2,460 research outputs found

    Körperliches Training bei mitochondrialen Erkrankungen

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    Zusammenfassung: Körperliches Training gilt bei mitochondrialen Myopathien als einer der vielversprechendsten therapeutischen Ansätze. Effektivität und Sicherheit sind bewiesen. Ausdauer- und Krafttraining haben unterschiedliche Wirkungen auf die Muskulatur von Patienten mit mitochondrialer Myopathie: Als therapeutischer Mechanismus des Krafttrainings gilt das so genannte "gene shifting", die trainingsinduzierte Verschiebung des Anteils mutierter mitochondrialer DNS (mtDNS) zugunsten von Wildtyp-mtDNS durch Induktion muskulärer Satellitenzellen. Ausdauertraining regt die mitochondriale Biogenese an und hilft somit, den Circulus vitiosus aus verringertem Mitochondriengehalt, verringerter Kapazität der oxidativen Phosphorylierung, Belastungsintoleranz und daraus resultierender fortschreitender muskulärer Dekonditionierung zu durchbrechen. Die Effektivität und die Sicherheit medikamentöser Induktoren der mitochondrialen Biogenese - möglicherweise in Kombination mit Training - könnten Gegenstand künftiger Untersuchungen sei

    Top A_FB at the Tevatron vs. charge asymmetry at the LHC in chiral U(1) flavor models with flavored Higgs doublets

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    We consider the top forward-backward (FB) asymmetry at the Tevatron and top charge asymmetry at the LHC within chiral U(1)^\prime models with flavor-dependent U(1)^\prime charges and flavored Higgs fields, which were introduced in the ref. [65]. The models could enhance not only the top forward-backward asymmetry at Tevatron, but also the top charge asymmetry at LHC, without too large same-sign top pair production rates. We identify parameter spaces for the U(1)^\prime gauge boson and (pseudo)scalar Higgs bosons where all the experimental data could be accommodated, including the case with about 125 GeV Higgs boson, as suggested recently by ATLAS and CMS.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, figures and discussion adde

    Dysferlinopathy in Switzerland: clinical phenotypes and potential founder effects.

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    BACKGROUND: Dysferlin is reduced in patients with limb girdle muscular dystrophy type 2B, Miyoshi myopathy, distal anterior compartment myopathy, and in certain Ethnic clusters. METHODS: We evaluated clinical and genetic patient data from three different Swiss Neuromuscular Centers. RESULTS: Thirteen patients from 6 non-related families were included. Age of onset was 18.8 ± 4.3 years. In all patients, diallelic disease-causing mutations were identified in the DYSF gene. Nine patients from 3 non-related families from Central Switzerland carried the identical homozygous mutation, c.3031 + 2 T>C. A possible founder effect was confirmed by haplotype analysis. Three patients from two different families carried the heterozygous mutation, c.1064_1065delAA. Two novel mutations were identified (c.2869 C>T (p.Gln957Stop), c.5928 G>A (p.Trp1976Stop)). CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirms the phenotypic heterogeneity associated with DYSF mutations. Two mutations (c.3031 + 2 T>C, c.1064_1065delAA) appear common in Switzerland. Haplotype analysis performed on one case (c. 3031 + 2 T>C) suggested a possible founder effect

    Effective four-fermion operators in top physics: a roadmap

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    We write down a minimal basis for dimension-six gauge-invariant four-fermion operators, with some operator replacements with respect to previous ones which make it simpler for calculations. Using this basis we classify all four-fermion operator contributions involving one or two top quarks. Taking into account the different fermion chiralities, possible colour contractions and independent flavour combinations, a total number of 572 gauge-invariant operators are involved. We apply this to calculate all three-body top decay widths t -> d_k u_i dbar_j, t -> d_k e_i+ nu_j, t -> u_k u_i ubar_j, t -> u_k e_j+ e_i-, t -> u_k nu_j nu_i (with i,j,k generation indices) mediated by dimension-six four-fermion operators, including the interference with the Standard Model amplitudes when present. All single top production cross sections in pp, p pbar and e+ e- collisions are calculated as well, namely u_i d_k -> d_j t, dbar_j d_k -> ubar_i t, u_i dbar_j -> dbar_k t, u_i u_k -> u_j t, u_i ubar_j -> ubar_k t, e+ e- -> ubar_k t and the charge conjugate processes. We also compute all top pair production cross sections, ubar_i u_j -> t tbar, dbar_i d_j -> t tbar, u_i u_j -> t t and e+ e- -> t tbar. Our results are completely general, without assuming any particular relation among effective operator coefficients.Comment: LaTeX 43 pages, 1 PS figure. Cross sections for uu,cc -> tt correcte

    Experimental Study of Noise-induced Phase Synchronization in Vertical-cavity Lasers

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    We report the experimental evidence of noise-induced phase synchronization in a vertical cavity laser. The polarized laser emission is entrained with the input periodic pump modulation when an optimal amount of white, gaussian noise is applied. We characterize the phenomenon, evaluating the average frequency of the output signal and the diffusion coefficient of the phase difference variable. Their values are roughly independent on different waveforms of periodic input, provided that a simple condition for the amplitudes is satisfied. The experimental results are compared with numerical simulations of a Langevin model

    Considerations for employing intersectionality in qualitative health research

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    Intersectionality theory has recently emerged in the health sciences as a critical theoretical and methodical approach. Though some scholars have outlined explicit guidelines for applying intersectionality in research using quantitative methods, others have cited epistemological concerns and additive thinking to advocate for the analysis of intersectionality with qualitative methods. Thus, there remains a need for additional guidance and support for utilizing and applying intersectionality theory throughout the qualitative research process. With the goal of demystifying the process of utilizing intersectionality as a methodological approach in qualitative research in the health sciences, this paper provides researchers with recommendations, specific examples, and important considerations for incorporating intersectional approaches into study conceptualization, participant recruitment, data collection, and data analysis. Additionally, this paper reviews challenges that researchers may experience in conducting research using intersectional approaches and offers suggestions for overcoming challenges. This paper offers timely and relevant information that can be used to strengthen the theoretical and methodological rigor of qualitative health research, especially studies that seek to advance health equity

    No like-sign tops at Tevatron: Constraints on extended models and implications for the tt asymmetry

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    We use a recent upper limit from CDF on like-sign top pair production to place constraints on general new vector bosons and scalars mediating u u -> t t. The possible vector bosons comprise neutral colour singlets or octets, and charge 4/3 colour triplets or sextets, whereas the new scalars can be neutral colour singlets or octets and charge 4/3 colour sextets. We also estimate the expected bounds from like-sign top pair production at LHC in the near future. Then, we address the implications of these limits for the forward-backward asymmetry in t tbar production measured at Tevatron. In particular, we find that models explaining the observed asymmetry by the exchange of a single t-channel heavy Z' boson are already excluded. On the other hand, light Z' bosons with a mass M_Z' ~ 150 GeV, which could also account for a recent CDF dijet excess in W+jet production, are barely allowed.This work has been partially supported by projects FPA2010-17915 (MICINN), FQM 101 and FQM 437 (Junta de Andalucía) and CERN/FP/116397/2010 (FCT)

    Helium bubble formation in ultrafine and nanocrystalline tungsten under different extreme conditions

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    We have investigated the effects of helium ion irradiation energy and sample temperature on the performance of grain boundaries as helium sinks in ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline tungsten. Irradiations were performed at displacement and non-displacement energies and at temperatures above and below that required for vacancy migration. Microstructural investigations were performed using Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) combined with either in-situ or ex-situ ion irradiation. Under helium irradiation at an energy which does not cause atomic displacements in tungsten (70 eV), regardless of temperature and thus vacancy migration conditions, bubbles were uniformly distributed with no preferential bubble formation on grain boundaries. At energies that can cause displacements, bubbles were observed to be preferentially formed on the grain boundaries only at high temperatures where vacancy migration occurs. Under these conditions, the decoration of grain boundaries with large facetted bubbles occurred on nanocrystalline grains with dimensions less than 60 nm. We discuss the importance of vacancy supply and the formation and migration of radiation-induced defects on the performance of grain boundaries as helium sinks and the resulting irradiation tolerance of ultrafine grained and nanocrystalline tungsten to bubble formatio

    Model-independent measurement of the top quark polarisation

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    We introduce a new asymmetry in the decay t -> W b -> l nu b, which is shown to be directly proportional to the polarisation of the top quark along a chosen axis, times a sum of W helicity fractions. The latter have already been precisely measured at the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider. Therefore, this new asymmetry can be used to obtain a model-independent measurement of the polarisation of top quarks produced in any process at hadron or lepton colliders.Comment: LaTeX 12 pages. Discussion expanded with a new plot, references added. Final version to appear in PL

    Controlled transport of solitons and bubbles using external perturbations

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    We investigate generalized soliton-bearing systems in the presence of external perturbations. We show the possibility of the transport of solitons using external waves, provided the waveform and its velocity satisfy certain conditions. We also investigate the stabilization and transport of bubbles using external perturbations in 3D-systems. We also present the results of real experiments with laser-induced vapor bubbles in liquids.Comment: 26 pages, 24 figure