186 research outputs found

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    Inclusive Pedagogy: Connecting Disability and Race In Higher Education

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    Higher education was never made for marginalized people. The academy was created based on the privileged white, able-bodied, males who preoccupied higher education for the longest time. While that has certainly changed over the years, the institution itself is still in the past resulting in BIPOC students and disabled students continuing to struggle within higher education. While instructors have begun to take interest in the need for inclusive pedagogy within the last decade, it still has a far way to come in order to help the marginalized students with intersecting identities and students who may not benefit from a one size fits all inclusive pedagogy. In this thesis I suggest the combination of antiracist pedagogy and disability pedagogy to center some of the most marginalized students within the classroom for the first time. I look at the composition classroom specifically as that is where both BIPOC students and disabled students face similar hardships. I then give examples on what it would look like to implement this combined pedagogy through a syllabus policy example, a grading example, and an assignment example that people can take and modify to then use within their own classroom

    Snares: Pere Gimferrer\u27s Los espejos/ Els miralls

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    With the publication of Els miralls, Pere Gimferrer effected a major shift in philosophical and linguistic perspective. It is the first collection to be published in Catalan, and thus represents for the well-known writer a change in direction for him as a poet and spokesperson of his culture and his generation. But the change is more than one of mere language coding. For in this collection, the Catalan poet confronts all the snares of language which he views as limiting of creativity and originality. He adopts a variety of poetic strategies and voices in an attempt to come to terms with a view of language that will acknowledge its wiles, deceptions and imperfect reflections. Ironically, the power of this collection derives from the decentering of authorial voice, the breaking of limits and the questioning stance that is communicated in regard to language as a closed system of signification

    Mujer y ciudadanía : los casos de Concha Zardoya y Juana Castro

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    La poesía de Concha Zardoya y de Juana Castro es interpretada en este artículo desde el punto de vista de la ciudadanía, entendida como acto performativo y enmarcado por el eje espacio-temporal; se analiza así cómo estas autoras conjuran el pasado para exorcizar el presente. Zardoya presenta una difícil conceptualización del término "ciudadanía". En su poesía invoca paisajes clave en la historia de España para integrar valores de comunidad y patriotismo, alejados de los impuestos por el régimen, y desde los cuales la mujer pueda desempeñar un nuevo papel como ciudadana. Castro, de un feminismo más consciente, critica en su obra el patriarcado y las estructuras jerárquicas como forma de poder, sirviéndose de pasajes de la Odisea para reflexionar sobre el presente y reivindicar a las mujeres, l@s inmigrantes y l@s marginad@s para una ciudadanía auténtica

    High-Speed Bipolar Microprocessor Usage for Extracting a Constant Frequency Signal from a Pulse Stream

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    This report presents an initial design effort for a high-speed, constant Frequency data extractor, which can be used to identify and track a particular constant frequency signal in the presence of other signals. Several factors must be included in the design considerations. The detection and acquisition of the correct signal should be accomplished at high speed to remain as close as possible to real time. Once detection has occurred, the system should generate a track-predict gate signal that enables the input line only when the real input pulse is expected. If track is lost, which happens whenever the track-predict gate and input pulse do not occur simultaneously, the initial detection method must be re-entered. The detectable frequency should be selectable over a wide range of values. Furthermore, the system should be able to detect and acquire the desired signal in the presence of large numbers of interfering signals, yet be flexible enough to adapt easily to other pulse modulation methods. Because of the above design factors as well as speed, size, and cost, a high-speed bipolar microprocessor was selected for this system implementation. A microprocessor allows most of the detection and acquisition to be accomplished in the software, thus making the system very adaptable to the host system\u27s requirements

    Butterfly Girl

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    The Syntax of Assertion in the Poetry of Claudio Rodriguez

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    Through his original and unsettling manner of syntactical assertion, Claudio Rodriguez, the contemporary Spanish poet, subverts the conventional usage of language. But, in turn, he captures the transcendental, magical experience of language and all existence in the process of the text. That experience is based on intuition, irrationality and sensorial associations, rather than on logical connections. The reader is thus confronted with texts whose contradictory interpretive paths of signification continually subvert one another. Rodriguez wishes to communicate that it is not the end result but rather the process of the text that is the ultimate meaning. The reader\u27s task is to participate in that process and experience firsthand the intricacies of Rodriguez\u27s intuitive approach to reality. The characteristics of an intuitive approach to reality, irrationality, and sensorial associations establish a historical and literary connection between Rodriguez\u27s work and that of the Surrealists

    Mujer y ciudadanía: los casos de Concha Zardoya y Juana Castro

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    La poesía de Concha Zardoya y de Juana Castro es interpretada en este artículo desde el punto de vista de la ciudadanía, entendida como acto performativo y enmarcado por el eje espacio-temporal; se analiza así cómo estas autoras conjuran el pasado para exorcizar el presente. Zardoya presenta una difícil conceptualización del término “ciudadanía”. En su poesía invoca paisajes clave en la historia de España para integrar valores de comunidad y patriotismo, alejados de los impuestos por el régimen, y desde los cuales la mujer pueda desempeñar un nuevo papel como ciudadana. Castro, de un feminismo más consciente, critica en su obra el patriarcado y las estructuras jerárquicas como forma de poder, sirviéndose de pasajes de la Odisea para reflexionar sobre el presente y reivindicar a las mujeres, l#64;s inmigrantes y l#64;s marginad#64;s para una ciudadanía auténtica