977 research outputs found

    Neurospora crassa transcriptomics reveals oxidative stress and plasma membrane homeostasis biology genes as key targets in response to chitosan

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    Chitosan is a natural polymer with antimicrobial activity. Chitosan causes plasma membrane permeabilization and induction of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) in Neurospora crassa. We have determined the transcriptional profile of N. crassa to chitosan and identified the main gene targets involved in the cellular response to this compound. Global network analyses showed membrane, transport and oxidoreductase activity as key nodes affected by chitosan. Activation of oxidative metabolism indicates the importance of ROS and cell energy together with plasma membrane homeostasis in N. crassa response to chitosan. Deletion strain analysis of chitosan susceptibility pointed NCU03639 encoding a class 3 lipase, involved in plasma membrane repair by lipid replacement, and NCU04537 a MFS monosaccharide transporter related to assimilation of simple sugars, as main gene targets of chitosan. NCU10521, a glutathione S-transferase-4 involved in the generation of reducing power for scavenging intracellular ROS is also a determinant chitosan gene target. Ca2+ increased tolerance to chitosan in N. crassa. Growth of NCU10610 (fig 1 domain) and SYT1 (a synaptotagmin) deletion strains was significantly increased by Ca2+ in the presence of chitosan. Both genes play a determinant role in N. crassa membrane homeostasis. Our results are of paramount importance for developing chitosan as an antifungal.This work was supported by the National Institutes of Health (USA) grant GM060468 to NLG and Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Grant AGL 2011-29297/AGR to LVLL

    Vinculación del parque de generación eólico de Cuesta del Viento al sistema de transporte de energía

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    La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la preocupación por los altos niveles de contaminación asociados a la generación con combustibles sólidos, conducen a la búsqueda de fuentes energéticas limpias, entre las cuales se encuentra la energía eólica. Estas fuentes, deben ser controladas de manera tal, que la calidad del producto eléctrico obtenido sea compatible con las necesidades de los consumidores. Es necesario vincular las centrales entre si, debiendo cumplirse ciertos aspectos técnicos, por ejemplo, el aporte de potencia reactiva. Dicho aporte depende del tipo de tecnología implementada. El presente estudio está orientado en parte, a determinar la mejor solución a dicho aspecto. También se analiza la posibilidad de conexión directa de un parque de generación eólico de 4MVA a una central hidroeléctrica de 10,3MVA con capacidad de generación reactiva, compartiendo el mismo punto de conexión al sistema de transporte de energía eléctrica. Se llega a la conclusión de utilizar un generador asincrónico con sistema de compensación por bancos de capacitores, para el parque de generación eólico, introduciendo la posibilidad de entregar potencia reactiva al sistema, sin necesidad de generar energía activa. En cuanto a la vinculación de las centrales, se determinaron patrones de generación básicos para la hidroeléctrica, basados en la disponibilidad de viento y los requerimientos de agua para regadío a la salida, uniformando la generación del grupo de centrales vinculadas.The growing electricity demand and the concern for the high levels of pollution associated to the generation with fosile fuels lead to a search of clean energy sources, such as wind energy. These sources must be controlled so that the quality of the resulting electric product is compatible with the consumers’ needs. The power stations are interconnected and some technical aspects as the supply of reactive power must be fulfilled. This supply depends on the kind of technology implemented. This paper is partly dedicated to find the best solution to this aspect. It also analyzes the possibility of a direct link between a 4MVA wind park and a 10,3MVA hydroelectric power stations, with regulation capacity, sharing the same connector to the power transport system. The conclusion is that for the wind park an induction generator with a compensation system based on controlled capacitors banks must be used, introducing the possibility of supplying reactive energy to the system without generating active energy. As for the linking of power stations, basic generation patterns were determined for the hydroelectric one, based on wind availability and water requirements for irrigation leveling the generation profile of the interconnected power stations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Vinculación del parque de generación eólico de Cuesta del Viento al sistema de transporte de energía

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    La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la preocupación por los altos niveles de contaminación asociados a la generación con combustibles sólidos, conducen a la búsqueda de fuentes energéticas limpias, entre las cuales se encuentra la energía eólica. Estas fuentes, deben ser controladas de manera tal, que la calidad del producto eléctrico obtenido sea compatible con las necesidades de los consumidores. Es necesario vincular las centrales entre si, debiendo cumplirse ciertos aspectos técnicos, por ejemplo, el aporte de potencia reactiva. Dicho aporte depende del tipo de tecnología implementada. El presente estudio está orientado en parte, a determinar la mejor solución a dicho aspecto. También se analiza la posibilidad de conexión directa de un parque de generación eólico de 4MVA a una central hidroeléctrica de 10,3MVA con capacidad de generación reactiva, compartiendo el mismo punto de conexión al sistema de transporte de energía eléctrica. Se llega a la conclusión de utilizar un generador asincrónico con sistema de compensación por bancos de capacitores, para el parque de generación eólico, introduciendo la posibilidad de entregar potencia reactiva al sistema, sin necesidad de generar energía activa. En cuanto a la vinculación de las centrales, se determinaron patrones de generación básicos para la hidroeléctrica, basados en la disponibilidad de viento y los requerimientos de agua para regadío a la salida, uniformando la generación del grupo de centrales vinculadas.The growing electricity demand and the concern for the high levels of pollution associated to the generation with fosile fuels lead to a search of clean energy sources, such as wind energy. These sources must be controlled so that the quality of the resulting electric product is compatible with the consumers’ needs. The power stations are interconnected and some technical aspects as the supply of reactive power must be fulfilled. This supply depends on the kind of technology implemented. This paper is partly dedicated to find the best solution to this aspect. It also analyzes the possibility of a direct link between a 4MVA wind park and a 10,3MVA hydroelectric power stations, with regulation capacity, sharing the same connector to the power transport system. The conclusion is that for the wind park an induction generator with a compensation system based on controlled capacitors banks must be used, introducing the possibility of supplying reactive energy to the system without generating active energy. As for the linking of power stations, basic generation patterns were determined for the hydroelectric one, based on wind availability and water requirements for irrigation leveling the generation profile of the interconnected power stations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Vinculación del parque de generación eólico de Cuesta del Viento al sistema de transporte de energía

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    La creciente demanda de energía eléctrica y la preocupación por los altos niveles de contaminación asociados a la generación con combustibles sólidos, conducen a la búsqueda de fuentes energéticas limpias, entre las cuales se encuentra la energía eólica. Estas fuentes, deben ser controladas de manera tal, que la calidad del producto eléctrico obtenido sea compatible con las necesidades de los consumidores. Es necesario vincular las centrales entre si, debiendo cumplirse ciertos aspectos técnicos, por ejemplo, el aporte de potencia reactiva. Dicho aporte depende del tipo de tecnología implementada. El presente estudio está orientado en parte, a determinar la mejor solución a dicho aspecto. También se analiza la posibilidad de conexión directa de un parque de generación eólico de 4MVA a una central hidroeléctrica de 10,3MVA con capacidad de generación reactiva, compartiendo el mismo punto de conexión al sistema de transporte de energía eléctrica. Se llega a la conclusión de utilizar un generador asincrónico con sistema de compensación por bancos de capacitores, para el parque de generación eólico, introduciendo la posibilidad de entregar potencia reactiva al sistema, sin necesidad de generar energía activa. En cuanto a la vinculación de las centrales, se determinaron patrones de generación básicos para la hidroeléctrica, basados en la disponibilidad de viento y los requerimientos de agua para regadío a la salida, uniformando la generación del grupo de centrales vinculadas.The growing electricity demand and the concern for the high levels of pollution associated to the generation with fosile fuels lead to a search of clean energy sources, such as wind energy. These sources must be controlled so that the quality of the resulting electric product is compatible with the consumers’ needs. The power stations are interconnected and some technical aspects as the supply of reactive power must be fulfilled. This supply depends on the kind of technology implemented. This paper is partly dedicated to find the best solution to this aspect. It also analyzes the possibility of a direct link between a 4MVA wind park and a 10,3MVA hydroelectric power stations, with regulation capacity, sharing the same connector to the power transport system. The conclusion is that for the wind park an induction generator with a compensation system based on controlled capacitors banks must be used, introducing the possibility of supplying reactive energy to the system without generating active energy. As for the linking of power stations, basic generation patterns were determined for the hydroelectric one, based on wind availability and water requirements for irrigation leveling the generation profile of the interconnected power stations.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES

    Influencia de las Estrategias Metodológicas En el nivel Cognitivo de los Estudiantes del Nivel Inicial

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    Over time, humans have shown that there are many different forms of learning, but appropriate activities and strategies must be used to correctly develop the cognitive level of a subject, therefore, it is important that teachers have powerful tools; This stage motivates students to train understanding and expression of language in a fun but purposeful way, as this stage is very important for the maximum development of children's intellectual abilities. Most children do not reproduce simple tongue twisters because they are difficult to pronounce, do not associate the images on the cover of the story with the images reported by the teacher, this is partly due to the methodology implemented; to improve your pronunciation or enhance your imagination. Both boys and girls need an education that lays the foundation for their future development, the senses play an important role in learning, because it allows you to make connections, develop language, improve independence and gives you the confidence to discover your potential . Encourages teacher-student interaction and uses new strategies to create a harmonious environment that fosters collaboration, to be highly successful in learning students need to ensure that they develop their own thinking strategies for problem solving, problem solving and the resolution of facts in the learning of language and literature in a satisfactory way; all this happens in contact with the students, and it will be an important experience for their learning.A lo largo del tiempo, los humanos han demostrado que existen muchas formas diferentes de aprendizaje, pero se deben emplear actividades y estrategias adecuadas para desarrollar correctamente el nivel cognitivo de un sujeto, por ello, es importante que los docentes cuenten con herramientas poderosas; esta etapa motiva a los alumnos a entrenar la comprensión y expresión del lenguaje de una manera divertida pero propositiva, pues esta etapa es muy importante para el máximo desarrollo de las capacidades intelectuales de los niños.  La mayoría de los niños no reproducen trabalenguas simples porque son difíciles de pronunciar, no asocie las imágenes de la portada de la historia con las imágenes informadas por el maestro, esto se debe en parte a la metodología implementada; para mejorar tu pronunciación o potenciar tu imaginación. Tanto los niños como las niñas necesitan una educación que siente las bases para su desarrollo futuro, los sentidos juegan un papel importante en el aprendizaje, porque te permite hacer conexiones, desarrollar el lenguaje, mejorar la independencia y te da la confianza para descubrir tu potencial. Fomenta la interacción entre profesores y alumnos y utiliza nuevas estrategias para crear un entorno armonioso que fomenta la colaboración, para tener un gran éxito en el aprendizaje, los estudiantes deben asegurarse de que desarrollan sus propias estrategias de pensamiento para resolver problemas, la resolución de problemas y la resolución de hechos en el aprendizaje de lengua y literatura de una manera satisfactoria; todo esto sucede en contacto con los estudiantes, y será una experiencia importante para su aprendizaje

    Digital platform and open resources on restorative justice

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    Se explica la elaboración de una plataforma digital sobre justicia restaurativa de la UCM, continuando los Proyectos de Innovación precedentes sobre la misma temática y con el fin de digitalizar el contenido precedente. El proyecto posee en dos dimensiones: de un lado, la formativa, que ha consistido en asegurar la formación teórico-práctica de los alumnos en materia de justicia restaurativa a través de la estrategia Aprendizaje y Servicio y contando con la red de contactos que hemos confeccionado a lo largo de estos años, apostando por la enseñanza virtual y la internacionalización. Por otro lado, se encuentra la dimensión estrictamente innovadora, pues el proyecto implica apostar por innovación de recursos en abierto y enseñanza virtual, confeccionando la plataforma digital sobre el tema que ha vertebrado sobre dos iniciativas: la creación de un MOOC por parte de alumnos y profesores y la puesta en marcha de una Web dentro de la UCM con material disponible y publico sobre esta dimensión tan importante de la justicia, enmarcándola dentro de todos los programas universitarios centrados en la Agenda 2030.The development of a digital platform on restorative justice of the UCM is explained, continuing the preceding Innovation Projects on the same theme and aiming to digitize the preceding content. The project possesses two dimensions: on the one hand, the formative, which has consisted of ensuring the theoretical-practical training of pupils in restorative justice through the Learning and Service strategy and counting on the network of contacts we have made throughout these years, betting on virtual teaching and internationalization. On the other hand, the strictly innovative dimension is found, as the project involves betting on open resource innovation and virtual teaching, making the digital platform on the theme that has vertebrated on two initiatives: the creation of a MOOC by students and professors and the launch of a Web site within UCM with available and public material on this so important dimension of justice, framing it within all university programs centered on the 2030 Agenda.Depto. de Derecho Internacional, Eclesiástico y Filosofía del DerechoFac. de DerechoFALSEsubmitte

    Measurement of the top quark forward-backward production asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric and chromomagnetic moments in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV

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    Abstract The parton-level top quark (t) forward-backward asymmetry and the anomalous chromoelectric (d̂ t) and chromomagnetic (μ̂ t) moments have been measured using LHC pp collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, collected in the CMS detector in a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb−1. The linearized variable AFB(1) is used to approximate the asymmetry. Candidate t t ¯ events decaying to a muon or electron and jets in final states with low and high Lorentz boosts are selected and reconstructed using a fit of the kinematic distributions of the decay products to those expected for t t ¯ final states. The values found for the parameters are AFB(1)=0.048−0.087+0.095(stat)−0.029+0.020(syst),μ̂t=−0.024−0.009+0.013(stat)−0.011+0.016(syst), and a limit is placed on the magnitude of | d̂ t| < 0.03 at 95% confidence level. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    MUSiC : a model-unspecific search for new physics in proton-proton collisions at root s=13TeV

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    Results of the Model Unspecific Search in CMS (MUSiC), using proton-proton collision data recorded at the LHC at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb(-1), are presented. The MUSiC analysis searches for anomalies that could be signatures of physics beyond the standard model. The analysis is based on the comparison of observed data with the standard model prediction, as determined from simulation, in several hundred final states and multiple kinematic distributions. Events containing at least one electron or muon are classified based on their final state topology, and an automated search algorithm surveys the observed data for deviations from the prediction. The sensitivity of the search is validated using multiple methods. No significant deviations from the predictions have been observed. For a wide range of final state topologies, agreement is found between the data and the standard model simulation. This analysis complements dedicated search analyses by significantly expanding the range of final states covered using a model independent approach with the largest data set to date to probe phase space regions beyond the reach of previous general searches.Peer reviewe

    Search for new particles in events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    A search is presented for new particles produced at the LHC in proton-proton collisions at root s = 13 TeV, using events with energetic jets and large missing transverse momentum. The analysis is based on a data sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 101 fb(-1), collected in 2017-2018 with the CMS detector. Machine learning techniques are used to define separate categories for events with narrow jets from initial-state radiation and events with large-radius jets consistent with a hadronic decay of a W or Z boson. A statistical combination is made with an earlier search based on a data sample of 36 fb(-1), collected in 2016. No significant excess of events is observed with respect to the standard model background expectation determined from control samples in data. The results are interpreted in terms of limits on the branching fraction of an invisible decay of the Higgs boson, as well as constraints on simplified models of dark matter, on first-generation scalar leptoquarks decaying to quarks and neutrinos, and on models with large extra dimensions. Several of the new limits, specifically for spin-1 dark matter mediators, pseudoscalar mediators, colored mediators, and leptoquarks, are the most restrictive to date.Peer reviewe

    Measurement of prompt open-charm production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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    The production cross sections for prompt open-charm mesons in proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 13TeV are reported. The measurement is performed using a data sample collected by the CMS experiment corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 29 nb(-1). The differential production cross sections of the D*(+/-), D-+/-, and D-0 ((D) over bar (0)) mesons are presented in ranges of transverse momentum and pseudorapidity 4 < p(T) < 100 GeV and vertical bar eta vertical bar < 2.1, respectively. The results are compared to several theoretical calculations and to previous measurements.Peer reviewe