64 research outputs found

    Rising nutrient-pulse frequency and high UVR strengthen microbial interactions

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    Solar radiation and nutrient pulses regulate the ecosystem’s functioning. However, little is known about how a greater frequency of pulsed nutrients under high ultraviolet radiation (UVR) levels, as expected in the near future, could alter the responses and interaction between primary producers and decomposers. In this report, we demonstrate through a mesocosm study in lake La Caldera (Spain) that a repeated (press) compared to a one-time (pulse) schedule under UVR prompted higher increases in primary (PP) than in bacterial production (BP) coupled with a replacement of photoautotrophs by mixotrophic nanoflagellates (MNFs). The mechanism underlying these amplified phytoplanktonic responses was a dual control by MNFs on bacteria through the excretion of organic carbon and an increased top-down control by bacterivory. We also show across a 6-year whole-lake study that the changes from photoautotrophs to MNFs were related mainly to the frequency of pulsed nutrients (e.g. desert dust inputs). Our results underscore how an improved understanding of the interaction between chronic and stochastic environmental factors is critical for predicting ongoing changes in ecosystem functioning and its responses to climatically driven changes.This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (CGL2011-23681 and CGL2015-67682-R to PC), Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Rural, y Marino (PN2009/067 to PC) and Junta de Andalucía (Excelencia projects P09-RNM-5376 and P12-RNM-327 to PC and JMMS, respectively). M.J.C. was supported by the Spanish Government “Formación de Profesorado Universitario” PhD grant (FPU12/01243) and I.D.-G. by the Junta de Andalucía “Personal Investigador en Formación” PhD grant (FPI RNM-5376). This work is in partial fulfillment of the Ph. D. thesis of M.J.C

    Quantification of carbon and phosphorus co-limitation in bacterioplankton: new insights on an old topic

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    Because the nature of the main resource that limits bacterioplankton (e.g. organic carbon [C] or phosphorus [P]) has biogeochemical implications concerning organic C accumulation in freshwater ecosystems, empirical knowledge is needed concerning how bacteria respond to these two resources, available alone or together. We performed field experiments of resource manipulation (2×2 factorial design, with the addition of C, P, or both combined) in two Mediterranean freshwater ecosystems with contrasting trophic states (oligotrophy vs. eutrophy) and trophic natures (autotrophy vs. heterotrophy, measured as gross primary production:respiration ratio). Overall, the two resources synergistically co-limited bacterioplankton, i.e. the magnitude of the response of bacterial production and abundance to the two resources combined was higher than the additive response in both ecosystems. However, bacteria also responded positively to single P and C additions in the eutrophic ecosystem, but not to single C in the oligotrophic one, consistent with the value of the ratio between bacterial C demand and algal C supply. Accordingly, the trophic nature rather than the trophic state of the ecosystems proves to be a key feature determining the expected types of resource co-limitation of bacteria, as summarized in a proposed theoretical framework. The actual types of co-limitation shifted over time and partially deviated (a lesser degree of synergism) from the theoretical expectations, particularly in the eutrophic ecosystem. These deviations may be explained by extrinsic ecological forces to physiological limitations of bacteria, such as predation, whose role in our experiments is supported by the relationship between the dynamics of bacteria and bacterivores tested by SEMs (structural equation models). Our study, in line with the increasingly recognized role of freshwater ecosystems in the global C cycle, suggests that further attention should be focussed on the biotic interactions that modulate resource co-limitation of bacteria.This research was supported by Junta de Andalucía (Excelencia P09-RNM-5376 to JMMS) and the Spanish Ministry Ciencia e Innovación (CGL2011-23681 to PC)

    Simplification and Shift in Cognition of Political Difference: Applying the Geometric Modeling to the Analysis of Semantic Similarity Judgment

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    Perceiving differences by means of spatial analogies is intrinsic to human cognition. Multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) analysis based on Minkowski geometry has been used primarily on data on sensory similarity judgments, leaving judgments on abstractive differences unanalyzed. Indeed, analysts have failed to find appropriate experimental or real-life data in this regard. Our MDS analysis used survey data on political scientists' judgments of the similarities and differences between political positions expressed in terms of distance. Both distance smoothing and majorization techniques were applied to a three-way dataset of similarity judgments provided by at least seven experts on at least five parties' positions on at least seven policies (i.e., originally yielding 245 dimensions) to substantially reduce the risk of local minima. The analysis found two dimensions, which were sufficient for mapping differences, and fit the city-block dimensions better than the Euclidean metric in all datasets obtained from 13 countries. Most city-block dimensions were highly correlated with the simplified criterion (i.e., the left–right ideology) for differences that are actually used in real politics. The isometry of the city-block and dominance metrics in two-dimensional space carries further implications. More specifically, individuals may pay attention to two dimensions (if represented in the city-block metric) or focus on a single dimension (if represented in the dominance metric) when judging differences between the same objects. Switching between metrics may be expected to occur during cognitive processing as frequently as the apparent discontinuities and shifts in human attention that may underlie changing judgments in real situations occur. Consequently, the result has extended strong support for the validity of the geometric models to represent an important social cognition, i.e., the one of political differences, which is deeply rooted in human nature

    Novel animal models for studying complex brain disorders: BAC-driven miRNA-mediated in vivo silencing of gene expression

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    In schizophrenia, glutamic acid decarboxylase 1 (GAD1) disturbances are robust, consistently observed, cell-type specific and represent a core feature of the disease. In addition, neuropeptide Y (NPY), which is a phenotypic marker of a sub-population of GAD1-containing interneurons, has shown reduced expression in the prefrontal cortex in subjects with schizophrenia, suggesting that dysfunction of the NPY+ cortical interneuronal sub-population might be a core feature of this devastating disorder. However, modeling gene expression disturbances in schizophrenia in a cell type-specific manner has been extremely challenging. To more closely mimic these molecular and cellular human post-mortem findings, we generated a transgenic mouse in which we downregulated GAD1 mRNA expression specifically in NPY+ neurons. This novel, cell type-specific in vivo system for reducing gene expression uses a bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) containing the NPY promoter-enhancer elements, the reporter molecule (eGFP) and a modified intron containing a synthetic microRNA (miRNA) targeted to GAD1. The animals of isogenic strains are generated rapidly, providing a new tool for better understanding the molecular disturbances in the GABAergic system observed in complex neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia. In the future, because of the small size of the silencing miRNAs combined with our BAC strategy, this method may be modified to allow generation of mice with simultaneous silencing of multiple genes in the same cells with a single construct, and production of splice-variant-specific knockdown animals

    Relationships among nutrient enrichment, detritus quality and quantity, and large-bodied shredding insect community structure

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    This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Hydrobiologia. The final authenticated version is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10750-015-2208-2Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment of forested headwater streams can enhance detrital quality, decrease standing stocks, and alter the community structure of detrivorous insects, reducing nutrient retention and decreasing ecosystem functioning. Our objective was to determine if stoichiometric principles could be used to predict genus-specific shifts in shredding insect abundance and biomass across a dissolved nutrient and detritus food quality/quantity gradient. Detritus, insect, and water samples were collected from 12 Ozark Highland headwater streams. Significant correlations were found between stream nutrients and detrital quality but not quantity. Abundance and biomass responses of four out of five tested genera were accurately predicted by consumerresource stoichiometric theory. Low carbon:phosphorus (C:P) shredders responded positively to increased total phosphorus and/or food quality, and high C:P shredders exhibited neutral or negative responses to these variables. Genus-specific declines were correlated with decreased overall biomass in shredder assemblages, potentially causing disruptions in nutrient flows to higher level consumers with nutrient enrichment. This work provides further evidence that elevated nutrients may negatively impact shredding insect communities by altering the stoichiometry of detritus–detritivore interactions. A better understanding of stoichiometric mechanisms altering macroinvertebrate populations is needed to help inform water quality criteria for the management of headwater streams

    Global patterns and drivers of ecosystem functioning in rivers and riparian zones

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    River ecosystems receive and process vast quantities of terrestrial organic carbon, the fate of which depends strongly on microbial activity. Variation in and controls of processing rates, however, are poorly characterized at the global scale. In response, we used a peer-sourced research network and a highly standardized carbon processing assay to conduct a global-scale field experiment in greater than 1000 river and riparian sites. We found that Earth's biomes have distinct carbon processing signatures. Slow processing is evident across latitudes, whereas rapid rates are restricted to lower latitudes. Both the mean rate and variability decline with latitude, suggesting temperature constraints toward the poles and greater roles for other environmental drivers (e.g., nutrient loading) toward the equator. These results and data set the stage for unprecedented "next-generation biomonitoring" by establishing baselines to help quantify environmental impacts to the functioning of ecosystems at a global scale.peerReviewe

    Nutrient limitations to bacterial and fungal growth during cellulose decomposition in tropical forest soils

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    Nutrients constrain the soil carbon cycle in tropical forests, but we lack knowledge on how these constraints vary within the soil microbial community. Here, we used in situ fertilization in a montane tropical forest and in two lowland tropical forests on contrasting soil types to test the principal hypothesis that there are different nutrient constraints to different groups of microorganisms during the decomposition of cellulose. We also tested the hypotheses that decomposers shift from nitrogen to phosphorus constraints from montane to lowland forests, respectively, and are further constrained by potassium and sodium deficiency in the western Amazon. Cellulose and nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, and combined) were added to soils in situ, and microbial growth on cellulose (phospholipid fatty acids and ergosterol) and respiration were measured. Microbial growth on cellulose after single nutrient additions was highest following nitrogen addition for fungi, suggesting nitrogen as the primary limiting nutrient for cellulose decomposition. This was observed at all sites, with no clear shift in nutrient constraints to decomposition between lowland and montane sites. We also observed positive respiration and fungal growth responses to sodium and potassium addition at one of the lowland sites. However, when phosphorus was added, and especially when added in combination with other nutrients, bacterial growth was highest, suggesting that bacteria out-compete fungi for nitrogen where phosphorus is abundant. In summary, nitrogen constrains fungal growth and cellulose decomposition in both lowland and montane tropical forest soils, but additional nutrients may also be of critical importance in determining the balance between fungal and bacterial decomposition of cellulose

    NPY-like peptides occur in the nervous system and midgut of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria and in the brain of the grey fleshfly, Sarcophaga bullata

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    The distribution of the NPY-like substances in the nervous system and the midgut of the migratory locust, Locusta migratoria and in the brain of the grey fleshfly, Sarcophaga bullata was determined by immunocytochemistry using an antiserum directed against synthetic porcine NPY. The peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure revealed that NPY immunoreactive cell bodies and nerve fibers were observed in the brain, optic lobes, corpora cardiaca, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve cord of the locust and in the brain, optic lobes and suboesophageal ganglion of the fleshfly. In the locust midgut, numerous endocrine cells and nerve fibers penetrating the outer musculature contained NPY-like immunoreactivity. The concentrations of NPY immunoreactive material in acetic acid extracts of locust brain, optic lobes, thoracic ganglia, ovaries and midguts was measured using a specific radioimmunoassay technique. The dilution curves of the crude tissue extracts were parallel to the standard curve. The highest amount of NPY-like immunoreactivity was found in the locust ovary and midgut. Reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) and radioimmunoassay were used to characterize the NPY-like substances in the locust brain and midgut. HPLC-analysis revealed that NPY-immunoreactivity in the locust brain eluted as three separate peaks. The major peak corresponded to a peptide less hydrophobic than synthetic porcine NPY. RP-HPLC analysis of midgut extracts revealed the presence of an additional NPY-immunoreactive peak which had a retention time similar to the porcine NPY standard. The present data show the existence of a widespread network of NPY immunoreactive neurons in the nervous system of the locust and the fleshfly. Characterization of the immunoreactive substances indicates that peptides similar but not identical to porcine NPY are present in the central nervous system and midgut of insects.status: publishe