely used for the assessment of candidates for liver transplantation (LT), but intraoperative coagulation management of transfusion is hindered by its long turnaround time. Abnormal reaction time (R time) on thromboelastography (TEG) or clotting time (CT) of rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) are presumably an alternative, but there is a paucity of clinical data on abnormal R time/CT values compared to PT during LT. After receiving institutional review board approval and informed consent, we obtained blood samples from 36 LT patients for international normalized ratio (INR), factor (F) X level, and viscoelastic tests (EXTEM/INTEM and kaolin/rapid TEG) at baseline and 30 minutes after graft reperfusion. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were calculated for INR \u3e 1.5 and viscoelastic R time/CT thresholds to assess the ability to diagnose FX deficiency at the moderate (\u3c50%) or severe (\u3c35%) level. The FX deficiency data were calculated using cutoff values of INR (\u3e1.5) and abnormal R time/CT for TEG and ROTEM. Tissue factor (TF)-activated INR and EXTEM-CT performed well in diagnosing FX below 50%, but rapid TEG with combined TF and kaolin activators failed. Improved performance of INTEM-CT in diagnosing FX below 35% underlies multifactorial deficiency involving both intrinsic and common pathways. In conclusion, the differences among different viscoelastic tests and clinical situations should be carefully considered when they are used to guide transfusion during LT

    Towards a better understanding of \u27delocalized charge\u27 in ionic liquid anions

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    One of the main characteristics that are attributed to ionic liquids (especially those with a low melting point) is that the anions comprising the ionic liquids possess a certain degree of charge delocalization as compared to anions in traditional molten salts. Based on the proton affinity equilibrium we proposed a new energetic criterion that can be used as a measure of charge delocalization. The proposed proton affinity comparison quantifies the extent to which ionic liquid anions are delocalized. Thus it should lead to a better understanding towards the design of task-specific ionic liquids. Therefore, this criterion can be applied to newly designed anions to assure that the extent of charge delocalization falls within the same range of values on the proton affinity scale as other commonly used ionic liquid anions.<br /

    Soil temperature prediction from air temperature for alluvial soils in lower Indo-Gangetic plain

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    Soil temperature is an important factor in biogeochemical processes. On-site monitoring of soil temperature is limited in spatio-temporal scale as compared to air temperature data inventories due to various management difficulties. Therefore, empirical models were developed by taking 30-year long-term (1985-2014) air and soil temperature data for prediction of soil temperatures at three depths (5, 15, 30 cm) in morning (0636 Indian standard time) and afternoon (1336 Indian standard time) for alluvial soils in lower Indo-Gangetic plain. At 5 cm depth, power and exponential regression models were best fitted for daily data in morning and afternoon, respectively, but it was reverse at 15 cm. However, at 30 cm, exponential models were best fitted for both the times. Regression analysis revealed that in morning for all three depths and in afternoon for 30 cm depth, soil temperatures (daily, weekly, and monthly) could be predicted more efficiently with the help of corresponding mean air temperature than that of maximum and minimum. However, in afternoon, prediction of soil temperature at 5 and 15 cm depths were more precised for all the time intervals when maximum air temperature was used, except for weekly soil temperature at 15 cm, where the use of mean air temperature gave better prediction