12 research outputs found

    Disentangling the information in species interaction networks

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    Shannon’s entropy measure is a popular means for quantifying ecological diversity. We explore how one can use information-theoretic measures (that are often called indices in ecology) on joint ensembles to study the diversity of species interaction networks. We leverage the little-known balance equation to decompose the network information into three components describing the species abundance, specificity, and redundancy. This balance reveals that there exists a fundamental trade-off between these components. The decomposition can be straightforwardly extended to analyse networks through time as well as space, leading to the corresponding notions for alpha, beta, and gamma diversity. Our work aims to provide an accessible introduction for ecologists. To this end, we illustrate the interpretation of the components on numerous real networks. The corresponding code is made available to the community in the specialised Julia package EcologicalNetworks.jl

    Automated recognition of people and identfication of animal species in camera trap images

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    Camera traps are increasingly being used in wildlife monitoring. The great advantage of camera traps in comparison with other sampling methods is that very accurate data can be collected without the animal being collared or tagged nor the researcher being present. However, such camera trapping frameworks produce high volumes of pictures which often need to be reviewed manually. Convolutional neural networks can be used to automate this labour intensive process. In our work, we use existing manually labelled images from a camera trap study conducted by the Research Institute for Nature and Forest in collaboration with Hasselt University (Belgium) to train a convolutional neural network for identifying animal species. Images were annotated using the camera trap application Agouti (www.agouti.eu). In this way images can be automatically labelled or the network can be incorporated into annotation applications to provide a suggestion to the users and as such speed up the annotation process. In addition to conveying the presence or absence of species, the images may contain other useful information, for example animal attributes and behaviour. Therefore, getting help from wildlife enthusiasts via citizen science may be desirable to review the large amounts of data. However, since cameras are mounted in public nature reserves, there always exists the risk that passers-by have triggered the camera traps. For privacy reasons, images showing people cannot be made public. Removing these images from the dataset can be automated by training the network to recognise people in addition to identifying animals species, before the data can be made available to volunteers

    Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data

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    Plankton imaging systems supported by automated classification and analysis have improved ecologists' ability to observe aquatic ecosystems. Today, we are on the cusp of reliably tracking plankton populations with a suite of lab-based and in situ tools, collecting imaging data at unprecedentedly fine spatial and temporal scales. But these data have potential well beyond examining the abundances of different taxa; the individual images themselves contain a wealth of information on functional traits. Here, we outline traits that could be measured from image data, suggest machine learning and computer vision approaches to extract functional trait information from the images, and discuss promising avenues for novel studies. The approaches we discuss are data agnostic and are broadly applicable to imagery of other aquatic or terrestrial organisms

    EcologicalNetworks.jl : analysing ecological networks of species interactions

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    Networks are a convenient way to represent many interactions among ecological entities. The analysis of ecological networks is challenging for two reasons. First, there is a plethora of measures that can be applied (and some of them measure the same property). Second, the implementation of these measures is sometimes difficult. We present 'EcologicalNetworks.jl', a package for the 'Julia' programming language. Using a layered system of types to represent several types of ecological networks, this packages offers a solid library of basic functions which can be chained together to perform the most common analyses of ecological networks

    Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data

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    Plankton imaging systems supported by automated classification and analysis have improved ecologists' ability to observe aquatic ecosystems. Today, we are on the cusp of reliably tracking plankton populations with a suite of lab-based and in situ tools, collecting imaging data at unprecedentedly fine spatial and temporal scales. But these data have potential well beyond examining the abundances of different taxa; the individual images themselves contain a wealth of information on functional traits. Here, we outline traits that could be measured from image data, suggest machine learning and computer vision approaches to extract functional trait information from the images, and discuss promising avenues for novel studies. The approaches we discuss are data agnostic and are broadly applicable to imagery of other aquatic or terrestrial organisms.ISSN:0024-3590ISSN:1939-559

    Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data

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    Plankton imaging systems supported by automated classification and analysis have improved ecologists' ability to observe aquatic ecosystems. Today, we are on the cusp of reliably tracking plankton populations with a suite of lab-based and in situ tools, collecting imaging data at unprecedentedly fine spatial and temporal scales. But these data have potential well beyond examining the abundances of different taxa; the individual images themselves contain a wealth of information on functional traits. Here, we outline traits that could be measured from image data, suggest machine learning and computer vision approaches to extract functional trait information from the images, and discuss promising avenues for novel studies. The approaches we discuss are data agnostic and are broadly applicable to imagery of other aquatic or terrestrial organisms