273 research outputs found
Development of a sedation protocol for dogs undergoing optical coherence tomography (OCT)
Under 90-talet utvecklades en ny teknik för ögonundersökning, kallad optisk koherenstomografi
(OCT). Tekniken kan ÄskÄdliggöra delar av ögat vilka tidigare enbart kunnat ses histologiskt. OCTtekniken har inom humanvÄrden etablerats som en rutinmÀssig undersökning som utförs av oftalmologer i diagnostiskt syfte. Tekniken Àr till exempel vÀl adapterad för att diagnosticera morfologiska
förÀndringar i retina. FörÀndringar i retina upptÀckts inom veterinÀrvÄrden idag med hjÀlp av oftalmoskop, förutsatt att förÀndringen Àr stor nog, eller indirekt via elektroretinogram (ERG).
OCT-tekniken krÀver dock ett fixerat och centrerat öga, samt en stilla och lugn hund. Detta innebÀr i de flesta fall att sedering eller anestesi krÀvs. I dagslÀget finns inget sederingsprotokoll framtaget som medger ett centrerat och stilla öga, vilket innebÀr att spekulum, hÄllsuturer eller dylikt
krÀvs för att genomföra undersökningen.
Sedering enligt fyra olika protokoll har anvÀnts och analyserats avseende ögats position och fysiologiska parametrar. Sederingsprotokollen innehöll olika kombinationer av lÀkemedlen medetomidin, butorfanol, ketamin och Zoletil (1:1 tiletamin: zolazepam). Sedering enligt protokoll 2 (konstant infusion av medetomidin + ketamin) och 3 (Zoletil + medetomidin + butorfanol) gav otillfredsstÀllande resultat avseende fysiologiska parametrar respektive ögats position och lÀkemedelsbiverkningar i form av katalepsi och kramper. Protokoll 1 (Medetomidin + ketamin + butorfanol) och
protokoll 4 (medetomidin + ketamin) resulterade i stabila vÀrden avseende de fysiologiska parametrarna och goda resultat avseende ögats position. AnvÀndning av protokoll 4 visades med samtliga
parametrar inrÀknade Ästadkomma bÀst resultat av de prövade protokollen.A novel technology for examination of the eyes was developed during the 90Žs. The technology is
called optical coherence tomography (OCT). By using light, the OCT technology makes it possible
to visualize parts of the eye that were previously only possible to see by histology. OCT is already
well established in human medicine. The technology is used routinely by ophthalmologists for examination of an array of diseases of the eye. OCT is more than capable of diagnosing morphological
changes of the retina. Changes in the morphology of the retina is by date mostly diagnosed using
ophthalmoscopes or indirectly using electroretinogram (ERG) in veterinary medicine.
Use of the OCT-technology in veterinary medicine is accompanied with the demand of sedation,
or anesthesia. To date there is to our knowledge no suitable sedation protocol for dogs during OCT
examination published. Sedation used today for canine patients undergoing OCT examination is not
chosen specifically to generate an immobilized and centrally located eye. Problems regarding the
eyes position during sedation is therefore present and the use of aids for maintaining an ideal eye is
necessary (e.g. speculums, stay suture).
Sedation with four different protocols containing different combinations of medetomidine, ketamine, butorphanol and Zoletil (1:1 tiletamine: zolazepam) was used and analyzed in this study.
Protocols 2 (Constant rate infusion with medetomine + ketamine) and 3 (Zoletil + medetomidine +
butorphanol) produced poor results regarding positioning of the eyes and physiological parameters.
Protocols 1 (medetomidine + ketamine + butorphanol) and 4 (medetomidine + ketamine) produced
stable and sound results both regarding the position of the eyes during sedation and the physiological
aspects. Sedation according to protocol 4 produced the best results in this study and was therefore
chosen to be further developed for clinical eye examinations with OCT
Metabol inflammation vid övervikt
Kroniskt överintag av nÀringsÀmnen kan leda till övervikt och förÀndring av fettvÀvnadens metabola och endokrina funktion. Detta kan resultera i en ökad frisÀttning av fettsyror, hormoner och proinflammatoriska molekyler och uppkomsten av metabolt aktiverad inflammation. NÀr fettvÀvnaden expanderar skadas adipocyterna och dess kringliggande stroma. Expansionen kan leda till att vÀvnaden blir syrefattig och att adipocyter skadas eller gÄr i nekros. Vid sÄdana tillfÀllen sÀnds stressignaler ut vilket resulterar i en ökad proinflammatorisk miljö och rekrytering av immunceller. I inflammationens tidiga skede rekryteras T-lymfocyter som efter exponering för proinflammatoriska signaler frÄn bland annat adipocyter i fettvÀvnaden utvecklar ett Th-1 svar. Th-1 cellerna driver inflammationen vidare genom rekrytering av monocyter som tillsammans med de fettvÀvnadsmakrofager som redan finns i fettvÀvnaden differentieras mot proinflammatoriska M1 fenotypen. Vid en fullt utvecklad metabol inflammation, meta-inflammation, ses en nÀrvaro av nÀra pÄ alla typer av immunceller i fettvÀvnaden dÀr makrofagerna dominerar i antal. Rekrytering och differentiering av immunceller till fettvÀvnaden medieras till stor del av signaler frÄn adipocyter i form av adipokiner och cytokiner frÄn innate lymphoid cells. Framförallt adipokinernas inverkan pÄ det adaptiva immunförsvaret genom utsöndring av proinflammatoriska signaler visar pÄ en nÀra koppling mellan det metabola systemet och immunsystemet. En ökad insulinresistens ses jÀmsides med en ökad inflammationsgrad dÄ flera av de signaler som driver inflammation Àven pÄverkar insulinregleringen.Chronic obesity changes the metabolic and endocrine function of the adipose tissue. This can lead to an increased release of fatty acids, hormones, and proinflammatory molecules resulting in a metabolic inflammation. With the expansion of adipose tissue during obesity the adipocytes and stromal cells take damage. The expansion may lead to hypoxi and necrosis of adipocytes. In such cases the release of stress-signals is initiated in the adipose tissue wich results in an increasingly proinflammatory milieu and recruitment of immune cells. In the early stages of inflammation T-lymphocytes are recruited and are exposed to proinflammatory signals in the adipose tissue that primes the cells towards a Th-1 response. The now proinflammatory Th-1 cell is a potent mediator that drives the inflammation forward. Later on macrophages are recruited and together with adipose tissue macrophages already on site they are primed towards the proinflammatory M1 phenotype. In the fully developed metainflammation nearly all types of immune cells may be present in the adipose tissue with macrophages as the dominant celltype. The recruitment and differentiation of immune cells are largely mediated by signals from adipocytes in form of adipokines and cytokines from the innate lymphoid cells. Chiefly the effect that adipokines have on the adaptive immune system will differentiate cells towards a proinflammatory response illustrating the close relation between the metabolic system and the immunesystem. Alongside with the increasing inflammation an increased insulin resistance will occur due to the inhibitory effect on the insulin signaling that many of the proinflammatory signals exert
Strategisk planerings pÄverkan pÄ lönsamhet, riskhantering och mÄluppfyllelse i svenskt jordbruk
Lantbruksbranschen Àr i dagslÀget en pressad bransch som i mÄnga fall har svÄrighet med lönsamheten. Den pÄverkas av bÄde interna och externa faktorer och som lantbrukare kan det i mÄnga fall vara svÄrt att göra nÄgot Ät situationen. Exempelvis den aktuella politiken eller vÀdret. Det som dÀremot gÄr att pÄverka kan bland annat vara den strategiska planeringen i företaget. FrÄgan Àr dock hur mycket det pÄverkar lönsamheten, riskhantering och
mÄluppfyllelse. UtifrÄn detta har ett syfte utformats dÀr vi ville undersöka hur strategisk planering pÄverkar lönsamhet, riskhantering samt mÄluppfyllelse i svenskt lantbruk. Syftet ska besvaras med följande frÄgor:
1. I vilken utstrÀckning bidrar strategisk planering till lönsamhet?
2. Har företag som arbetar med strategisk planering enklare att nÄ sina mÄl?
3. Ăr lantbrukare som arbetar med strategisk planering bĂ€ttre pĂ„ att hantera risk?
Undersökningen Àr genomförd med hjÀlp av en kvantitativ enkÀtstudie som skickades till den svenska lantbruksbranschen. Urvalet grundade sig i bekvÀmlighetsurval. DÀr studien hade tillgÄng till mailkontakter frÄn kÀnda lantbrukare. Vidare analyserades enkÀtsvaren i statistikprogrammet Jamovi. I programmet gjordes olika statistiska tester bland annat hierarkisk
multipel regressionsanalys. Studien testade Àven enkÀtmaterialets reliabilitet utifrÄn Cronbachs alfa. Detta resulterade i att frÄgestÀllningarna ovan gick att besvara.
Avslutningsvis visade studien att de företag som i större utstrÀckning anvÀnde sig av strategisk planering hade bÀttre möjligheter att uppnÄ sina mÄl samt att de var lönsammare. Sambandet mellan riskhantering och strategisk planering var dock inte lika tydligt. UtifrÄn studiens resultat rekommenderas dÀrför att aktiva företagare i branschen i större utstrÀckning ska anvÀnda sig av strategisk planering. Detta för att förbÀttra lönsamheten och pÄ lÄng sikt konkurrenskraften.
Vidare blir studien pÄ sÄ vis unik dÄ den Àr genomförd pÄ svenskt lantbruk och fyller dÀrmed ett tidigare forskningsgap.The agricultural industry is currently under pressure and often struggles with profitability. It is influenced by both internal and external factors, and as a farmer, it can often be difficult to address the situation. For example, current policies or weather conditions may pose challenges.
However, one aspect that can be influenced is strategic planning within the company. The question is how much it affects profitability, risk management, and goal achievement. This study has been conducted to explore this issue. Based on this, a purpose has been formulated
where we wanted to investigate how strategic planning affects profitability, risk management, and goal fulfillment in Swedish agriculture. The purpose will be answered with the following questions:
1. To what extent does strategic planning contribute to profitability?
2. Do companies that engage in strategic planning find it easier to achieve their goals?
3. Are farmers who engage in strategic planning better at managing risk?
The investigation was conducted using a quantitative survey study sent to the Swedish agricultural sector. The sample was based on convenience sampling, where the study had access to email contacts from known farmers. The survey responses were further analyzed in the statistical program Jamovi. Various statistical tests were conducted in the program, including hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The study also tested the reliability of the survey material based on Cronbach's alpha. This resulted in the ability to answer the above questions.
In conclusion, the study showed that companies that extensively used strategic planning had better opportunities to achieve their goals and were more profitable. However, the relationship between risk management and strategic planning was not as clear. Based on the study's results,
it is recommended that active entrepreneurs in the industry should use strategic planning to a greater extent. This is to improve profitability and, in the long term, competitiveness.
Furthermore, the study is unique as it was conducted on Swedish agriculture, thus filling a previous research gap
Relationsarbete Ăr arbetet med relationer i fritidshem hotat?
VÄrt syfte med studien har varit att undersöka om de förÀndringar som skett över tid i fritidshemmet pÄverkar arbetet med relationer och om detta utgör ett hinder i det arbetet. Vi anvÀnde oss av kvalitativa metoder och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sju lÀrare i fritidshem och nio elever. Intervjuerna genomfördes pÄ tvÄ olika skolor. En skola i storstadsmiljö och en pÄ landsort. Empirin har analyserats utifrÄn en tematisk modell med ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv. I studien med lÀrare identifierade vi tre teman: gruppstorlek, miljö och ledningens ansvar. I resultatet kunde vi utlÀsa att dessa tre olika teman pÄverkar förutsÀttningarna för lÀrare och elever i verksamheten. VÄrt resultat av elevintervjuerna synliggör tre teman: kompisar, lekmiljö och relation till vuxen. Eftersom det finns begrÀnsad forskning utifrÄn barns perspektiv har vi utgÄtt frÄn detta för att ge barnen en röst. I analysdelen har vi anvÀnt oss av barnperspektivet för att kunna tolka resultatet, utifrÄn barnens bÀsta. Studien visar att eleverna har fungerande kamratrelationer, att de vuxna Àr snÀlla och hjÀlpsamma och att utomhusmiljön Àr tillfredsstÀllande och stimulerar till olika lekar. VÄra slutsatser Àr att eleverna kÀnner sig nöjda utifrÄn de frÄgestÀllningarna som finns representerade i empirin. LÀrarna som vi intervjuat, anser att förutsÀttningarna pÄ fritidshemmet mÄste förbÀttras för att inte bli ett hinder i relationsarbetet
JÀmstÀlldhet i skogssektorn kommer att hÀnda - men nÀr?
The Swedish forest sector have under a long time been characterized of a masculine culture but are changing toward a more equal forest sector. With the perspective of composition of board members and board work, methods and actions can be discussed to improve changes toward a more equal board and organisation.
To investigate how equality work can be implemented in an organisation and its company board can be affected, six board members representing different organisations in the forest sector have been interviewed. Their experiences as board members as well as their many years of work experiences contribute in the analysis of expected competence in a board as well as how equality and equality work can be discussed and implemented in board work. The analysis also include how they view quota and how it can affect the desired competence when implemented in the board.
The results showed that the board members are positive toward a change toward equality, but actions on implementing equality work is not included in the board work except discussions about it. Many respondents remark that equality and equality work is an operative discussion and that it will be fulfilled with time.
In the analysis it appeared that quota is a sensitive word. When implementing actions to achieve equality, quota need to be developed so the concept is clearer before it can be implemented.Den svenska skogssektorn har lÀnge prÀglats av en mansdominerad kultur, men hÄller pÄ att förÀndras mot en mer jÀmstÀlld skogssektor. Med utgÄngspunkt ur sammansÀttningen av styrelsemedlemmar och styrelsearbete kan metoder och ÄtgÀrder diskuteras för att förbÀttra arbetet mot en mer jÀmstÀlld styrelse och organisation.
För att undersöka hur jÀmstÀlldhetsarbetet inom styrelsen sÄvÀl som i organisationen kan pÄverkas har sex styrelsemedlemmar som representerar olika organisationer i skogsbranschen intervjuats. Deras erfarenheter som styrelseledamot samt mÄnga Ärs arbetslivserfarenhet bidrar till analysen om hur förvÀntad kompetens i en styrelse samt hur jÀmstÀlldhet och jÀmstÀlldhetsarbete kan diskuteras och implementeras i deras styrelsearbete. Analysen innehÄller deras syn pÄ kvotering samt hur det kan pÄverka efterfrÄgad kompetens i styrelsen.
Resultatet visade att styrelsemedlemmarna Àr positiva till en jÀmstÀlld förÀndring, men att ÄtgÀrder för att arbeta med jÀmstÀlldhet inte implementerats i styrelsearbetet annat Àn i form av diskussioner. MÄnga respondenter pÄpekar att frÄgan Àr mer av en operativ frÄga och att den kommer lösas med tiden.
I analysen sÄg vi att kvotering Àr ett kÀnsligt ordval. Vid implementering av ÄtgÀrder för att uppnÄ jÀmstÀlldhet bör begreppet utvecklas för en bÀttre förstÄelse innan vidare genomförande
Negative predictive value and potential cost savings of acute nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging in low risk patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome: A prospective single blinded study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Previous studies from the USA have shown that acute nuclear myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) in low risk emergency department (ED) patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS) can be of clinical value. The aim of this study was to evaluate the utility and hospital economics of acute MPI in Swedish ED patients with suspected ACS.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We included 40 patients (mean age 55 ± 2 years, 50% women) who were admitted from the ED at Lund University Hospital for chest pain suspicious of ACS, and who had a normal or non-ischemic ECG and no previous myocardial infarction. All patients underwent MPI from the ED, and the results were analyzed only after patient discharge. The current diagnostic practice of admitting the included patients for observation and further evaluation was compared to a theoretical "MPI strategy", where patients with a normal MPI test would have been discharged home from the ED.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Twenty-seven patients had normal MPI results, and none of them had ACS. MPI thus had a negative predictive value for ACS of 100%. With the MPI strategy, 2/3 of the patients would thus have been discharged from the ED, resulting in a reduction of total hospital cost by some 270 EUR and of bed occupancy by 0.8 days per investigated patient.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings in a Swedish ED support the results of larger American trials that acute MPI has the potential to safely reduce the number of admissions and decrease overall costs for low-risk ED patients with suspected ACS.</p
Impact by pancreatic stellate cells on epithelial-mesenchymal transition and pancreatic cancer cell invasion:adding a third dimension in vitro
Pancreatic cancer is associated with a highly abundant stroma and low-grade inflammation. In the local tumour microenvironment, elevated glucose levels, the presence of tumour-associated stellate cells and macrophages are hypothesised to promote the tumour progression and invasion. The present study investigated the influence by the microenvironment on pancreatic cancer cell invasion in vitro. After co-culture with tumour-associated pancreatic stellate cells (TPSCs), pancreatic cancer cells displayed up to 8-fold reduction in levels of epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) markers E-cadherin and ZO-1, while ÎČ-catenin and vimentin levels were increased. A 3D organotypic model showed that TPSCs stimulated pancreatic cancer cell invasion, both as single cell (PANC-1) and cohort (MIAPaCa-2) invasion. The combined presence of TPSCs and M2-like macrophages induced invasion of the non-invasive BxPC-3 cells. High glucose conditions further enhanced changes in EMT markers as well as the cancer cell invasion. In summary, co-culture with TPSCs induced molecular changes associated with EMT in pancreatic cancer cells, regardless of differentiation status, and the organotypic model demonstrated the influence of microenvironmental factors, such as glucose, stellate cells and macrophages, on pancreatic cancer cell invasion
Design space exploration of shell structures using quality diversity algorithms
Computer-aided optimization algorithms in structural engineering have historically focused on the
structural performance of generated forms, often resulting in the selection of a single âoptimalâ solution.
However, diversity of generated solutions is desirable when those solutions are shown to a human user
to choose from. Quality-Diversity (QD) search is an emerging field of Evolutionary Computation which
can automate the exploration of the solution space in engineering problems. QD algorithms, such as
MAP-Elites, operate by maintaining and expanding an archive of diverse solutions, optimising for
quality in local niches of a multidimensional design space. The generated archive of solutions can help
engineers gain a better overview of the solution space, illuminating which designs are possible and their
trade-offs. In this paper we apply Quality Diversity search to the problem of designing shell structures.
Since the design of shell structures comes with physical constraints, we leverage a constrained
optimization variant of the MAP-Elites algorithm, FI-MAP-Elites. We implement our proposed
methodology within the Rhino/Grasshopper environment and use the Karamba Finite Element Analysis
solver for all structural engineering calculations. We test our method on case studies of parametric
models of shell structures that feature varying complexity. Our experiments investigate the algorithmâs
ability to illuminate the solution space and generate feasible and high-quality solutions.peer-reviewe
Acceleration and Deceleration in the Internationalization Process of the Firm
By adopting a processual and dynamic view on internationalization, we develop the concepts of acceleration and deceleration, providing analytical tools to enhance our understanding of the non-linearity and multidimensionality of internationalization. We argue that acceleration and deceleration are embedded in the internationalization process and are a consequence of the firmâs capability to absorb and integrate acquired knowledge, and to find and exploit opportunities. In addition, we advance the idea that changes in speed are further influenced by how the firm integrates and coordinates the resources it has deployed within and across various internationalization dimensions. Thus, it emerges that the overall evolution of commitment to internationalization is more complex than received theories tend to present; therefore, empirical studies should aim to include a wide set of international activities and processes embedded in time
Nurturing Business Ecosystems for Growth in a Foreign Market: Incubating, Identifying and Integrating Stakeholders
This paper explores the process of nurturing a business ecosystem to facilitate corporate growth in an unfamiliar foreign market with high product uncertainty and no network resources. The authors conducted a qualitative, longitudinal study by examining a successful business case â ARM (a leader in microprocessor intellectual property) â to demonstrate how ïŹrms nurture their business ecosystems to develop in the Chinese market and to stimulate demand even with- out the advantages of resources and stabilized products. Based on the road map method, this paper develops a framework of creating a business ecosystem in three sequential stages namely, incubating complementary partners, identifying leader partners, and integrating ecosystem part- ners. The ïŹndings enrich classic international business and demand chain theories by highlighting different roles stakeholders adopt to cope with uncertain products in a foreign market. In practical terms, these ïŹndings also provide Mode 2 knowledge with application context (Gibbons et al., 1997) on entering new markets by building up an ecosystem
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