108 research outputs found

    Visualization of a musical composition using digital animation

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    For my diploma work, I wanted to create a musical visualization of the idea that I came up with when listening to Singularity by Stephan Bodzin. I decided to create a pre-rendered video that is made using digital animation. In my graduation thesis, I present computer procedures for automatic tran- scription of music, the construction of a visual model, and the criteria on which I chose the 3D-program that was the most suitable for the type of animation I wanted to make. I also introduce the tool in which I made the animation, Cinema4D and its main interfaces. In the end, I devote more detail to the production of my diploma animation

    Visualization of a musical composition using digital animation

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    For my diploma work, I wanted to create a musical visualization of the idea that I came up with when listening to Singularity by Stephan Bodzin. I decided to create a pre-rendered video that is made using digital animation. In my graduation thesis, I present computer procedures for automatic tran- scription of music, the construction of a visual model, and the criteria on which I chose the 3D-program that was the most suitable for the type of animation I wanted to make. I also introduce the tool in which I made the animation, Cinema4D and its main interfaces. In the end, I devote more detail to the production of my diploma animation

    Sprejem in uporaba lokalnih letalskih meritev pri napovedovanju vremena

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    etala med letom neprestano merijo zraËni tlak in temperaturo ter izraËunavajo veter. Ti podatki so zelo uporabni za spremljanje in napovedovanje vremena. V sedemdesetih letih preteklega stoletja se je zaËelo organizirano zbiranje teh podatkov s pomoËjo radijskih in satelitskih povezav pod okriljem Svetovne meteoroloπke organizacije, ki pa je æal omejeno na nekaj letalskih druæb. S pojavom radarjev nove generacije Mode-S se je od- prla moænost zajema meteoroloπkih podatkov prek radarjev. V Sloveniji smo prvi vzpostavili pot prenosa teh meritev z letal prek radarjev Mode-S do meteoroloπke sluæbe. Primerjave kaæejo, da so meritve v povpreËju zelo kakovostne in imajo pozitiven vpliv na kratkoroËno vremensko napoved. Opisani naËin pridobivanja in sprejema meteoroloπkih meritev prek radarjev Mode-S ter izmenjave podatkov je vzorËen, a za zdaj v svetu veËinoma neizkoriπËen primer moænosti uËinkovitega sodelovanja upravljavcev letalskih radarjev in meteoroloπkih sluæb. Naπo izkuπnjo promoviramo v med- narodnih institucijah, saj menimo, da ima velik potencial za izboljπave napovedi vremena in varnosti letalskega prometa v svetovnem merilu

    Slovenska etnomuzikologija v letih 1848-1941

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    Ethnomusicology is a special discipline closely related to musicology and ethnology. There has always been a split, sometimes even misunderstanding, between historians of music and ethnomusicologists. In Slovenia, the interest in recording folk music grew strong in the second half of the 19th century, and the collections by Vraz, Ziljski, Štrekelj, Kocijančič, Murko, and others, resulted. In the first half of the 20th century, the most distinguished person in the field was France Marolt. The author analyses in more detail works of M. Bajuk and R. Hrovatin. Early ethnomusicological studies were based on the material collected mostly by amateurs (travellers, priests, teachers, Slavists, organists etc.) who did not have adequate training, sensibility, nor technical means for recording subtleties of folk music performance. The research into instrumental folk music did not start in Slovenia before World War II. It still remains a major task of Slovene ethnomusicologists.Etnomuziklogija je mlada panoga znanosti, ki se še danes marsikje bori za priznanje. Prvi raziskovalni koraki so bili bolj nebogljeni nerodni, večkrat prav zaradi nerazčiščenih pojmovanj o vlogi, pomembnosti in značaju ter zlasti o predmetu raziskovanj. V Sloveniji se je zanimanje za ljudsko glasbo povećalo zlasti drugoj polovici 19. stoletja. Avtor podrobneje omenja razprave dveh autorjev: M. Bajuka in R. Hrovatina. Etnomuzikološka dela slovenskih etnomuzikologov so bila v času nastajanja pomembna za razvoj slovenske etnomuzikologije. Bolj ali manj so se vsa opirala na do takrat nabrano gradivo katero so zborali priložnostni zbiralci, nepoklicni glasbeniki. Problem verodstojnosti zapisov še danes obstaja, čeprav so sodobni tehnični aparati do neke mere ta problem omilili

    The influence of age and sex on maximal inspiratory, expiratory and nasal inspiratory pressure in healthy subjects

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    Uvod: Največji inspiratorni in ekspiratorni tlak sta pokazatelja zmogljivosti dihalnih mišic pri vdihu in izdihu ter stanja pljuč in dihalnih poti. Normalne vrednosti se razlikujejo glede na spol, starost in splošno stanje preiskovanca. Spremljanje dihalnih zmožnosti je možno z ne-invazivnim postopkom, kot je merjenje vitalne kapacitete največjega inspiratornega in ekspiratornega tlaka in največjega nosnega inspiratornega tlaka. Namen: Namen raziskave je bil testirati največji inspiratorni, ekspiratorni in nosni inspiratorni tlak pri zdravih preiskovancih, starih od 20 do 79 let, ter oceniti vpliv spola in starosti na te vrednosti. Metode dela: V raziskavo smo vključili 84 zdravih prostovoljcev, 42 moških in 42 žensk, starih od 20 do 79 let. Vzeli smo starostne skupine z razponom 10 let (20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79). Znotraj posamezne starostne skupine smo testirali 14 preiskovancev, 7 moških in 7 žensk. Vrednosti smo primerjali glede na spol in starost. Rezultati: Podatki niso bili vedno normalno porazdeljeni, zato smo pri nadaljnji analizi uporabili statistiko za neparametrične podatke (mediana, percentili, Mann-Whitney t-test, korelacijski koeficient po Spearmanu). Z meritvami smo dokazali, da imajo moški statistično pomembno večje vrednosti največjega inspiratornega, ekspiratornega in nosnega inspiratornega tlaka kot pa ženske. S starostjo so se vrednosti največjega inspiratornega, ekspiratornega in nosnega inspiratornega tlaka statistično pomembno manjšale tako pri ženskah kot pri moških. Moški so imeli večje respiratorne vrednosti v primerjavi z ženskami tudi v posameznih starostnih skupinah, vendar te razlike niso bile vedno statistično pomembno različne. Prav tako se mediane posameznih starostnih skupin niso s starostjo vedno manjšale. Statistično pomembne razlike smo pri meritvah največjega inspiratornega tlaka med moškimi in ženskami dokazali v starostnih skupinah 20–29 let in 70–79 let, pri največjem ekspiratornem tlaku pri najstarejši starostni skupini (med 70 in 79) let in pri nosnem inspiratornem tlaku v skupini med 60 in 69 let ter 70 in 79 let. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati kažejo, da imajo moški večjo zmogljivost dihalnih mišic v primerjavi z ženskami in da z leti vrednosti največjega inspiratornega, ekspiratornega ter nosnega inspiratornega tlaka padajo. Zaradi majhnega števila preiskovancev se razlike v posamezni starostni skupini med spoloma niso vedno statistično pomembno razlikovale, prav tako mlajši preiskovanci niso imeli vedno višje vrednosti kot starejši. V raziskavo bi bilo potrebno vključiti več preiskovancev, poleg tega bi morali bili preiskovanci enakomerno zastopani tudi glede telesne pripravljenosti, kajenja, indeksa telesne mase in poklica, ki ga opravljajo.Introduction: The maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure are indicators of muscle performance while inhaling and exhaling, and of the condition of the lungs and airways. The normal values differ with regard to gender, age and the overall medical condition of the test subject. Respiratory capacity can be monitored with non-invasive procedures, such as measuring the vital capacity, the maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressure, and the maximal nasal inspiratory pressure. Purpose: The purpose of the research was to test the maximal inspiratory pressure, the maximal expiratory pressure, and the nasal inspiratory pressure in healthy test subjects between the ages of 20 and 79, and to assess the impact of gender and age on these values. Methods: The survey encompassed 84 healthy volunteers, i.e. 42 men and 42 women, between the ages of 20 and 79. They were sorted into age groups with a 10-year age span (20–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70–79). Within an individual age group, 14 test subjects (7 men and 7 women) were tested. Results: The data were not always distributed normally, which is why subsequent analyses employed nonparametric data statistics (median, percentile, t-test, Mann-Whitney test, Spearman\u27s correlation coefficient). The measurements have proved that men have statistically significantly higher values of the maximal inspiratory pressure, the maximal expiratory pressure, and the nasal inspiratory pressure compared to women. With age, the values of the maximal inspiratory, expiratory and nasal inspiratory pressure statistically significantly decreased in women and men alike. The men had higher respiratory values compared to women also in individual age groups, but those differences were not always statistically significantly different. Moreover, the medians of individual age groups did not always decrease with age. The measurements have proved that there are statistically significant differences in the maximal inspiratory pressure between men and women in the 20–29 and 70–79 let age groups, in the maximal expiratory pressure in the oldest age group (between 70 and 79), and in the nasal inspiratory pressure in the age group between 60 and 69 and between 70 and 79. Discussion and conclusion: The results show that men have stronger respiratory muscles than women and that with age the values of the maximal inspiratory pressure, the maximal expiratory pressure, and the nasal inspiratory pressure decrease. Due to the small number of test subjects, the differences between genders in individual age groups were not always statistically significantly differentmoreover, the test subjects in the younger age groups did not always achieve higher values than those in the older groups. The survey should be expanded to include more test subjects who would be evenly represented also with regard to their overall physical activity, smoking, and occupation


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    A method for assessment of maximum precipitation rates in the South-Eastern Alps calculated from observed low-level wind speed, air-mass specific humidity and mountain slope is presented. The results show good potential of method, especially for estimation of possible pre-frontal precipitation rates

    Visualization of Music in a 3D Software

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    Z diplomsko nalogo sem želel ustvariti glasbeno vizualizacijo skladbe s podobami, ki sem si jih ustvaril, ko sem poslušal skladbo Singularity avtorja Stephana Bodzina. Predstavljal sem si potovanje skozi različne velikostne skale sveta. Najprej bi gledalec potoval po človeški ravni, potem bi se spustili v celično raven in pozneje v atomsko. Na koncu bi spoznali še raven vesolja. Za diplomsko nalogo sem uporabil 3D-program za animacijo in modeliranje, Cinema4d ter program za procesiranje in editiranje videov, Adobe After Effects.With this diploma thesis, I wanted to create a musical visualization of the composition I made in my head when I listened to the Singularity by Stephan Bodzin. I imagined a journey through different scales of the world. First, the viewer would travel on the human, then go down into the cellular and later into the atomic level. In the end, we would get to know the space level. I used the 3D animation and modeling program, Cinema4d, and the video editing and editing program, Adobe After Effect

    Vzroki za izseljevanje s Primorskega v Italijo po drugi svetovni vojni

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    The article focuses on the question of how many residents of the Primorska region decided to move abroad after the communist system was established in Yugoslavia and the new Yugoslav-Italian border was drawn. It was found that a portion of the population must have undergone such pressures that many individuals or even entire families decided for the dangerous and illegal journey across the border where they faced an uncertain future. Furthermore, motives for departure of those who decided to leave their hometown with the government's permission are presented (the so-called optants)