13 research outputs found

    Nitro-Oleic Acid-Mediated Nitroalkylation Modulates the Antioxidant Function of Cytosolic Peroxiredoxin Tsa1 during Heat Stress in <i>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</i>

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    Heat stress is one of the abiotic stresses that leads to oxidative stress. To protect themselves, yeast cells activate the antioxidant response, in which cytosolic peroxiredoxin Tsa1 plays an important role in hydrogen peroxide removal. Concomitantly, the activation of the heat shock response (HSR) is also triggered. Nitro-fatty acids are signaling molecules generated by the interaction of reactive nitrogen species with unsaturated fatty acids. These molecules have been detected in animals and plants. They exert their signaling function mainly through a post-translational modification called nitroalkylation. In addition, these molecules are closely related to the induction of the HSR. In this work, the endogenous presence of nitro-oleic acid (NO2-OA) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is identified for the first time by LC-MS/MS. Both hydrogen peroxide levels and Tsa1 activity increased after heat stress with no change in protein content. The nitroalkylation of recombinant Tsa1 with NO2-OA was also observed. It is important to point out that cysteine 47 (peroxidatic) and cysteine 171 (resolving) are the main residues responsible for protein activity. Moreover, the in vivo nitroalkylation of Tsa1 peroxidatic cysteine disappeared during heat stress as the hydrogen peroxide generated in this situation caused the rupture of the NO2-OA binding to the protein and, thus, restored Tsa1 activity. Finally, the amino acid targets susceptible to nitroalkylation and the modulatory effect of this PTM on the enzymatic activity of Tsa1 are also shown in vitro and in vivo. This mechanism of response was faster than that involving the induction of genes and the synthesis of new proteins and could be considered as a key element in the fine-tuning regulation of defence mechanisms against oxidative stress in yeast

    Cuidados paliativos: proceso asistencial integrado 3ª ed

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    YesLa 3ª edición del Proceso Asistencial Integrado Cuidados Paliativos viene a consolidar el modelo de atención sanitaria integral, al tiempo que se ajusta a necesidades más actuales, que pasan por potenciar la atención en el domicilio; evitar la desigualdad entre el medio urbano y rural; respetar la autonomía del paciente y fomentar la planificación anticipada de decisiones sobre las preferencias y deseos del paciente sobre cómo deben realizarse los cuidados ante una situación de enfermedad terminal. Además, pone especial énfasis en la atención de cuidados paliativos que se ha de ofrecer a la población pediátrica y adolescente

    Agreement in the assessment of metastatic spine disease using scoring systems

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