10 research outputs found

    Einsatz und Etablierung von Raubmilben zur nachhaltigen Spinnmilbenkontrolle in der Sonderkultur Hopfen

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    From 2013 2015, the release and establishment of predatory mites for the control of two-spotted spider mites, Tetranychus urticae, was conducted in five hop gardens of The species compared were the autochthonous mites Typhlodromus pyri, Amblyseius andersoni and a mix of the two allochthonous species Neoseiulus californicus and phytoseiulus persimilis. Main objective was the establishment of a permanent population of T. pyri in a hop garden by providing the predators with structures for their hibernation by undersown crops. We chose seeding of tall fescue Festuca arundinacea, a grassland seed mixture and strawberries as an intercrop in the wheel lanes. During the three project years, 15 trials were conducted of which however only two yielded meaningful results. We found that the cheapest and most effective way to release T. pyri in hops is the transfer of vine cuttings gathered during the pruning of vines in late winter. Besides, the mixture of P. persimilis and N. californicus proved to be very effective. During samplings of the undersown crop of tall fescue in spring, predatory mites were recorded in low numbers. This is evidence that tall fescue can serve as a hibernation quarter for predatory mites. More studies are however needed to give more detailed answers to this thematic constellation

    Einsatz und Etablierung von Raubmilben zur nachhaltigen Spinnmilbenkontrolle in der Sonderkultur Hopfen

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    Ziel dieses von der BLE geförderten Projektes (FKZ 12NA014) ist es, durch Untersaaten in den Fahrgassen geeignete Überwinterungsquartiere zu schaffen, die es ermöglichen, eine konstante Population der Raubmilben über mehrere Vegetationsperioden hinweg zu etablieren. Im Hopfenbau ist eine nachhaltige Spinnmilbenkontrolle derzeit nicht möglich, da im Herbst die oberirdischen Pflanzenteile komplett abgeerntet und somit auch die potentiellen Überwinterungsstrukturen genommen werden. Aus diesem Grund wurden (1) Rohrschwingel Festuca arundinaceae, (2) Große Brennessel Urtica dioica und (3) Kleinblütiges Franzosenkraut Galinsoga parviflora ausgesät und auf ihre Eignung als Überwinterungsquartier getestet. Des Weiteren soll der Einsatz gezüchteter Raubmilben in Bezug auf Einsatzzeitpunkt, Einsatzhäufigkeiten und Freilassungsmenge optimiert und eine Standardmethode der Ausbringung entwickelt werden, die eine funktionierende und wirtschaftlich akzeptable Alternative zum Akarizideinsatz darstellt. Dabei wurden die autochthonen Raubmilben (a) Typhlodromus pyri und (b) Amblyseius andersoni sowie (c) eine Mischung der allochthonen Raubmilbenarten Phytoseiulus persimilis und Neoseiulus californicus hinsichtlich ihrer Effektivität vergleichend untersucht. 2013 wurden die ersten Versuche an fünf Standorten innerhalb der Hallertau mit den Sorten Perle, Opal, Smaragd, Hallertauer Tradition und Herkules angelegt. Die Witterungsbedingungen verhinderten an jedem Versuchsstandort den Aufbau einer Spinnmilbenpopulation, sodass 2013 mangels Befall keine aussagekräftigen Ergebnisse erzielt werden konnten. Die Versuche werden die nächsten zwei Jahre fortgeführt


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    Logistics means comprehensive management of all activities necessary to move products through the supply chain. For a typical product this chain extends from raw material extraction through the various stages of production and distribution systems to the point of use and the associated feedback loop. The main objective of logistics is the coordination of logistics activities so that the minimum cost of meeting the requirements of customers

    Cephalopod biology and fisheries in Europe

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    181 pagesOver the past two decades, cephalopod molluscs have attracted increased attention from marine biologists and fishery scientists. Several species are important for European fisheries, as targets of small‐scale coastal fisheries and/or as bycatch in multispecies fisheries for demersal fish. The present report draws on a series of reviews prepared in 2005 for the CEPHSTOCK project (see Section 1). The taxonomy of the main resource species is reviewed (Section 2), and brief descriptions of each species are provided, along with information from studies of population genetics, habitat requirements of paralarvae and adults, and health and ecotoxicology (Section 3). The main fisheries are described, including illustration of gears used in specialized small‐scale fisheries and a discussion of the socio-economic importance of the fisheries. The current status of cephalopod aquaculture is reviewed, highlighting notable advances in commercial culture of octopus and cuttlefish (Section 4). Current fishery data collection and fishery management are described, noting that there is no setting of landings quotas and no routine assessment of stock status. Optns for stock assessment are discussed, drawing on one off assessments made during specific projects and current practice elsewhere in the world. The “live fast, die yong” lifehistory strategies of cephalopods present particular challenges, buparallels can be drawn with shortlived fish (Section 5). Finally, the report looks to the future, reviewing possible effects of climate change on cephalopods. It discusses the future development of aquaculture and fisheries for cephalopods, including prospects for fishery forecasting and fishery management - especially in relation to the small-scale directed fisheries. Various knowledge gaps are identified, and ideas for research to fill these gaps are presentedMuch of the material presented in this report was originally compiled for the report of the CEPHSTOCK project (Q5CA‐2002‐00962, 2002 - 2005). We thank all the project participants for their  input. GJP  acknowledges support from the EU during the editing  of this report, through the ANIMATE project (MEXC‐CT‐2006‐042337)Peer reviewe

    A review of cephalopod-environment interactions in European Seas

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    Cephalopods are highly sensitive to environmental conditions and changes at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Relationships documented between cephalopod stock dynamics and environmental conditions are of two main types: those concerning the geographic distribution of abundance, for which the mechanism is often unknown, and those relating to biological processes such as egg survival, growth, recruitment and migration, where mechanisms are sometimes known and in a very few cases demonstrated by experimental evidence. Cephalopods seem to respond to environmental variation both ‘actively’ (e.g. migrating to areas with more favoured environmental conditions for feeding or spawning) and ‘passively’ (growth and survival vary according to conditions experienced, passive migration with prevailing currents). Environmental effects on early life stages can affect life history characteristics (growth and maturation rates) as well as distribution and abundance. Both large-scale atmospheric and oceanic processes and local environmental variation appear to play important roles in species–environment interactions. While oceanographic conditions are of particular significance for mobile pelagic species such as the ommastrephid squids, the less widely ranging demersal and benthic species may be more dependent on other physical habitat characteristics (e.g. substrate and bathymetry). Coastal species may be impacted by variations in water quality and salinity (related to rainfall and river flow). Gaps in current knowledge and future research priorities are discussed. Key research goals include linking distribution and abundance to environmental effects on biological processes, and using such knowledge to provide environmental indicators and to underpin fishery management