219 research outputs found

    'Diversion’ of methadone or buprenorphine: 'harm’ versus 'helping’

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    Background 'Non-compliant’ individuals in opioid maintenance treatment, OMT, are often met with tight control regimes to reduce the risk of 'diversion’, which may lead to harm or death among persons outside of OMT. This article explores reported practices of, and motivations for, diversion of methadone and buprenorphine, in a group of imprisoned individuals in OMT. Findings 28 in-depths interviews were conducted among 12 OMT-enrolled, imprisoned individuals, most of whom were remand prisoners. All had experienced tight control regimes prior to imprisonment due to varying degrees of 'non-compliance’ and illicit drug use during treatment. Their acquired norm of sharing with others in a drug using community was maintained when entering OMT. Giving one’s prescription opioids to an individual in withdrawal was indeed seen as an act of helping, something that takes on particular significance for couples in which only one partner is included in OMT and the other is using illicit heroin. Individuals enrolled in OMT might thus be trapped between practicing norms of helping and sharing and adhering to treatment regulations. ’Diversion’, as this term is conventionally used, is not typically understood as practices of giving and helping, but may nevertheless be perceived as such by those who undertake them. Conclusions As we see it, the need to sustain oneself as a decent person in one’s own eyes and those of others through practices such as sharing and helping should be recognized. Treatment providers should consider including couples in which both individuals are motivated for starting OMT

    Multi-scale measurements of mesospheric aerosols and electrons during the MAXIDUSTY campaign

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    We present in situ measurements of small-scale fluctuations in aerosol populations as recorded through a mesospheric cloud system from the Faraday cups DUSTY and MUDD during on the MAXIDUSTY-1 and 1B sounding rocket payloads launched in the summer of 2016. Two mechanically identical DUSTY probes mounted with an inter-spacing of ∟10&thinsp;cm recorded very different currents, with strong spin modulation, in certain regions of the cloud system. A comparison to auxiliary measurement show similar tendencies in the MUDD data. Fluctuations in the electron density are found to be generally anti-correlated to the negative aerosol charge density on all length scales; however, in certain smaller regions the correlation turns positive. We have also compared the spectral properties of the dust fluctuations, as extracted by wavelet analysis, to polar mesospheric summer echo (PMSE) strength. In this analysis, we find a relatively good agreement between the power spectral density (PSD) at the radar Bragg scale inside the cloud system; however the PMSE edge is not well represented by the PSD. A comparison of proxies for PMSE strength, constructed from a combination of derived dusty plasma parameters, shows that no simple proxy can reproduce PMSE strength well throughout the cloud system. Edge effects are especially poorly represented by the proxies addressed here.</p

    Making judgements about students making work : lecturers’ assessment practices in art and design.

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    This research study explores the assessment practices in two higher education art and design departments. The key aim of this research was to explore art and design studio assessment practices as lived by and experienced by art and design lecturers. This work draws on two bodies of pre existing research. Firstly this study adopted innovative methodological approaches that have been employed to good effect to explore assessment in text based subjects (think aloud) and moderation mark agreement (observation). Secondly the study builds on existing research into the assessment of creative practice. By applying thinking aloud methodologies into a creative practice assessment context the authors seek to illuminate the ‘in practice’ rather than espoused assessment approaches adopted. The analysis suggests that lecturers in the study employed three macro conceptions of quality to support the judgement process. These were; the demonstration of significant learning over time, the demonstration of effective studentship and the presentation of meaningful art/design work

    Radiometric force in dusty plasmas

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    A radiofrequency glow discharge plasma, which is polluted with a certain number of dusty grains, is studied. In addition to various dusty plasma phenomena, several specific colloidal effects should be considered. We focus on radiometric forces, which are caused by inhomogeneous temperature distribution. Aside from thermophoresis, the role of temperature distribution in dusty plasmas is an open question. It is shown that inhomogeneous heating of the grain by ion flows results in a new photophoresis like force, which is specific for dusty discharges. This radiometric force can be observable under conditions of recent microgravity experiments.Comment: 4 pages, amsmat

    Dusty Magnetohydrodynamics in Star Forming Regions

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    Star formation occurs in dark molecular regions where the number density of hydrogen nuclei, nH, exceeds 10^4 cc and the fractional ionization is 10^-7 or less. Dust grains with sizes ranging up to tenths of microns and perhaps down to tens of nanometers contain just under one percent of the mass. Recombination on grains is important for the removal of gas phase ions, which are produced by cosmic rays penetrating the dark regions. Collisions of neutrals with charged grains contribute significantly to the coupling of the magnetic field to the neutral gas. Consequently, the dynamics of the grains must be included in the magnetohydrodynamic models of large scale collapse, the evolution of waves and the structures of shocks important in star formation.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Journal of Plasma Physics special issue in honour of Prof. Padma K. Shukl

    First simultaneous rocket and radar detections of rare low summer mesospheric clouds

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    On 30 June 2016 a layer of dust, possibly meteoric smoke particles (MSPs), was observed with a rocket borne probe at 69.29°N, 16.02°E and altitudes of ~74 km where patchy thin cloud layers, detected with the Middle Atmosphere Alomar Radar System, were present. The rocket traversed a layer with a net positive dust charge density of ~10⁷ unit charges per cubic meters and a number density of neutral dust particles with sizes ≥4 nm of ~10⁸ m−³. The positive charge density may require that elements that lower the photoelectric work function coat MSPs. The presence of this relatively large dust is consistent with smaller MSPs being swept out of the low mesospheric cloud region during the summer, while larger MSPs remain where their fall velocities equals the circulation updraught velocities. Large MSPs initially embedded in icy particles that subsequently sublimate may also fall until their fall velocities match the updraught velocities

    First modulation of high-frequency polar mesospheric summer echoes by radio heating of the ionosphere

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    The first high-frequency (HF, 8 MHz) observations of the modulation of polar mesospheric summer echoes (PMSE) by artificial radio heating of the ionosphere are presented and compared to observations at 224 MHz and model predictions. The experiments were performed at the European Incoherent Scatter facility in northern Norway. It is shown that model results are in qualitative and partial quantitative agreement with the observations, supporting the prediction that with certain ranges of ice particle radii and concentration, PMSE at HF radar wavelengths can be enhanced by heating due to the dominance of dust charging over plasma diffusion

    Twisted Dust Acoustic Waves in Dusty Plasmas

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    We examine linear dust acoustic waves (DAWs) in a dusty plasma with strongly correlated dust grains, and discuss possibility of a twisted DA vortex beam carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM). For our purposes, we use the Boltzmann distributed electron and ion density perturbations, the dust continuity and generalized viscoelastic dust momentum equations, and Poisson's equation to obtain a dispersion relation for the modified DAWs. The effects of the polarization force, strong dust couplings, and dust charge fluctuations on the DAW spectrum are examined. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the DAW can propagate as a twisted vortex beam carrying OAM. A twisted DA vortex structure can trap and transport dust particles in dusty plasmas.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1205.594
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