483 research outputs found

    Discovery of a Visual T-Dwarf Triple System and Binarity at the L/T Transition

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    We present new high contrast imaging of 8 L/T transition brown dwarfs using the NIRC2 camera on the Keck II telescope. One of our targets, the T3.5 dwarf 2MASS J08381155 + 1511155, was resolved into a hierarchal triple with projected separations of 2.5+/-0.5 AU and 27+/-5 AU for the BC and A(BC) components respectively. Resolved OSIRIS spectroscopy of the A(BC) components confirm that all system members are T dwarfs. The system therefore constitutes the first triple T-dwarf system ever reported. Using resolved photometry to model the integrated-light spectrum, we infer spectral types of T3, T3, and T4.5 for the A, B, and C components respectively. The uniformly brighter primary has a bluer J-Ks color than the next faintest component, which may reflect a sensitive dependence of the L/T transition temperature on gravity, or alternatively divergent cloud properties amongst components. Relying on empirical trends and evolutionary models we infer a total system mass of 0.034-0.104 Msun for the BC components at ages of 0.3-3 Gyr, which would imply a period of 12-21 yr assuming the system semi-major axis to be similar to its projection. We also infer differences in effective temperatures and surface gravities between components of no more than ~150 K and ~0.1 dex. Given the similar physical properties of the components, the 2M0838+15 system provides a controlled sample for constraining the relative roles of effective temperature, surface gravity, and dust clouds in the poorly understood L/T transition regime. Combining our imaging survey results with previous work we find an observed binary fraction of 4/18 or 22_{-8}^{+10}% for unresolved spectral types of L9-T4 at separations >~0.1 arcsec. This translates into a volume-corrected frequency of 13^{-6}_{+7}%, which is similar to values of ~9-12% reported outside the transition. (ABRIDGED)Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 23 pages, 12 figure

    Two Wide Planetary-Mass Companions to Solar-Type Stars in Upper Scorpius

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    At wide separations, planetary-mass and brown dwarf companions to solar type stars occupy a curious region of parameters space not obviously linked to binary star formation or solar-system scale planet formation. These companions provide insight into the extreme case of companion formation (either binary or planetary), and due to their relative ease of observation when compared to close companions, they offer a useful template for our expectations of more typical planets. We present the results from an adaptive optics imaging survey for wide (50-500 AU) companions to solar type stars in Upper Scorpius. We report one new discovery of a ~14 M_J companion around GSC 06214-00210, and confirm that the candidate planetary mass companion 1RXS J160929.1-210524 detected by Lafreniere et al (2008) is in fact co-moving with its primary star. In our survey, these two detections correspond to ~4% of solar type stars having companions in the 6-20 M_J mass and 200-500 AU separation range. This figure is higher than would be expected if brown dwarfs and planetary mass companions were drawn from an extrapolation of the binary mass function. Finally, we discuss implications for the formation of these objects.Comment: 11 Pages, 7 Figures, Accepted for Ap

    Near-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Extrasolar Planet HR 8799 b

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    [Abridged] We present 2.12-2.23 um high contrast integral field spectroscopy of the extrasolar planet HR 8799 b. Our observations were obtained with OSIRIS on the Keck II telescope and sample the 2.2 um CH4 feature, which is useful for spectral classification and as a temperature diagnostic for ultracool objects. The spectrum of HR 8799 b is relatively featureless, with little or no methane absorption, and does not exhibit the strong CH4 seen in T dwarfs of similar absolute magnitudes. Overall, we find that HR 8799 b has a spectral type consistent with L5-T2, although its SED is atypical compared to most field objects. We fit the 2.2 um spectrum and the infrared SED using the Hubeny & Burrows, Burrows et al., and Ames-Dusty model atmosphere grids, which incorporate nonequilibrium chemistry, non-solar metallicities, and clear and cloudy variants. No models agree with all of the data, but those with intermediate clouds produce significantly better fits. The largest discrepancy occurs in the J-band, which is highly suppressed in HR 8799 b. The best-fitting effective temperatures range from 1300-1700 K with radii between ~0.3-0.5 RJup. These values are inconsistent with evolutionary model-derived values of 800-900 K and 1.1-1.3 RJup based on the luminosity of HR 8799 b and the age of HR 8799, a discrepancy that probably results from imperfect atmospheric models or the limited range of physical parameters covered by the models. The low temperature inferred from evolutionary models indicates that HR 8799 b is ~400 K cooler than field L/T transition objects, providing further evidence that the L/T transition is gravity-dependent. With an unusually dusty photosphere, an exceptionally low luminosity for its spectral type, and hints of extreme secondary physical parameters, HR 8799 b appears to be unlike any class of field brown dwarf currently known.Comment: 21 pages, 23 figures; accepted by Ap

    L'évolution et la fonction de la tromperie

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    L'évolution et la fonction de la tromperieDans cet article nous nous penchons sur l'évolution et la fonction de la tromperie à l'intérieur d'un cadre sociobiologique intégrant des données récentes de la primatologie et de la psychologie cognitive. Quatre niveaux phylogénétiques de tromperie sont définis : la morphologie trompeuse (mimétisme), les schemes fixes de comportement, le comportement appris, et la tromperie tactique. Cette dernière fait appel à des processus cognitifs avancés et a été documentée chez le chimpanzé en captivité. Nous en décrivons les étapes ontogénétiques chez l'être humain et faisons ressortir ses caractéristiques originales. En dernier lieu, nous présentons des taxonomies fonctionnelles, basées sur les conséquences immédiates de la tromperie, et nous abordons le rôle de ce comportement dans l'évolution de l'intelligence.Evolution and Function of DeceptionA sociobiological framework for understanding the evolution and function of deception is presented integrating recent work in primatology and cognitive psychology. Four phylogenetic levels of deception are defined and illustrated including deception based upon: 1) misleading morphology, 2) fixed actions patterns, 3) learned behavior, and 4) tactical deliberations. The fourth level of deception, implying advanced cognition, is documented in semi-naturalistic and experimental studies of chimpanzees, and analyzed in terms of discrete progressions in order to understand the prerequisites of such behavior and its rarity in the animal world. Finally, functional taxonomies of deception are reviewed from the standpoint of immediate consequences, as well as its role in the evolution of human intelligence

    Discovery of the brightest T dwarf in the northern hemisphere

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    We report the discovery of a bright (H=12.77) brown dwarf designated SIMP J013656.5+093347. The discovery was made as part of a near-infrared proper motion survey, SIMP (Sondage Infrarouge de Mouvement Propre), which uses proper motion and near-infrared/optical photometry to identify brown dwarf candidates. A low resolution (lambda/dlambda~40) spectrum of this brown dwarf covering the 0.88-2.35 microns wavelength interval is presented. Analysis of the spectrum indicates a spectral type of T2.5+/-0.5. A photometric distance of 6.4+/-0.3 pc is estimated assuming it is a single object. Current observations rule out a binary of mass ratio ~1 and separation >5 AU. SIMP 0136 is the brightest T dwarf in the northern hemisphere and is surpassed only by Eps Indi Bab over the whole sky. It is thus an excellent candidate for detailed studies and should become a benchmark object for the early-T spectral class.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, To be published in November 1, 2006 issue of ApJL. Following IAU recommendation, the survey acronym (IBIS) was changed to SIM

    Spitzer 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron full-orbit lightcurves of WASP-18

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    We present new lightcurves of the massive hot Jupiter system WASP-18 obtained with the Spitzer spacecraft covering the entire orbit at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron. These lightcurves are used to measure the amplitude, shape and phase of the thermal phase effect for WASP-18b. We find that our results for the thermal phase effect are limited to an accuracy of about 0.01% by systematic noise sources of unknown origin. At this level of accuracy we find that the thermal phase effect has a peak-to-peak amplitude approximately equal to the secondary eclipse depth, has a sinusoidal shape and that the maximum brightness occurs at the same phase as mid-occultation to within about 5 degrees at 3.6 micron and to within about 10 degrees at 4.5 micron. The shape and amplitude of the thermal phase curve imply very low levels of heat redistribution within the atmosphere of the planet. We also perform a separate analysis to determine the system geometry by fitting a lightcurve model to the data covering the occultation and the transit. The secondary eclipse depths we measure at 3.6 micron and 4.5 micron are in good agreement with previous measurements and imply a very low albedo for WASP-18b. The parameters of the system (masses, radii, etc.) derived from our analysis are in also good agreement with those from previous studies, but with improved precision. We use new high-resolution imaging and published limits on the rate of change of the mean radial velocity to check for the presence of any faint companion stars that may affect our results. We find that there is unlikely to be any significant contribution to the flux at Spitzer wavelengths from a stellar companion to WASP-18. We find that there is no evidence for variations in the times of eclipse from a linear ephemeris greater than about 100 seconds over 3 years.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Accpeted for publication in MNRA

    The Vector Vortex Coronagraph: Laboratory Results and First Light at Palomar Observatory

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    High-contrast coronagraphy will be needed to image and characterize faint extra-solar planetary systems. Coronagraphy is a rapidly evolving field, and many enhanced alternatives to the classical Lyot coronagraph have been proposed in the past ten years. Here, we discuss the operation of the vector vortex coronagraph, which is one of the most efficient possible coronagraphs. We first present recent laboratory results, and then first light observations at the Palomar observatory. Our near-infrared H-band (centered at ~ 1.65 microns) and K-band (centered at ~ 2.2 microns) vector vortex devices demonstrated excellent contrast results in the lab, down to ~ 1e-6 at an angular separation of 3 lb/d. On sky, we detected a brown dwarf companion 3000 times fainter than its host star (HR 7672) in the Ks band (centered at ~2.15 microns), at an angular separation of ~ 2.5 lb/d. Current and next-generation high-contrast instruments can directly benefit from the demonstrated capabilities of such a vector vortex: simplicity, small inner working angle, high optical throughput (>90%), and maximal off-axis discovery space
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