31 research outputs found

    Planck 2013 results. XI. All-sky model of thermal dust emission

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    This paper presents an all-sky model of dust emission from the Planck 353, 545, and 857 GHz, and IRAS 100 \u3bcm data. Using a modified blackbody fit to the data we present all-sky maps of the dust optical depth, temperature, and spectral index over the 353-3000 GHz range. This model is a good representation of the IRAS and Planck data at 5\u2032 between 353 and 3000 GHz (850 and 100 \u3bcm). It shows variations of the order of 30% compared with the widely-used model of Finkbeiner, Davis, and Schlegel. The Planck data allow us to estimate the dust temperature uniformly over the whole sky, down to an angular resolution of 5\u2032, providing an improved estimate of the dust optical depth compared to previous all-sky dust model, especially in high-contrast molecular regions where the dust temperature varies strongly at small scales in response to dust evolution, extinction, and/or local production of heating photons. An increase of the dust opacity at 353 GHz, \u3c4353/NH, from the diffuse to the denser interstellar medium (ISM) is reported. It is associated with a decrease in the observed dust temperature, Tobs, that could be due at least in part to the increased dust opacity. We also report an excess of dust emission at H i column densities lower than 1020 cm-2 that could be the signature of dust in the warm ionized medium. In the diffuse ISM at high Galactic latitude, we report an anticorrelation between \u3c4353/NH and Tobs while the dust specific luminosity, i.e., the total dust emission integrated over frequency (the radiance) per hydrogen atom, stays about constant, confirming one of the Planck Early Results obtained on selected fields. This effect is compatible with the view that, in the diffuse ISM, Tobs responds to spatial variations of the dust opacity, due to variations of dust properties, in addition to (small) variations of the radiation field strength. The implication is that in the diffuse high-latitude ISM \u3c4353 is not as reliable a tracer of dust column density as we conclude it is in molecular clouds where the correlation of \u3c4353 with dust extinction estimated using colour excess measurements on stars is strong. To estimate Galactic E(B-V) in extragalactic fields at high latitude we develop a new method based on the thermal dust radiance, instead of the dust optical depth, calibrated to E(B-V) using reddening measurements of quasars deduced from Sloan Digital Sky Survey data. \ua9 2014 ESO

    Why was Schumpeter not more concerned with patents?

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    Although Schumpeter is widely acknowledged as a pioneer of the economic analysis of innovation and although the patent system occupies an important place today in this field of research, Schumpeter did not see patents as playing a key role for fostering innovation. He mentioned them only a couple of times, in passing, and never developed any scientific analysis of the patent system. In this paper, we propose an explanation of this blind spot based on three characteristics of Schumpeter’s thought: first, entrepreneurs are largely motivated by non-monetary elements; second, they enjoy a first-mover advantage because imitation is difficult; third, Schumpeter viewed the innovation process as a relentless race in which firms are doomed to innovate in order to avoid disappearing. The Schumpeterian view of the economic process therefore largely reduces the economic importance of patents


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    New shapes and new stakes: a portrait of open innovation as a promising phenomenon

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    International audienceOpen innovation has attracted extensive interest (and has raised numerous debates) in the recent literature on economics and management of innovation. If rich and stimulating, open innovation remains however a loose concept, which calls for further exploration of its shapes and stakes. This article precisely intends to 1) question the originality of the open innovation paradigm, by confronting it with other related concepts developed in the literature previously; 2) investigate more in depth the new modalities that open innovation may take in reality; and 3) discuss the rationales and challenges of the different declinations of the open innovation model by analyzing their benefits and their costs. In other words, we both summarize the state of the art on open innovation and identify research tracks worth being investigating in the future

    Comparative morphometry of

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    Several significant morphological differences were found between the evolutive forms of Trypanosoma cruzi grown in distinct media (culture in NNN or insect’s intestine) using a semi-automatic image analysis system. The metacyclic forms cultured in NNN presented greater nucleus and kinetoplast sizes than those from vectors’ intestine. The culture forms presented a more anterior position of the nucleus. This is the first comparative morphometrical study of sixteen parameters of T. cruzi forms from NNN medium compared to those from insect’s intestine. However, further discriminant studies should be carried out to have a good method to distinguish between distinct forms of T. cruzi life cycle

    Dis moi ce que tu penses de la propriété intellectuelle, je te dirai qui tu es

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    Résumé. L’objet de cet article est d’analyser de manière expérimentale les liens supposés entre les préférences sociales des individus et la manière dont ils conçoivent la propriété intellectuelle, en opposant en particulier les approches utilitaristes et déontologiques. Pour ce faire, nous avons mis en place un protocole expérimental original à l’interface de deux courants de littérature : l’un, bien établi, traitant des préférences sociales ; l’autre, naissant, tentant de capter les différentes justifications de l’existence de la propriété intellectuelle. Notre expérience aboutit à deux enseignements majeurs : 1) les sujets utilitaristes semblent changer de conception de la justice sociale dès lors que la question de la propriété intellectuelle est posée; 2) les sujets rawlsiens sont en parfaite cohérence avec l’approche déontologique de la propriété intellectuelle, donnant la priorité aux droits des auteurs et des inventeurs, tout en minimisant les inégalités pouvant en résulter en optant, par exemple, en faveur d’une durée courte de propriété intellectuelle. JEL Codes : C 91 ; D 63 ; O34 Mots-clefs. Préférences sociales, économie expérimentale, Rawls, propriété intellectuell