10 research outputs found

    BCR-ABL prevents c-Jun-mediated and proteasome-dependent FUS (TLS) proteolysis through a protein kinase C beta II-dependent pathway

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    The DNA binding activity of FUS (also known as TLS), a nuclear pro-oncogene involved in multiple translocations, is regulated by BCR-ABL in a protein kinase cpn (PKC beta II)-dependent manner. We show here that in normal myeloid progenitor cells FUS, although not visibly ubiquitinated, undergoes proteasome-dependent degradation, whereas in BCR-ABL-expressing cells, degradation is suppressed by PKC beta II phosphorylation. Replacement of serine 256 with the phosphomimetic aspartic acid prevents proteasome-dependent proteolysis of FUS, while the serine-256-to-alanine FUS mutant is unstable and susceptible to degradation. Ectopic expression of the phosphomimetic S256D FUS mutant in granulocyte colony-stimulating factor-treated 32Dcl3 cells induces massive apoptosis and inhibits the differentiation of the cells escaping cell death, while the degradation-prone S256A mutant has no effect on either survival or differentiation. FUS proteolysis is induced by c-Jun, is suppressed by BCR-ABL or Jun kinase 1, and does not depend on c-Jun transactivation potential, ubiquitination, or its interaction with Jun kinase 1, In addition, c-Jun induced FUS proteasome-dependent degradation is enhanced by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1 and depends on the formation of a FUS-Jun-hnRNP A1-containing complex and on lack of PKC beta II phosphorylation at serine 256 but not on FUS ubiquitination. Thus, novel mechanisms appear to be involved in the degradation of FUS in normal myeloid cells; moreover, the ability of the BCR-ABL oncoprotein to suppress FUS degradation by the induction of posttranslational modifications might contribute to the phenotype of BCR-ABL expressing hematopoietic cells

    The implicit risk of code-conforming structures in Italy: a joint Reluis-Eucentre project

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    This report collects the 2015-2017 deliverables of the RINTC project, which has been a joint project of ReLUIS and EUCENTRE. The project intended to assess the seismic risk of codeconforming structures in Italy. This report replaces the previous versions (2015 and 2016) thus the results presented herein are, in some cases, different from those presented in the previous years and from preliminary literature derived from this project. This is because, as discussed in the body of text, hypotheses and choices have been continuously revised until consolidation; this process might be continuing even after the end of the project. In general, all computed annual structural failure rates closely reflect specific assumptions on design, modeling and analysis of the considered structures, and this has to be always taken into account when discussing the results of this project. The working group of the project (listed below) consists of the following six sub-groups, each of which explores (i) seismic risk assessment of code-conforming structures, designs, modelings, and analyses of (ii) masonry buildings, (iii) precast reinforced concrete buildings, (iv) reinforced concrete buildings, (v) steel buildings, and (vi) base-isolated reinforced concrete buildings. The remainder of this report is structured such that each chapter presents the research results from the corresponding sub-group: Chapter (i) introduces the objectives and framework of the project; Chapters (ii) – (vi) develop code-conforming designs, modelings and analyses of buildings for each structural type; Chapter (vii) concludes the study presenting the final results of the computed failure rates for the structures examined in the preceding chapters. Moreover, readers can refer to Appendices A to C for the details of the considerations on (a) usability-preventing limit state, (b) soil-structure interaction, and (c) model-uncertainty, respectively

    Survey of neonatal respiratory care and surfactant administration in very preterm infants in the Italian neonatal network

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    Introduction: Variation of respiratory care is described between centers around the world.The Italian Neonatal Network (INN), as a national group of the Vermont-Oxford Network (VON) allows to perform a wide analysis of respiratory care in very low birth weight infants. Methods:We analyzed the dataset of infants enrolled in the INN in 2009 and 2010 and, for surfactant administration only, from 2006 to 2010 from 83 participating centers. All definitions are those of the (VON). A questionnaire analysis was also performed with a questionnaire on centers practices. Results: We report data for 8297 infants. Data on ventilator practices and outcomes are outlined. Variation for both practices and outcome is found. Trend in surfactant administration is also analyzed. Conclusions. The great variation across hospitals in all the surveyed techniques points to the possibility of implementing potentially better practices with the aim of reducing unwanted variation. These data also show the power of large neonatal networks in identifying areas for potential improvement. \ua9 Mattioli 1885

    Survey of neonatal respiratory care and surfactant administration in very preterm infants in the Italian neonatal network

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    Introduction: Variation of respiratory care is described between centers around the world.The Italian Neonatal Network (INN), as a national group of the Vermont-Oxford Network (VON) allows to perform a wide analysis of respiratory care in very low birth weight infants. Methods:We analyzed the dataset of infants enrolled in the INN in 2009 and 2010 and, for surfactant administration only, from 2006 to 2010 from 83 participating centers. All definitions are those of the (VON). A questionnaire analysis was also performed with a questionnaire on centers practices. Results: We report data for 8297 infants. Data on ventilator practices and outcomes are outlined. Variation for both practices and outcome is found. Trend in surfactant administration is also analyzed. Conclusions. The great variation across hospitals in all the surveyed techniques points to the possibility of implementing potentially better practices with the aim of reducing unwanted variation. These data also show the power of large neonatal networks in identifying areas for potential improvement. © Mattioli 1885

    Diagnostic and infection control strategies for Clostridioides difficile infections in a setting of high antimicrobial resistance prevalence

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    Clostridioides difficile (CD) is a major nosocomial pathogen and the leading cause of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea. In light of the strong association between antimicrobial use and CD infections (CDI), it may be hypothesised that areas at higher prevalence of antimicrobial resistance, like the region of Campania in southern Italy, could also have a higher rate of CDI. In this multicentre, region-based, prospective study, we analysed such issues, exploiting CDI incidence data collected from local hospitals. In 2016, the Italian National Centre for Disease Control supported a project involving three Italian regions: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio and Campania. In Campania, a network of 49 hospitals willing to participate in the project was created. The project consisted of two phases: a survey on practice patterns concerning CDI and an epidemiological surveillance study. We identified a stringent need to improve awareness about CDI among the regional health-care community, as a widespread lack of surveillance programmes for CDI control was observed (existing in only 40% of participating facilities). Moreover, almost half of the participating hospitals (n=16, 43%) had no standardised procedures or protocols to control and prevent CDI. In the second phase of the study, we collected data of CDI cases during a six-month surveillance programme. In all, 87 CDI cases were observed, for a total of 903,334 patient bed-days and 122,988 admissions. According to the above data, CDI incidence was 0.96 cases/10000 patient bed-days, much lower than expected based on prior studies conducted elsewhere. The results of our study suggest CDI remains a rather neglected clinical issue in Campania. Despite a high burden of antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use in our geographic setting, we observed a very low incidence of CDI. Such a low incidence could be explained by underdiagnosis, but could also be related to actual diet, the lower patient age or the specific genetic background. However, further studies are warranted to either confirm or rebut the above hypotheses

    Association of maternal hypertension and chorioamnionitis with preterm outcomes

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    OBJECTIVES: We compared the relative effect of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and chorioamnionitis on adverse neonatal outcomes in very preterm neonates, and studied whether gestational age (GA) modulates these effects. METHODS: A cohort of neonates 23 to 30 weeks' GA, born in 2008 to 2011 in 82 hospitals adhering to the Italian Neonatal Network, was analyzed. Infants born from mothers who had hypertensive disorders (N = 2096) were compared with those born after chorioamnionitis (N = 1510). Statistical analysis employed logistic models, adjusting for GA, hospital, and potential confounders. RESULTS: Overall mortality was higher after hypertension than after chorioamnionitis (odds ratio [OR], 1.39; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.08-1.80), but this relationship changed across GA weeks; the OR for hypertension was highest at low GA, whereas from 28 weeks' GA onward, mortality was higher for chorioamnionitis. For other outcomes, the relative risks were constant across GA; infants born after hypertension had an increased risk for bronchopulmonary dysplasia (OR, 2.20; 95% CI, 1.68-2.88) and severe retinopathy of prematurity (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.02-2.15), whereas there was a lower risk for early-onset sepsis (OR, 0.25; 95% CI, 0.19-0.34), severe intraventricular hemorrhage (OR, 0.65; 95% CI, 0.48-0.88), periventricular leukomalacia (OR, 0.70; 95% CI, 0.48-1.01), and surgical necrotizing enterocolitis or gastrointestinal perforation (OR, 0.47; 95% CI, 0.31-0.72). CONCLUSIONS: Mortality and other adverse outcomes in very preterm infants depend on antecedents of preterm birth. Hypertension and chorioamnionitis are associated with different patterns of outcomes; for mortality, the effect changes across GA weeks. Copyright \uc2\ua9 2014 by the American Academy of Pediatrics

    Guidelines for biomarkers in autoimmune rheumatic diseases - evidence based analysis.

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    Autoimmune rheumatic diseases are characterised by an abnormal immune system response, complement activation, cytokines dysregulation and inflammation. In last years, despite many progresses in managing these patients, it has been shown that clinical remission is reached in less than 50% of patients and a personalised and tailored therapeutic approach is still lacking resulting in a significant gap between guidelines and real-world practice. In this context, the need for biomarkers facilitating early diagnosis and profiling those individuals at the highest risk for a poor outcome has become of crucial interest. A biomarker generally refers to a measured characteristic which may be used as an indicator of some biological state or condition. Three different types of medical biomarkers has been suggested: i. mechanistic markers; ii. clinical disease markers; iii. therapeutic markers. A combination of biomarkers from these different groups could be used for an ideal more accurate diagnosis and treatment. However, although a growing body of evidence is focused on improving biomarkers, a significant amount of this information is not integrated on standard clinical care. The overarching aim of this work was to clarify the meaning of specific biomarkers during autoimmune diseases; their possible role in confirming diagnosis, predicting outcome and suggesting specific treatments