57 research outputs found

    Virtual piano using image processing

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    S vzestupem nových technologií, digitalizace je jedna z cest, jak ušetřit peníze, čas a zároveň zefektivňovat práci. Jedna z možností digitalizace je také převedení hudebních nástrojů do jejich virtuální podoby. V této práci jsem nejprve shrnul současnou podobu aktuálních technik vytvoření virtuálního piana a také virtuálních klávesnic obecně. Popsal jsem techniky rozpoznávání ruky, prstů, gest a také různé přístupy snímacích zařízení. Dále jsem v práci porovnal dva různé přístupy rozpoznávání gest rukou a prstů pro vytvoření virtuálního piana. První přístup je otestován pomocí technik zpracování obrazu z RGB kamery. Druhý přístup je pomocí Leap Motion Controller, což je optický modul pro sledování pohybu rukou. Dále jsem popsal výhody a nedostatky těchto přístupů a experimentálně změřil úspěšnost. Pro rozpoznání pozic prstů a predikci stisku kláves na piánu využívám hluboké konvoluční neuronové síť (CNN), Stereo IR 170 Camera Module od firmy Leap Motion a další knihovny jazyka Python s předtrénovanými modely. Na závěr předkládám software virtuálního piána pomocí jedné ze zmíněných technik. Software umožňuje uložit notový zápis hrané hudby do formátu MIDI.With the rise of new technologies, digitalization is one of the ways how to save money, time and make work more efficient. One of the possible goals of digitalization is conversion of musical instruments into their virtual form. In this work I summarized the state-of-the-art and also provided an analysis of the different approaches about creating virtual piano and virtual keyboards in general. Few techniques how hand and and finger gesture recognition is done nowadays are also described in this work as well as different approaches of several controllers. Further, I compared two different approaches to hand and finger detection in order to create the virtual piano. One way is making virtual piano using only RGB camera. Second way is using Leap Motion Controller, which is an optical hand tracking module that captures movement of your hands. Further, I described advantages and disadvantages of these approaches and experimentally tested the accuracy. In the thesis, in order to recognize finger location and predict tapping on the piano keys I am using deep convolutional neural networks (CNN), Stereo IR 170 Camera Module by Leap Motion and other Python libraries with pretrained models. In the end, I provided a virtual piano software using one of these techniques which is able save output of the piano to a MIDI file

    Historia de la Universidad en la República Checa

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    This text provides a historiographical overview of research into university history in the Bohemian lands. The authors point to the limited standing that the specialized discipline of university history has within Czech historiography, and summarize the methodological difficulties which prevent this discipline from gaining more respect. This is mainly due to it being too closely connected with anniversaries and, consequently, the uncertain existence of research teams. From a methodological perspective, this organizational problem results in the over-representation of institutional biographies in the portfolio of studies, while a greater proportion of the publications interpret university history in isolation from the rest of the society and are a priori success stories. It has only been over the past two decades that there have been changes in the discipline which have rapidly brought it up to speed in methodological terms with other, more traditional historical disciplines. The text also focuses on an overview of important, breakthrough works in the discipline and their place within socio-political changes, with special attention paid to the oldest Czech university in Prague, though there is also an examination of interesting trends in the research into the history of newer, provincial Czech universities.Este texto ofrece una visión historiográfica de la investigación sobre la historia de las universidades en Bohemia. Los autores apuntan a que la disciplina especializada de la historia de la universidad tiene una posición limitada dentro de la historiografía checa y resumen las dificultades metodológicas que impiden que esta disciplina gane más presencia. Esto se debe principalmente a que la historia de las universidades está demasiado vinculada con los aniversarios y, por consiguiente, con la incertidumbre de los equipos de investigación. Desde un punto de vista metodológico, este problema organizativo da como resultado la sobre-representación de las biografías institucionales mientras que una mayor proporción de las publicaciones interpreta la historia universitaria aislada del resto de la sociedad y son historias de éxito a priori. Sólo en las dos últimas décadas se han producido cambios en la disciplina que lo han acelerado rápidamente en términos metodológicos con otras disciplinas históricas más tradicionales. El texto también se centra en una visión general de los trabajos importantes, de avance en la disciplina y de su lugar. Los cambios socio-políticos, con una atención especial a la universidad checa más vieja en Praga, aunque hay también un examen de tendencias interesantes en la investigación en la historia de las universidades checas más nuevas, provinciales

    Remotely Controlled Diffusion from Magnetic Liposome Microgels

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    The reversible, temperature-dependent change in the permeability of a phospholipid bilayer has been used for controlling the diffusion rate of encapsulated molecular payload from liposomes. Liposomes were preloaded with a fluorescent dye and immobilized in calcium alginate hydrogel microparticles that also contained iron oxide nanoparticles. The composite microparticles were produced by a drop-on-demand inkjet method. The ability of iron oxide nanoparticles to locally dissipate heat upon exposure to a radio-frequency (RF) alternating magnetic field was used to control the local temperature and therefore diffusion from the liposomes in a contactless way using an RF coil. Several different release patterns were realized, including repeated on-demand release. The internal structure of the composite alginate–liposome–magnetite microparticles was investigated, and the influence of microparticle concentration on the heating rate was determined. In order to achieve a temperature rise required for the liposome membrane melting, the concentration of alginate beads should be at least 25% of their maximum packing density for the nanoparticle concentration and specific absorption rate used


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    Our needs brought us to the question of how to educate effectively a group of people with different levels of knowledge. The MSL (Multiple Step Learning) concept of e-learning is an effort to create supportive materials for our practical lessons that reflect the previous knowledge of our students and contain links for valuable resources. In the meantime, we have been running a pilot study to evaluate the quality of courses based on the concept. For the evaluation we have used modified eLSE methodology, which combines systematic inspection and user testing. The results show that our MSL courses are good quality and widely accepted by students. In the final step we would like to compare this concept to the previous way of teaching without e-learning. Thanks to the Mefanet project we are able to share our courses with other medical schools and test the concept with more users in the future

    Response of green reflectance continuum removal index to the xanthophyll de-epoxidation cycle in Norway spruce needles

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    A dedicated field experiment was conducted to investigate the response of a green reflectance continuum removal-based optical index, called area under the curve normalized to maximal band depth between 511nm and 557nm (ANMB511-557), to light-induced transformations in xanthophyll cycle pigments of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst] needles. The performance of ANMB511-557 was compared with the photochemical reflectance index (PRI) computed from the same leaf reflectance measurements. Needles of four crown whorls (fifth, eighth, 10th, and 15th counted from the top) were sampled from a 27-year-old spruce tree throughout a cloudy and a sunny day. Needle optical properties were measured together with the composition of the photosynthetic pigments to investigate their influence on both optical indices. Analyses of pigments showed that the needles of the examined whorls varied significantly in chlorophyll content and also in related pigment characteristics, such as the chlorophyll/carotenoid ratio. The investigation of the ANMB511-557 diurnal behaviour revealed that the index is able to follow the dynamic changes in the xanthophyll cycle independently of the actual content of foliar pigments. Nevertheless, ANMB511-557 lost the ability to predict the xanthophyll cycle behaviour during noon on the sunny day, when the needles were exposed to irradiance exceeding 1000 µmol m-2 s-1. Despite this, ANMB511-557 rendered a better performance for tracking xanthophyll cycle reactions than PRI. Although declining PRI values generally responded to excessive solar irradiance, they were not able to predict the actual de-epoxidation state in the needles examine

    Zajednički utjecaj pasmine, rednog broja i mjeseca laktacije te utjecaja jedinke na sastav masnih kiselina mliječne masti

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    The aim of the study was to explain the effects of four animal factors - breed, parity, cow individuality (within breed phenotypic variation) and month of lactation on the composition of bovine milk fatty acids (FA) in a local dual-purpose Czech Fleckvieh breed as compared to the worldwide dairy Holstein breed. In total, 357 milk samples were analysed from 25 dairy cows of each breed during year-round testing. The variation in the individual FA was affected mainly by cows´ individuality (16-48) and month of lactation (3-18 %). The effects of breed and parity were limited (each about 2%). The animal related factors appeared significant also for FA groups. Greater differences in the explained variation of all factors were observed in the groups classified by the number of FA carbons (35.8, 54.4 and 44.8 % for C4 to C14, C16 and C18 to C24, respectively) and by the number of double bounds (45.4 % and 39.2 % for monounsaturated and polyunsaturated FA, respectively) as well. No differences in the explained variation were observed between the groups of saturated and unsaturated FA (46.8% and 45.9 %, respectively). In conclusion, from the viewpoint of nutrition it would be more convenient to classify FA by the number of carbons than by the usual grouping to saturated/unsaturated FA.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je objasniti utjecaj četiri čimbenika - pasmine, broja laktacije, utjecaja jedinke (fenotipska varijacija unutar pasmine) i mjeseca laktacije na sastav masnih kiselina (MK) u mliječnoj masti kravljeg mlijeka. Lokalna češka pasmina Fleckvieh uspoređivana je sa svjetski poznatom pasminom holstein. Ukupno je analizirano 357 uzoraka mlijeka prikupljenih tijekom jedne godine od 25 mliječnih krava svake pasmine. Varijacije sastava masnih kiselina uglavnom su bile pod utjecajem jedinke (16-48 %) i mjeseca laktacije (3-18 %), dok je utjecaj pasmine bio ograničen (oko 2 %). Faktori vezani za životinje također su se pokazali statistički značajnim za sastav MK. Značajnije razlike u varijaciji svih čimbenika utvrđene su u odnosu na broj ugljikovih atoma u MK (35,8, 54,4 i 44,8 % za C4 do C14, C16, C18 i C24) te u odnosu na broj dvostrukih veza (45,4 % jednostruko nezasićene i 39,2 % višestruko nezasićene MK). Pri tom nisu utvrđene značajnije razlike u sastavu zasićenih i nezasićenih MK (46,8 %, odnosno 45,9 %) između ispitivanih pasmina krava. Zaključno, s nutritivne točke gledišta bilo bi prikladnije MK klasificirati prema broju ugljikovih atoma, a ne prema dosad uvriježenoj podjeli prema zasićenosti/nezasićenosti

    The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022, The Author(s).Heatwaves exert disproportionately strong and sometimes irreversible impacts on forest ecosystems. These impacts remain poorly understood at the tree and species level and across large spatial scales. Here, we investigate the effects of the record-breaking 2018 European heatwave on tree growth and tree water status using a collection of high-temporal resolution dendrometer data from 21 species across 53 sites. Relative to the two preceding years, annual stem growth was not consistently reduced by the 2018 heatwave but stems experienced twice the temporary shrinkage due to depletion of water reserves. Conifer species were less capable of rehydrating overnight than broadleaves across gradients of soil and atmospheric drought, suggesting less resilience toward transient stress. In particular, Norway spruce and Scots pine experienced extensive stem dehydration. Our high-resolution dendrometer network was suitable to disentangle the effects of a severe heatwave on tree growth and desiccation at large-spatial scales in situ, and provided insights on which species may be more vulnerable to climate extremes.Peer reviewe

    Agent-based modelling in economics

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    In this thesis, we present one view on economic modelling - Agent based modelling and Agent based computational economics, which is computation- ally intensive method that simulates interactions between entities in econ- omy instead of focusing on stable equilibria. We will provide introduction into Complex systems theory, which explains many phenomena we can see in economies and explain why these phenomena make it hard for economists to design models explaining behavior of people in real world. We will show one possible model of face-to-face interactions between consumers and firms and its implementation, where we can see whether it can sustain for a period of time in dynamic but stable state.

    Detail in architecture. Visual art aspects of modern architecture and its application to contemporary contexts of art education

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    Architecture is an integral part of the (not only) visual world and human existence. Its position expands between utilitarian areas and artistic functions. But what are the specific characteristics that connects it to the visual arts? Is the current architecture visually and experientially inspiring? Dissertation develops a reflection on how, by working with architectural detail to convey a modern architecture to students at schools and permanently integrate it into the education. The goal is the linking with theoretical basis of the author's individual view of the aesthetic qualities of architectural detail with intention of finding didactic bases. As a medium to approach and grasp this phenomenon is used photography, which is seen as a smooth transition between two- dimensional and three-dimensional world. At the same time, however, it works completely autonomously. The research method is based on the principle of interpretative phenomenological analysis, in which, through the interpretation of respondent's works of art and comparison of the individual artistic creation, looking for points of contact and new possibilities for art education. The architectural detail is treated as an artistic language and also as the medium, which offers a number of alternatives, but has so far not found its full...Architektura je nedílnou součástí (nejen) vizuálního světa a lidské existence. Její pozice se rozpíná mezi oblastí utilitární a umělecké funkce. Jaké však jsou její specifické vlastnosti, které jí spojují s výtvarnou kulturou? Je současná architektura vizuálně a prožitkově inspirativní? Disertační práce rozvíjí úvahu nad tím, jak prostřednictvím práce s architektonickým detailem zprostředkovat moderní architekturu studentům na školách a trvale ji začlenit do vzdělávání. Propojení teoretického základu s autorovým individuálním pohledem na estetické kvality architektonického detailu je cílem, jehož účelem je nalezení didaktického východiska. Za prostředek k přiblížení a uchopení tohoto fenoménu je použita fotografie, která je zde chápána jako plynulý přechod mezi trojrozměrným a dvojrozměrným světem. Současně však funguje zcela autonomně. Výzkumná metoda vychází z principu interpretativní fenomenologické analýzy, ve které se prostřednictvím interpretace výtvarných prací respondentů a komparace autorovy individuální výtvarné tvorby, hledají styčné body a nové možnosti pro výtvarnou výchovu. S architektonickým detailem je zacházeno jako s výtvarným jazykem a současně médiem, jež skýtá řadu alternativ, ale který doposud nenalezl své plné využití. Proto vyústění práce tvoří návrh kurikulární koncepce,...Oddělení pro vědeckou činnostPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio