5 research outputs found

    Influenciadores como estratégia do marketing digital: Estudo de caso: Marca Nivea

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    As tecnologias digitais ocupam cada vez mais um espaço muito importante e permanente na vida dos indivíduos, seja para uso profissional ou lazer, de tal forma que operam transformações em vários panoramas. Esta evolução do digital, motivada pela crescente expansão do fácil acesso à Internet e das novas ferramentas digitais desenvolvidas, tem provocado transformações e alterado o comportamento dos indivíduos enquanto consumidores. É neste sentido que o marketing digital surge, para acompanhar o novo e moderno consumidor. No contexto do marketing digital, apresenta-se o marketing de influência, no qual os influenciadores têm vindo a ganhar um destaque e um espaço na vida dos consumidores. Estas figuras são cada vez mais uma referência impactante para as gerações, nas mais variadas dimensões. Os influenciadores tornam-se atraentes para as marcas, que encontram nestas figuras a ponte necessária para estabelecerem uma relação de lealdade e confiança com os consumidores. Desta forma, torna-se pertinente, através da presente dissertação, estabelecer e perceber a perspetiva dos seguidores relativamente aos influenciadores digitais, nas mais variadas dimensões, e consequentemente, o impacto de influência que estas figuras exercem na tomada de decisão de compra dos seguidores, mais concretamente em relação à marca Nivea, por meio de uma análise qualitativa de dados recolhidos com base em entrevistas. Através dos dados analisados, concluiu-se que é dada, pelos utilizadores, importância e credibilidade ao influenciador, atribuindo-lhes uma grande responsabilidade social. É concluído, ainda, que os influenciadores digitais desenvolvem alterações nos hábitos de compra dos seguidores, em fases diferentes.Digital technologies increasingly occupy a very important and permanent space in the lives of individuals, whether for professional use or leisure, in such a way that they operate transformations in various panoramas. This digital evolution, motivated by the growing expansion of easy access to the Internet and the new digital tools developed, has caused transformations, and altered the behavior of individuals as consumers. It is in this sense that digital marketing emerges, in a way to accompany the new and modern consumer. In the context of digital marketing, influencer marketing is presented, in which influencers have been gaining prominence and a space in the lives of consumers, these figures are increasingly an impactful reference for generations, in the most varied dimensions. Influencers become attractive to brands, which find in these figures the necessary bridge to establish a relationship of loyalty and trust with consumers. In this way, it becomes relevant, through the present dissertation, to establish and understand the perspective of the followers regarding the digital influencers, in the most varied dimensions, and consequently, the impact of influence that these figures exert in the followers' purchase decision making, more specifically in relation to the Nivea brand, through a qualitative analysis of data collected based on interviews. Through the analyzed data, several conclusions were found, highlighting the importance and credibility that users give to the influencer, attributing to them a great social responsibility. It is also concluded that digital influencers develop changes in their followers' buying habits, in different phases

    Modelling of gas permeation based on the morphology of a natural polymer material

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    Natural polymers have been studied during the last years for the transport and separation of liquid and gas mixtures, in terms of solubility and permeability data, and their structure and mechanical properties have been characterised. However, no transport models have been reported, relating transport with the material morphology. Cork is a natural cellular material containing three structural polymers (suberin, lignin and polysaccharides). Cork is considered a natural polymer, with economic relevance due to its sealing, non-toxic, stable and low-density properties. Cork was characterised in this work in terms of its solubility and permeability data in relation to various gases with different molecular mass: He, O-2, N-2, CO2 and 1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane (R134a). A morphological analysis of the structure of the cork sample chosen in this work was also performed using SEM (scanning electron microscopy) and TEM (transmission electron microscope) image analysis, which took into account the variation of each relevant structural parameter. A transport model was developed supported on the morphology of cork characterised in this work. The transport model developed considers that gas permeation occurs through the plasmodesmata, which are channels with approximately 100 nm of diameter that cross the cell walls of the cork cells. It was found that gas transport follows a Knudsen mechanism, as proved by the gas permeability behaviour with increasing gas molecular mass, with a negligible contribution of viscous transport to the total flux.publishersversionpublishe

    Aberrant crypt foci: endoscopic assessment and cell kinetics characterization

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    Abstract Background and aims Aberrant crypt foci (ACF) are preneoplastic lesions in animal models of colorectal cancer. The aim of the study is to investigate if ACF are involved in human colorectal carcinogenic process and if they can be helpful in predicting the presence of a colorectal neoplasia. Methods The study included, between 2003 and 2005, 182 patients, 62 with adenoma, 55 with colorectal carcinoma, 53 without colorectal lesions, and 12 with nonneoplastic mucosal polyps. The number of rectal ACF was determined by colonoscopy. Proliferation and apoptosis indexes were evaluated by immunohistochemistry in rectal ACF, in normal rectal mucosa, and in carcinomatous tissue. Results The mean number of rectal ACF in patients with rectal neoplasia was 12.64, significantly higher than in patients with neoplastic lesions elsewhere in the colon (p?=?0.01). The apoptosis index in ACF of patients with colorectal carcinoma or adenoma aged 50 years or older was significantly lower than in younger patients (1.3% vs 2.7%, p?=?0.01) and, in patients with carcinoma, lower than in normal mucosa (1.1% vs 2.1%, p?=?0.002). The proliferation index was significantly higher in ACF of patients with colorectal neoplasia aged less than 50 years than in normal mucosa (10.9% vs 7.7%, p?=?0.02). The apoptosis index in ACF foci of patients with carcinoma (1.1%) was significantly lower than in patients without lesions (2.2%) and than in normal mucosa (2%). The mean number of ACF is significantly higher in patients with polyps larger than 1 cm (11.28 vs 6.27, p?=?0.02). Conclusion Aberrant crypt foci probably precede the appearance of neoplasia and may be helpful in predicting the presence of a colorectal neoplastic lesion

    Characterisation of microbial attack on archaeological bone

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    As part of an EU funded project to investigate the factors influencing bone preservation in the archaeological record, more than 250 bones from 41 archaeological sites in five countries spanning four climatic regions were studied for diagenetic alteration. Sites were selected to cover a range of environmental conditions and archaeological contexts. Microscopic and physical (mercury intrusion porosimetry) analyses of these bones revealed that the majority (68%) had suffered microbial attack. Furthermore, significant differences were found between animal and human bone in both the state of preservation and the type of microbial attack present. These differences in preservation might result from differences in early taphonomy of the bones. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved