11 research outputs found

    Pharmaceutical Regulation in Germany: improving efficiency and controlling expendi-tures

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    Rising pharmaceutical expenditure has become a major concern for policy makers in Germany over recent years. Therefore, the pharmaceutical market has been increasingly targeted by different kinds of regulation, focussing on both the supply and the demand side, using price, volume and spending controls. Specific regulations include price reductions, reference pricing, pharmacy rebates for sickness funds, increasing co-payments, an ‘aut-idem’ substitution, parallel imports, a negative list, directives, and finally, spending caps for pharmaceutical expenditure per physicians' association. Although it is difficult to attribute certain effects to single measures, some measures like reference pricing and physician spending caps are more effective and long-lasting than others. In spite of being opposed by physicians, the spending caps applied between 1993 and 2001 have limited pharmaceutical expenditure for an entire decade. However, while some measures do effectively control expenditures, their effect on allocative efficiency may be detrimental. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.pharmaceuticals; drugs; regulation; Germany; efficiency

    A Bibliography on the Social and Economic Phases of Dentistry and Other Health Services**This bibliography is the result of a cooperative effort on the part of Dr. L. E. Kurth, Mrs. Josephine Hunt, Librarian of the American Dental Association, and Dr. H. E. Phillips, and is sponsored by the Economics Committee of the American Dental Association of which Dr. E. H. Bruening is chairman. Other members of the Committee are Drs. John T. Hanks, R. H. Miller, H. W. Oppice and Leland R. Packwood. The Committee recognizing the need of such a bibliography had arranged that the work be done in the American Dental Association Library. When it was learned that Doctors Kurth and Phillips had already started such a bibliography, a joint effort in completing the work was agreed on. Much of this material is available from the American Dental Association Library Bureau.Such topics as would be included under the subject headings voluntary insurance, compulsory insurance, state dentistry, state medicine and socialized medicine are included in the bibliography.

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