67 research outputs found

    Relation between numerical model and vibration: behavior diagnosis for bucket wheel drive assembly at the bucket wheel excavator

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    A drive assembly of bucket wheel at the bucket-wheel excavator (BWE), as a rule, is a unit characterized by large force having huge torque and mass with structures in different arrangement including the support structures as well. Behavior prediction is of crucial importance in order to apply the right approach of operation and maintenance on gearbox, electrical engine as well for structural elements supporting this assembly. It is obvious that vibrations measured at distinctive points of the entire drive assembly and support structure represent the main prediction parameter. The measurement results are used to confirm mathematical model developed by means of finite element method, which is based on theory on flexibility, static and dynamical review for obtained result

    On the Relative Distance of Entangled Systems in Emergent Spacetime Scenarios

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    Spacetime emergence from entanglement proposes an alternative to quantizing gravity and typically derives a notion of distance based on the amount of mutual information shared across sub-systems. Albeit promising, this program still faces challenges to describe simple physical systems, such as a maximally entangled Bell pair that is taken apart while preserving its entanglement. We propose a solution to this problem: a reminder that quantum systems can have multiple sectors of independent degrees of freedom, and that each sector can be entangled. Thus, while one sector can decohere, and decrease the amount of total mutual information within the system, another sector, e.g. spin, can remain entangled. We illustrate this with a toy model, showing that only within the particles' momentum uncertainty there can be considerably more entanglement than in the spin sector for a single Bell pair. We finish by introducing some considerations about how spacetime could be tested in the lab in the future.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Söder i Förändring -Medelklassen knackar på

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    Sammanfattning Uppsatsen titel: ”Söder i Förändring” – medelklassen knackar på Kurs: Kandidatuppsats, SMTX06 Författare: Amela Cizmic Sofi & Karolina Jovancic Handledare: Gustaf Kastberg & Bo Markulf Syfte: Syftet med vår undersökning är att öka förståelsen kring den roll som den kommunala projektledningsgruppen spelar i gentrifieringsprocessen. Projektledningsgruppen blir uppsatsens fokusgrupp och intresset ligger i deras förhållning till effekterna av gentrifieringen. Problem formulering: På flera platser runt om i världen kan vi se förändringar i städernas infrastruktur som ständigt påverkar dess invånare dels positivt men även negativt. Vi kan se exempel på hur stadsdelar med låg status renoveras och upprustas för att bli mer inbjudande åt medelklassen vilket kan ha negativa konsekvenser för de som redan bor i området Metod: Kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med experter inom området och projektledaren av ”Söder i Förändring”. Observationer av stadsdelen. Nyckelord: Habitus, ekonomiskt kapital, kulturellt kapital, symboliskt kapital, socialt kapital, hållbar utveckling och gentrifiering. Resultat: Förhållningssättet och därigenom hanteringen av gentrifieringsprocessen påverkas av personens habitus. Processen är komplex och påverkas av olika aktörer. Gentrifiering är en självgående process som är svår att stoppa men kan påverkas

    Den Lojala Medarbetaren

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    Uppsatsens syftar att ge en djupare förståelse för hur grundvärderingar iakttas och ger sig i uttryck på arbetsplatser i servicebranschen. Vi ser här ett område som fortfarande är outvecklat från ett teoretiskt perspektiv var vi hoppas bidra till en djupare insikt till relationen mellan våra tre valda teoretisk fält. Vidare ämnar vi fördjupa oss i relationen och möjliga effekter mellan grundvärderingarna och medarbetarnas lojalitet gentemot företaget. Illojala medarbetare kostar företag runt om i världen enorma summor pengar och vi har under våra år inom service branschen tagit del av illojala beteenden vilka direkt kunnat skada företaget men även den kultur som råder på arbetsplatsen. Vi har kunnat identifiera ett glapp i den litteratur som finns inom området vilket kopplar våra tre teman grundvärderingar, företagskultur och lojalitet tillsammans och dess påverkan på varandra. För att kunna besvara vår frågeställning valde vi att genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning som skulle ge oss en inblick i medarbetares sociala verklighet. För att på bästa sätt genomföra en kvalitativ undersökning valde vi att utföra ett antal forskningsintervjuer som fungerar som en skildring av intervjupersonens kunskaper och livserfarenheter. Grundvärderingar är grunden till företagskultur och är anledningen till att medarbetaren knyter an till företaget och blir lojal. Olika motivationsfaktorer, trivsel och sammanhållning tillsammans resulterar i lojala medarbetare

    Polyurethane shape memory filament yarns: Melt spinning, carbon-based reinforcement, and characterization

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    The aim of this work was to develop and characterize polyurethane-based shape memory polymer filament yarns of a suitable diameter and thermo-mechanical performance for use in tailored multi-sectorial applications. Different polymer compositions – pure shape memory polyurethane and shape memory polyurethane composites with 0.3 and 0.5 wt.% of multi-walled carbon nanotubes or carbon black as additives – were studied. Filaments were obtained using a melt spinning process that allowed the production of the permanent and temporary shape of the shape memory polyurethane filament. Two drawing speeds (20 and 32¿m/min) were studied. Characterization techniques such as the tensile test, differential scanning calorimetry, and dynamic mechanical analysis were used to investigate the shape-memory effect of the filaments. Pure and additive shape memory polyurethane filament yarns of a controlled diameter were produced. The results indicated that the pure shape memory polyurethane on the temporary shape had the highest tensile strength (234¿MPa). Filaments with carbon black revealed a significant strain (335%) in the permanent shape with respect to the other filaments. The melt spinning process influenced the soft segment glass transition temperature (Tgs) significantly, with a decrease in the temporary shape (first heating) as compared to the permanent shape (second and third heating). However, only the 0.5% multi-walled carbon nanotubes additive clearly influenced the filament, increasing the Tgs by 10°C. The additives also influenced the shape-memory effect, obtaining an increased fixity ratio (up to 97%) with the multi-walled carbon nanotubes additive and an increased recovery ratio (up to 86%) with the carbon black additivePostprint (author's final draft

    Design and characterization of reversible thermodynamic SMPU-based fabrics with improved comfort properties

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    In recent years, great efforts have been made to research and develop advanced thermodynamic textiles that can change their thermal behavior in response to external stimuli. More specifically, shape memory alloys and shape memory polymer coatings have used for thermal comfort applications. However, the use of shape memory polymers in the form of filament yarns integrated in the fabrics has not yet reported. These fabrics have some advantages related to versatility in shape design. The aim of this study was to develop woven SMPU-based fabrics with reversible thermodynamic properties induced by weft SMPU filament yarns interlaced into polyester (PES) fabrics. To this end, PES woven fabrics with different ratios of weft SMPU filament yarns (PES/SMPU 1:0; 3:1; 1:1; 1: 3, and 0:1) were developed and their thermodynamic properties (thermal resistance, water vapor resistance, and permeability index), shape memory effect, and mechanical performance were evaluated and compared to the 100% PES reference fabric. All the SMPU-based fabrics developed were classified as extremely breathable (water vapor resistance <6 m2 Pa/W) and thermally comfortable (water vapor permeability index <0.3). The fabrics integrating the SMPU filament yarns reacted dynamically to the temperature stimuli over and below Tg, whereas the 100% PES fabric showed passive thermodynamic behavior. This dynamism led to an improvement in thermal protection against an increase in ambient temperature, reaching values of 13.18 mK m2 /W in thermal resistance (PES/SMPU 0:1), while also maintaining good moisture management properties, reaching values of 5.19 m2 Pa/W in water vapor resistance (PES/SMPU 0:1)The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This work was financially supported by the Catalan Government through the funding grant ACCIO-Eurecat (Project PRIV – Confortex)Postprint (published version

    Increased Comfort of Polyester Fabrics

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    [EN] The hydrophilicity of fibers is directly related to the comfort of a fabric and represents one of the most important aspects of a textile. Therefore, polyester (PES) modification has focused on an increase in moisture content and a subsequent improvement of the user's experience. Based on the glycerol hygroscopic properties, the main objective has been the enhancement of the hydrophilicity of polyester by glycerol treatments. Furthermore, microwave irradiation and alkaline treatment have been applied, in order to increase glycerol adhesion. Treated PES samples were characterized by performing moisture content, negative ion, water diffusion and water vapor resistance analyses. The effect of different treatment conditions such as bath ratio (1/10 or 1/15), temperature (40, 60 or 100 degrees C), time (2 or 5 min) and microwave radiation intensity (300 or 500 W) was evaluated. The moisture content of treated PES results indicated that by decreasing the bath ratio and increasing the time and temperature the moisture gain can reach almost 14%, which can be easily related to increases in the weight of the fiber. The treatment with alkali was done and led to the highest moisture increase. Treatment with 500 W microwave irradiation led to higher glycerol retention after rinsing. Different experimental conditions were applied to the glycerol-treated PES fabrics, and a clear improvement in moisture content was obtained increasing the comfort. The results were compared with the ones obtained for cotton and wool, where the moisture is higher than non treated PES.The authors wish to thank the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades (RTI2018-094014-B-100 Project), for financial support.Martí, M.; Gisbert Paya, J.; Bonet-Aracil, M.; Jovancic, P.; Lis, MJ.; Coderch, L. (2021). Increased Comfort of Polyester Fabrics. Polymers. 13(17):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym13173010S112131

    Plasma treatment in textile industry

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    Plasma technology applied to textiles is a dry, environmentally- and worker-friendly method to achieve surface alteration without modifying the bulk properties of different materials. In particular, atmospheric non-thermal plasmas are suited because most textile materials are heat sensitive polymers and applicable in a continuous processes. In the last years plasma technology has become a very active, high growth research field, assuming a great importance among all available material surface modifications in textile industry. The main objective of this review is to provide a critical update on the current state of art relating plasma technologies applied to textile industryFernando Oliveira (SFRH/BD/65254/2009) acknowledges Fundacao para a Cioncia e Tecnologia, Portugal, for its doctoral grant financial support. Andrea Zille (C2011-UMINHO-2C2T-01) acknowledges funding from Programa Compromisso para a Cioncia 2008, Portugal

    On the emergent relative distancebetween quantum systems

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    In an emergent spacetime framework where relative distances between quantum systemsare determined by the mutual information between the systems, an entangled pairmust be shown to have a non-zero distance even though its mutual information is maximalby virtue of being maximally entangled. This report shows that in fact an entangledpair is only maximally entangled in some degrees of freedom such as spin, and when oneintroduces other quantum degrees of freedom the mutual information is no longer maximaland so a non-zero distance can be recovered. In light of a conjectured relationshipbetween Einstein–Rosen Bridges (ER) and entangled Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen (EPR)pairs called ER = EPR, what appeared as a wormhole forming between the two quantumsystems was an artefact of our ignorance of all quantum information associated with thesystems.I ett ramverk för emergent rumstid där relativa avstånd mellan kvantsystem bestäms av ömsesidig information mellan systemen måste ett sammanflätat par påvisas ha ett nollskiltavstånd även fast dess ömsesidiga information är maximal eftersom de är maximaltsammanflätade. Detta examensarbete visar att ett sammanflätat par är endast maximaltsammanflätade i vissa frihetsgrader som spinn, och när man introducerar andra frihetsgrader så är ömsesidiga informationen inte längre maximal och således kan man få ettnollskilt avstånd. Med hänsyn till ett förmodat förhållande mellan Einstein–Rosen bryggor(ER) och sammanflätade Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen par som benämns ER = EPR,det som framstår vara ett maskhål mellan två kvantsystem var således ett artefakt av vår ignorans för all kvantinformation associerat med systemen

    Knowledge in consultancy firms : An exploratory study of knowledge and knowledge management in consultancy firms

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    Abstract   The purpose of this study was to explore how knowledge and management of knowledge is experienced and perceived at a consultancy firm and derive from the experiences of the participants when portraying the phenomenon of knowledge in such a setting. Aspects covered in this research are individual and collective knowledge, the complexity of project-based organisations and the different ways of perceiving knowledge (structural and practice). All of these aspects were accounted for in order to gain a deeper understanding of the experiences of the consultants, the knowledge environment at a consultancy firm, and how knowledge can be managed in such a setting.   The research was inspired by my personal/professional experience of knowledge at a consultancy firm where I, prior to this research, was given the task of re-designing the content management system. In the initial planning phase I recognised a need to find out more about the way the consultants were working, how they used knowledge and how they perceived the knowledge had been managed.   Qualitative data was collected through individual and group interviews and the philosophical tradition of phenomenology was derived from.   The findings from the interviews showed three main themes of how knowledge was perceived; 1) ways of working (differing experiences depending on the context of internal or external work or individual or group project assignments), 2) the knowledge culture and 3) the process and structure of knowledge management at the firm.   Based on the findings it is concluded that regardless of practice based knowledge sharing the project-based setting of consultancies requires more, it requires some documentation in order to enable collective knowledge through embedded artefacts. It can also be concluded that the lack of structure or processes contributes to further complexity which would suggest that implementing structure through for example a process oriented approach would ease the process of knowledge management and improve the perception of knowledge at the consultancy firm.