73 research outputs found

    Increased prevalence of prolonged QT interval in males with primary or secondary hypogonadism : a pilot study

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    P>Symptoms and signs of male hypogonadism span all organ systems, including the cardiovascular apparatus. The electrocardiographic QT interval reflects cardiac ventricular repolarization and, if prolonged, increases the risk of malignant arrhythmias. QT interval duration is similar in boys and girls during childhood, but shortens in males after puberty and experimental studies suggest that testosterone is a major contributor to shortening of QT interval in men. The aim of the present pilot study was to assess the duration of ventricular repolarization in adult males with primary or secondary hypogonadism. Standard ECG recordings were performed in 26 men (mean age 39.2 +/- 2.17 years) with pituitary or testicular hypogonadism and repeated in 15 patients during testosterone replacement. Twenty-six age-matched control men were also analysed. Measured QT intervals were corrected for heart rate according to Bazzett's formula (QTc = QT/root RR interval). The prevalence of prolonged QTc was considerably higher in hypogonadal patients (four of 26 men) than in control men (none, p < 0.05) and in the general, healthy population (< 2.5%). QTc interval normalized on hormone replacement therapy in the four patients presenting prolonged QTc in the hypogonadal state. Heart rate and left ventricular mass did not differ among the two groups and no known QT-prolonging factor was apparent in patients with abnormal QTc interval. In conclusion, a high number prolonged QT interval measurements was observed in hypogonadal men who may therefore be at increased risk for cardiac arrhythmias. This observation reveals an additional feature of male hypogonadism, which may benefit from testosterone replacement therapy

    A comparative limnological study of the Guadalhorce reservoirs system (Málaga,SE.Spain)

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    15 páginas ; 6 Figuras ; 2 TablasA partir de 10s muestreos efectuados durante el período de mezcla (marzo de 1988) y estratificación (setiembre de 1988) en 10s tres embalses del sistema Guadalhorce, se analizan sus diferencias fisicoquimicas y biológicas. Aunque 10s tres embalses presentan un contenido de sales disueltas relativamente alto, Conde de Guadalhorce es de aguas carbonatadas, mientras que en Guadalhorce son importantes 10s cloruros y Guadalteba se encuentra en una posición intermedia. En estos dos 61- timos embalses la presencia de cloruros determina la existencia de una haloclina muy marcada, que en el caso de Guadalhorce es permanente. Desde el punto de vista de sus características tróficas, Guadalteba y Guadalhorce son eutróficos, 10 que se refleja en la alta concentración de nutrientes y pigmentos, asi como por tener respiración y ETS elevados. Por el contrario, Conde de Guadalhorce puede considerarse como mesotrófico a partir de 10s mismos parámetros, además de permanecer con oxigeno en el hipolimnion durante todo el verano.This research has been supported by the Comisión Asesora de Investigación Científica y Técnica grant nª PB85-0166 and sponsored by the Dirección General de Obras Hidráulicas of the Ministry of Public AffairsPeer reviewe

    Las balsas agrícolas en Andalucía: una oportunidad para enlazar desarrollo y conservación en climas mediterráneos

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    Se presenta el resumen de un extenso y fructífero trabajo de levantamiento de información, investigación y gestión llevado a cabo durante los años 2003-2011 entre la Administración de medio ambiente andaluza, Universidades Públicas de Sevilla, Almería y Granada y propietarios de fincas privadas en Andalucía, para estudiar la importancia, el reservorio, la localización y potencial uso de las balsas agrícolas en esta Comunidad Autónoma. Los resultados del trabajo de campo asociado continúan ofreciendo resultados muy llamativos acerca de su biodiversidad asociada así como del extraordinario poder como canalizadores y reservorios para muchas especies asociadas a los humedales naturales que, en muchos casos, han visto disminuida su distribución y posibles zonas de asentamiento, cría, refugio, debido en parte a la actividad humana

    Latent tuberculosis infection treatment completion in Biscay: differences between regimens and monitoring approaches

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    IntroductionContact tracing and treatment of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is a key element of tuberculosis (TB) control in low TB incidence countries. A TB control and prevention program has been active in the Basque Country since 2003, including the development of the nurse case manager role and a unified electronic record. Three World Health Organization-approved LTBI regimens have been used: isoniazid for 6 months (6H), rifampicin for 4 months (4R), and isoniazid and rifampicin for 3 months (3HR). Centralized follow-up by a TB nurse case manager started in January 2016, with regular telephone follow-up, telemonitoring of blood test results, and monitoring of adherence by electronic review of drugs dispensed in pharmacies.ObjectiveTo estimate LTBI treatment completion and toxicity of different preventive treatment regimens in a real-world setting. Secondary objective: to investigate the adherence to different approaches to preventive treatment monitoring.MethodsA multicentre retrospective cohort study was conducted using data collected prospectively on contacts of patients with TB in five hospitals in Biscay from 2003 to 2022.ResultsA total of 3,066 contacts with LTBI were included. The overall completion rate was 66.8%; 86.5% of patients on 3HR (n = 699) completed treatment vs. 68.3% (n = 1,260) of those on 6H (p < 0.0001). The rate of toxicity was 3.8%, without significant differences between the regimens. A total of 394 contacts were monitored by a TB nurse case manager. In these patients, the completion rate was 85% vs. 67% in those under standard care (p < 0.001). A multivariate logistic regression model identified three independent factors associated with treatment completion: being female, the 3HR regimen, and nurse telemonitoring.Conclusion3HR was well tolerated and associated with a higher rate of treatment completion. Patients with nurse telemonitoring follow-up had better completion rates

    Design mining interacting wind turbines

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    © 2016 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. An initial study has recently been presented of surrogate-assisted evolutionary algorithms used to design vertical-axis wind turbines wherein candidate prototypes are evaluated under fan-generated wind conditions after being physically instantiated by a 3D printer. Unlike other approaches, such as computational fluid dynamics simulations, no mathematical formulations were used and no model assumptions weremade. This paper extends that work by exploring alternative surrogate modelling and evolutionary techniques. The accuracy of various modelling algorithms used to estimate the fitness of evaluated individuals from the initial experiments is compared. The effect of temporally windowing surrogate model training samples is explored. A surrogateassisted approach based on an enhanced local search is introduced; and alternative coevolution collaboration schemes are examined

    Differential responses of zooplankton assemblages to environmental variation in temporary and permanent ponds

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    Permanent and temporary wetlands in Mediterranean shrublands represent unique repositories of biodiversity, which are increasingly threatened by human-induced habitat loss. The zooplankton of a permanent (P1) and a temporary pond (T35) in the Natural Reserve of Castelporziano, a rare residual stretch of such a shrubland in Central Italy (Latium), was investigated to: (1) expand and deepen knowledge of these endangered freshwater habitats, which represent a crucial component of Mediterranean biodiversity; (2) identify environmental controls regulating the development of zooplankton communities of each environment; and (3) highlight differences in the adaptive responses of the zooplankton community in relation to the different ecological conditions experienced by permanent and temporary habitats. Despite summer desiccation in T35, the two ponds exhibited a relative homogeneity in hydrological and physico-chemical dynamics. Zooplankton assemblages contained 41 total taxa, of which 32 were found in P1 and 28 in T35. Out of the 41 taxa identified, 22 (> 50%) were exclusively present in one of the two ponds. On a yearly basis, the community dynamics of P1 seemed to be conditioned by physical and chemical factors and by hydrological cycle characteristics, while the community of T35 responded to algal blooms, food competition and predator/prey equilibria rather than correlating to abiotic factors. The main differences amongst zooplankton assemblages were observed over short time scales and occurred both within and between seasons, highlighting the role of some structural taxa that dominated the average composition of the community throughout the year, and the importance of "quick-response" taxa in determining the short-term composition and structure variation of pond zooplankton. A year-round cyclic community succession peculiar to each pond is described

    Decreased Aerobic Exercise Capacity After Long-Term Remission From Cushing Syndrome: Exploration of Mechanisms.

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    BACKGROUND: Although major improvements are achieved after cure of Cushing syndrome (CS), fatigue and decreased quality of life persist. This is the first study to measure aerobic exercise capacity in patients in remission of CS for more than 4 years in comparison with matched controls, and to investigate whether the reduction in exercise capacity is related to alterations in muscle tissue. METHODS: Seventeen patients were included. A control individual, matched for sex, estrogen status, age, body mass index, smoking, ethnicity, and physical activity level was recruited for each patient. Maximal aerobic capacity (VO2peak) was assessed during incremental bicycle exercise to exhaustion. In 8 individually matched patients and controls, a percutaneous muscle biopsy was obtained and measures were made of cross-sectional areas, capillarization, and oxphos complex IV (COXIV) protein content as an indicator of mitochondrial content. Furthermore, protein content of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and eNOS phosphorylated on serine1177 and of the NAD(P)H-oxidase subunits NOX2, p47phox, and p67phox were measured in the microvascular endothelial layer. FINDINGS: Patients showed a lower mean VO2peak (SD) (28.0 [7.0] vs 34.8 [7.9] ml O2/kg bw/min, P < .01), maximal workload (SD) (176 [49] vs 212 [67] watt, P = .01), and oxygen pulse (SD) (12.0 [3.7] vs 14.8 [4.2] ml/beat, P < .01) at VO2peak. No differences were seen in muscle fiber type-specific cross-sectional area, capillarization measures, mitochondrial content, and protein content of eNOS, eNOS-P-ser1177, NOX2, p47phox, and p67phox. INTERPRETATION: Because differences in muscle fiber and microvascular outcome measures are not statistically significant, we hypothesize that cardiac dysfunction, seen in active CS, persists during remission and limits blood supply to muscles

    Food loss and waste metrics: a proposed nutritional cost footprint linking linear programming and life cycle assessment

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to assess the nutritional and economic efficiency of food loss and waste (FLW) along the supply of 13 food categories included in the Spanish food basket by means of the definition of a new method which combines two indexes. Methods: The nutrient-rich foods index and the economic food loss and waste (EFLW) index were combined by means of linear programming to obtain the nutritional cost footprint (NCF) indicator under a life cycle perspective. The functional unit used was the daily supply of food for a Spanish citizen in year 2015. Results and discussion: Results showed that vegetables and cereals were the food categories most affected by the inefficiencies in the food supply chain under a nutritional perspective, being agricultural production and household consumption the main stages in which the nutritional content of food is lost or wasted. Moreover, according to the NCF index, vegetables represented 27% of total nutritional-economic wastage throughout the entire Spanish agri-food chain. They are followed by fruits, which add up to 19%. Hence, specific food waste management strategies should be established for these specific products and supply stages. Finally, the sensitivity analysis performed highlighted that results were mostly independent from the importance attributed to either nutritional or economic variables. Conclusions: The methodology described in this study proposes an indicator quantifying the nutritional-economic cost of different food categories in the Spanish food basket. This NCF indicator makes it possible to define reduction strategies to promote the use of food waste fractions for waste-to-energy valorization approaches or the extraction of different types of pharmacological, chemical, or cosmetic compounds.The authors are grateful for the funding of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through the Ceres-Procom: Food production and consumption strategies for climate change mitigation (CTM2016-76176-C2-1-R) (AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Life cycle assessment of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landed by purse seine vessels in northern Spain

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to assess the environmental impacts associated with the fishing operations related to European anchovy fishing in Cantabria (northern Spain) under a life cycle approach. Methods: The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was applied for this case study including construction, maintenance, use, and end of life of the vessels. The functional unit used was 1 kg of landed round anchovy at port. Inventory data were collected for the main inputs and outputs of 32 vessels, representing a majority of vessels in the fleet. Results and discussion: Results indicated, in a similar line to what is reported in the literature, that the production, transportation, and use of diesel were the main environmental hot spots in conventional impact categories. Moreover, in this case, the production and transportation of seine nets was also relevant. Impacts linked to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions suggest that emissions were in the upper range for fishing species captured with seine nets and the value of global warming potential (GWP) was 1.44 kg CO2 eq per functional unit. The ecotoxicity impacts were mainly due to the emissions of antifouling substances to the ocean. Regarding fishery-specific categories, many were discarded given the lack of detailed stock assessments for this fishery. Hence, only the biotic resource use category was computed, demonstrating that the ecosystems' effort to sustain the fishery is relatively low. Conclusions: The use of the LCA methodology allowed identifying the main environmental hot spots of the purse seining fleet targeting European anchovy in Cantabria. Individualized results per port or per vessel suggested that there are significant differences in GHG emissions between groups. In addition, fuel use is high when compared to similar fisheries. Therefore, research needs to be undertaken to identify why fuel use is so high, particularly if it is related to biomass and fisheries management or if skipper decisions could play a role.The authors thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government for their financial support via the project GeSAC-Conserva: Sustainable Management of the Cantabrian Anchovies (CTM2013-43539-R) and to Pedro Villanueva-Rey for valuable scientific exchange. Jara Laso thanks the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spanish Government for their financial support via the research fellowship BES-2014-069368 and to the Ministry of Rural Environment, Fisheries and Food of Cantabria for the data support. Dr. Ian Vázquez-Rowe thanks the Peruvian LCA Network for operational support. Reviewers are also thanked for the valuable and detailed suggestions. The work of Dr. Rosa M. Crujeiras has been funded by MTM2016-76969P (AEI/FEDER, UE)