13 research outputs found

    Proton--induced deuteron breakup at GeV energies with forward emission of a fast proton pair

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    A study of the deuteron breakup reaction pd(pp)npd \to (pp)n with forward emission of a fast proton pair with small excitation energy Epp<E_{pp}< 3 MeV has been performed at the ANKE spectrometer at COSY--J\"ulich. An exclusive measurement was carried out at six proton--beam energies Tp=T_p=~0.6,~0.7,~0.8,~0.95,~1.35, and 1.9 GeV by reconstructing the momenta of the two protons. The differential cross section of the breakup reaction, averaged up to 88^{\circ} over the cm polar angle of the total momentum of the pppp pairs, has been obtained. Since the kinematics of this process is quite similar to that of backward elastic pddppd \to dp scattering, the results are compared to calculations based on a theoretical model previously applied to the pddppd \to dp process.Comment: 17 pages including 6 figures and 1 table v2: minor changes; v3: minor change of author list; v4: changes in accordance with referee remark

    ‘You wouldn’t get that from watching TV!’: Exploring audience responses to virtual reality non-fiction in the home

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    Consumer virtual reality (VR) headsets (e.g. Oculus Go) have brought VR non-fiction (VRNF) within reach of at-home audiences. However, despite increase in VR hardware sales and enthusiasm for the platform among niche audiences at festivals, mainstream audience interest in VRNF is not yet proven. This is despite a growing body of critically acclaimed VRNF, some of which is freely available. In seeking to understand a lack of engagement with VRNF by mainstream audiences, we need to be aware of challenges relating to the discovery of content and bear in mind the cost, inaccessibility and known limitations of consumer VR technology. However, we also need to set these issues within the context of the wider relationships between technology, society and the media, which have influenced the uptake of new media technologies in the past. To address this work, this article provides accounts by members of the public of their responses to VRNF as experienced within their households. We present an empirical study – one of the first of its kind – exploring these questions through qualitative research facilitating diverse households to experience VRNF at home, over several months. We find considerable enthusiasm for VR as a platform for non-fiction, but we also find this enthusiasm tempered by ethical concerns relating to both the platform and the content, and a pervasive tension between the platform and the home setting. Reflecting on our findings, we suggest that VRNF currently fails to meet any ‘supervening social necessity’ (Winston, 1996, Technologies of Seeing: Photography, Cinematography and Television. British: BFI.) that would pave the way for widespread domestic uptake, and we reflect on future directions for VR in the home

    Total and differential cross sections of η-production in proton–deuteron fusion for excess energies between Qη = 13 MeV and Qη = 81 MeV

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    New data on both total and differential cross sections of the production of η mesons in proton–deuteron fusion to He3η in the excess energy region 13.6MeV≤Qη≤80.9MeV are presented. These data have been obtained with the WASA-at-COSY detector setup located at the Forschungszentrum Jülich, using a proton beam at 15 different beam momenta between pp=1.60GeV/c and pp=1.74GeV/c. While significant structure of the total cross section is observed in the energy region 20MeV≲Qη≲60MeV, a previously reported sharp variation around Qη≈50MeV cannot be confirmed. Angular distributions show the typical forward-peaking that was noted earlier. For the first time, it is possible to study the development of these angular distributions with rising excess energy over a wide interval

    The labour of place:Memory and extended reality (XR) in migration museums

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    How do we understand the relationship between memory and place in the context of Extended Reality (XR) migration museum exhibitions? The study combines a global mapping of XR within migration museums, a user analysis of Cologne’s virtual migration museum, and practice-led research with the UK Migration Museum to argue that XR places in Web 2.0 constitute a multiplication of memory’s significant localities. These include a migration memory’s place of beginning (the location of a migrant experience), the place of production (where the memory is transformed into representation) and the place of consumption (where the mediated memory is engaged with, looked at, heard). Mnemonic labour involving digital frictions at each of these sites constitutes a form of multiple place-making with complex feelings, meanings, and (dis)connections. This points to an innovative approach to understanding and curating XR experiences with museums that recognises the significance of the labour of place