29 research outputs found

    Angiogenin cleaves tRNA and promotes stress-induced translational repression

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    Stress-induced phosphorylation of eIF2α inhibits global protein synthesis to conserve energy for repair of stress-induced damage. Stress-induced translational arrest is observed in cells expressing a nonphosphorylatable eIF2α mutant (S51A), which indicates the existence of an alternative pathway of translational control. In this paper, we show that arsenite, heat shock, or ultraviolet irradiation promotes transfer RNA (tRNA) cleavage and accumulation of tRNA-derived, stress-induced small RNAs (tiRNAs). We show that angiogenin, a secreted ribonuclease, is required for stress-induced production of tiRNAs. Knockdown of angiogenin, but not related ribonucleases, inhibits arsenite-induced tiRNA production and translational arrest. In contrast, knockdown of the angiogenin inhibitor RNH1 enhances tiRNA production and promotes arsenite-induced translational arrest. Moreover, recombinant angiogenin, but not RNase 4 or RNase A, induces tiRNA production and inhibits protein synthesis in the absence of exogenous stress. Finally, transfection of angiogenin-induced tiRNAs promotes phospho-eIF2α–independent translational arrest. Our results introduce angiogenin and tiRNAs as components of a phospho-eIF2α–independent stress response program

    The RNase Rny1p cleaves tRNAs and promotes cell death during oxidative stress in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    The cellular response to stress conditions involves a decision between survival or cell death when damage is severe. A conserved stress response in eukaryotes involves endonucleolytic cleavage of transfer RNAs (tRNAs). The mechanism and significance of such tRNA cleavage is unknown. We show that in yeast, tRNAs are cleaved by the RNase T2 family member Rny1p, which is released from the vacuole into the cytosol during oxidative stress. Rny1p modulates yeast cell survival during oxidative stress independently of its catalytic ability. This suggests that upon release to the cytosol, Rny1p promotes cell death by direct interactions with downstream components. Thus, detection of Rny1p, and possibly its orthologues, in the cytosol may be a conserved mechanism for assessing cellular damage and determining cell survival, analogous to the role of cytochrome c as a marker for mitochondrial damage

    Improving the accuracy of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences

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    Considerable attention has been focused on predicting the secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences since it is useful not only for improving the limiting accuracy of conventional secondary structure prediction but also for finding non-coding RNAs in genomic sequences. Although there exist many algorithms of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences, further improvement of the accuracy is still awaited. In this article, toward improving the accuracy, a theoretical classification of state-of-the-art algorithms of predicting secondary structure for aligned RNA sequences is presented. The classification is based on the viewpoint of maximum expected accuracy (MEA), which has been successfully applied in various problems in bioinformatics. The classification reveals several disadvantages of the current algorithms but we propose an improvement of a previously introduced algorithm (CentroidAlifold). Finally, computational experiments strongly support the theoretical classification and indicate that the improved CentroidAlifold substantially outperforms other algorithms

    2D-PAGE as an effective method of RNA degradome analysis

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    The continuously growing interest in small regulatory RNA exploration is one of the important factors that have inspired the recent development of new high throughput techniques such as DNA microarrays or next generation sequencing. Each of these methods offers some significant advantages but at the same time each of them is expensive, laborious and challenging especially in terms of data analysis. Therefore, there is still a need to develop new analytical methods enabling the fast, simple and cost-effective examination of the complex RNA mixtures. Recently, increasing attention has been focused on the RNA degradome as a potential source of riboregulators. Accordingly, we attempted to employ a two-dimensional gel electrophoresis as a quick and uncomplicated method of profiling RNA degradome in plant or human cells. This technique has been successfully used in proteome analysis. However, its application in nucleic acids studies has been very limited. Here we demonstrate that two dimensional electrophoresis is a technique which allows one to quickly and cost-effectively identify and compare the profiles of 10–90 nucleotide long RNA accumulation in various cells and organs

    RNPomics: Defining the ncRNA transcriptome by cDNA library generation from ribonucleo-protein particles

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    Up to 450 000 non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) have been predicted to be transcribed from the human genome. However, it still has to be elucidated which of these transcripts represent functional ncRNAs. Since all functional ncRNAs in Eukarya form ribonucleo-protein particles (RNPs), we generated specialized cDNA libraries from size-fractionated RNPs and validated the presence of selected ncRNAs within RNPs by glycerol gradient centrifugation. As a proof of concept, we applied the RNP method to human Hela cells or total mouse brain, and subjected cDNA libraries, generated from the two model systems, to deep-sequencing. Bioinformatical analysis of cDNA sequences revealed several hundred ncRNP candidates. Thereby, ncRNAs candidates were mainly located in intergenic as well as intronic regions of the genome, with a significant overrepresentation of intron-derived ncRNA sequences. Additionally, a number of ncRNAs mapped to repetitive sequences. Thus, our RNP approach provides an efficient way to identify new functional small ncRNA candidates, involved in RNP formation

    Comparative whole genome sequencing reveals phenotypic tRNA gene duplication in spontaneous Schizosaccharomyces pombe La mutants

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    We used a genetic screen based on tRNA-mediated suppression (TMS) in a Schizosaccharomyces pombe La protein (Sla1p) mutant. Suppressor pre-tRNASerUCA-C47:6U with a debilitating substitution in its variable arm fails to produce tRNA in a sla1-rrm mutant deficient for RNA chaperone-like activity. The parent strain and spontaneous mutant were analyzed using Solexa sequencing. One synonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), unrelated to the phenotype, was identified. Further sequence analyses found a duplication of the tRNASerUCA-C47:6U gene, which was shown to cause the phenotype. Ninety percent of 28 isolated mutants contain duplicated tRNASerUCA-C47:6U genes. The tRNA gene duplication led to a disproportionately large increase in tRNASerUCA-C47:6U levels in sla1-rrm but not sla1-null cells, consistent with non-specific low-affinity interactions contributing to the RNA chaperone-like activity of La, similar to other RNA chaperones. Our analysis also identified 24 SNPs between ours and S. pombe 972h- strain yFS101 that was recently sequenced using Solexa. By including mitochondrial (mt) DNA in our analysis, overall coverage increased from 52% to 96%. mtDNA from our strain and yFS101 shared 14 mtSNPs relative to a ‘reference’ mtDNA, providing the first identification of these S. pombe mtDNA discrepancies. Thus, strain-specific and spontaneous phenotypic mutations can be mapped in S. pombe by Solexa sequencing

    Expression and Processing of a Small Nucleolar RNA from the Epstein-Barr Virus Genome

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    Small nucleolar RNAs (snoRNAs) are localized within the nucleolus, a sub-nuclear compartment, in which they guide ribosomal or spliceosomal RNA modifications, respectively. Up until now, snoRNAs have only been identified in eukaryal and archaeal genomes, but are notably absent in bacteria. By screening B lymphocytes for expression of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) induced by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), we here report, for the first time, the identification of a snoRNA gene within a viral genome, designated as v-snoRNA1. This genetic element displays all hallmark sequence motifs of a canonical C/D box snoRNA, namely C/C′- as well as D/D′-boxes. The nucleolar localization of v-snoRNA1 was verified by in situ hybridisation of EBV-infected cells. We also confirmed binding of the three canonical snoRNA proteins, fibrillarin, Nop56 and Nop58, to v-snoRNA1. The C-box motif of v-snoRNA1 was shown to be crucial for the stability of the viral snoRNA; its selective deletion in the viral genome led to a complete down-regulation of v-snoRNA1 expression levels within EBV-infected B cells. We further provide evidence that v-snoRNA1 might serve as a miRNA-like precursor, which is processed into 24 nt sized RNA species, designated as v-snoRNA124pp. A potential target site of v-snoRNA124pp was identified within the 3′-UTR of BALF5 mRNA which encodes the viral DNA polymerase. V-snoRNA1 was found to be expressed in all investigated EBV-positive cell lines, including lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCL). Interestingly, induction of the lytic cycle markedly up-regulated expression levels of v-snoRNA1 up to 30-fold. By a computational approach, we identified a v-snoRNA1 homolog in the rhesus lymphocryptovirus genome. This evolutionary conservation suggests an important role of v-snoRNA1 during γ-herpesvirus infection