358 research outputs found

    Time to Diagnosis of Second Primary Cancers among Patients with Breast Cancer

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    Many breast cancer diagnoses and second cancers are associated with BRCA gene mutations. Early detection of cancer is necessary to improve health outcomes, particularly with second cancers. Little is known about the influence of risk factors on time to diagnosis of second primary cancers after diagnosis with BRCA-related breast cancer. The purpose of this cohort study was to examine the risk of diagnosis of second primary cancers among women diagnosed with breast cancer after adjusting for BRCA status, age, and ethnicity. The study was guided by the empirical evidence supporting the mechanism of action in the mutation of BRCA leading to the development of cancer. Composite endpoint was used to define second primary cancer occurrences, and Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to compare the median time-to-event among comparison groups and BRCA gene mutation status. Cox proportional hazards was used to examine the relationships between age at diagnosis, ethnicity, BRCA gene mutation status, and diagnosis of a second primary cancer. The overall median time to event for diagnosis of second primary cancers was 14 years. The hazard ratios for BRCA2 = 1.47, 95% CI [1.03 - 2.11], White = 1.511, 95% CI [1.18 - 1.94], and American Indian/Hawaiian = 1.424, 95% CI [1.12 -1.81] showing positive significant associations between BRCA2 mutation status and risk of diagnosis of second primary colorectal, endometrial, cervical, kidney, thyroid, and bladder cancers. Data on risk factors for development of second cancers would allow for identification of appropriate and timely screening procedures, determining the best course of action for prevention and treatment, and improving quality of life among breast cancer survivors

    Konflikty etniczne w Afryce w świetle teorii potrzeb ludzkich

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    "Niniejszy artykuł koncentruje się w głównej mierze na zagadnieniu rozwiązywania konfliktów etnicznych w Afryce – próbuje wyjaśnić, dlaczego są one tak trwałe pomimo wielu wysiłków zmierzających do ich rozwiązania. Główną przyczyną jest zła polityka społeczna państwa, która prowadzi do niezaspokojenia podstawowych ludzkich potrzeb (basic human needs – BHN). Przypomniana w tym opracowaniu teoria podstawowych potrzeb Johna Burtona , wyjaśnia dobór stosowanych materiałów źródłowych i metod rozwiązywania konfliktów, które nękają Afrykę od czasu dekolonizacji."(...

    Microfinance and poverty alleviation : a case of Obazu Progressive Women Association, Mbieri Imo state - Nigeria

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    Microfinance, which is one of the tools used in poverty alleviation, has been with us since time immemorial. In Nigeria it is traditionally rooted, while providing credit and financial services to the poor or low-income earners. There are people with self-help groups, rotating savings and associations with several activities aiding members to come out of poverty etc. Microfinance however, is been implemented to overcome the failure of the formal banking industry at offering small loans for the poor to enable them perform some income generating activities. The question of 'whom does the microfinance benefit', and how it affects the welfare of different groups of individuals and household was tackled in this study. This was achieved through studying the impact of micro financing on a group of women - Obazu Progressive Women Association, Mbieri, Owerri in Nigeria involved in poverty alleviating activities for their members. From the findings of this study, the microfinance intervention has a positive impact on alleviation of poverty among the women of this association. Interestingly, this study found that most women in this association experienced increased income and therefore improved their economic status, political and social conditions after receiving the loans. This result therefore further upholds the main purpose and objectives of microfinance in general

    Mutant HSPB8 causes motor neuron-specific neurite degeneration

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    Missense mutations (K141N and K141E) in the α-crystallin domain of the small heat shock protein HSPB8 (HSP22) cause distal hereditary motor neuropathy (distal HMN) or Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 2L (CMT2L). The mechanism through which mutant HSPB8 leads to a specific motor neuron disease phenotype is currently unknown. To address this question, we compared the effect of mutant HSPB8 in primary neuronal and glial cell cultures. In motor neurons, expression of both HSPB8 K141N and K141E mutations clearly resulted in neurite degeneration, as manifested by a reduction in number of neurites per cell, as well as in a reduction in average length of the neurites. Furthermore, expression of the K141E (and to a lesser extent, K141N) mutation also induced spheroids in the neurites. We did not detect any signs of apoptosis in motor neurons, showing that mutant HSPB8 resulted in neurite degeneration without inducing neuronal death. While overt in motor neurons, these phenotypes were only very mildly present in sensory neurons and completely absent in cortical neurons. Also glial cells did not show an altered phenotype upon expression of mutant HSPB8. These findings show that despite the ubiquitous presence of HSPB8, only motor neurons appear to be affected by the K141N and K141E mutations which explain the predominant motor neuron phenotype in distal HMN and CMT2L

    Wrapping the alpha-crystallin domain fold in a chaperone assembly

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    Small heat shock proteins (sHsps) are oligomers that perform a protective function by binding denatured proteins. Although ubiquitous, they are of variable sequence except for a C-terminal similar to 90-residue "alpha-crystallin domain". Unlike larger stress response chaperones, sHsps are ATP-independent and generally form polydisperse assemblies. One proposed mechanism of action involves these assemblies breaking into smaller subunits in response to stress, before binding unfolding substrate and reforming into larger complexes. Two previously solved non-metazoan sHsp multimers are built from dimers formed by domain swapping between the alpha-crystallin domains,. adding to evidence that the smaller subunits are dimers. Here, the 2.5 angstrom resolution structure of an sHsp from the parasitic flatworm Taenia saginata Tsp36, the first metazoan crystal structure, shows a new mode of dimerization involving N-terminal regions, which differs from that seen for non-metazoan sHsps. Sequence differences in the a-crystallin domains between metazoans and nonmetazoans are critical to the different mechanism of dimerization, suggesting that some structural features seen for Tsp36 may be generalized to other metazoan sHsps. The structure also indicates scope for flexible assembly of subunits, supporting the proposed process of oligomer breakdown, substrate binding and reassembly as the chaperone mechanism. It further shows how sHsps can bind coil and secondary structural elements by wrapping them around the alpha-crystallin domain. The structure also illustrates possible roles for conserved residues associated with disease, and suggests a mechanism for the sHsp-related pathogenicity of some flatworm infections. Tsp36, like other flatworm sHsps, possesses two divergent sHsp repeats per monomer. Together with the two previously solved structures, a total of four alpha-crystallin domain structures are now available, giving a better definition of domain boundaries for sHsps

    Small heat-shock protein HSPB1 mutants stabilize microtubules in Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy

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    Mutations in the small heat shock protein HSPB1 (HSP27) are causative for Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) neuropathy. We previously showed that a subset of these mutations displays higher chaperone activity and enhanced affinity to client proteins. We hypothesized that this excessive binding property might cause the HSPB1 mutant proteins to disturb the function of proteins essential for the maintenance or survival of peripheral neurons. In the present work, we explored this hypothesis further and compared the protein complexes formed by wild-type and mutant HSPB1. Tubulin came out as the most striking differential interacting protein, with hyperactive mutants binding more strongly to both tubulin and microtubules. This anomalous binding leads to a stabilization of the microtubule network in a microtubule-associated protein-like manner as reflected by resistance to cold depolymerization, faster network recovery after nocodazole treatment, and decreased rescue and catastrophe rates of individual microtubules. In a transgenic mouse model for mutant HSPB1 that recapitulates all features of CMT, we could confirm the enhanced interaction of mutant HSPB1 with tubulin. Increased stability of the microtubule network was also clear in neurons isolated from these mice. Since neuronal cells are particularly vulnerable to disturbances in microtubule dynamics, this mechanism might explain the neuron-specific CMT phenotype caused by HSPB1 mutations

    Genome-Wide Expression Analysis of a Spinal Muscular Atrophy Model: Towards Discovery of New Drug Targets

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    Spinal Muscular Atrophy is a recessive genetic disease and affects lower motor neurones and muscle tissue. A single gene is disrupted in SMA: SMN1 activity is abolished but a second copy of the gene (SMN2) provides limited activity. While the SMN protein has been shown to function in the assembly of RNA-protein complexes, it is unclear how the overall reduction in SMN activity specifically results in the neuromuscular phenotypes. Similar to humans, reduced smn activity in the fly causes earliest phenotypes in neuromuscular tissues. To uncover the effects of reduced SMN activity, we have studied gene expression in control and diseased fly tissues using whole genome micro-arrays. A number of gene expression changes are recovered and independently validated. Identified genes show trends in their predicted function: several are consistent with the function of SMN, in addition some uncover novel pathways. This and subsequent genetic analysis in the fly indicates some of the identified genes could be taken for further studies as potential drug targets for SMA and other neuromuscular disorders

    Missense mutations in the copper transporter gene ATP7A cause X-Linked distal hereditary motor neuropathy

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    Distal hereditary motor neuropathies comprise a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders. We recently mapped an X-linked form of this condition to chromosome Xq13.1-q21 in two large unrelated families. The region of genetic linkage included ATP7A, which encodes a copper-transporting P-type ATPase mutated in patients with Menkes disease, a severe infantile-onset neurodegenerative condition. We identified two unique ATP7A missense mutations (p.P1386S and p.T994I) in males with distal motor neuropathy in two families. These molecular alterations impact highly conserved amino acids in the carboxyl half of ATP7A and do not directly involve the copper transporter's known critical functional domains. Studies of p.P1386S revealed normal ATP7A mRNA and protein levels, a defect in ATP7A trafficking, and partial rescue of a S. cerevisiae copper transport knockout. Although ATP7A mutations are typically associated with severe Menkes disease or its milder allelic variant, occipital horn syndrome, we demonstrate here that certain missense mutations at this locus can cause a syndrome restricted to progressive distal motor neuropathy without overt signs of systemic copper deficiency. This previously unrecognized genotype-phenotype correlation suggests an important role of the ATP7A copper transporter in motor-neuron maintenance and function

    Relative contribution of mutations in genes for autosomal dominant distal hereditary motor neuropathies: a genotype-phenotype correlation study

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    Distal hereditary motor neuropathy (HMN) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous group of disorders affecting spinal α-motor neurons. Since 2001, mutations in six different genes have been identified for autosomal dominant distal HMN; glycyl-tRNA synthetase (GARS), dynactin 1 (DCTN1), small heat shock 27 kDa protein 1 (HSPB1), small heat shock 22 kDa protein 8 (HSPB8), Berardinelli-Seip congenital lipodystrophy (BSCL2) and senataxin (SETX). In addition a mutation in the (VAMP)-associated protein B and C (VAPB) was found in several Brazilian families with complex and atypical forms of autosomal dominantly inherited motor neuron disease. We have investigated the distribution of mutations in these seven genes in a cohort of 112 familial and isolated patients with a diagnosis of distal motor neuropathy and found nine different disease-causing mutations in HSPB8, HSPB1, BSCL2 and SETX in 17 patients of whom 10 have been previously reported. No mutations were found in GARS, DCTN1 and VAPB. The phenotypic features of patients with mutations in HSPB8, HSPB1, BSCL2 and SETX fit within the distal HMN classification, with only one exception; a C-terminal HSPB1-mutation was associated with upper motor neuron signs. Furthermore, we provide evidence for a genetic mosaicism in transmitting an HSPB1 mutation. This study, performed in a large cohort of familial and isolated distal HMN patients, clearly confirms the genetic and phenotypic heterogeneity of distal HMN and provides a basis for the development of algorithms for diagnostic mutation screening in this group of disorder