2,055 research outputs found

    Estudi geològic del sector meridional de les serres de Llevant (Mallorca)

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    p-adic methods in string theory

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Física, Facultat de Física, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2015, Tutor: Artur TravesaWe briefly describe string theory and p-adic string theory and their purposes. Next, we introduce some necessary mathematical machinery. This is used to explain a regularization of a product formula due to Freund and Witten with unclear meaning. Finally, we prove the main formula and conclude with its usage

    Sobre construcció i urbanisme cristià i jueu a Mallorca (segle XIV)

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    Presentació d'alguns documents que mostren al viu la marxa de la construcció d'unes cambres en un santuari de la serra de Mallorca en el segle XIV. Igualment es donen els comptes dels enteixinats d'un alberg jueu. D'altra banda, es mostra la problemàtica que ocasiona a la Ciutat de Mallorca la introducció de la molineria menor familiar.This paper brings forth some documents that illustrate from life the process of constructing more rooms in a sanctuary of the Serra de Mallorca in the fourteenth century. The bills for some wooden ceilings in a Jewish residence are also presented. On the other hand, problems due to the introduction os small, family-run mills in the city of Mallorca are demonstrated

    Extending Droplet-Based Microfluidic Tools to Single-Atom Heterogeneous Catalysis

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    From energy-related transformations to organic syntheses, single-atom heterogeneous catalysts (SACs) are offering new prospects to tackle sustainability challenges. However, scarce design guidelines and poor mechanistic understanding due to a lack of discovery and operando characterization tools impede theirbroader development. This perspective offers a glimpse into how droplet-based microfluidic technologies mayhelp solve both of these issues, and provides technical considerations for platform design to systematically fabricate SACs and study them under operational conditions during liquid-phase organic syntheses

    Nombres pp-àdics i aplicacions en física i topologia

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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Matemàtiques, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2015, Director: Artur Travesa i GrauIn this undergraduate thesis we begin by introducing the pp-adic numbers and their basic properties, as well as the adeles. We then give an application to particle physics, using adeles extensively, to regularize divergent products through a product formula thereby endowing them of precise meaning. Next we discuss the topological differences between p-adic numbers and real numbers, and show some kind of euclidean models for them. This will prove helpful in the last chapter, where we will prove an equivalence of topological conjectures, which has been one of the goals of the project. Finally, we give a general approach to how the proof by Pardon [17] of the 3-dimensional case of this conjecture, which uses this equivalence, is carried out

    Hipótesis sobre la posible identificación del anfiteatro de Barcino

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    La huella de un probable anfiteatro romano se ha localizado fosilizada en la trama urbana de la Ciutat Vella de Barcelona. Se exponen su posición, metrología, antecedentes, entorno físico e histórico y se reinterpretan las últimas intervenciones arqueológicas que apoyarían esta hipótesis. La posible existencia de unas «arenas» en Barcelona permite también una nueva lectura de topónimos, documentos y tradiciones relacionadas con la iglesia martirial de Santa Eulàlia y con la domus Sanctae Mariae Virginis, donde está documentada la tumba de esta santa en el siglo ix

    La iconografia de Santa Catalina Thomàs en la documentació de la seva beatificació (1626-1691)

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    El peritatge de dos quadres representant Catalina Thomàs, elaborat per dos pintors mallorquins del segle XVII, permet reconstruir els inicis de la codificació iconogràfica de la futura santa.The written report of two paintings depicting Catalina Thomàs, carried out by two Majorcan painters in the seventeenth-century, allows the author of this article to recreate the early stage of the future saint iconographic model

    L’alumnat immigrant en el CP Joan Mas (Pollença)

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    Aquest treball intenta aportar unes dades actualitzades i, a més, fer conèixer la situació a Pollença, concretament a l’escola Joan Mas, sobre el fenomen de la immigració. A partir de les dades recollides i d’una visió real del moment pretenem presentar la situació en què ens trobam i reflexionar sobre el present i el futur de la convivència entre cultures diferents.Este trabajo intenta aportar unos datos actualizados y dar a conocer la situación actual en Pollença, concretamente en el colegio Joan Mas, sobre el fenómeno de la inmmigración. A partir de los datos recogidos y de una visión real del momento pretendemos presentar la situación en que nos encontramos y reflexionar sobre el presente y el futuro de la convivencia entre culturas diferentes

    The emergence of city food networks: Rescaling the impact of urban food policies

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    Hundreds of cities across the globe are mobilising the convening power of food to deliver food security and sustainability outcomes supported by an increasing number of national and international city food networks devoted to scale-up and out this urban food revolution. This paper presents the first comparative analysis of this increasingly networked urban foodscape based on data from 13 national and international initiatives which together represent more than 500 cities across the globe. By applying a translocal governance framework, the paper explores the different aims, structures and mechanisms activated by this complex landscape of networks and how these intrinsic characteristics endow them with diverse strengths and limitations. To examine further the role of networks in rescaling the impact urban food policies, I analyse the metagovernance of these initiatives exploring discourses around coordination of these networks and identifying potential convergence points. Results from this study are translated into policy recommendations aimed at unfolding further the transformative capacity of translocal networks and elevate their role in unfolding a more integrated and equitable new urban food agenda; mainly by proposing to reinforce the cross-scalar alignment of food policies, making the case to invest in connective infrastructure such as network and backbone organisations, work with a wider diversity of agents, and provide open spaces that democratise access to collective knowledge and capacities. c. As urban food policies become the new norm, this research stresses the need for rescaling food system interventions that effectively deliver social and spatial justice in an increasingly polarised word