396 research outputs found

    The prevalence of maternal medication ingestion in the antenatal period

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    The prevalence of ingestion of medication by pregnant women was recorded in 236 patients attending the antenatal clinics at New Somerset and Peninsula Maternity Hospitals. Patients were interviewed over two periods, 23 - 26 July and 2 - 12 December 1991. Of these women, 168 (71,2%) took a total of 283 drugs from 18 different categories. One hundred and forty women (59%) took prescribed and 68 (28,8%) non-prescribed medications. The most commonly used medicines were analgesics, cough and cold medicines, antibiotics, laxatives and antacids. Analgesics that contain aspirin constituted 13,8% of self-administered medicines and 2% of prescribed medicines. The most common sources of non-prescribed medication were pharmacies (60%), followed by supermarkets (32,5%). One hundred and sixty-two women (68,6%) received no advice on medication during their pregnancy. Of those who received advice, formal sources (doctor/nurse/ pharmacist/midwife) accounted for 56,8% and informal sources (family/friends /magazines) for 43,3% of advice; 59,7% of women did not know that certain medicines are unsafe during pregnancy.Our data indicate that pregnant women in Cape Town take a large number of medicines, - often without being aware of the potential adverse effects. This study shows the need for education in this regard, especially at antenatal clinics, pharmacies and supermarkets

    Foliar lead uptake by lettuce exposed to atmospheric fallouts

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    Metal uptake by plants occurs by soil−root transfer but also by direct transfer of contaminants from the atmosphere to the shoots. This second pathway may be particularly important in kitchen gardens near industrial plants. The mechanisms of foliar uptake of lead by lettuce (Lactuca sativa) exposed to the atmospheric fallouts of a lead-recycling plant were studied. After 43 days of exposure, the thoroughly washed leaves contained 335 ± 50 mg Pb kg−1 (dry weight). Micro-X-ray fluorescence mappings evidenced Pb-rich spots of a few hundreds of micrometers in diameter located in necrotic zones. These spots were more abundant at the base of the central nervure. Environmental scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis showed that smaller particles (a few micrometers in diameter) were also present in other regions of the leaves, often located beneath the leaf surface. In addition, submicrometric particles were observed inside stomatal openings. Raman microspectrometry analyses of the leaves identified smelter-originated Pb minerals but also secondary phases likely resulting from the weathering of original particles. On the basis of these observations, several pathways for foliar lead uptake are discussed. A better understanding of these mechanisms may be of interest for risk assessment of population exposure to atmospheric metal contamination

    MoleromrĂ„dets geologi – sedimenter, fossiler, askelag og glaicaltektonik

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    Abstract in Danish I den vestlige del af Limfjorden findes en rĂŠkke kystklinter, hvor eocĂŠne lag er blottet. Moler er en ca. 55-56 millioner Ă„r gammel diatomit, som indeholder lag af uforvitret vulkansk aske samt et stort antal velbevarede marine og terrestriske fossiler. Stolleklint Leret og Fur Formationen har et usĂŠdvanligt fossilselskab med mange reprĂŠsentanter for insekter, fisk, fugle og skildpadder men meget fĂ„ kalkskallede, hvirvellĂžse dyr. De vulkanske askelag afspejler et stort antal gigantiske, eksplosive udbrud inden for en kort periode, hvor lavatilstrĂžmningen var stor, samtidig med at udbruddene skete pĂ„ lavt vand i den nydannede oceanbund. For ca. 25.000 Ă„r siden dannede fremrykkende iskapper folder og overskydninger i moler, askelag og glaciale sedimenter. MoleromrĂ„dets geologi kan sammenfattes i fĂžlgende citat: ”
talrige tynde lag af sort vulkansk Aske...trĂŠde selv pĂ„ lang Afstand tydelig frem i det hvide Moler 
[Da de] ofte danner store Bugter og Folder, vil man forstaa, at de hĂžje lyse Molerklinter i Solskin frembyde et malerisk og ejendommeligt Skue.” (N. V. Ussing i ’Danmarks Geologi’ 1904, s.143)

    A bio-psycho-social exercise program (RÜCKGEWINN) for chronic low back pain in rehabilitation aftercare - Study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There is strong, internationally confirmed evidence for the short-term effectiveness of multimodal interdisciplinary specific treatment programs for chronic back pain. However, the verification of long-term sustainability of achieved effects is missing so far. For long-term improvement of pain and functional ability high intervention intensity or high volume seems to be necessary (> 100 therapy hours). Especially in chronic back pain rehabilitation, purposefully refined aftercare treatments offer the possibility to intensify positive effects or to increase their sustainability. However, quality assured goal-conscious specific aftercare programs for the rehabilitation of chronic back pain are absent.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study aims to examine the efficacy of a specially developed bio-psycho-social chronic back pain specific aftercare intervention (RÜCKGEWINN) in comparison to the current usual aftercare (IRENA) and a control group that is given an educational booklet addressing pain-conditioned functional ability and back pain episodes. Overall rehabilitation effects as well as predictors for compliance to the aftercare programs are analysed. Therefore, a multicenter prospective 3-armed randomised controlled trial is conducted. 456 participants will be consecutively enrolled in inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation and assigned to either one of the three study arms. Outcomes are measured before and after rehabilitation. Aftercare programs are assessed at ten month follow up after dismissal form rehabilitation.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Special methodological and logistic challenges are to be mastered in this trial, which accrue from the interconnection of aftercare interventions to their residential district and the fact that the proportion of patients who take part in aftercare programs is low. The usability of the aftercare program is based on the transference into the routine care and is also reinforced by developed manuals with structured contents, media and material for organisation assistance as well as training manuals for therapists in the aftercare.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>Trial Registration number: NCT01070849</p

    A community-based geological reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglaciation since the Last Glacial Maximum

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    A robust understanding of Antarctic Ice Sheet deglacial history since the Last Glacial Maximum is important in order to constrain ice sheet and glacial-isostatic adjustment models, and to explore the forcing mechanisms responsible for ice sheet retreat. Such understanding can be derived from a broad range of geological and glaciological datasets and recent decades have seen an upsurge in such data gathering around the continent and Sub-Antarctic islands. Here, we report a new synthesis of those datasets, based on an accompanying series of reviews of the geological data, organised by sector. We present a series of timeslice maps for 20 ka, 15 ka, 10 ka and 5 ka, including grounding line position and ice sheet thickness changes, along with a clear assessment of levels of confidence. The reconstruction shows that the Antarctic Ice sheet did not everywhere reach the continental shelf edge at its maximum, that initial retreat was asynchronous, and that the spatial pattern of deglaciation was highly variable, particularly on the inner shelf. The deglacial reconstruction is consistent with a moderate overall excess ice volume and with a relatively small Antarctic contribution to meltwater pulse 1a. We discuss key areas of uncertainty both around the continent and by time interval, and we highlight potential priorities for future work. The synthesis is intended to be a resource for the modelling and glacial geological community
