437 research outputs found

    Civil aviation, air pollution and human health

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    Air pollutant emissions from aircraft have been subjected to less rigorous control than road traffic emissions, and the rapid growth of global aviation is a matter of concern in relation to human exposures to pollutants, and consequent effects upon health. Yim et al (2015 Environ. Res. Lett. 3 034001) estimate exposures globally arising from aircraft engine emissions of primary particulate matter, and from secondary sulphates and ozone, and use concentration-response functions to calculate the impact upon mortality, which is monetised using the value of statistical life. This study makes a valuable contribution to estimating the magnitude of public health impact at various scales, ranging from local, near airport, regional and global. The results highlight the need to implement future mitigation actions to limit impacts of aviation upon air quality and public health. The approach adopted in Yim et al only accounts for the air pollutants emitted by aircraft engine exhausts. Whilst aircraft emissions are often considered as dominant near runways, there are a number of other sources and processes related to aviation that still need to be accounted for. This includes impacts of nitrate aerosol formed from NOx emissions, but probably more important, are the other airport-related emissions from ground service equipment and road traffic. By inclusion of these, and consideration of non-fatal impacts, future research will generate comprehensive estimates of impact related to aviation and airports

    Towards dissociation of passengers and baggage

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    Dissociation of passenger travel and baggage delivery is being considered as one of the radical innovations in future air transport. This paper elaborates on this idea to identify potential benefits as well as implementation challenges. It is argued that complete end-to-end dissociation involving also the air segment is critically dependent on dissociation provided first in the ground segment. The end-to-end dissociation is likely to lead to full outsourcing of baggage services outside airports to the 3rd party providers while treating baggage as cargo at airports. Even though large scale dissociation may be challenging or less beneficial, the situation appears very different at smaller scales. In order to obtain initial assessment of baggage volumes expected in the ground segment in a large metropolitan area, arrival and departure flight data from 4 major London airports were used to infer the baggage flows between these airports and the Greater London area. Our analysis estimates that the required baggage transport and processing capacity is as large as 100’s of bags per hour per a baggage distribution center in the city. This capacity can be reduced by at least 30% provided that the baggage flow variations are suppressed by exploiting temporary storage facilities

    A framework for the classification and prioritization of arrival and departure routes in Multi-Airport Systems Terminal Manoeuvring Areas

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    © 2015 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Inc, AIAA. All right reserved.Typically major cities (London, New York, Tokyo) are served by several airports effectively creating a Multi-Airport System or Metroplex. The operations of the Metroplex airports are highly dependent on one another, which renders their efficient management difficult. This paper proposes a framework for the prioritization of arrival and departure routes in Multi-Airport Systems Terminal Manoeuvring Areas. The framework consists of three components. The first component presents a new procedure for clustering arrival and departure flights into dynamic routes based on their temporal and spatial distributions through the identification of the important traffic flow patterns throughout the day of operations. The second component is a novel Analytic Hierarchy Process model for the prioritization of the dynamic routes, accounting for a set of quantitative and qualitative characteristics important for Multi-Airport Systems operations. The third component is a priority-based model for the facility location of the optimal terminal waypoints (fixes), which accounts for the derived priorities of each dynamic route, while meeting the required separation distances. The proposed Analytic Hierarchy Process model characteristics are validated by subject matter experts. The developed framework is applied to the London Metroplex case study

    Preliminary noise assessment of aircraft with distributed electric propulsion

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    Electric and hybrid-electric propulsion technologies in aviation are becoming more attractive for aviation stakeholders not only due to the resulting reduction or elimination of the dependency on oil, whose availability and price are uncertain, but also because they are more reliable and efficient than traditional internal combustion engines. Moreover, combined with distributed electric propulsion (DEP), these technologies have shown potential in significantly reducing civil aircraft community noise impact and contribute towards delivering the strict mid-to-long-term environmental goals set by organisations worldwide, such as ACARE and NASA. This paper examines the noise impact of a concept tube and wing aircraft that falls in the A320 category and features various DEP systems using different power supply units (turboshaft engines or batteries) and number of electric propulsors. Meanwhile, considerations required for the transition from conventional to electric propulsion are discussed. Estimated Noise-Power-Distance (NPD) curves and noise exposure contour maps are also presented. It is concluded that indeed, the propulsors’ number is a key parameter for optimising the environmental performance of DEP aircraft and hence maximising the noise benefits. Also, it is shown that based on the entry into service year (2035) technology, totally electric aircraft tend to have a larger noise footprint than aircraft using hybrid electric propulsion systems

    A framework for managing airport grasslands and birds amidst conflicting priorities

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    Management of modern airports is a task beset by conflicting priorities. Airports are vital to the global market economy, but impose costly environmental disturbances including habitat loss, noise, reduced air quality, erosion, introduction of invasive organisms, and polluted storm-water runoff (Blackwell et al. 2009). Airport environments also attract some wildlife hazardous to aviation safety, namely species involved in wildlife-aircraft collisions or ‘strikes’ (ICAO 2001, Blackwell et al. 2009, DeVault et al. 2011). Since 1912 at least 276 human lives have been lost due to bird strikes (Thorpe 2010), and from 1990 to 2010, more than 106 000 bird strikes involving civil aircraft were reported to the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA; http://wildlife-mitigation. tc.faa.gov/wildlife/). Dolbeer (2006) reported that for strikes resulting in substantial aircraft damage (ICAO 1989), 66% occurred below 152 m altitude and within 1.5 km of a runway for airports servicing piston-powered aircraft only, and within 3 km of a runway for airports servicing turbine-powered aircraft (FAA 2009). Consequently, aviation authorities prioritize human safety over wildlife conservation in management of airport habitats (ICAO 2001, FAA 2009). Despite these problems, airports have been proposed as candidates for biodiversity conservation (Kelly & Allan 2006, Blackwell et al. 2009). For example, Kutschbach- Brohl et al. (2010) report that airport grasslands can provide habitat for a range of arthropod communities (e.g. Lepidoptera), and suggest the possibility of conserving these communities while minimizing provision of prey resources to birds recognized as hazardous to aviation. Moreover, declines in grassland bird populations in Europe and North America due to agricultural intensification and development have focused attention on enhancing quality and quantity of remnant grasslands (Herkert 1994, Vickery et al. 2004), including airport grasslands. In North America, airport properties have been identified as key areas of remnant grasslands important to obligate grassland bird species; species that both nest and forage in grasslands (Vickery et al. 1994, Askins et al. 2007). Airport properties in the contiguous USA include \u3e 330 000 ha of grassland, mostly annually mown areas, constituting 39–50% of airport property (DeVault et al. 2012). However, there is little research specific to airport environments that considers food resources for birds (Bernhardt et al. 2010, Kutschbach-Brohl et al. 2010), how birds perceive and react to predation risk (Baker & Brooks 1981) or disturbance (Kershner & Bollinger 1996), and no adequate assessment of how grassland management might affect strike risk (Blackwell et al. 2009, Martin et al. 2011). In this context, we contend that promoting conservation of obligate grassland birds and managing to reduce bird hazards to aviation safety combines two potentially conflicting objectives in a single management framework. Ecologically based guidance to solve this potential conflict is limited, if not oversimplified. Here, we question the potential use of airports to conserve grassland birds, and assess the challenges in managing airport grasslands in light of current ecological and behavioral frameworks. We consider conditions for conservation of obligate grassland birds on airports, and evidence on the use of airports by frequently struck, grassland birds (both obligate and facultative). We also provide a framework to manage grassland birds at airports, given current information and uncertainty. Because of the availability of strike data via the FAA, our focus is on North America. However, problems associated with bird use of airport grasslands are international (ICAO 2001). Therefore, our ultimate purpose is better to inform current management, but also identify research gaps and establish specific predictions that will guide future studies on the ecological basis of use of airport grasslands by birds

    Global navigation satellite systems performance analysis and augmentation strategies in aviation

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    In an era of significant air traffic expansion characterized by a rising congestion of the radiofrequency spectrum and a widespread introduction of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are being exposed to a variety of threats including signal interferences, adverse propagation effects and challenging platform-satellite relative dynamics. Thus, there is a need to characterize GNSS signal degradations and assess the effects of interfering sources on the performance of avionics GNSS receivers and augmentation systems used for an increasing number of mission-essential and safety-critical aviation tasks (e.g., experimental flight testing, flight inspection/certification of ground-based radio navigation aids, wide area navigation and precision approach). GNSS signal deteriorations typically occur due to antenna obscuration caused by natural and man-made obstructions present in the environment (e.g., elevated terrain and tall buildings when flying at low altitude) or by the aircraft itself during manoeuvring (e.g., aircraft wings and empennage masking the on-board GNSS antenna), ionospheric scintillation, Doppler shift, multipath, jamming and spurious satellite transmissions. Anyone of these phenomena can result in partial to total loss of tracking and possible tracking errors, depending on the severity of the effect and the receiver characteristics. After designing GNSS performance threats, the various augmentation strategies adopted in the Communication, Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management and Avionics (CNS + A) context are addressed in detail. GNSS augmentation can take many forms but all strategies share the same fundamental principle of providing supplementary information whose objective is improving the performance and/or trustworthiness of the system. Hence it is of paramount importance to consider the synergies offered by different augmentation strategies including Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS), Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS), Aircraft Based Augmentation System (ABAS) and Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM). Furthermore, by employing multi-GNSS constellations and multi-sensor data fusion techniques, improvements in availability and continuity can be obtained. SBAS is designed to improve GNSS system integrity and accuracy for aircraft navigation and landing, while an alternative approach to GNSS augmentation is to transmit integrity and differential correction messages from ground-based augmentation systems (GBAS). In addition to existing space and ground based augmentation systems, GNSS augmentation may take the form of additional information being provided by other on-board avionics systems, such as in ABAS. As these on-board systems normally operate via separate principles than GNSS, they are not subject to the same sources of error or interference. Using suitable data link and data processing technologies on the ground, a certified ABAS capability could be a core element of a future GNSS Space-Ground-Aircraft Augmentation Network (SGAAN). Although current augmentation systems can provide significant improvement of GNSS navigation performance, a properly designed and flight-certified SGAAN could play a key role in trusted autonomous system and cyber-physical system applications such as UAS Sense-and-Avoid (SAA)