204 research outputs found

    809-1 Different Respiratory Rates Affect the Measurement of Autonomic Tone by Power Spectral Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Heart Failure

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    Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability is frequently used as an easy non invasive method for assessing autonomic tone. However changes in respiratory rate are frequently ignored and these may have an important effect on the measurements of spectral components, especially in heart failure. We have assessed the effect of different respiratory rates (10, 15, 20 min-1 and spontaneous) on low frequency (LF) and high frequency (HF) components of HR variability in 11 heart failure pts (CCF) (EF=40±4%; 9 males) and 9 normal subjects (5 males).ResultsLF & HF spectral power in normalized units (%); S=spontaneous (mean±SEM)LF10HF10LF15HF15LF20HF20LFSHFSSupineCCF19±863±9*18±554±713±447±8*16±649± 8Normal14±668±818±658±1015±670±522±955±10StandCCF15±766±619±746±830±1051±97±531±10Normal28±955±830±942±958±1027±550±1217±5*p<0.05Supine HF power falls with increasing respiratory rate in most CCF pts and this effect is similar to that seen in normals on standing (i.e. at increased sympathetic levels). An improvement in clinical state of CCF pts will lower respiratory rate and this effect alone will increase HF power rather than any therapy

    Euclidean Approach to the Entropy for a Scalar Field in Rindler-like Space-Times

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    The off-shell entropy for a massless scalar field in a D-dimensional Rindler-like space-time is investigated within the conical Euclidean approach in the manifold C_\be\times\M^N, C_\be being the 2-dimensional cone, making use of the zeta-function regularisation. Due to the presence of conical singularities, it is shown that the relation between the zeta-function and the heat kernel is non trivial and, as first pointed out by Cheeger, requires a separation between small and large eigenvalues of the Laplace operator. As a consequence, in the massless case, the (naive) non existence of the Mellin transform is by-passed by the Cheeger's analytical continuation of the zeta-function on manifold with conical singularities. Furthermore, the continuous spectrum leads to the introduction of smeared traces. In general, it is pointed out that the presence of the divergences may depend on the smearing function and they arise in removing the smearing cutoff. With a simple choice of the smearing function, horizon divergences in the thermodynamical quantities are recovered and these are similar to the divergences found by means of off-shell methods like the brick wall model, the optical conformal transformation techniques or the canonical path integral method.Comment: 17 pages, LaTex. A sign error corrected and few comments adde

    Quantum Scalar Field on the Massless (2+1)-Dimensional Black Hole Background

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    The behavior of a quantum scalar field is studied in the metric ground state of the (2+1)-dimensional black hole of Ba\~nados, Teitelboim and Zanelli which contains a naked singularity. The one-loop BTZ partition function and the associate black hole effective entropy, the expectation value of the quantum fluctuation as well as the renormalized expectation value of the stress tensor are explicitly computed in the framework of the ζ\zeta-function procedure. This is done for all values of the coupling with the curvature, the mass of the field and the temperature of the quantum state. In the massless conformally coupled case, the found stress tensor is used for determining the quantum back reaction on the metric due to the scalar field in the quantum vacuum state, by solving the semiclassical Einstein equations. It is finally argued that, within the framework of the 1/N expansion, the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis is implemented since the naked singularity of the ground state metric is shielded by an event horizon created by the back reaction.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX, no figures, minor changes, final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the coastal Monte Léon and Santa Cruz formations (Early Miocene) at Rincón del Buque, Southern Patagonia: a revisited locality

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    Sedimentological, ichnological and paleontological analyses of the Early Miocene uppermost Monte León Formation and the lower part of the Santa Cruz Formation were carried out in Rincón del Buque (RDB), a fossiliferous locality north of Río Coyle in Santa Cruz Province, Patagonia, Argentina. This locality is of special importance because it contains the basal contact between the Monte Léon (MLF) and the Santa Cruz (SCF) formations and because it preserves a rich fossil assemblage of marine invertebrates and marine trace fossils, and terrestrial vertebrates and plants, which has not been extensively studied. A ∼90 m-thick section of the MLF and the SCF that crops out at RDB was selected for this study. Eleven facies associations (FA) are described, which are, from base to top: subtidal–intertidal deposits with Crassotrea orbignyi and bioturbation of the Skolithos-Cruziana ichnofacies (FA1); tidal creek deposits with terrestrial fossil mammals and Ophiomorpha isp. burrows (FA2); tidal flat deposits with Glossifungites ichnofacies (FA3); deposits of tidal channels (FA4) and tidal sand flats (FA5) both with and impoverish Skolithos ichnofacies associated; marsh deposits (FA6); tidal point bar deposits recording a depauperate mixture of both the Skolithos and Cruziana ichnofacies (FA7); fluvial channel deposits (FA8); fluvial point bar deposits (FA9); floodplain deposits (FA10); and pyroclastic and volcaniclastic deposits of the floodplain where terrestrial fossil mammal remains occur (FA11). The transition of the MLF–SCF at RDB reflects a changing depositional environment from the outer part of an estuary (FA1) through the central (FA2–6) to inner part of a tide-dominated estuary (FA7). Finally a fluvial system occurs with single channels of relatively low energy and low sinuosity enclosed by a broad, low-energy floodplain dominated by partially edaphized ash-fall, sheet-flood, and overbank deposits (FA8–11). Pyroclastic and volcaniclastic materials throughout the succession must have been deposited as ash-fall distal facies in a fluvial setting and also were carried by fluvial streams and redeposited in both estuarine and fluvial settings. These materials preserve most of the analyzed terrestrial fossil mammals that characterize the Santacrucian age of the RDB's succession. Episodic sedimentation under volcanic influence, high sedimentation rates and a relatively warm and seasonal climate are inferred for the MLF and SCF section. Lateral continuity of the marker horizons at RDB serve for correlation with other coastal localities such as the lower part of the coastal SCF south of Río Coyle (∼17.6–17.4 Ma) belonging to the Estancia La Costa Member of the SCF.Centro de Investigaciones GeológicasFacultad de Ciencias Naturales y MuseoComisión de Investigaciones Científicas de la provincia de Buenos Aire

    Developing nanotechnology in Latin America

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    This article investigates the development of nanotechnology in Latin America with a particular focus on Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay. Based on data for nanotechnology research publications and patents and suggesting a framework for analyzing the development of R&D networks, we identify three potential strategies of nanotechnology research collaboration. Then, we seek to identify the balance of emphasis upon each of the three strategies by mapping the current research profile of those four countries. In general, we find that they are implementing policies and programs to develop nanotechnologies but differ in their collaboration strategies, institutional involvement, and level of development. On the other hand, we find that they coincide in having a modest industry participation in research and a low level of commercialization of nanotechnologies

    Implementation of access and benefit-sharing measures has consequences for classical biological control of weeds:

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    The Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol establish that genetic resources shall be accessed only upon the existence of prior informed consent of the country that provides those resources and that benefits arising from their utilization shall be shared. Pursuant to both agreements several countries have adopted regulations on access and benefit-sharing. These regulations have created a challenging obstacle to classical biological control of weeds. This paper reviews the experiences of Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, the USA, Canada and CABI in implementing access and benefit-sharing regulations and the implications these measures have on the effective and efficient access, exchange and utilization of biological control agents

    Quantum Fields and Extended Objects in Space-Times with Constant Curvature Spatial Section

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    The heat-kernel expansion and ζ\zeta-regularization techniques for quantum field theory and extended objects on curved space-times are reviewed. In particular, ultrastatic space-times with spatial section consisting in manifold with constant curvature are discussed in detail. Several mathematical results, relevant to physical applications are presented, including exact solutions of the heat-kernel equation, a simple exposition of hyperbolic geometry and an elementary derivation of the Selberg trace formula. With regards to the physical applications, the vacuum energy for scalar fields, the one-loop renormalization of a self-interacting scalar field theory on a hyperbolic space-time, with a discussion on the topological symmetry breaking, the finite temperature effects and the Bose-Einstein condensation, are considered. Some attempts to generalize the results to extended objects are also presented, including some remarks on path integral quantization, asymptotic properties of extended objects and a novel representation for the one-loop (super)string free energy.Comment: Latex file, 122 page

    Sustained Expression of Steroid Receptor Coactivator SRC-2/TIF-2 is Associated with Better Prognosis in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma.

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    INTRODUCTION:: Estrogen receptor beta (ERβ) overexpression by malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) tumor cells correlates with enhanced patient survival. ER-regulated transcription is mediated by the p160 family of steroid receptor coactivators (SRCs), and SRC isoform overexpression is associated with worse prognosis in many steroid-related malignancies. The aim of this study was to establish whether SRC isoform expression varied between individual MPM tumors with positive or negative prognostic significance. METHODS:: Immunohistochemical analysis of tumor biopsies from 89 subjects with confirmed histological diagnosis of MPM and biopsies from 3 normal control subjects was performed to detect the expression of SRC-1, SRC-2 (TIF-2), SRC-3 (AIB-1), and ERβ. Allred scores for expression of ERβ and each of the SRCs were determined, and Kaplan-Meier survival curves were calculated to correlate biomarker expression, gender, and histology type with postdiagnosis survival. RESULTS:: ERβ and all the SRCs were expressed at high levels in normal pleural mesothelium, and expression of each biomarker was reduced or lost in a subset of the MPM subjects; however, postdiagnosis survival only significantly correlated with TIF-2 expression. Low or intermediate expression of TIF-2 correlated with reduced median postdiagnosis survival (9 months) compared with those subjects whose tumors highly expressed TIF-2 (20 months) (p = 0.036, log-rank test). CONCLUSIONS:: Maintained high expression of TIF-2 in tumor cells is a positive prognostic indicator for postdiagnosis survival in patients with confirmed MPM. This is the first clinical study to correlate high TIF-2 expression with improved patient prognosis in any malignancy