31 research outputs found

    The Molecular Genetic Architecture of Self-Employment

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    Economic variables such as income, education, and occupation are known to affect mortality and morbidity, such as cardiovascular disease, and have also been shown to be partly heritable. However, very little is known about which genes influence economic variables, although these genes may have both a direct and an indirect effect on health. We report results from the first large-scale collaboration that studies the molecular genetic architecture of an economic variable-entrepreneurship-that was operationalized using self-employment, a widely-available proxy. Our results suggest that common SNPs when considered jointly explain about half of the narrow-sense heritability of self-employment estimated in twin data (σg2/σP2= 25%, h2= 55%). However, a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies across sixteen studies comprising 50,627 participants did not identify genome-wide significant SNPs. 58 SNPs with p<10-5were tested in a replication sample (n = 3,271), but none replicated. Furthermore, a gene-based test shows that none of the genes that were previously suggested in the literature to influence entrepreneurship reveal significant associations. Finally, SNP-based genetic scores that use results from the meta-analysis capture less than 0.2% of the variance in self-employment in an independent sample (p≄0.039). Our results are consistent with a highly polygenic molecular genetic architecture of self-employment, with many genetic variants of small effect. Although self-employment is a multi-faceted, heavily environmentally influenced, and biologically distal trait, our results are similar to those for other genetically complex and biologically more proximate outcomes, such as height, intelligence, personality, and several diseases

    Genetic variants associated with subjective well-being, depressive symptoms, and neuroticism identified through genome-wide analyses

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    Very few genetic variants have been associated with depression and neuroticism, likely because of limitations on sample size in previous studies. Subjective well-being, a phenotype that is genetically correlated with both of these traits, has not yet been studied with genome-wide data. We conducted genome-wide association studies of three phenotypes: subjective well-being (n = 298,420), depressive symptoms (n = 161,460), and neuroticism (n = 170,911). We identify 3 variants associated with subjective well-being, 2 variants associated with depressive symptoms, and 11 variants associated with neuroticism, including 2 inversion polymorphisms. The two loci associated with depressive symptoms replicate in an independent depression sample. Joint analyses that exploit the high genetic correlations between the phenotypes (|ρ^| ≈ 0.8) strengthen the overall credibility of the findings and allow us to identify additional variants. Across our phenotypes, loci regulating expression in central nervous system and adrenal or pancreas tissues are strongly enriched for association.</p

    Polygenic prediction of educational attainment within and between families from genome-wide association analyses in 3 million individuals

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    We conduct a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of educational attainment (EA) in a sample of ~3 million individuals and identify 3,952 approximately uncorrelated genome-wide-significant single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). A genome-wide polygenic predictor, or polygenic index (PGI), explains 12-16% of EA variance and contributes to risk prediction for ten diseases. Direct effects (i.e., controlling for parental PGIs) explain roughly half the PGI's magnitude of association with EA and other phenotypes. The correlation between mate-pair PGIs is far too large to be consistent with phenotypic assortment alone, implying additional assortment on PGI-associated factors. In an additional GWAS of dominance deviations from the additive model, we identify no genome-wide-significant SNPs, and a separate X-chromosome additive GWAS identifies 57

    The Molecular Genetic Architecture of Self-Employment

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    Genome-wide association study identifies 74 loci associated with educational attainment

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    Educational attainment is strongly influenced by social and other environmental factors, but genetic factors are estimated to account for at least 20% of the variation across individuals1. Here we report the results of a genome-wide association study (GWAS) for educational attainment that extends our earlier discovery sample1,2 of 101,069 individuals to 293,723 individuals, and a replication study in an independent sample of 111,349 individuals from the UK Biobank. We identify 74 genome-wide significant loci associated with the number of years of schooling completed. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms associated with educational attainment are disproportionately found in genomic regions regulating gene expression in the fetal brain. Candidate genes are preferentially expressed in neural tissue, especially during the prenatal period, and enriched for biological pathways involved in neural development. Our findings demonstrate that, even for a behavioural phenotype that is mostly environmentally determined, a well-powered GWAS identifies replicable associated genetic variants that suggest biologically relevant pathways. Because educational attainment is measured in large numbers of individuals, it will continue to be useful as a proxy phenotype in efforts to characterize the genetic influences of related phenotypes, including cognition and neuropsychiatric diseases

    Strategimodell för storhushÄll - en anpassning till tjÀnstelogiken

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    Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att beskriva och analysera vÀlkÀnda strategimodellers applikationsförmÄga för de specifika förutsÀttningar som tjÀnsteföretag inom storhushÄll verkar inom. Metoden som vi valt Àr kvalitativ och materialet som anvÀnds tar sin utgÄngspunkt i sekundÀrdata i form av offentliga och institutionella kÀllor frÄn kÀnda strategiforskare och branschspecialister. Uppsatsen utgÄr teorimÀssigt frÄn de tre strategiska analysmodellerna, Five Forces, SWOT och VRIO-modellen. Dessa analyseras i förhÄllande till den inriktning av storhushÄllsföretag som vi valt. Vi har i analys och slutsatser visat pÄ vissa svagheter hos Five Forces-modellen, SWOT-modellen och VRIO-modellen nÀr det gÀller dessa modellers respektive applikationsförmÄga pÄ tjÀnsteföretag inom storhushÄll. De svagheter som redovisats Àr att modellerna saknar viktiga yttre pÄverkansfaktorer som bör uppmÀrksammas av företag verksamma inom denna kategori samt att den mÀnskliga faktorn kommer i skymundan. Detta mÄste anses som viktigt i en strategimodell för storhushÄllsföretag dÄ mÀnniskan Àr utgÄngspunkten inom den serviceverksamhet som bedrivs. Slutsatserna har vidareutvecklats till en egenskapad modell som ska vara mer anpassad till tjÀnsteföretag inom storhushÄlls specifika förutsÀttningar

    Vad betyder ledaren? -en studie om ledarskapets pÄverkan för en servicekultur

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    Sammanfattning Titel: Vad betyder ledaren? – en studie om ledarskapets betydelse för en servicekultur Författare: Anna Amberntsson, Philip Hjelt, Katja Johannesson Handledare: Anette Svingstedt, Filippa SĂ€we Kurs: SMT 302, kandidatuppsats 10 p, Institutionen för Service Management, Campus Helsingborg, Lunds Universitet Problemdiskussion: Ute i arbetslivet Ă€r det inte alla ledare inom servicesektorn som handlar sĂ„som de borde för bibehĂ„llandet av en bra servicekultur inom organisationen. För att en servicekultur överhuvudtaget ska vara möjlig finns det en rad samverkande processer mellan ledare och personal som kan leda till att en god servicekultur skapas och bibehĂ„lls. Vi tyckte dĂ€rför att det skulle vara intressant att nĂ€rmare undersöka vilken betydelse och vilka möjligheter, fĂ€rdigheter och tekniker för pĂ„verkan av servicekulturen en ledare egentligen har. Syfte: Syftet med undersökningen Ă€r att öka kunskapen kring ledningens möjligheter till att bibehĂ„lla en servicekultur. Detta genom att lyfta fram teoretiska begrepp som sedan illustreras utifrĂ„n tvĂ„ hotellföretag. Metod: Genom att utföra en rad kvalitativa djupintervjuer med ledare och personal pĂ„ tvĂ„ hotell har vi fĂ„tt fram hur dessa intervjupersoner ser pĂ„ sin organisation nĂ€r det gĂ€ller ledarskap och servicekultur. Teori: Teorin Ă€r i första hand hĂ€mtad frĂ„n tjĂ€nsteforskningen och den nordiska skolans teorier. Andra Ă€mnen, frĂ„n vilka vi ocksĂ„ hĂ€mtat litteratur Ă€r: beteendeforskning, företagsekonomi, organisationsteori och ledarskap, media och kommunikationsvetenskap. Empiri: De tvĂ„ hotell som undersökts Ă€r utvalda till stor del för att vi trodde oss kunna hitta bĂ„de likheter och skillnader i organisation och ledningsstil vilket i sig skulle kunna fĂ€rga servicekulturen samt dĂ„ det handlar om en lite större och en lite mindre organisation. Hotellen Ă€r belĂ€gna i Lund/Malmö-omrĂ„det. Slutsatser: De viktigaste slutsatserna som vi kunnat dra utav vĂ„r undersökning Ă€r att ledarskapet och servicekulturen gĂ„r hand i hand. En ledare som signalerar mjuka vĂ€rden och inte sĂ€tter sig över sin personal utan vĂ€ljer att se och kommunicera med dem har större chans att lyckas pĂ„verka servicekulturen i positiv riktning. Det finns en rad viktiga punkter i vilka ett ledarskap kan brista och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt pĂ„verka servicekulturen och bemötandet gentemot gĂ€sten i olika grad. Nyckelord: servicekultur, kultur, ledarskap och kommunikatio

    Influence of frost damage and sample preconditioning on the porosity characterization of cement based materials using low temperature calorimetry

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    Low temperature calorimetry (LTC) can be used to study the mesa-porosity of cement based materials. The influence of frost damage on the mesa-porosity determination by LTC was explored on a model material MCM-41 and two cement pastes by conducting repeated cycles of freezing and melting measurements. The results indicate that the pressure generated during freezing and melting measurements has little impact on the pore structure of the powder MCM-41 samples. As for the studied cylinder samples of cement pastes, frost damage probably took place and it changed the pore connectivity while it had limited effect on changing the interior size distribution of the mesa-pores. The analysis of the freezing and melting behavior of the pore liquid of cement based materials is complicated by the presence of ions. The freezing and melting behavior of the pore solution of cement paste samples preconditioned in either a small amount or a big amount of saturated limewater was compared. The results suggest that either the preconditioning in a big amount of limewater does not change the ionic concentration of the pore solution very much or the possible leaching of ions from cement hydrates during the preconditioning has limited influence on the freezing and melting behavior of the pore solution in the studied cement paste samples. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Impact of sample crushing on porosity characterization of hardened cement pastes by low temperature calorimetry : Comparison of powder and cylinder samples

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    The impact of sample crushing on the detected porosity of hardened cement pastes by low temperature calorimetry (LTC) was studied using powder and cylinder samples. Two types of cements, CEM I and CEM III were used to prepare the pastes. A model porous material, MCM-41, was also used in order to investigate some aspects of the measurement and the evaluation approach. The powder and cylinder samples of the cement pastes were compared in terms of the calculated ice content curves, total pore volumes and pore size distribution curves. For the two studied cement pastes, the calculated ice content curves of freezing of the powder sample differed from that of the cylinder samples, especially for the paste CEM III. The results indicate that sample crushing changed the pore connectivity as compared to non-crushed samples. One important difference between the powder sample and the cylinder samples of the paste CEM III was that the determined maximum ice content in the powder sample was much higher than that in the cylinder samples, the relatively difference being about 40–50%. However, this kind of marked difference was not found in the paste CEM I. The observed difference between the calculated pore volume of the powder and the cylinder samples of the paste CEM III is possibly due to some of the “isolated” pores which, presumably, cannot be fully filled with water in the preparation of the cylinder samples. However, sample crushing makes it possible to saturate the pores to a greater extent if the crushing contributes to open up the “isolated” pores. Consequently, more pores are detected in the powder samples. The argument that the “isolated” pores have a tendency to be opened up by the crushing process is supported by results using gravimetric measurements and “dynamic (water) vapor sorption” measurements on powder samples