3,478 research outputs found

    Cloud engineering is search based software engineering too

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    Many of the problems posed by the migration of computation to cloud platforms can be formulated and solved using techniques associated with Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE). Much of cloud software engineering involves problems of optimisation: performance, allocation, assignment and the dynamic balancing of resources to achieve pragmatic trade-offs between many competing technical and business objectives. SBSE is concerned with the application of computational search and optimisation to solve precisely these kinds of software engineering challenges. Interest in both cloud computing and SBSE has grown rapidly in the past five years, yet there has been little work on SBSE as a means of addressing cloud computing challenges. Like many computationally demanding activities, SBSE has the potential to benefit from the cloud; ‘SBSE in the cloud’. However, this paper focuses, instead, of the ways in which SBSE can benefit cloud computing. It thus develops the theme of ‘SBSE for the cloud’, formulating cloud computing challenges in ways that can be addressed using SBSE

    Unions of slices are not slices

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    Many approaches to slicing rely upon the 'fact' that the union of two static slices is a valid slice. It is known that static slices constructed using program dependence graph algorithms are valid slices (Reps and Yang, 1988). However, this is not true for other forms of slicing. For example, it has been established that the union of two dynamic slices is not necessarily a valid dynamic slice (Hall, 1995). In this paper this result is extended to show that the union of two static slices is not necessarily a valid slice, based on Weiser's definition of a (static) slice. We also analyse the properties that make the union of different forms of slices a valid slice

    An Exploration of Moises Kaufman\u27s 33 Variations through Scenic Design

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    In partial fulfillment of a Master of Fine Arts degree, this thesis paper will document the scenic design process of Moises Kaufman\u27s 33 Variations, performed at the University of Arkansas in September of 2012. This paper will map the collaborative journey taken by the design team, highlighting the dialogue between the scenic designer and director. It will also touch upon the construction and rehearsal process and how both contributed to the final design. This thesis will attempt to answer the question: How do you create a fluid and evocative space for two separate, yet coexisting time periods joined through the rhythm of Beethoven\u27s music? I will begin with a condensed analysis of the play, followed by the design process and ending with a self-evaluation of the process and final design product

    On the computational complexity of dynamic slicing problems for program schemas

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    This is the preprint version of the Article - Copyright @ 2011 Cambridge University PressGiven a program, a quotient can be obtained from it by deleting zero or more statements. The field of program slicing is concerned with computing a quotient of a program that preserves part of the behaviour of the original program. All program slicing algorithms take account of the structural properties of a program, such as control dependence and data dependence, rather than the semantics of its functions and predicates, and thus work, in effect, with program schemas. The dynamic slicing criterion of Korel and Laski requires only that program behaviour is preserved in cases where the original program follows a particular path, and that the slice/quotient follows this path. In this paper we formalise Korel and Laski's definition of a dynamic slice as applied to linear schemas, and also formulate a less restrictive definition in which the path through the original program need not be preserved by the slice. The less restrictive definition has the benefit of leading to smaller slices. For both definitions, we compute complexity bounds for the problems of establishing whether a given slice of a linear schema is a dynamic slice and whether a linear schema has a non-trivial dynamic slice, and prove that the latter problem is NP-hard in both cases. We also give an example to prove that minimal dynamic slices (whether or not they preserve the original path) need not be unique.This work was partly supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK, under grant EP/E002919/1

    A post-placement side-effect removal algorithm

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    Side-effects are widely believed to impede program comprehension and have a detrimental effect upon software maintenance. This paper introduces an algorithm for side-effect removal which splits the side-effects into their pure expression meaning and their state-changing meaning. Symbolic execution is used to determine the expression meaning, while transformation is used to place the state-changing part in a suitable location in a transformed version of the program. This creates a program which is semantically equivalent to the original but guaranteed to be free from side-effects. The paper also reports the results of an empirical study which demonstrates that the application of the algorithm causes a significant improvement in program comprehension

    A trajectory-based strict semantics for program slicing

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    We define a program semantics that is preserved by dependence-based slicing algorithms. It is a natural extension, to non-terminating programs, of the semantics introduced by Weiser (which only considered terminating ones) and, as such, is an accurate characterisation of the semantic relationship between a program and the slice produced by these algorithms. Unlike other approaches, apart from Weiser’s original one, it is based on strict standard semantics which models the ‘normal’ execution of programs on a von Neumann machine and, thus, has the advantage of being intuitive. This is essential since one of the main applications of slicing is program comprehension. Although our semantics handles non-termination, it is defined wholly in terms of finite trajectories, without having to resort to complex, counter-intuitive, non-standard models of computation. As well as being simpler, unlike other approaches to this problem, our semantics is substitutive. Substitutivity is an important property becauseit greatly enhances the ability to reason about correctness of meaning-preserving program transformations such as slicing

    A Review of Ten Years of the Symposium on Search-Based Software Engineering

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    The year 2018 marked the tenth anniversary of the Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering (SSBSE). In order to better understand the characteristics and evolution of papers published in SSBSE, this work reports results from a mapping study targeting the ten proceedings of SSBSE. Our goal is to identify and to analyze authorship collaborations, the impact and relevance of SSBSE in terms of citations, the software engineering areas commonly studied as well as the new problems recently solved, the computational intelligence techniques preferred by authors and the rigour of experiments conducted in the papers. Besides this analysis, we list some recommendations to new authors who envisage to publish their work in SSBSE. Despite of existing mapping studies on SBSE, our contribution in this work is to provide information to researchers and practitioners willing to enter the SBSE field, being a source of information to strengthen the symposium, guide new studies, and motivate new collaboration among research groups

    Control dependence for extended finite state machines

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    Though there has been nearly three decades of work on program slicing, there has been comparatively little work on slicing for state machines. One of the primary challenges that currently presents a barrier to wider application of state machine slicing is the problem of determining control dependence. We survey existing related definitions, introducing a new definition that subsumes one and extends another. We illustrate that by using this new definition our slices respect Weiser slicing’s termination behaviour. We prove results that clarify the relationships between our definition and older ones, following this up with examples to motivate the need for these differences

    Individual popularity and activity in online social systems

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    We propose a stochastic model of web user behaviors in online social systems, and study the influence of attraction kernel on statistical property of user or item occurrence. Combining the different growth patterns of new entities and attraction patterns of old ones, different heavy-tailed distributions for popularity and activity which have been observed in real life, can be obtained. From a broader perspective, we explore the underlying principle governing the statistical feature of individual popularity and activity in online social systems and point out the potential simple mechanism underlying the complex dynamics of the systems.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in Physica

    Visualising the Search Landscape of the Triangle Program

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    High order mutation analysis of a software engineering benchmark, including schema and local optima networks, suggests program improvements may not be as hard to find as is often assumed. 1) Bit-wise genetic building blocks are not deceptive and can lead to all global optima. 2) There are many neutral networks, plateaux and local optima, nevertheless in most cases near the human written C source code there are hill climbing routes including neutral moves to solutions
