6,434 research outputs found

    La Formación de formadores de Bachillerato en sus propios centros docentes

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    In this work we propose an alternative for the training of physics teachers. Here the teachers is seen not like a person whose mistakes must be mended, but like one who is capable of thinking and rescuing his own experience for building answers to his teaching problems. This process is accomplished with the guide of instructors who understand the teachers' reality, articulate the physics with its instruction and give the teachers support in the design and operation of their proposals. This alternative was considered in the design of workshops for teacher training of all the disciplinary areas in Colegio de Bachilleres, a Mexican high school with 82,000 students and 3,000 teachers in Mexico City

    Sistemas de compensación stock options plans

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    Trabajo final de graduación de 91 paginas en formato pdfEl proceso de la globalización, los procesos de integración regional, el fenómeno de las empresas multinacionales, así como el surgimiento de las denominadas empresas de la nueva economía, entre otros, han traído cambios, claro está, en las economías de los países y en uno u otro sentido, también han conllevado modificaciones en las relaciones de orden laborales. En un mundo cada vez más competitivo, las empresas no han querido quedarse atrás con respecto a otras y, por lo tanto, han apostado a atraer y retener a los mejores trabajadores y ejecutivos talentosos, que puedan hacer la diferencia a lo interno de la organización. Esta necesidad de contar con personas de alto nivel profesional, ha generado un cambio en los Departamentos de Recursos Humanos de las empresas, dejando atrás la tradicional remuneración fija, para dar cabida a esquemas de compensación atractivos y acordes con los cambios del tiempo. Existen diversas formas de retribuir a los trabajadores de una empresa y dentro de estas modalidades, se encuentran las Stock Options Plans o Planes de Acciones sobre Acciones que se dan a los trabajadores, lo cual se viene desarrollando desde los años ochenta y con mucha más fuerza en el decenio de los noventa. Su desarrollo como forma de retribución a los trabajadores, ha sido objeto de estudio a través de los años, pues como cada cuestión innovadora y máxime estando relacionada con el mundo del Derecho del Trabajo, ha generado posiciones encontradas en diferentes aspectos.Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Ric

    ¿Depurar el agua en Almería? ¿Para qué? El uso de las controversias socioquímicas en la prensa

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    Les difícils relacions entre científics i periodistes per entendre's mútuament serveixen de punt de partida per construir una «divulgació química» que es transformi en una «comunicació científica com a procés educatiu», problematitzada i que posi en conflicte els mites, creences o concepcions alternatives de la societat, escolar o no. Les notícies sobre depuració d'aigua ens permeten transformar el consens en controvèrsia i reflexionar sobre les implicacions per a periodistes i docents.The mutual misunderstandings between scientists and journalists serve as a starting point to build a «chemical divulgation» which was transformed into a «science communication as an educational process», problematized conflicts myths, beliefs or alternative conceptions of society, be they scholarly or not. News about water purification allows us to transform the consensus into controversy and reflect on the implications for journalists and teachers.Las difíciles relaciones entre científicos y periodistas para entenderse mutuamente sirven de punto de partida para construir una «divulgación química» que se transforme en una «comunicación científica como proceso educativo», problematizada y que ponga en conflicto los mitos, creencias o concepciones alternativas de la sociedad, escolar o no. Las noticias sobre depuración de agua nos permiten transformar el consenso en controversia y reflexionar sobre las implicaciones para periodistas y docentes

    Superfund Reauthorization: Impact on State Environmental Enforcement

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    Branch predictor (BP) is an essential component in modern processors since high BP accuracy can improve performance and reduce energy by decreasing the number of instructions executed on wrong-path. However, reducing the latency and storage overhead of BP while maintaining high accuracy presents significant challenges. In this paper, we present a survey of dynamic branch prediction techniques. We classify the works based on key features to underscore their differences and similarities. We believe this paper will spark further research in this area and will be useful for computer architects, processor designers, and researchers

    Lutein and the C/N as tracers of organic matter in the Palmones River estuary

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    Los pigmentos vegetales han sido usados como bioindicadores de la presencia de organismos fototrópicos en ríos, estuarios y sedimentos marinos actuales y en estudios paleolimnológicos. En el sedimento del estuario río Palmones (Bahía de Algeciras, Sur de España) se ha estudiado las concentraciones de clorofila a y luteína, el índice C/N y el contenido en materia orgánica. Utilizando la concentración de estos dos pigmentos en diferentes profundidades así como el índice de sedimentación(determinado por Rubio et al. En 2003 por el método del 210Pb), se ha determinado el índice de degradación de la luteína y clorofila a en la marisma. La permanencia de la luteína en el sedimento es mayor que la de la clorofila a. Según estos resultados se ha podido discriminar las fuentes de materia orgánicaPlant pigments have been used as biomarkers of the presence of phototrophic organisms in rivers, estuaries and sea sediments in present and in paleolimnological studies. Chlorophyll a and lutein concentration, C/N ratio and organic matter content have been studied in the sediment of the Palmones River estuary (Algeciras Bay, Southern Spain). Using the concentration of these two pigments at different depths, as well as the sedimentation rate (determined by Rubio et al. in 2003 by means of the 210Pb method), lutein and chlorophyll a degradation rate has been determined, in the saltmarsh. Lutein persistence in the sediment was higher than the persistence of chlorophyll a. According to these results, it was possible to discriminate the organic matter source

    Diaris digitals a Internet : panorama actual i expectatives professionals per als bibliotecaris-documentalistes

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    L'article ofereix una panoràmica, des d'un punt de vista documental, de la significació i situació actual dels serveis de valor afegit (SVA) de la premsa espanyola a Internet. Caracteritza el perfil dels diaris digitals i l'aplicació de la cadena documental en els seus SVA. Incideix en la relació de dependència que s'estableix entre l'aplicació de les tècniques documentals i el nivell de qualitat dels serveis. Destaca la necessitat que els bibliotecaris-documentalistes participin en els equips que dissenyen, desenvolupen i gestionen els SVA dels diaris digitals i proposa aquests nous mitjans com a alternativa laboral per a aquests professionals. El treball conclou amb un seguit d'orientacions per a la millora qualitativa dels serveis i, per extensió, de la premsa digital

    A multi-resource load balancing algorithm for cloud cache systems

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    With the advent of cloud computing model, distributed caches have become the cornerstone for building scalable applications. Popular systems like Facebook [1] or Twitter use Memcached [5], a highly scalable distributed object cache, to speed up applications by avoiding database accesses. Distributed object caches assign objects to cache instances based on a hashing function, and objects are not moved from a cache instance to another unless more instances are added to the cache and objects are redistributed. This may lead to situations where some cache instances are overloaded when some of the objects they store are frequently accessed, while other cache instances are less frequently used. In this paper we propose a multi-resource load balancing algorithm for distributed cache systems. The algorithm aims at balancing both CPU and Memory resources among cache instances by redistributing stored data. Considering the possible conflict of balancing multiple resources at the same time, we give CPU and Memory resources weighted priorities based on the runtime load distributions. A scarcer resource is given a higher weight than a less scarce resource when load balancing. The system imbalance degree is evaluated based on monitoring information, and the utility load of a node, a unit for resource consumption. Besides, since continuous rebalance of the system may affect the QoS of applications utilizing the cache system, our data selection policy ensures that each data migration minimizes the system imbalance degree and hence, the total reconfiguration cost can be minimized. An extensive simulation is conducted to compare our policy with other policies. Our policy shows a significant improvement in time efficiency and decrease in reconfiguration cost

    Innovative Strategies for Photoallergy Assessment: Breaking Free from Animal Models in Cosmetic Ingredient Development

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    Photoallergy, a unique form of skin sensitization induced by specific compounds underultraviolet irradiation, has traditionally been investigated using animals. However, the prohibition ofanimal testing for the assessment of cosmetic ingredients in Europe and other countries underscoresthe necessity for in vitro or in silico alternative methods. Currently, there are no validated methods forassessing photoallergy or photosensitization, presenting a significant challenge in the development ofnew cosmetic ingredients. This review examines the landscape of alternative methods for detectingphotosensitization, emphasizing recent publications, and considering the underlying principles ofthe different proposed assays.</p

    Cuaderno de trabajo para la práctica de la redacción

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    Tesis (Maestría en Letras Españolas) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Geochemical Sources and Availability of Amidophosphates on the Early Earth

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    Phosphorylation of (pre)biotically relevant molecules in aqueous medium has recently been demonstrated using water-soluble diamidophosphate (DAP). Questions arise relating to the prebiotic availability of DAP and other amidophosphosphorus species on the early earth. Herein, we demonstrate that DAP and other amino-derivatives of phosphates/phosphite are generated when Fe3P (proxy for mineral schreibersite), condensed phosphates, and reduced oxidation state phosphorus compounds, which could have been available on early earth, are exposed to aqueous ammonia solutions. DAP is shown to remain in aqueous solution under conditions where phosphate is precipitated out by divalent metals. These results show that nitrogenated analogues of phosphate and reduced phosphite species can be produced and remain in solution, overcoming the thermodynamic barrier for phosphorylation in water, increasing the possibility that abiotic phosphorylation reactions occurred in aqueous environments on early earth