46 research outputs found

    The Palestenian-Israeli conflict and its impact on the mental health of youth

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    This paper explores what mental disorders can develop as a result of continued exposure to a conflict situation, specifically the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. A brief history of the region, and a summary of the current diplomatic situation are outlined to give a background to the subsequent information. The specific disorders prevalent in the region are identified and an explanation on how the ongoing conflict in the region exacerbates these disorders is provided These include Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), anxiety, fear, Selective Mutism, Separation Anxiety, and somatoform disorders. PTSD is extremely prevalent within the young populations of both Palestine and Israel, being more common in the bombed areas. In addition to these disorders, anxiety disorders, such as separation anxiety, are more common in areas that are seldom attacked or areas that have not been affected As a conclusion, a strategy, proposed by Post, is presented to combat the terrorist groups that are undermining the peace process between Palestine and Israel while addressing the various mental issues at hand

    Underground web: the cybercrime challenge

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    The two papers in this Special Report examine the central role that cybercrime plays in modern society and how technological developments create new opportunities for criminals to exploit. Overview Calum Jeffray’s paper, Caught in the net: the law enforcement response to international cybercrime, surveys the strategic cybercrime landscape and illustrates that, despite calls for law enforcement to ‘do more’ to prevent and investigate cybercrime, the agencies involved are often hampered in acting due to jurisdictional issues or the complexity of the investigations. Tobias Feakin’s paper, Cryptomarkets—illicit goods in the darknet, examines the emergence of the ‘darknet’, where trading in illicit goods and services in online black markets has become increasingly commonplace and exacerbates the problems that law enforcement already faces—tracing and prosecuting illegal activities online. This Special Report includes a foreword by Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin

    The ecology of the South African citrus thrips, Scirtothrips aurantii Faure and its economic implications

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    The South African Citrus Thrips, Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) has been a serious pest of the citrus industry of Southern Africa for over 70 years. It is indigenous to Africa and has no recorded parasitoids and, in most citrus-growing regions, predators are not economically effective. Firstly, in this study, the general ecology of thrips was reviewed along with the recorded history of S. aurantii and its control. Host plant relationships of S. aurantii were then examined and wild hosts were not found to be important in promoting citrus thrips outbreaks in the orchard after flowering. In addition, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, which attacks citrus in Asia, was collected for the first time in Africa, but from Castor Oil plant. It is therefore a potential pest of citrus here. Notes on its appearance compared to that of S. aurantii were prepared. Weekly sampling of S. aurantii adults was carried out from June 1984 to May 1990. Population fluctuations were then correlated with phenology of the citrus trees and the direct and indirect effects of weather. Temperature and rainfall were not found to be significantly directly correlated with thrips numbers recorded. However, the indirect effects of rainfall were important in promoting a large winter thrips population in certain years. Relatively high rainfall during March and April compared to that of the previous January and February stimulated atypical flushing of the citrus trees during autumn and the setting of out-of-season fruit. S. aurantii then exploited this unusual food source and high numbers were subsequently recorded in the following winter; as well as in spring. Thus the mild winter climate alone could not suppress thrips numbers at Letaba. Dispersal/Emergence traps, which are used in the U.S.A. for the monitoring of Scirtothrips citri, were evaluated over 24 months, and were effective in recording population peaks of S. aurantii. The emergence rate of adults in relation to second instar larvae trapped was 43.7%. 35.7% of adults caught after emerging from the soil were males and 64.3 were females. In contrast, yellow traps had recorded 59.1% males and 40.9% females over the same period. The yellow traps were subsequently found to be biased towards male catches when young fruit and/or soft flush was present on the citrus trees. Relative inhibition of female flight activity during times of food abundance is known in other thrips species. During times of food scarcity, the bias in the yellow trap results disappeared. At Letaba Estates, availability of food rather than the direct effects of weather was seen to be the most important factor in governing S. aurantii numbers. Because of the importance of soft flush in the promotion of S. aurantii population increase, it is recommended that more attention should be given to the control of thrips on, as well as conducting surveys for, this food source. As the climate at Letaba is so favourable for citrus thrips, even during winter, it is further recommended that trapping for S. aurantii is carried out throughout the year. Furthermore, males and females should be recorded separately in trapping results as the sex ratio gives an indication of the phenological state of the tree

    Kajian Desain Gedung Grha Wiksa Praniti terhadap Tata Kelola Air Berkelanjutan

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    Bandung is a city with a poor drainage system , which often results floods in some areas of the city called ' banjir cileuncang ' . Grha Wiksa Praniti PuslitbangKim built and designed based on the concept which solves problems surface water runoff by utilizing rainwater as a source of clean water reserve in addition to the PDAM and Drilling taps water . This concept would be a good example to support a sustainable environment concept and should be considered by planners since the early stages of planning . A study on Grha Wiksa Praniti conducted to find out aspects which needed to be considered in designing a building with the concept of sustainable use of water . Find outs through a descriptive analysis method which compares theory and application on designing a multi-purpose building , rain water treatment , sewage treatment , and placement of tools in the design of buildings and site analysis, indicates that building with the concept of sustainable water treatment design will affect the arrangement of inside out space zonning in the building design

    Effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, newborn, and infant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in humans : a systematic review

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    BACKGROUND: Synthetic glucocorticoids are commonly used in reproductive medicine. Fetal organ systems are highly sensitive to changes in the intrauterine environment, including overexposure to glucocorticoids. Structural and functional alterations resulting from such changes may persist throughout life and have been associated with diverse diseases. One system that could be particularly sensitive to fetal glucocorticoid overexposure is the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (hpa) axis. Many human studies have investigated this possibility, but a systematic review to identify consistent, emergent findings is lacking. METHODS: We systematically review 49 human studies, assessing the effects of intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids on fetal, neonate, and infant hpa function. RESULTS: Study quality varied considerably, but the main findings held true after restricting the analyses to higher-quality studies: intrauterine exposure to synthetic glucocorticoids reduces offspring hpa activity under unstimulated conditions after pain but not pharmacological challenge. Although reduced unstimulated hpa function appears to recover within the first 2 wk postpartum, blunted hpa reactivity to pain is likely to persist throughout the first 4 months of life. There is some evidence that the magnitude of the effects is correlated with the total amount of glucocorticoids administered and varies with the time interval between glucocorticoid exposure and hpa assessment. CONCLUSIONS: This systematic review has allowed the demonstration of the way in which intrauterine exposure to various regimens of synthetic glucocorticoids affects various forms of hpa function. As such, it guides future studies in terms of which variables need to be focused on in order to further strengthen the understanding of such therapy, whilst continuing to profit from its clinical benefits

    Alien Registration- Jeffray, Frank S. (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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    Etude de décarbonisation de l’entreprise Ferd. Lietti SA

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    L’entreprise Ferd. Lietti est une entreprise active dans le secteur de la construction. Elle a déjà réalisé plusieurs améliorations afin de prouver que le développement durable fait partie intégrante de sa stratégie comme la pose de panneaux solaires photovoltaïques sur le toit ou l’installation d’une pompe à chaleur utilisant l’eau de la nappe phréatique pour la production de chaleur et de froid. Soucieuse de limiter ses impacts sur l’environnement et de s’inscrire comme une entreprise durable, elle souhaite limiter ses émissions de CO2 liées à la mobilité. De ce fait, un changement des voitures, des chariots élévateurs et des camions-grues vers des propulsions électriques a été étudié

    Peran Gembala Jemaat Terhadap Pengembangan Pelayanan Holistik Di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia Jemaat Yegar Sahaduta Jayapura

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    Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam tulisan ini antara lain: Pertama, membahas peranan gembala jemaat terhadap pengembangan pelayanan holistik. Kedua, menemukan bentuk-bentuk pelayanan holistik yang efektif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan jemaat GKII Jemaat Yegar Sahaduta Jayapura. Ketiga, membahas hambatan dan penerapan pelayanan holistik di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia (GKII) Jemaat Yegar Sahaduta Jayapura. Peranan Gembala Jemaat dalam pelayanan holistik adalah menentukan visi dan misi gereja, mendelegasikan tugas, memberi pertimbangan, pelayanan mimbar, menjaga kebutuhan dan persekutuan jemaat dengan Allah.Kata-kata kunci: Peran gembala, pelayanan holistik, mimbar, persekutuanThe goals, among others, which are hoped to be achieved in this article are: First, to discuss the role of the congregational pastor in the development of a holistic ministry. Second, to discover the forms of holistic ministry which are effective for meeting the needs of the Yegar Sahaduta Church of the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia in Jayapura. Third, to discuss the obstacles and application of holistic ministries in the Yegar Sahaduta Church of the Gereja Kemah Inji Indonesia in Jayapura. The roleof the congregational pastor in  holistic ministries includes establishing the vision and mission of the church, delegating responsibilities, giving opinions, ministering in the pulpit, and caring for the needs and fellowship of the church with God.Keywords: pastoral role, holistic ministry, pulpit, fellowshi

    Alien Registration- Jeffray, Frank S. (Bangor, Penobscot County)

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