314 research outputs found

    Requirements modelling and formal analysis using graph operations

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    The increasing complexity of enterprise systems requires a more advanced analysis of the representation of services expected than is currently possible. Consequently, the specification stage, which could be facilitated by formal verification, becomes very important to the system life-cycle. This paper presents a formal modelling approach, which may be used in order to better represent the reality of the system and to verify the awaited or existing system’s properties, taking into account the environmental characteristics. For that, we firstly propose a formalization process based upon properties specification, and secondly we use Conceptual Graphs operations to develop reasoning mechanisms of verifying requirements statements. The graphic visualization of these reasoning enables us to correctly capture the system specifications by making it easier to determine if desired properties hold. It is applied to the field of Enterprise modelling

    A combinatorial TIR1/AFB–Aux/IAA co-receptor system for differential sensing of auxin

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    The plant hormone auxin regulates virtually every aspect of plant growth and development. Auxin acts by binding the F-box protein transport inhibitor response 1 (TIR1) and promotes the degradation of the AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) transcriptional repressors. Here we show that efficient auxin binding requires assembly of an auxin co-receptor complex consisting of TIR1 and an Aux/IAA protein. Heterologous experiments in yeast and quantitative IAA binding assays using purified proteins showed that different combinations of TIR1 and Aux/IAA proteins form co-receptor complexes with a wide range of auxin-binding affinities. Auxin affinity seems to be largely determined by the Aux/IAA. As there are 6 TIR1/AUXIN SIGNALING F-BOX proteins (AFBs) and 29 Aux/IAA proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana, combinatorial interactions may result in many co-receptors with distinct auxin-sensing properties. We also demonstrate that the AFB5–Aux/IAA co-receptor selectively binds the auxinic herbicide picloram. This co-receptor system broadens the effective concentration range of the hormone and may contribute to the complexity of auxin response

    Enriching Business Process Models with Decision Rules

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    Making the right decisions in time is one of the key tasks in every business. In this context, decision theory fosters decision-making based on well-defined decision rules. The latter evaluate a given set of input parameters and utilize evidenced data in order to determine an optimal alternative out of a given set of choices. In particular, decision rules are relevant in the context business processes as well. Contemporary process modeling languages, however, have not incorporated decision theory yet, but mainly consider rather simple, guard-based decisions that refer to process-relevant data. To remedy this drawback, this paper introduces an approach that allows embedding decision problems in business process models and applying decision rules to deal with them. As a major benefit, it becomes possible to automatically determine optimal execution paths during run time

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Hydrogen lines in red giants directly trace stellar mass

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    Red giant stars are perhaps the most important type of stars for Galactic and extra-galactic archaeology: they are luminous, occur in all stellar populations, and their surface temperatures allow precise abundance determinations for many different chemical elements. Yet, the full star formation and enrichment history of a galaxy can be traced directly only if two key observables can be determined for large stellar samples - age and chemical composition. While spectroscopy is a powerful method to analyse the detailed abundances of stars, stellar ages are the "missing link in the chain", since they are not a direct observable. However, spectroscopy should be able to estimate stellar masses, which for red giants directly infer ages provided their chemical composition is known. Here we establish a new empirical relation between the shape of the hydrogen line in the observed spectra of red giants and stellar mass determined from asteroseismology. The relation allows to determine stellar masses and ages with the accuracy of 10-15%. The method can be used with confidence for stars in the following range of stellar parameters: 4000 < Teff < 5000 K, 0.5 < log g < 3.5, -2.0 < [Fe/H] < 0.3, and luminosities log L/LSun < 2.5. Our analysis provides observational evidence that the Halpha spectral characteristics of red giant stars are tightly correlated with their mass and therefore their age. We also show that the method samples well all stellar populations with ages above 1 Gyr. Targeting bright giants, the method allows to obtain simultaneous age and chemical abundance information far deeper than would be possible with asteroseismology, extending the possible survey volume to remote regions of the Milky Way and even to neighbouring galaxies like Andromeda or the Magellanic Clouds already with present instrumentation, like VLT and Keck facilities

    Candida albicans Infection of Caenorhabditis elegans Induces Antifungal Immune Defenses

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    Candida albicans yeast cells are found in the intestine of most humans, yet this opportunist can invade host tissues and cause life-threatening infections in susceptible individuals. To better understand the host factors that underlie susceptibility to candidiasis, we developed a new model to study antifungal innate immunity. We demonstrate that the yeast form of C. albicans establishes an intestinal infection in Caenorhabditis elegans, whereas heat-killed yeast are avirulent. Genome-wide, transcription-profiling analysis of C. elegans infected with C. albicans yeast showed that exposure to C. albicans stimulated a rapid host response involving 313 genes (124 upregulated and 189 downregulated, ∼1.6% of the genome) many of which encode antimicrobial, secreted or detoxification proteins. Interestingly, the host genes affected by C. albicans exposure overlapped only to a small extent with the distinct transcriptional responses to the pathogenic bacteria Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus, indicating that there is a high degree of immune specificity toward different bacterial species and C. albicans. Furthermore, genes induced by P. aeruginosa and S. aureus were strongly over-represented among the genes downregulated during C. albicans infection, suggesting that in response to fungal pathogens, nematodes selectively repress the transcription of antibacterial immune effectors. A similar phenomenon is well known in the plant immune response, but has not been described previously in metazoans. Finally, 56% of the genes induced by live C. albicans were also upregulated by heat-killed yeast. These data suggest that a large part of the transcriptional response to C. albicans is mediated through “pattern recognition,” an ancient immune surveillance mechanism able to detect conserved microbial molecules (so-called pathogen-associated molecular patterns or PAMPs). This study provides new information on the evolution and regulation of the innate immune response to divergent pathogens and demonstrates that nematodes selectively mount specific antifungal defenses at the expense of antibacterial responses

    Microgeographical, inter-individual, and intra-individual variation in the flower characters of Iberian pear Pyrus bourgaeana (Rosaceae)

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    Flower characteristics have been traditionally considered relatively constant within species. However, there are an increasing number of examples of variation in flower characteristics. In this study, we examined the variation in attracting and rewarding flower characters at several ecological levels in a metapopulation of Pyrus bourgaeana in the Doñana area (SW Spain). We answered the following questions: what are the variances of morphological and nectar characters of flowers? How important are intra-individual and inter-individual variance in flower characters? Are there microgeographical differences in flower characters? And if so, are they consistent between years? In 2008 and 2009, we sampled flowers of 72 trees from five localities. For six flower morphological and two nectar characteristics, we calculated coefficients of variation (CV). The partitioning of total variation among-localities, among-individuals, and within-individuals was estimated. To analyze differences among localities and their consistency between years, we conducted generalized linear mixed models. The CVs of nectar characters were always higher than those of morphological characters. As expected, inter-individual variation was the main source of variation of flower morphology, but nectar characters had significant variation at both intra- and inter-individual levels. For most floral traits, there were no differences among localities. Our study documents that variation is a scale-dependent phenomenon and that it is essential to consider intra- and inter-individual variance when investigating the causes and consequences of variation. It also shows that single year studies of floral characters should be viewed with caution

    Contact metamorphism associated to the Penamacor - Monsanto granitic intrusion (Central Portugal): geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical features

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    Contact metamorphism related to Variscan and late-Variscan granitic plutons in the Iberian Peninsula is superimposed on medium-grade regional metamorphism, making it often difficult to evaluate per se the thermal effects due to those intrusions and explaining the paucity of scientific literature on the subject. An exhaustive set of geochemical, isotopic and mineralogical data on the contact-zone metasediments hosting the Penamacor-Monsanto granite (Central Iberian Zone, Portugal) provides a significant contribution to the characterization of low- to intermediate-grade contact metamorphism in geological contexts formerly affected by regional metamorphism. The metasediments hosting the Penamacor-Monsanto pluton belong to the extensive detrital sequence of the ante-Ordovician Schist-Greywacke Complex. Bulk geochemistry, oxygen isotope data and crystal-chemistry of key minerals from those contact-zone and neighbouring metasediments have made it possible to infer metamorphic conditions on the contact zone of this granitic intrusion, and to distinguish them from late boron-metasomatism at the exocontact. Mineral paragenesis (muscovite + biotite + chlorite quartz plagioclase cordierite, in spotted-schists; biotite + chlorite quartz plagioclase ( cordierite), in hornfelses) and the composition of these coexisting mineral phases indicate that most of the contact rocks reached the biotite zone (or even the cordierite zone, in some cases), equivalent to upper greenschist – lower amphibolite metamorphic grade. The relatively narrow range of O-isotope temperatures estimated for the crystallization of the marginal granites (550-625ºC) explains the absence of significant effects of thermal flow anisotropy on the contact-zone rocks. Besides, textural, paragenetic, mineralogical, isotopic and geochemical nuances observed in hornfelses and spotted-schists seem mainly related to the local host-rock heterogeneities, rather than to thermal effects. The relatively low temperatures estimated for granitoid emplacement and their restricted isotopic and mineralogical impacts on the metasedimentary host-rocks account for the narrow metamorphic aureole associated with the Penamacor-Monsanto pluton, and suggest this massif may correspond to the outcropping tip of a larger granitic intrusion at depth.Las intrusions graníticas Varíscicas y tardivaríscicas de la Península Ibérica dieron lugar a un metamorfsmo de contacto que afecta a un encajante previamente sometido a un metamorfsmo regional de grado medio, lo que difculta separar los efectos térmicos de aquellos regionales, y explica la escasez de estudios sobre el mismo. El estudio detallado de la zona de contacto entre el Granito de Penamacor-Monsanto (Zona Centro-Ibérica; Portugal) y su encajante metasedimentario mediante técnicas geoquímicas, mineralógicas e isotópicas supone una notable contribución al conocimiento y caracterización del metamorfsmo de contacto de grados bajos a intermedios en contextos geológicos previamente afectados por metamorfsmo regional. El encajante metasedimentario del Plutón de Penamacor-Monsanto es parte de la amplia secuencia detrítica ante-Ordovícia conocida como Complejo Esquisto-Grawackico. Datos geoquímicos de roca total y cristaloquímicos de los minerales más característicos, y relaciones isotópicas de oxígeno en la zona de contacto y metasedimentos aledaños permiten inferir las condiciones metamórfcas en la zona de contacto de dicha intrusión, y diferenciarla de aquella afectada por metasomatismo tardío por B. La paragénesis mineral (muscovita + biotita + clorita ± cuarzo ± plagioclasa ± cordierita en los esquistos moteados; biotita + clorita ± cuarzo ± plagiclasa (± cordierita) en corneanas) y la composición de las fases minerales coexistentes indican que la mayoría de rocas del contacto alcanzaron la zona de la biotita (e incluso, en algunos casos, aquella de la cordierita), equivalente a la parte alta del grado metamórfco de los esquistos verdes, o a la parte baja de las anfbolitas. El rango relativamente pequeño de temperaturas de cristalización de los granitos marginales (550-625°C), calculado mediante isótopos de oxígeno, explica la carencia de anisotropías térmicas signifcativas en las rocas del contacto. Las sutiles diferencias texturales, paragenéticas, mineralógicas, isotópicas y geoquímicas en esquistos moteados y corneanas parecen relacionadas con heterogeneidades locales de los encajantes, y no con efectos térmicos diferenciados. Las temperaturas relativamente bajas estimadas durante la intrusión del granito de Penamacor-Monsanto, y el limitado efecto mineralógico e isotópico sobre el encajante metasedimentario, dan lugar a una aureola de contacto estrecha, y sugieren que este macizo puede corresponder al techo de una intrusión mayor en profundidad.Funding was provided by FCT—Fundação para a Ciên cia e Tecnologia, through project METMOB (PTDC/CTE-GIX/116204/2009

    Inhibition of N1-Src kinase by a specific SH3 peptide ligand reveals a role for N1-Src in neurite elongation by L1-CAM

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    In the mammalian brain the ubiquitous tyrosine kinase, C-Src, undergoes splicing to insert short sequences in the SH3 domain to yield N1- and N2-Src. We and others have previously shown that the N-Srcs have altered substrate specificity and kinase activity compared to C-Src. However, the exact functions of the N-Srcs are unknown and it is likely that N-Src signalling events have been misattributed to C-Src because they cannot be distinguished by conventional Src inhibitors that target the kinase domain. By screening a peptide phage display library, we discovered a novel ligand (PDN1) that targets the unique SH3 domain of N1-Src and inhibits N1-Src in cells. In cultured neurons, PDN1 fused to a fluorescent protein inhibited neurite outgrowth, an effect that was mimicked by shRNA targeting the N1-Src microexon. PDN1 also inhibited L1-CAM-dependent neurite elongation in cerebellar granule neurons, a pathway previously shown to be disrupted in Src(−/−) mice. PDN1 therefore represents a novel tool for distinguishing the functions of N1-Src and C-Src in neurons and is a starting point for the development of a small molecule inhibitor of N1-Src

    The genomes of two key bumblebee species with primitive eusocial organization

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    Background: The shift from solitary to social behavior is one of the major evolutionary transitions. Primitively eusocial bumblebees are uniquely placed to illuminate the evolution of highly eusocial insect societies. Bumblebees are also invaluable natural and agricultural pollinators, and there is widespread concern over recent population declines in some species. High-quality genomic data will inform key aspects of bumblebee biology, including susceptibility to implicated population viability threats. Results: We report the high quality draft genome sequences of Bombus terrestris and Bombus impatiens, two ecologically dominant bumblebees and widely utilized study species. Comparing these new genomes to those of the highly eusocial honeybee Apis mellifera and other Hymenoptera, we identify deeply conserved similarities, as well as novelties key to the biology of these organisms. Some honeybee genome features thought to underpin advanced eusociality are also present in bumblebees, indicating an earlier evolution in the bee lineage. Xenobiotic detoxification and immune genes are similarly depauperate in bumblebees and honeybees, and multiple categories of genes linked to social organization, including development and behavior, show high conservation. Key differences identified include a bias in bumblebee chemoreception towards gustation from olfaction, and striking differences in microRNAs, potentially responsible for gene regulation underlying social and other traits. Conclusions: These two bumblebee genomes provide a foundation for post-genomic research on these key pollinators and insect societies. Overall, gene repertoires suggest that the route to advanced eusociality in bees was mediated by many small changes in many genes and processes, and not by notable expansion or depauperation

    The Gaia-ESO Survey: Chromospheric Emission, Accretion Properties, and Rotation in γγ Velorum and Chamaeleon I

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    We use the fundamental parameters delivered by the GES consortium in the first internal data release to select the members of γ\gamma Vel and Cha I among the UVES and GIRAFFE spectroscopic observations. A total of 140 γ\gamma Vel members and 74 Cha I members were studied. We calculated stellar luminosities through spectral energy distributions, while stellar masses were derived by comparison with evolutionary tracks. The spectral subtraction of low-activity and slowly rotating templates, which are rotationally broadened to match the vsiniv\sin i of the targets, enabled us to measure the equivalent widths (EWs) and the fluxes in the Hα\alpha and Hβ\beta lines. The Hα\alpha line was also used for identifying accreting objects and for evaluating the mass accretion rate (M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc}). The distribution of vsiniv\sin i for the members of γ\gamma Vel displays a peak at about 10 km s1^{-1} with a tail toward faster rotators. There is also some indication of a different vsiniv\sin i distribution for the members of its two kinematical populations. Only a handful of stars in γ\gamma Vel display signatures of accretion, while many more accretors were detected in the younger Cha~I. Accreting and active stars occupy two different regions in a TeffT_{\rm eff}-flux diagram and we propose a criterion for distinguishing them. We derive M˙acc\dot M_{\rm acc} in the ranges 101110^{-11}-109M10^{-9} M_\odotyr1^{-1} and 101010^{-10}-107M10^{-7} M_\odotyr1^{-1} for γ\gamma Vel and Cha I accretors, respectively. We find less scatter in the M˙accM\dot M_{\rm acc}-M_\star relation derived through the Hα\alpha EWs, when compared to the Hα\alpha 10%W10\%W diagnostics, in agreement with other authors