1,090 research outputs found

    Proyecto de inversión para la instalación de una panadería en el distrito de La Esperanza en el año 2017

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    RESUMEN Una de las necesidades básicas de los seres humanos es la alimentación y dentro de la dieta diaria de las personas encontramos el consumo de carbohidratos que brindan energía rápida para el desarrollo de nuestras actividades diarias. En el Perú, parte diaria de la alimentación es el consumo de pan, de preferencia durante el desayuno. Este alimento tiene diferentes presentaciones de acuerdo al tipo y sobre todo a la zona donde se lo elabora, en la costa, por ejemplo, el pan es un alimento básico de una elaboración industrial que, difiere en sabor y presentación con el pan de otras regiones como el de la sierra peruana. El pan artesanal serrano, se diferencia básicamente del pan industrial por su sabor y textura, basado en su forma de hornear. Éste se cocina en hornos artesanales hechos de adobe, vidrio y utiliza como material combustible la leña. Esta característica hace que este pan adquiera un sabor y textura más agradables, según opinión de los consumidores. Este proyecto de inversión tiene como objetivo la elaboración y comercialización de pan artesanal con el uso de los hornos tradicionales que permitan obtener el pan serrano en sus diferentes variedades. El negocio estará ubicado en el distrito de La Esperanza, teniendo como mercado meta inicial el 4% de la población de este distrito. El análisis financiero desarrollado muestra un VAN mayor a cero y TIR de 39.9%, determinando la rentabilidad del presente proyecto. PALABRAS CLAVE: pan, pan artesanal, hornos tradicionales

    Enterobiliary Fistula as a Complication of Eosinophilic Gastroenteritis: a Case Report

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    Eosinophilic gasteroenteritis is an uncommon disease with variable clinical features characterized by eosinophilic infiltration. Clinical manifestations range from non-specific gastrointestinal complaints such as nausea, vomiting, crampy abdominal pain, and diarrhea to specific findings such as malabsorption, protein loosing enteropathy, luminal obstruction, eosinophilic ascites and effusion. We report here on a case of eosinophilic gastroenteritis causing enterobiliary fistula which is an extremely unusual complication

    Eficacia de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del grupo C

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    Este informe consiste esencialmente en una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica sobre los efectos, intensidad y duración de la respuesta serológica, así como sobre la eficacia, efectividad y seguridad de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del grupo C.Resumen, Abstract, Abstract INAHTA, Presentación, Introducción Etiología, distribución, diagnóstico, Situación actual de la enfermedad meningocócica en España, Portadores, mecanismo de transmisión e inmunidad, Vacuna meningocócica de polisacáridos capsulares purificados de los grupos A y C, Eficacia y seguridad de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacáridos capsulares purificados de los grupos A y C, Método Eficacia, Inicio de efecto protector, Duración, Reacciones adversas Interacciones, Revacunación, Indicaciones de la vacuna, Recomendaciones sobre el uso de la vacuna meningocócica de polisacárido capsular del grupo C de instituciones y asociaciones profesionales, Resumen Bibliografía

    Adopting sustainability competence-based education in academic disciplines : Insights from 13 higher education institutions

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    Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) have been incorporating sustainability into education and curricula, where recent research has focussed on sustainability competences, pedagogical approaches, and how to connect them, generally on a single HEI. The process of integrating sustainability into education based on curricula assessment has been explained using adoption of innovations; and has the potential to explain the process of developing competences through pedagogical approaches. The aim of this paper is to investigate this process at academic discipline level. An online survey was developed to investigate teaching sustainability competences in 13 HEIs, from which 678 responses from educators were obtained. The competences and pedagogical approaches from the responses were ranked, and then the connections between the competences and pedagogical approaches per discipline were analysed using a correlations-based framework, from which three disciplines groups were created. The groups were categorised using diffusion of innovations theory, which indicated that some disciplines are more innovative than others in adopting sustainability competence-based teaching. The results are used to propose two frameworks to better understand the adoption of sustainability competence-based teaching: (a) the D-RAPID framework; and (b) the Disciplinary Multi-dimensional Sustainability Influence Change for Academia (D-MuSICA) memework. The adoption of sustainability competence-base education must expand from a single HEI perspective to a disciplinary collaborative one spanning many HEIs, where academic disciplines should learn from each other's insights and mistakes and provide students with more transdisciplinary skillsets to make societies more sustainable.Peer reviewe

    Acute acalculous cholecystitis during the course of primary Epstein-Barr virus infection: a new case and a review of the literature

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe a case of acute acalculous cholecystitis occurring in the course of primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. METHODS: The clinical features of the case were analyzed and compared to those of three other similar cases reported in the international literature. RESULTS: All cases occurred in European females with cholestatic hepatitis, presented with gallbladder wall thickening, and recovered uneventfully without the need for surgical intervention. CONCLUSIONS: Acute acalculous cholecystitis may occur during the course of acute EBV infection, especially in patients with cholestatic hepatitis. Clinicians should be aware of the possible involvement of the gallbladder during EBV infection to avoid unnecessary invasive procedures or the overuse of antibiotics

    Procedure for the analysis of the first running steps of sprinters

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    La presente investigación surge como demanda tecnológica por las deficiencias técnicas en la ejecución de la fase inicial de aceleración, específicamente en los cuatro primeros pasos en las carreras de velocidad manifestadas por los atletas juveniles de la Escuela de Iniciación Deportiva Escolar de Villa Clara, Cuba; mediante el diagnóstico de las deficiencias técnicas se determinaron las variables cinemáticas a estudiar, en aras del perfeccionamiento técnico de esta fase. Los objetivos son establecer procedimientos biomecánicos para el análisis de los primeros pasos de carrera de los velocistas juveniles. Conocer el nivel de satisfacción de los usuarios con el procedimiento propuesto. Se emplearon métodos del nivel teórico y empírico; además del programa biomecánico Kinovea para obtener los grados de los diferentes partes del cuerpo, nos permitió constar los deficientes resultados que experimenta esta disciplina a nivel nacional y de la necesidad de contar con un procedimiento biomecánico que orienten el proceso de entrenamiento de los velocistas juveniles. Como principal resultado se obtuvo un procedimiento biomecánico para el análisis de los primeros pasos de las carreras de velocidad, donde los usuarios están muy satisfechos.The present research arises as a technological demand due to the technical deficiencies in the execution of the initial phase of acceleration, specifically in the first four steps in sprint races manifested by the juvenile athletes of the School of School Sports Initiation of Villa Clara, Cuba; through the diagnosis of the technical deficiencies, the kinematic variables to be studied were determined, for the sake of the technical improvement of this phase. The objectives are to establish biomechanical procedures for the analysis of the first running steps of juvenile sprinters. To know the level of satisfaction of the users with the proposed procedure. Theoretical and empirical methods were used; in addition to the biomechanical program Kinovea to obtain the degrees of the different parts of the body, it allowed us to note the deficient results experienced by this discipline at national level and the need to have a biomechanical procedure to guide the training process of juvenile sprinters. As a main result, we obtained a biomechanical procedure for the analysis of the first steps of sprint races, where the users are very satisfie

    Современные взгляды на лучевые методы диагностики при повреждении коленного сустава

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    Рассматриваются возможности лучевых методов диагностики (рентгенографии, компьютерной, магниторезонансной томографии, ультрасонографии) при повреждении коленного сустава.The capabilities of radiodiagnosis (radiography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) at knee joint injuries are discussed

    Investigating mechanisms of collective action initiatives’ development in the energy sector. Report on the comparative case studies, COMETS H2020 project

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    One of the emergent trends in the sustainable energy transition is the development of distributed power generation. In Europe, it is estimated that up half of citizens of the European Union (EU) could be energy self-sufficient, potentially supplying 45% of Europe’s final energy demand by 2050 (Kampman, et al., 2016). While there are many challenges with a move towards more distributed, citizen-led energy projects, they are nevertheless supported and promoted by the EU in the RED II (EU Renewable Energy Directive as part of the 2016 “Clean Energy of all Europeans” initiative, directive 2018/2001/EU), which secures the right for citizens and communities to produce, store, consume and sell renewable energy, and other rights such as consumer’s protection or access to all energy markets directly or through third parties. Socially, this often takes the form of community energy projects in the form of collective action initiatives (CAI). CAIs, which include energy cooperatives, prosumer networks, and other citizen-led energy projects, are examples of social innovation (Gregg, et al., 2020) in how they organize and gain power through a social movement mechanism. Social innovation is the development of activities and services to meet a social need, and social innovations are primarily social in both their ends and their means. Among other things, energy CAIs are typically characterized by a focus on the community, open and voluntary participation, democratic governance, and autonomy and independence (ICA, 2021). The social benefits of energy CAIs include: developing local economies, addressing energy poverty, raising awareness about sustainable energy, promoting energy justice, giving a voice to the community, developing local skills and promoting social cohesion. Current research on CAIs explores how they are defined and the different ownership structures (Gorroño-Albizu, 2019), and how they mobilize and attain power (Gregg et al., 2020). Other research traces the history of their development within specific contexts or geographical areas, and how they influence or are influenced by national energy policies (Wierling et al., 2018). Still other research uses the lens of organizational and institutional theory to understand the historical development of energy CAIs (Mey and Diesendorf, 2018)