4,411 research outputs found


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    In the title compound, C11H13N3S, two of the C atoms of the cyclo­hexene ring and the methyl group attached to it are disordered over two sets of sites in a 0.544 (2):0.456 (2) ratio. The benzothiene and pyrimidine rings are almost coplanar with an angular tilt of 2.371 (9)° between them. The thio­phene ring is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation 0.05 Å), while the cyclo­hexene ring in both the major- and minor-occupancy conformers adopts a half-chair conformation. In the crystal structure, pairs of intermolecular N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds involving the amino groups result in centrosymmetric head-to-head dimers about inversion centres, corresponding to an R 2 2(8) graph-set motif. Further, N—H⋯N hydrogen bonding generates a two-dimensional hydrogen-bonded network perpendicular to the ac plane and running along the diagonal of the ac plane

    De Noordzee: een waardevol archief onder water. Meer dan 100 jaar onderzoek van strandvondsten en vondsten uit zee in België: een overzicht

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    De Noordzee kan beschouwd worden als een waardevol en speciaal archief, met heel wat interessante informatie over het verleden. De zone beneden de laagwaterlijn behoort tot het domein van de subtidale archeologie of de archeologie van het subgetijdengebied van de Noordzee. De zone tussen de hoog- en de laagwaterlijn behoort tot de intertidale archeologie of de archeologie van het intergetijdengebied van de Noordzee. In het eerste deel van deze studie wordt kort de geschiedenis van het onderzoek in deze beide zones geschetst. Daarna wordt in een tweede deel een chronologisch overzicht gegeven van de resultaten van het onderzoek en dit vanaf het ontstaan van de archeologie als wetenschappelijke discipline. In dit tweede deel wordt ook een klein aantal tot nu toe ongepubliceerde vondsten opgenomen van buiten het Belgische deel van de Noordzee. De reden hiervoor is zowel pragmatisch als inhoudelijk. Enerzijds worden deze vondsten geregistreerd samen met de andere vondsten, ze bevinden zich immers samen in de bestudeerde collecties. Anderzijds dragen ze ook inhoudelijk bij tot een beter inzicht in de genese van het hele zuidelijke Noordzeegebied, waarvan de zone onder Belgisch toezicht deel uitmaakt. Verder dienen in dit tweede deel ook een aantal vraagstellingen en onderzoeksstrategieën als basis voor de globale discussie in het derde deel van deze bijdrage. De bijdrage wordt ten slotte afgesloten met een zo volledig mogelijke bibliografie over het onderzoek in het Belgische deel van de Noordzee inclusief de stranden

    Monitoring the prevalence of methamphetamine-related presentations at psychiatric hospitals in Cape Town, South Africa

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    Objective: This study aimed to determine a demographic profile of methamphetamine (MA)-related admissions to major psychiatric services in Cape Town, obtain a substance use profile from admitted patients, a profile of common MA-related symptoms encountered during the assessment of the patients presenting with MA-related problems, and a brief profile of the psychiatric diagnoses made.Method: Staff in six psychiatric hospitals or wards in Cape Town collected data on methamphetamine related admissions between July and December 2008 using a one-page record review form. The data collection form consisted of the patient’s demographic details, presenting symptoms, previous admission details, current MA and other substance use information, and DSM-IV diagnosis. Results: A total of 235 forms were completed. Most patients were male (69%) and the mean age was 25 years. The most common presenting symptoms were aggressive behaviour (74%), followed by delusions (59%) and hallucinations (57%). Males were two times more likely to present with aggression as compared to females, while females were significantly more likely to present with depressed mood or euphoric/elevated mood. The majority of patients had substanceinduced psychotic disorder (41%), followed by schizophrenia (31%). Twelve percent (12%) had bipolar mood disorder.Conclusion: MA-related psychiatric admissions pose serious challenges to all health services dealing with these patients. Further training and treatment protocol development and distribution is indicated.Keywords: Methamphetamine; Admissions; Psychosis; South Afric

    Measuring the evolution of contemporary western popular music

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    Popular music is a key cultural expression that has captured listeners' attention for ages. Many of the structural regularities underlying musical discourse are yet to be discovered and, accordingly, their historical evolution remains formally unknown. Here we unveil a number of patterns and metrics characterizing the generic usage of primary musical facets such as pitch, timbre, and loudness in contemporary western popular music. Many of these patterns and metrics have been consistently stable for a period of more than fifty years, thus pointing towards a great degree of conventionalism. Nonetheless, we prove important changes or trends related to the restriction of pitch transitions, the homogenization of the timbral palette, and the growing loudness levels. This suggests that our perception of the new would be rooted on these changing characteristics. Hence, an old tune could perfectly sound novel and fashionable, provided that it consisted of common harmonic progressions, changed the instrumentation, and increased the average loudness.Comment: Supplementary materials not included. Please see the journal reference or contact the author

    Optimization of Xanthatin Extraction from Xanthium spinosum L. and its cytotoxic, anti-angiogenesis and antiviral properties

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    The aqueous extraction of the sesquiterpene lactone xanthatin from Xanthium spinosum L. favours the conversion of xanthinium to xanthatin via the loss of acetic acid. The cytotoxic (Hep-G2 and L1210 human cell lines) and antiviral activities of isolated xanthatin are established. This natural compound shows significant cytotoxicity against the Hep-G2 cell line and our experimental results reveal its strong anti-angiogenesis capacity in vitro. The structure of xanthatin is determined by spectroscopic methods and for the first time confirmed by X-ray diffraction

    A simple method to estimate the number of doses to include in a bank of vaccines. The case of Lumpy Skin Disease in France

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    A simple method to estimate the size of the vaccine bank needed to control an epidemic of an exotic infectious disease in case of introduction into a country is presented. The method was applied to the case of a Lumpy Skin disease (LSD) epidemic in France. The size of the stock of vaccines needed was calculated based on a series of simple equations that use some trigonometric functions and take into account the spread of the disease, the time required to obtain good vaccination coverage and the cattle density in the affected region. Assuming a 7-weeks period to vaccinate all the animals and a spread of the disease of 7.3 km/week, the vaccination of 740 716 cattle would be enough to control an epidemic of LSD in France in 90% of the simulations (608 196 cattle would cover 75% of the simulations). The results of this simple method were then validated using a dynamic simulation model, which served as reference for the calculation of the vaccine stock required. The differences between both models in different scenarios, related with the time needed to vaccinate the animals, ranged from 7% to 10.5% more vaccines using the simple method to cover 90% of the simulations, and from 9.0% to 13.8% for 75% of the simulations. The model is easy to use and may be adapted for the control of different diseases in different countries, just by using some simple formulas and few input data

    Association of alcohol control policies with adolescent alcohol consumption and with social inequality in adolescent alcohol consumption : a multilevel study in 33 countries and regions

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    Funding: The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) is an international study carried out in collaboration with WHO Europe. This research is funded by public sources in each member country. Specifically, ELL, CMM, and ISQ are supported by the Ministry de Health, Spain. CMM is supported by the VI Plan Propiode Investigación de la Universidad de Sevilla 2018, under the action “II.5B Contrato de acceso al Sistema Españolde Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación para el Desarrollo del Programa Propio de I + D + i de la Universidad de Sevilla”. JI is supported by the UK Medical Research Council (MC_UU_12017/12) and the Chief Scientist Office (SPHSU12).Background  Previous research found inconsistent associations between alcohol control policies and socioeconomic inequality with adolescent drinking outcomes. This study expands the focus beyond individual associations to examine whether a combination of policies is related to socioeconomic inequality in adolescent drinking outcomes and whether this relationship varies across survey years. Methods  Multilevel modelling of 4 waves of repeat cross-sectional survey data (2001/02, 2005/06, 2009/10, and 2013/14) from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study was carried out. The sample was composed of 671,084 adolescents (51% girls) aged 11, 13, and 15 (mean age=13.58; SD=1.65) from 33 European and North American countries/regions. The dependent variables were lifetime alcohol consumption, weekly alcohol consumption, and lifetime drunkenness. Independent variables were of three types: individual-level variables (age, sex, Family Affluence Scale, and the Perceived Family Wealth), time-level variable (survey year), and context-level variables (minimum legal drinking age, physical availability, advertising restrictions, a total alcohol policy index, and affordability of alcohol). Results  The total alcohol policy index showed a negative relationship with both lifetime and weekly consumption. Higher affordability of alcohol was related to higher lifetime and weekly consumption and higher lifetime drunkenness. Family Affluence Scale was positively related to all three alcohol measures and Perceived Family Wealth was negatively related to lifetime drunkenness, with these associations increasing across survey years. The total alcohol policy index buffered the associations of Family Affluence Scale and Perceived Family Wealth with adolescent drinking outcomes. Conclusion  A combination of alcohol control policies is more effective in reducing adolescent drinking outcomes than single policy measures. Reducing the affordability of alcohol stood out as the most successful single measure. Socioeconomic inequalities (i.e. higher alcohol consumption and drunkenness in adolescents with higher family affluence and higher drunkenness in adolescents perceiving their families to be poor) have persisted and even increased across survey years. A combined alcohol control policy can help in tackling them.PostprintPublisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The Spread of Bluetongue Virus Serotype 8 in Great Britain and Its Control by Vaccination

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    Bluetongue (BT) is a viral disease of ruminants transmitted by Culicoides biting midges and has the ability to spread rapidly over large distances. In the summer of 2006, BTV serotype 8 (BTV-8) emerged for the first time in northern Europe, resulting in over 2000 infected farms by the end of the year. The virus subsequently overwintered and has since spread across much of Europe, causing tens of thousands of livestock deaths. In August 2007, BTV-8 reached Great Britain (GB), threatening the large and valuable livestock industry. A voluntary vaccination scheme was launched in GB in May 2008 and, in contrast with elsewhere in Europe, there were no reported cases in GB during 2008.Here, we use carefully parameterised mathematical models to investigate the spread of BTV in GB and its control by vaccination. In the absence of vaccination, the model predicted severe outbreaks of BTV, particularly for warmer temperatures. Vaccination was predicted to reduce the severity of epidemics, with the greatest reduction achieved for high levels (95%) of vaccine uptake. However, even at this level of uptake the model predicted some spread of BTV. The sensitivity of the predictions to vaccination parameters (time to full protection in cattle, vaccine efficacy), the shape of the transmission kernel and temperature dependence in the transmission of BTV between farms was assessed.A combination of lower temperatures and high levels of vaccine uptake (>80%) in the previously-affected areas are likely to be the major contributing factors in the control achieved in England in 2008. However, low levels of vaccination against BTV-8 or the introduction of other serotypes could result in further, potentially severe outbreaks in future