1,217 research outputs found

    Affezioni chirurgiche delle palpebre nel cane: osservazioni cliniche in 138 casi

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    l'obbiettivo dello studio è quello di valutare clinicamente le principali affezioni palpebrali di interesse chirurgico nel cane, al fine di ottenere, sulla base dei risultati, un quadro generale di tutti gli aspetti utili su cui indirizzare la scelta dell'eventuale trattamento chirurgico. In questo studio sono stati inclusi 138 pazienti di qualsiasi età e razza, affetti da differenti disturbi palpebrali, molti dei quali sono stati risolti grazie ad un intervento chirurgico correttivo. In tutti i pazienti è stata stimata la gravità delle manifestazioni cliniche e, quando possibile, il decorso della patologia palpebrale. Dal confronto di vari elementi, quali razza ed età dei pazienti, o la tipologia e la localizzazione dei difetti palpebrali, è emersa la prevalenza delle neoplasie palpebrali (nei pazienti geriatrici) e dell'entropion (in pazienti più giovani e di razze predisposte), seguiti in percentuale dalla distichiasi, trichiasi, ectropion, pochi dermoidi e ciglia ectopiche. Nella maggior parte di casi la gestione clinica dei difetti palpebrali, ad eccezione di quelli a carattere infiammatorio, richiede una correzione chirurgica. Sebbene la chirurgia palpebrale sia una branca specialistica nell'ambito della chirurgia veterinaria, la corretta gestione dei pazienti con patologie palpebrali è di fondamentale importanza per garantire il successo del trattamento chirurgico

    INSURANCE Individual or Group Accident and Sickness Insurance: Provide Mandatory Coverage for Certain Cancer Tests

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    The Act requires individual and group accident and sickness insurance policies to contain coverage for mammograms and Papanicolaou smears (Pap smears) for women and prostrate specific antigen tests for men. Insurers must provide this coverage only for the categories of women and men specifically stated in the Act. The coverage is mandatory, but is subject to some limitations and exclusions which may be approved by the Insurance Commissioner


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    The intention of this paper is to draw attention to the conceptual and practical instruments presented in the Sufficiency Economy. The idea was first mooted by King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand. He observed that Thailand had a very large population with millions of poor people who face environmental obstacles and economic challenges daily. But his Kingdom also possesses immense natural resources but and suggested the Sufficiency Economy for people to supplement their income and improve their quality of life. This paper examines the philosophy and applications of the Sufficiency Economy and its validity today in terms of its ecological and political dimensions. It questions the basis and motivations of those who seek to criticize and undermine this economic strategy. The Sufficiency Economy provides for a rigorous program of human and ecological sustainability and with the proper application of the law, Thailand will be better able to avert environmental disasters of the future

    Assessment of the interaction of Portland cement-based materials with blood and tissue fluids using an animal model

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    Portland cement used in the construction industry improves its properties when wet. Since most dental materials are used in a moist environment, Portland cement has been developed for use in dentistry. The first generation material is mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), used in surgical procedures, thus in contact with blood. The aim of this study was to compare the setting of MTA in vitro and in vivo in contact with blood by subcutaneous implantation in rats. The tissue reaction to the material was also investigated. ProRoot MTA (Dentsply) was implanted in the subcutaneous tissues of Sprague-Dawley rats in opposite flanks and left in situ for 3 months. Furthermore the material was also stored in physiological solution in vitro. At the end of the incubation time, tissue histology and material characterization were performed. Surface assessment showed the formation of calcium carbonate for both environments. The bismuth was evident in the tissues thus showing heavy element contamination of the animal specimen. The tissue histology showed a chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate associated with the MTA. MTA interacts with the host tissues and causes a chronic inflammatory reaction when implanted subcutaneously. Hydration in vivo proceeds similarly to the in vitro model with some differences particularly in the bismuth oxide leaching patterns.peer-reviewe

    Integrating disciplinary-specific genre structure in discourse strategies to support disciplinary literacy

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    Classroom discourse plays an important role in shaping how students learn science in the classroom. Past research has examined how content area teachers use a variety of generic discourse strategies to foster classroom interaction and content mastery. However, few have focused on how teachers’ discourse strategy can be used in more specific ways to build subject-specialized genres of the discipline, such as scientific explanation. The purpose of this study is to examine how science teachers integrate disciplinary-specific genres in their discourse strategies to engage their students in thinking about the conceptual and epistemic aspects of the discipline. Through a three-year design research, four science teachers learned a genre-based instructional method designed to explicitly teach students how to construct scientific explanations. Lesson observations from these teachers before and after they learned the genre-based instruction were video-recorded and analyzed. It was found that with the incorporation of the genre-based instructional method, a discourse strategy that we call meta-discoursing was employed in ne w ways to facilitate the teaching of the explanation genre. Using multiple exemplars, we describe the ways in which this discourse strategy was enacted in tandem with the genre-based instructional method to facilitate disciplinary literacy through classroom talk