153 research outputs found

    The ADAXIALIZED LEAF1 gene functions in leaf and embryonic pattern formation in rice

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    AbstractThe adaxial–abaxial axis in leaf primordia is thought to be established first and is necessary for the expansion of the leaf lamina along the mediolateral axis. To understand axis information in leaf development, we isolated the adaxialized leaf1 (adl1) mutant in rice, which forms abaxially rolled leaves. adl1 leaves are covered with bulliform-like cells, which are normally distributed only on the adaxial surface. An adl1 double mutant with the adaxially snowy leaf mutant, which has albino cells that specifically appear in the abaxial mesophyll tissue, indicated that adl1 leaves show adaxialization in both epidermal and mesophyll tissues. The expression of HD-ZIPIII genes in adl1 mutant increased in mature leaves, but not in the young primordia or the SAM. This indicated that ADL1 may not be directly involved in determining initial leaf polarity, but rather is associated with the maintenance of axis information. ADL1 encodes a plant-specific calpain-like cysteine proteinase orthologous to maize DEFECTIVE KERNEL1. Furthermore, we identified intermediate and strong alleles of the adl1 mutant that generate shootless embryos and globular-arrested embryos with aleurone layer loss, respectively. We propose that ADL1 plays an important role in pattern formation of the leaf and embryo by promoting proper epidermal development

    The Socioeconomic Factors Affecting the Mental Health Status of Family Caregivers of Type 2 Diabetic Patients

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    As Japan’s ‘super aged society’ develops, more and more aged caregivers are obliged to take care of patients with chronic diseases. In this study, the family caregivers of type 2 diabetic patients were targeted to identify the socioeconomic conditions that affect their mental health status. The results indicated that when the caregivers were overly concerned about the patients’ care, they had higher GHQ (General Health Questionnaire) scores( r=.685, p<0.05). On the other hand, the more caregivers spoke frankly about their feelings to the patients, the lower their GHQ Likert Scores were( r=.-718, p<0.05). Suggestions for medical staff were made to establish a support system not only for type 2 diabetic patients, but also for the family caregivers of these patients

    A novel superior factor widely controlling the rice grain quality

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    Synthesis of storage starch and protein accumulation is the main action of endosperm organogenesis in term of the economic importance of rice. This event is strongly disturbed by abiotic stresses such as high temperature; thus, the upcoming global warming will cause a crisis with a great impact on food production^1,2^. The enzymes for the protein storage and starch synthesis pathway should work in concert to carry out the organogenesis of rice endosperm^3-5^, but the regulatory mechanism is largely unknown. Here we show that a novel regulatory factor, named OsCEO1, acts as the conductor of endosperm organogenesis during the rice grain filling stage. The physiological properties of _floury-endosperm-2_ (_flo2_) mutants showed many similarities to symptoms of grains developed under high-temperature conditions, suggesting important roles of the responsible gene in sensitivity to high-temperature stress. Our map-based cloning identified the responsible gene for the _flo2_ mutant, _OsCEO1_, which has no homology to any genes of known function. The _OsCEO1_ belongs to a novel conserved gene family and encodes a protein composed of 1,720 amino acid residues containing a TPR (tetratricopeptide repeat) motif, which is considered to mediate a protein-protein interaction. The yeast two-hybrid analysis raised an unknown protein showing homology to a late embryogenesis abundant protein and a putative basic helix-loop-helix protein as candidates for the direct interactor for _OsCEO1_, whereas no enzyme genes for the synthesis of storage substances were detected. The _flo2_ mutant exhibited reduced expression of several genes for putative regulatory proteins as well as many enzymes involved in storage starch and proteins. These results suggest that _OsCEO1_ is a superior conductor of the novel regulatory cascade of endosperm organogenesis and may have important roles in the response to high-temperature stress


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    Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), an incretin hormone, is secreted from L cells located in the intestinal epithelium. It is known that intestinal oxygen tension is decreased postprandially. In addition, we found that the expression of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α), which accumulates in cells under hypoxic conditions, was significantly increased in the colons of mice with food intake, indicating that the oxygen concentration is likely reduced in the colon after eating. Therefore, we hypothesized that GLP-1 secretion is affected by oxygen tension. We found that forskolin-stimulated GLP-1 secretion from GLUTag cells, a model of intestinal L cells, is suppressed in hypoxia (1% O2). Forskolin-stimulated elevations of preproglucagon (ppGCG) and proprotein convertase 1/3 (PC1/3) mRNA expression were decreased under hypoxic conditions. The finding that H89, a protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor, inhibited the forskolin-stimulated increase of ppGCG and PC1/3 indicated that the cAMP-PKA pathway is involved in the hypoxia-induced suppression of the genes. Hypoxia decreased hexokinase 2 mRNA and protein expression and increased lactate dehydrogenase A mRNA and protein expression. Concomitantly, lactate production was increased and ATP production was decreased. Together, the results indicate that hypoxia decreases glucose utilization for ATP production, which probably causes a decrease in cAMP production and in subsequent GLP-1 production. Our findings suggest that the postprandial decrease in oxygen tension in the intestine attenuates GLP-1 secretion

    Correlation between MMPs and their inhibitors in breast cancer tumor tissue specimens and in cell lines with different metastatic potential

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    Background: The metastatic disease rather than the primary tumor itself is responsible for death in most solid tumors, including breast cancer. The role of matrix metalloproteinases ( MMPs), tissue inhibitors of MMPs (TIMPs) and Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs ( RECK) in the metastatic process has previously been established. However, in all published studies only a limited number of MMPs/MMP inhibitors was analyzed in a limited number of cell lines. Here, we propose a more comprehensive approach by analyzing the expression levels of several MMPs (MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14) and MMP inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and RECK) in different models ( five human breast cancer cell lines, 72 primary breast tumors and 30 adjacent normal tissues). Methods: We analyzed the expression levels of MMP-2, MMP-9 and MMP-14 and their inhibitors (TIMP-1, TIMP-2 and RECK) by quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) in five human breast cancer cell lines presenting increased invasiveness and metastatic potential, 72 primary breast tumors and 30 adjacent normal tissues. Moreover, the role of cell-extracellular matrix elements interactions in the regulation of expression and activity of MMPs and their inhibitors was analyzed by culturing these cell lines on plastic or on artificial ECM (Matrigel). Results: The results demonstrated that MMPs mRNA expression levels displayed a positive and statistically significant correlation with the transcriptional expression levels of their inhibitors both in the cell line models and in the tumor tissue samples. Furthermore, the expression of all MMP inhibitors was modulated by cell-Matrigel contact only in highly invasive and metastatic cell lines. The enzyme/inhibitor balance at the transcriptional level significantly favors the enzyme which is more evident in tumor than in adjacent non-tumor tissue samples. Conclusion: Our results suggest that the expression of MMPs and their inhibitors, at least at the transcriptional level, might be regulated by common factors and signaling pathways. Therefore, the multi-factorial analysis of these molecules could provide new and independent prognostic information contributing to the determination of more adequate therapy strategies for each patient.`Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa (CNPq)Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP)Pro-Reitoria da Universidade de Sao Paulo (PRP-USP

    Ghrelin Treatment of Cachectic Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary cachexia is common in advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), culminating in exercise intolerance and a poor prognosis. Ghrelin is a novel growth hormone (GH)-releasing peptide with GH-independent effects. The efficacy and safety of adding ghrelin to pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) in cachectic COPD patients were investigated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, 33 cachectic COPD patients were randomly assigned PR with intravenous ghrelin (2 µg/kg) or placebo twice daily for 3 weeks in hospital. The primary outcomes were changes in 6-min walk distance (6-MWD) and the St. George Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) score. Secondary outcomes included changes in the Medical Research Council (MRC) scale, and respiratory muscle strength. At pre-treatment, serum GH levels were increased from baseline levels by a single dose of ghrelin (mean change, +46.5 ng/ml; between-group p<0.0001), the effect of which continued during the 3-week treatment. In the ghrelin group, the mean change from pre-treatment in 6-MWD was improved at Week 3 (+40 m, within-group p = 0.033) and was maintained at Week 7 (+47 m, within-group p = 0.017), although the difference between ghrelin and placebo was not significant. At Week 7, the mean changes in SGRQ symptoms (between-group p = 0.026), in MRC (between-group p = 0.030), and in maximal expiratory pressure (MEP; between-group p = 0.015) were better in the ghrelin group than in the placebo group. Additionally, repeated-measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) indicated significant time course effects of ghrelin versus placebo in SGRQ symptoms (p = 0.049) and MEP (p = 0.021). Ghrelin treatment was well tolerated. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: In cachectic COPD patients, with the safety profile, ghrelin administration provided improvements in symptoms and respiratory strength, despite the lack of a significant between-group difference in 6-MWD. TRIAL REGISTRATION: UMIN Clinical Trial Registry C000000061

    Global Reorganization of Replication Domains During Embryonic Stem Cell Differentiation

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    DNA replication in mammals is regulated via the coordinate firing of clusters of replicons that duplicate megabase-sized chromosome segments at specific times during S-phase. Cytogenetic studies show that these “replicon clusters” coalesce as subchromosomal units that persist through multiple cell generations, but the molecular boundaries of such units have remained elusive. Moreover, the extent to which changes in replication timing occur during differentiation and their relationship to transcription changes has not been rigorously investigated. We have constructed high-resolution replication-timing profiles in mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) before and after differentiation to neural precursor cells. We demonstrate that chromosomes can be segmented into multimegabase domains of coordinate replication, which we call “replication domains,” separated by transition regions whose replication kinetics are consistent with large originless segments. The molecular boundaries of replication domains are remarkably well conserved between distantly related ESC lines and induced pluripotent stem cells. Unexpectedly, ESC differentiation was accompanied by the consolidation of smaller differentially replicating domains into larger coordinately replicated units whose replication time was more aligned to isochore GC content and the density of LINE-1 transposable elements, but not gene density. Replication-timing changes were coordinated with transcription changes for weak promoters more than strong promoters, and were accompanied by rearrangements in subnuclear position. We conclude that replication profiles are cell-type specific, and changes in these profiles reveal chromosome segments that undergo large changes in organization during differentiation. Moreover, smaller replication domains and a higher density of timing transition regions that interrupt isochore replication timing define a novel characteristic of the pluripotent state

    Tissue specific mutagenic and carcinogenic responses in NER defective mouse models.

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    Several mouse models with defects in genes encoding components of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway have been developed. In NER two different sub-pathways are known, i.e. transcription-coupled repair (TC-NER) and global-genome repair (GG-NER). A defect in one particular NER protein can lead to a (partial) defect in GG-NER, TC-NER or both. GG-NER defects in mice predispose to cancer, both spontaneous as well as UV-induced. As such these models (Xpa, Xpc and Xpe) recapitulate the human xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) syndrome. Defects in TC-NER in humans are associated with Cockayne syndrome (CS), a disease not linked to tumor development. Mice with TC-NER defects (Csa and Csb) are - except for the skin - not susceptible to develop (carcinogen-induced) tumors. Some NER factors, i.e. XPB, XPD, XPF, XPG and ERCC1 have functions outside NER, like transcription initiation and inter-strand crosslink repair. Deficiencies in these processes in mice lead to very severe phenotypes, like trichothiodystrophy (TTD) or a combination of XP and CS. In most cases these animals have a (very) short life span, display segmental progeria, but do not develop tumors. Here we will overview the available NER-related mouse models and will discuss their phenotypes in terms of (chemical-induced) tissue-specific tumor development, mutagenesis and premature aging features

    Structural insight into the TFIIE–TFIIH interaction: TFIIE and p53 share the binding region on TFIIH

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    RNA polymerase II and general transcription factors (GTFs) assemble on a promoter to form a transcription preinitiation complex (PIC). Among the GTFs, TFIIE recruits TFIIH to complete the PIC formation and regulates enzymatic activities of TFIIH. However, the mode of binding between TFIIE and TFIIH is poorly understood. Here, we demonstrate the specific binding of the C-terminal acidic domain (AC-D) of the human TFIIEα subunit to the pleckstrin homology domain (PH-D) of the human TFIIH p62 subunit and describe the solution structures of the free and PH-D-bound forms of AC-D. Although the flexible N-terminal acidic tail from AC-D wraps around PH-D, the core domain of AC-D also interacts with PH-D. AC-D employs an entirely novel binding mode, which differs from the amphipathic helix method used by many transcriptional activators. So the binding surface between PH-D and AC-D is much broader than the specific binding surface between PH-D and the p53 acidic fragments. From our in vitro studies, we demonstrate that this interaction could be a switch to replace p53 with TFIIE on TFIIH in transcription