60 research outputs found

    Landslide risk management analysis on expansive residential areas - case study of La Marina (Alicante, Spain)

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    [EN] Urban expansion is a phenomenon that has been observed since the mid-20th century in more developed regions. One aspect of it is the urban development of holiday resorts with second homes that generally appeared following world political stabilisation. This residential expansion has often happened with scarce control, especially in its early stages, allowing areas to be occupied that are not so suitable in terms of the environment, culture and landscape, not to mention the very geological risks of flooding, earthquakes and landslides. Indeed, the risk of landslides for buildings occupying land in zones at such risk is not a matter solely attributable to the geomorphological characteristics of the land itself, nor is it simply a question of chance; it is also due to its management of such land, generally because of a lack of specific regulations. This study aims to lay down objective criteria to find how suitable a specific local entity's risk management is by looking at the evolution of its urban development procedures. It also aims to determine what causes the incidence of landslide risk (geomorphology, chance, land management, etc.) and finally to suggest control tools for the public bodies tasked with monitoring such matters.Authors acknowledge funding from Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de ValènciaCantarino-Martí, I.; Carrión Carmona, MÁ.; Palencia-Jiménez, J.; Martínez Ibáñez, V. (2021). Landslide risk management analysis on expansive residential areas - case study of La Marina (Alicante, Spain). 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    "Applications of Intelligent Systems in Tourism: Relevant Methods"

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    "This article presents a literature review of Intelligent Systems applications in Tourism in different parts of the world. The review focuses on the most relevant methods in free and paid databases, in English and Spanish. Most of the works deal with methodologies based on artificial intelligence, such as expert systems, fuzzy logic, machine learning, data mining, neural networks, genetic algorithms. In the review, several characteristics of the systems have been taken into account, such as, knowledge base, actors in the operation of the system, types of tourists, usefulness or not in space and time. According to the review it was found that most of the researches are deterministic models, the most used methodology in tourism are the expert systems based on rules, observing an emerging innovation in metaheuristics, mainly genetic algorithms and intelligent systems with knowledge base based on optimization methods for route choice or optimal visit plan. It is expected that this work serves to give a general perspective on the application of intelligent systems in the area of tourism, as well as a work that consolidates background for work in this area of research.

    Biomass-modulated fire dynamics during the last glacial-interglacial transition at the central pyrenees (Spain)

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    Understanding long-term fire ecology is essential for current day interpretation of ecosystem fire responses. However palaeoecology of fire is still poorly understood, especially at high-altitude mountain environments, despite the fact that these are fire-sensitive ecosystems and their resilience might be affected by changing fire regimes. We reconstruct wildfire occurrence since the Lateglacial (14.7. cal. ka BP) to the Mid-Holocene (6. cal. ka BP) and investigate the climate-fuel-fire relationships in a sedimentary sequence located at the treeline in the Central Spanish Pyrenees. Pollen, macro- and micro-charcoal were analysed for the identification of fire events (FE) in order to detect vegetation post-fire response and to define biomass-fire interactions. mean fire intervals (mfi) reduced since the Lateglacial, peaking at 9-7.7. cal. ka BP while from 7.7 to 6. cal. ka BP no fire is recorded. We hypothesise that Early Holocene maximum summer insolation, as climate forcing, and mesophyte forest expansion, as a fuel-creating factor, were responsible for accelerating fire occurrence in the Central Pyrenees treeline. We also found that fire had long-lasting negative effects on most of the treeline plant communities and that forest contraction from 7.7. cal. ka BP is likely linked to the ecosystem's threshold response to high fire frequencies.This research has been funded by the projects DINAMO (CGL2009-07992) (funding EGPF — grant ref. BES-2010-038593 and MSC), DINAMO2 (CGL2012-33063), ARAFIRE (2012 GA LC 064), GRACCIE-CONSOLIDER (CSD2007-00067). GGR was funded by the Juan de la Cierva Program (grant ref. JCI2009-04345) and JAE-Doc CSIC Program, LLM was supported by a postdoctoral MINT fellowship funded by the Institute for the Environment (Brunel University), AMC is a Ramón y Cajal fellow (ref: RYC-2008-02431), APS holds a grant funded by the Aragon Government (ref. 17030G/5423/480072/14003) and JAE holds a grant funded by the Basque Country Government (BFI-2010-5)


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    This paper shows a relationship of chorological notes of Albacete and Murcia. Some of them are new plants for these provinces. Linaria oligantha, Misopates orontium subsp. pusillus and Narcissus yepesii are new species for Albacete. Cenchrus ciliaris, Ornithogalum arabicum and Ranunculus parviflorus are new species for Murcia. Also some chorological notes about barely cited taxa are shown (Astragalus glaux, Narcissus alcaracensis, Narcissus hedraeanthus and Potentilla neumanniana). Two new taxa are combined (Anthemis chrysantha subsp. jimenezii and Centaurea jimenezii) and a new variety is described (Teucrium buxifolium var. Terciae).En el presente trabajo se ofrece una serie de referencias corológicas para el sureste ibérico, de las cuales, unas son nuevas citas provinciales para Albacete (Linaria oligantha, Misopates orontium subsp. pusillus y Narcissus yepesii) y para Murcia (Cenchrus ciliaris, Ornithogalum arabicum y Ranunculus parviflorus) y otras amplían el conocimiento del área de distribución de especies escasamente citadas (Astragalus glaux, Narcissus alcaracensis, Narcissus hedraeanthus y Potentilla neumanniana). Además se combinan 2 nuevos táxones (Anthemis chrysantha subsp. jimenezii y Centaurea jimenezii) y se describe una nueva variedad (Teucrium buxifolium var. Terciae)


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    Contributions to the murcian vascular plants catalogue are added (six new records). Five plates are shown.Se presenta un listado de seis especies, novedades para la flora murciana, así como un dibujo detallado de cinco de ellas

    Recensiones [Revista de Historia Económica Año IX Invierno 1991 n. 1 pp. 201-222]

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    J. M. López García: La transición del feudalismo al capitalismo en un señorío monástico castellano. El Abadengo de la Santa Espina (1147-1835) (Por Miguel Ángel Melón Jiménez).-- Richard J. Salvucci: Textiles and Capitalism in México. An Economic History of the Obrajes, 1539-1840 (Por Pedro Fraile).-- Marjorje Grice-Hutchinson: Aproximación al pensamiento económico en Andalucía: de Séneca a finales del siglo XVIII. (Por Andrés Moreno Mengíbar).-- John Komlos: Nutrition and economic development in the eighteenth-century Hansburg Monarchy. And anthropometric history (Por José M. Martínez Carrión).-- Jean-Charles Sournia: Histoire de l'alcoolisme (Por Juan Pan-Montojo).-- David Christian: Living Water Vodka and Russian Society on the Eve of Emancipation (Por Juan Pan-Montojo).-- Jeffrey G. Williamson: Coping with City Gnwth During the British Industrial Revolution (Por Blanca Sánchez Alonso).-- Jacques Maurice: El anarquismo andaluz. Campesinos y sindicalistas, 1868-1936 (Por Juan Pro Ruiz).-- Eugene White (ed.): Crashes and Panics: The lessonsfrom History (Por Mª Angeles Pons).-- Alfonso W. Quiroz: Banqueros en conflicto. Estructura financiera y Economía Peruana, 1884-1930 (Por Mª Angeles Pons).-- Pedro San Miguel: El mundo que creó el azúcar. Las haciendas en Vega Baja, 1800- 1873 (Por Juan Velarde Fuertes)Publicad

    II Jornadas de la Sociedad Española para la Conservación y Estudio de Los Mamíferos (SECEM) Soria 7-9 diciembre 1995

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    Seguimiento de una reintroducción de corzo (Capreolus capreolus) en ambiente mediterráneo. Dispersión y área de campeoModelos de distribución de los insectívoros ern la Península IbéricaDieta anual del zorro, Vulpes vulpes, en dos hábitats del Parque Nacional de DoñanaDesarrollo juvenil del cráneo en las poblaciones ibéricas de gato montés, Felis silvestris Schreber, 1777Presencia y expansión del visón americano (Mustela vison) en las provincias de Teruel y Castellón (Este de España).Preferencias de hábitat invernal de la musaraña común (Crocidura russula) en un encinar fragmentado de la submeseta norteUso de cámaras automáticas para la recogida de información faunística.Dieta del lobo en dos zonas de Asturias (España) que difieren en carga ganadera.Consumo de frutos y dispersión de semillas de serbal (Sorbus aucuparia L.) por zorros y martas en la cordillera Cantábrica occidentalEvaluación de espermatozoides obtenidos postmorten en el ciervo.Frecuencia de aparición de diferentes restos de conejo en excrementos de lince y zorroAtlas preliminar de los mamíferos de Soria (España)Censo y distribución de la marmota alpina (Marmota marmota) en Navarra.Trampeo fotográfico del género Martes en el Parque Nacional de Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici (Lleida)Peer reviewe