13 research outputs found

    Identificación, daños y fluctuación poblacional de Gonodonta pyrgo (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) en Annona muricata

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    In Nayarit, Mexico, in 2007 and 2009 during August and September, heavy damage to the foliage ofsoursop (Annona muricata L.) by larvae from a lepidopteran was observed; in the following years were also present causing damage more often. The aim of this study was to identify the insect in question, determine the damage and population dynamics. Detailed observations ofthe male genitalia for identification were performed. From June 2012 to July 2013, fortnightly samples were taken on field trips in the main producing region of soursop from Nayarit. The identified species corresponds to Gonodonta pyrgo (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). This insect lays eggs on leaves and young shoots. The larvae feed on immature and mature foliage, damaging small fruits and flowers causing the fall of these. When it is about to pupate, the larvae comes down to the ground, forms a cocoon with small pieces of soursop leaves and hides under the leaves. The larvae of G. pyrgo were detected from August to December with infestations of up to 46 larvae per tree; in some sites 40% of defoliation was estimated. Two population peaks, one in August and one in November were recorded, which could indicate the existence of two generations per year.En Nayarit, México, en 2007 y 2009 durante agosto y septiembre se observaron fuertes daños al follaje de guanábana (Annona muricata L.) por larvas de un lepidóptero, en los años siguientes también se presentó causando daños con mayor frecuencia. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar al insecto en cue stión, determinar los daños y su fluctuación poblacional. Se realizaron observaciones detalladas de los óiganos genitales del macho para su identificación. De junio de 2012 ajulio de 2013, con una periodicidad quincenal, se realizaron muestreos en recorridos de campo en la principal región productora de guanábana en Nayarit. La especie identificada corresponde a Gonodonta pyrgo (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Este insecto deposita los huevos en hojas y brotes jóvenes. Las larvas se alimentan del follaje tierno y maduro, dañan frutos pequeños y flores provocando la caída de estos. Cuando está próxima a pupar, la larva baja al suelo, forma un cocón con pequeños trozos de hojas de guanábana y se oculta bajo la hojarasca. Las larvas de G. pyrgo se detectaron desde agosto hasta diciembre con infestaciones de hasta 46 larvas por árbol; en algunos sitios se estimó un 40% de defoliación. Se registraron dos picos poblacionales, uno en agosto y otro en noviembre, lo que podría indicar la existencia de dos generaciones por año

    La Araña roja en yaca: bioecología y eficacia biológica de acaricidas

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    Jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) has become an important fruit and represents a production option for tropical areas of Mexico. However, due to its recent introduction, information on its associated pests and diseases and management recommendations is still limited. In 2017, deformation of the leaves, discoloration of the beam and the presence of spider webs on the underside caused by an unknown mite were observed. The objective of this research wasto identify the associated mite, determine its population distribution and fluctuation and evaluate the biological efficacy of acaricides. The study was conducted during 2018-2019 in Nayarit, Mexico. The identified mite is Tetranychus pacificusknown as the red spider. It is distributed in all producing areas of jackfruit in Nayarit. It was mainly detected from November to June with greater infestation in the Tecuitata producing area (0.86 mites’leaf-1) and Jalcocotan (0.57 mites’leaf-1) of the municipality of San Blas. On average in September and October its presence is imperceptible; however, in El Capomo only in July was detected which probably indicates an initial stage of dispersal of the mite. Significant correlation was observed (β= 0.0489, r= -0.73, F= 0.0345, α= 0.05) of the population with the temperature, with a decrease in the population at a higher temperature and accentuated from 26 ° C. No correlation was observed with relative humidity. The highest temperature (27.9 °C) and relative humidity (88.2%) occurred in the month of July and September, respectively, months in which the lowest mite population was observed. The acaricides evaluated exercised significant control. At 21 days after application, differences occurred between treatments and the absolute control (Pr>F= 0.0245). With the application of azadirachtin (1.9 g of iaL-1of water) and mineral oil (16.9 g of iaL-1of water) a control of 75.9% and 72.5%, respectively, was obtained.La yaca (Artocarpus heterophyllus) se ha convertido en un frutal importante y representa una opción de producción para zonas tropicales de México. No obstante, por su reciente introducción, la información sobre sus plagas y enfermedades asociadas y recomendaciones de manejo es aún limitada. En 2017 se observó deformación de hojas, decoloración del haz y presencia de telaraña en el envés causado por un ácaro desconocido. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar el ácaro asociado, determinar su distribución, fluctuación poblacional y evaluación de eficacia biológica de acaricidas. El estudio se realizó durante 2018-2019 en Nayarit, México. El ácaro identificado es Tetranychus pacificus conocido como araña roja. Se distribuye en todas las zonas productoras de yaca en Nayarit. Se detectó de noviembre a junio con mayor infestación en la zona productora de Tecuitata (0.86 ácaros hoja-1) y Jalcocotan (0.57 ácaros hoja-1) del municipio de San Blas. En promedio en septiembre y octubre es imperceptible su presencia; no obstante, en El Capomo sólo se detectó en julio lo que indica una etapa inicial de dispersión del ácaro. Se observó correlación significativa (β= 0.0489, r= -0.73, F= 0.0345, α= 0.05) de la población con la temperatura, con un decremento de la población a mayor temperatura y acentuándose a partir de los 26 °C. No se observó correlación con la humedad relativa. La mayor temperatura (27.9 °C) y humedad relativa (88.2%) ocurrieron en el mes de julio y septiembre, respectivamente, meses en los cuales se observó la menor población de ácaros. Los acaricidas evaluados ejercieron un control significativo. A los 21 días después de la aplicación ocurrieron diferencias entre tratamientos y el testigo absoluto (Pr>F= 0.0245). Con la aplicación de azadiractina (1.9 g de ia L-1 de agua) y aceite mineral (16.9 g de ia L-1 de agua) se obtuvo un control de 75.9% y 72.5%, respectivamente

    Interacción de factores ambientales y enemigos naturales con poblaciones de Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead en Nayarit, México

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    The objective of this study was to know the population dynamics of the white mango scale, Aulacaspis tubercularisNewstead at different temperatures and determine the relationships between climate factors and natural enemies with the populations of the scale. The study was conducted in 2013-2014 on seven mango thefts (Manguifera indicaL.) of the Ataulfo cultivar, located in places with different temperatures in San Blas, Nayarit. In each orchard, populations of white scales and their insect predators were recorded every two weeks. Variance analyzes were carried out to compare the populations between sampling dates and localities; correlations were also obtained between temperature, rainfall and the complex of predators with the populations of the pest. The highest population levels of the white scale of mango were recorded during the period with higher temperatures and without rainfall (April-June); in contrast, during the period with rainfall, the population in all orchards was scarce or nonexistent. A positive correlation of the temperature was determined with the population of the white scale of the mango, in such a way that the increase of the temperature during the year favored the increase of the populations of the pest. In contrast, rainfall negativelyimpacted the pest by drastically reducing the density of its populations. Finally, the increase of the populations of the scale favored the increase of the population density of the complex of predators of the plague.El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la dinámica poblacional de la escama blanca del mango, Aulacaspis tubercularis Newstead a diferentes temperaturas y determinar las relaciones que existen entre factores de clima y enemigos naturales con las poblaciones de la escama. El estudio se realizó en 2013-2014 en siete hurtos de mango (Manguifera indica L.) del cultivar Ataulfo, situados en lugares con diferentes temperaturas en San Blas, Nayarit. En cada huerto se registró quincenalmente las poblaciones de escama blanca y de sus depredadores insectiles. Se realizaron análisis de varianza para comparar las poblaciones entre fechas de muestreo y localidades, también se obtuvieron correlaciones entre temperatura, precipitación pluvial y el complejo de depredadores con las poblaciones de la plaga. Los niveles poblacionales más altos de la escama blanca del mango se registraron durante el periodo con temperaturas más altas y sin precipitación pluvial (abril-junio); en contraste, durante el periodo con precipitación pluvial, la población en todos los huertos fue escasa o nula. Se determinó correlación positiva de la temperatura con la población de la escama blanca del mango, de tal manera que el aumento de la temperatura durante el año favoreció el incremento de las poblaciones de la plaga. En contraste, la precipitación pluvial impactó negativamente a la plaga al reducir drásticamente la densidad de sus poblaciones. Finalmente, el aumento de las poblaciones de la escama favoreció el incremento de la densidad poblacional del complejo de depredadores de la plaga

    Control químico de Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemíptera: Psyllidae) en lima persa Citrus latifolia Tanaka

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    A nivel mundial, la citricultura representa una actividad de gran importancia. México ocupa el cuarto lugar mundial en producción. Debido a la introducción y dispersión del vector D. citri en todas las zonas citrí colas de México y la reciente detección de la enfermedad conocida como huanglongbing causada por la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, es necesaria la evaluación de métodos de control de este insecto. En el año 2010 en Nayarit, México, se realizaron pruebas de efectividad técnica en campo y persistencia de productos químicos de diferente mecanismo de acción contra D. citri en lima persa. Se hicieron dos evaluaciones en fechas distintas. En cada ensayo se evaluó número de ninfas por brote y porcentaje de brotes infestados. De los productos evaluados el dimetoato, imidacloprid y la mezcla de imidacloprid más betaciflutrina ejercieron más de 85 % de control de ninfas durante 27 días después de la aplicación. En los árboles tratados con dimetoato e imidacloprid en dosis de 400 mL y 300 mL ha-1, respectivamente, se observó 100% de brotes libres de ninfas de D. citri a los 27 días después de la aplicación. El aceite agrícola en dosis de dos y tres L ha-1 ejerció menor control de ninfas de D. citriCitrus crops represent an outstanding activity at worldwide level. Mexico ranks fourth place in production. Due introduction and dispersion of D. citri vector in all citric zones from Mexico and the newly detected disease known as huanglongbing (HLB) caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus bacteria, assessment of control methods for this bug is required. In 2010, technical effectiveness in field and persistence for different action route against Persian lime D. citri chemical products tests were performed in Nayarit, Mexico. Two assessments were made at different dates. The amount of nymphs per shoot and percentage of infested shoots were assessed in each rehearsal. From evaluated products, dimethoate, imidacloprid and the mixture of imidacloprid and (?-cyfluthrin exerted more than 85% percent of control against nymphs during 27 days after application. In trees treated with dimethoate and imidacloprid in 400 mL and 300 mL ha-1 dose, respectively, 100% of shoots free of D. citri nymphs at 27 days after application was observed. Agricultural oil in two and three L ha-1 dose exerted less control against D. citri nymph

    Efecto de recubrimientos en la maduración de yaca almacenada en condición simulada de mercadeo

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the effect of coating on the maturation process and jackfruit quality. The fruits in physiological maturity were treated or not with two commercial coatings Natural Shine® 505-OR (40% v/v, R1) or SemperfreshTM (3% v/v, R2); were subsequently stored for 5 days at 8 or 13 °C simulating transportation to the United States of America and then stored at a temperature of 25 °C, simulating their commercialization. The witness fruits were stored at 25 °C until consumption maturity. Breathing speed (VR), ethylene production (VPE) and physical and chemical parameters were measured. The fruits stored at 25 °C presented the climatic peak and maximum VPE at 3 and 5 days of storage, respectively; however, the uncoated and coated fruits stored in refrigeration and then at room temperature, the apparition of the climatic peak and maximum VPE was delayed. The fruits stored for 5 days at 8 °C and coated with Semperfresh managed to extend the shelf life by 9 days relative to the fruits stored at 25 °C and 7 days with the fruits refrigerated at the same temperature, but without coating. It was concluded that the application of Semperfresh coating and storage at 8 °C for 5 days with subsequent storage at 25 °C may be an alternative to preserve the jackfruit for up to 17 daysEl objetivo de esta investigación fue evaluar el efecto de recubrimientos en el proceso de maduración y calidad de yaca. Los frutos en madurez fisiológica fueron tratados o no con dos recubrimientos comerciales Natural Shine® 505-OR (40% v/v, R1) o SemperfreshTM (3% v/v, R2); posteriormente fueron almacenados por 5 días a 8 o 13ºC simulando el transporte a Estados Unidos de América y después almacenados a temperatura de 25 ºC, simulando su comercialización. Los frutos testigo fueron almacenados a 25 ºC hasta madurez de consumo. Se midió la velocidad de respiración (VR), producción de etileno (VPE) y parámetros físicos y químicos. Los frutos almacenados a 25 ºC presentaron el pico climatérico y máxima VPE a los 3 y 5 días de almacenamiento, respectivamente; sin embargo, los frutos sin recubrir y recubiertos almacenados en refrigeración y después a temperatura ambiente, se retrasó la aparición del pico climatérico y máxima VPE. Los frutos almacenados por 5 días a 8 ºC y recubiertos con Semperfresh lograron alargar la vida de anaquel por 9 días respecto a los frutos almacenados a 25 ºC y 7 días con los frutos refrigerados a la misma temperatura, pero sin recubrir. Se concluyó que la aplicación del recubrimiento Semperfresh y el almacenamiento a 8 ºC por 5 días con posterior almacenamiento a 25 ºC puede ser una alternativa para conservar el fruto de yaca hasta por 17 día

    Biological efficacy against "Diaphorina citri" Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) of chemical compounds apllied to the soil and foliage in "Citrus latifolia" Tanaka

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    The citrus acreage of Mexico exceeds 532 000 hectares. This area is endangered by the recent detection of the bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in some states and by the wide distribution of the vector Diaphorina citri. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficiency against D. citri of chemical compounds applied to the soil and foliage in Persian lime. Two field evaluations were made during 2011 with applications of spirotetramat and imidacloprid to foliage and soil, and of spinosad and avermectin only to foliage. In the first evaluation, the spirotetramat (400 mL/ha) and the imidacloprid (300 mL ha-1), applied to foliage, caused a decrease of nymphs of 78.8%-93.54% three days after the application. The Imidacloprid (300 mL ha-1), applied to the soil, the spinosad (0.1 L ha-1), and the avermectin (0.1 L ha-1), had 69.8%, 70.6% and 61.6% less nymphs than the control treatment. In the second evaluation, imidacloprid, applied to the foliage, decreased the population of nymphs in shoots by 81.9%.The lowest average of nymphs per shoot in various sampling dates was obtained with the spirotetramat and imidacloprid treatments applied to foliage; 89.6% and 87.5% less than the control, respectively. Of the products evaluated, the spirotetramat and the imidacloprid, when applied to foliage, exerted the greatest effect against D. citri.La superficie de cítricos en México es superior a 532 mil hectáreas. Esta área se encuentra en peligro por la reciente detección de la bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus en algunos estados y por la amplia distribución del vector Diaphorina citri. El objetivo fue evaluar compuestos químicos aplicados al suelo y follaje contra D. citri en lima persa. Se hicieron dos evaluaciones en campo durante 2011. Con aplicaciones de espirotetramato e imidacloprid al follaje y al suelo y spinosad y avermectina sólo al follaje. En la primera evaluación, tres días después de la aplicación, el espirotetramato (400 mL/ha) e imidacloprid (300 mL ha-1) aplicados al follaje ejercieron una disminución de ninfas de 78.8% y 93.54%. El imidacloprid (300 mL ha-1) aplicado al suelo, spinosad (0.1 L ha-1) y avermectina (0.1 L ha-1), tuvieron 69.8%, 70.6% y 61.6% menos ninfas que el testigo. En la segunda evaluación, el imidacloprid aplicado al follaje disminuyó 81.9% la población de ninfas en brotes. El menor promedio de ninfas por brote en diversas fechas de muestreo se obtuvo con los tratamientos de espirotetramato e imidacloprid al follaje, 89.6% y 87.5% menos que el testigo, respectivamente. De los productos evaluados el imidacloprid y espirotetramato aplicados al follaje ejercieron mayor efecto contra D. citri

    Comprehensive analysis and insights gained from long-term experience of the Spanish DILI Registry

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    Altres ajuts: Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER); Agencia Española del Medicamento; Consejería de Salud de Andalucía.Background & Aims: Prospective drug-induced liver injury (DILI) registries are important sources of information on idiosyncratic DILI. We aimed to present a comprehensive analysis of 843 patients with DILI enrolled into the Spanish DILI Registry over a 20-year time period. Methods: Cases were identified, diagnosed and followed prospectively. Clinical features, drug information and outcome data were collected. Results: A total of 843 patients, with a mean age of 54 years (48% females), were enrolled up to 2018. Hepatocellular injury was associated with younger age (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] per year 0.983; 95% CI 0.974-0.991) and lower platelet count (aOR per unit 0.996; 95% CI 0.994-0.998). Anti-infectives were the most common causative drug class (40%). Liver-related mortality was more frequent in patients with hepatocellular damage aged ≥65 years (p = 0.0083) and in patients with underlying liver disease (p = 0.0221). Independent predictors of liver-related death/transplantation included nR-based hepatocellular injury, female sex, higher onset aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and bilirubin values. nR-based hepatocellular injury was not associated with 6-month overall mortality, for which comorbidity burden played a more important role. The prognostic capacity of Hy's law varied between causative agents. Empirical therapy (corticosteroids, ursodeoxycholic acid and MARS) was prescribed to 20% of patients. Drug-induced autoimmune hepatitis patients (26 cases) were mainly females (62%) with hepatocellular damage (92%), who more frequently received immunosuppressive therapy (58%). Conclusions: AST elevation at onset is a strong predictor of poor outcome and should be routinely assessed in DILI evaluation. Mortality is higher in older patients with hepatocellular damage and patients with underlying hepatic conditions. The Spanish DILI Registry is a valuable tool in the identification of causative drugs, clinical signatures and prognostic risk factors in DILI and can aid physicians in DILI characterisation and management. Lay summary: Clinical information on drug-induced liver injury (DILI) collected from enrolled patients in the Spanish DILI Registry can guide physicians in the decision-making process. We have found that older patients with hepatocellular type liver injury and patients with additional liver conditions are at a higher risk of mortality. The type of liver injury, patient sex and analytical values of aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirubin can also help predict clinical outcomes

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

    Safety and Outcome of Revascularization Treatment in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID-19: The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES COVID-19 related inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and coagulopathy may increase the bleeding risk and lower efficacy of revascularization treatments in patients with acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to evaluate the safety and outcomes of revascularization treatments in patients with acute ischemic stroke and COVID-19. METHODS Retrospective multicenter cohort study of consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and/or endovascular treatment (EVT) between March 2020 and June 2021, tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. With a doubly-robust model combining propensity score weighting and multivariate regression, we studied the association of COVID-19 with intracranial bleeding complications and clinical outcomes. Subgroup analyses were performed according to treatment groups (IVT-only and EVT). RESULTS Of a total of 15128 included patients from 105 centers, 853 (5.6%) were diagnosed with COVID-19. 5848 (38.7%) patients received IVT-only, and 9280 (61.3%) EVT (with or without IVT). Patients with COVID-19 had a higher rate of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.53; 95% CI 1.16-2.01), symptomatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SSAH) (OR 1.80; 95% CI 1.20-2.69), SICH and/or SSAH combined (OR 1.56; 95% CI 1.23-1.99), 24-hour (OR 2.47; 95% CI 1.58-3.86) and 3-month mortality (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.52-2.33).COVID-19 patients also had an unfavorable shift in the distribution of the modified Rankin score at 3 months (OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.26-1.60). DISCUSSION Patients with acute ischemic stroke and COVID-19 showed higher rates of intracranial bleeding complications and worse clinical outcomes after revascularization treatments than contemporaneous non-COVID-19 treated patients. Current available data does not allow direct conclusions to be drawn on the effectiveness of revascularization treatments in COVID-19 patients, or to establish different treatment recommendations in this subgroup of patients with ischemic stroke. Our findings can be taken into consideration for treatment decisions, patient monitoring and establishing prognosis

    Safety and Outcome of Revascularization Treatment in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke and COVID-19: The Global COVID-19 Stroke Registry

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: COVID-19 related inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and coagulopathy may increase the bleeding risk and lower efficacy of revascularization treatments in patients with acute ischemic stroke. We aimed to evaluate the safety and outcomes of revascularization treatments in patients with acute ischemic stroke and COVID-19. METHODS: Retrospective multicenter cohort study of consecutive patients with acute ischemic stroke receiving intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and/or endovascular treatment (EVT) between March 2020 and June 2021, tested for SARS-CoV-2 infection. With a doubly-robust model combining propensity score weighting and multivariate regression, we studied the association of COVID-19 with intracranial bleeding complications and clinical outcomes. Subgroup analyses were performed according to treatment groups (IVT-only and EVT). RESULTS: Of a total of 15128 included patients from 105 centers, 853 (5.6%) were diagnosed with COVID-19. 5848 (38.7%) patients received IVT-only, and 9280 (61.3%) EVT (with or without IVT). Patients with COVID-19 had a higher rate of symptomatic intracerebral hemorrhage (SICH) (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 1.53; 95% CI 1.16-2.01), symptomatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SSAH) (OR 1.80; 95% CI 1.20-2.69), SICH and/or SSAH combined (OR 1.56; 95% CI 1.23-1.99), 24-hour (OR 2.47; 95% CI 1.58-3.86) and 3-month mortality (OR 1.88; 95% CI 1.52-2.33).COVID-19 patients also had an unfavorable shift in the distribution of the modified Rankin score at 3 months (OR 1.42; 95% CI 1.26-1.60). DISCUSSION: Patients with acute ischemic stroke and COVID-19 showed higher rates of intracranial bleeding complications and worse clinical outcomes after revascularization treatments than contemporaneous non-COVID-19 treated patients. Current available data does not allow direct conclusions to be drawn on the effectiveness of revascularization treatments in COVID-19 patients, or to establish different treatment recommendations in this subgroup of patients with ischemic stroke. Our findings can be taken into consideration for treatment decisions, patient monitoring and establishing prognosis