168 research outputs found

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    Aminokiselinski sastav moŔta nekih sorata vinove loze (Vitis vinifera L.) Hrvatske

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    Free amino acids in grape juice are important as nitrogen source for yeast strains during alcoholic fermentation. The aim of this research was to determine amino acid profiles in musts from nine grapevine cultivars (six white and three red). The cultivars were located in a homogeneous soil and climatic zone of Bilogora growing hill (West continental region, Prigorjeā€“bilogora subregion), grown on the same training system. The experiment was conducted in vintage 2015. The results showed significant influence of grape cultivar on the amino acids composition in musts of white and red grape cultivars. Arginine was dominant in most analyzed varieties of amino acids. The highest concentration of arginine in white cultivars was measured in Chardonnay must (470.18 mg/L) and in red cultivar must from Saint Laurent (280.65 mg/L). Statistically significant difference was also found in the total amino acid composition of white and red cultivars. The highest concentration of total amino acids in white cultivars was determined in Manzoni juice (1639.51 mg/L) and among the red cultivars in Pinot noir juice (1173.12 mg/L).Slobodne aminokiseline u moÅ”tu su važan izvor duÅ”ika za kvasce tijekom alkoholne fermentacije. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je odrediti aminokiselinski profil moÅ”teva devet sorata vinove loze (Å”est bijelih i tri crne). Sorte vinove loze zasađene su u ujednačenim uvjetima tla i klime vinogorja Bilogora (Regija Kontinentalne Hrvatske, podregija Prigorje-bilogora) te su imale iste agrotehničke uvjete uzgoja. Pokus je postavljen 2015. godine. Rezultati su pokazali signifikantan utjecaj sorte na aminokiselinski sastav u moÅ”tevima bijelih i crnih sorti. Najzastupljenija aminokiselina u moÅ”tevima devet sorata vinove loze bila je arginin. Najveća koncentracija arginina kod bijelih sorata bila je u moÅ”tu Chardonnay (470,18 mg/l), a kod crnih sorata u moÅ”tu Lovrijenca (280,65 mg/l). Statistički značajne razlike nađene su između koncentracije ukupnih aminokiselina bijelih i crnih sorata. Najveća koncentracija ukupnih aminokiselina kod bijelih sorata bila je u moÅ”tu sorte Manzoni (1639,51 mg/l), a kod crnih sorata u moÅ”tu sorte Pinot crni (1173,12 mg/l

    Adaptive Genetic Algorithm

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    In this paper we introduce an adaptive, \u27self-contained\u27 genetic algorithm (GA) with steady-state selection. This variant of GA utilizes empirically based methods for calculating its control parameters. The adaptive algorithm estimates the percentage of the population to be replaced with new individuals (generation gap). It chooses the solutions for crossover and varies the number of mutations, ail regarding the current population state. The state of the population is evaluated by observing some of its characteristic values, such as the best and worst individual\u27s cost function (fitness) values, the population average etc. Furthermore, a non-uniform mutation operator is introduced, which increases the algorithm\u27s efficiency. Adaptive method does not, however, restrict the applicability in any way. The described GA is applied to optimization of several multimodal functions with various degrees of complexity, employed earlier for comparative studies. Some deceptive problems were also taken into consideration, and a comparison between the adaptive and standard genetic algorithm has been made


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    Vina Rajnskog rizlinga proizvedena standardnom tehnologijom za bijela vina te maceracijom masulja od 3 sata i maceracijom masulja od 6 sati analizirana su kako bi se utvrdile razlike u kemijskom sastavu i senzornim svojstvima. Kemijska analiza provedena je nakon fermentacije, a senzorno ocjenjivanje 3 mjeseca nakon fermentacije. Vina dobivena maceracijom masulja od 3 sata senzorno su ocijenjena najbolje dok su vina dobivena maceracijom od 6 sati te standardnom tehnologijom bila slabije kakvoće. Po kemijskom sastavu vina dobivena maceracijom masulja nisu se međusobno razlikovala, dok su vina dobivena standardnim postupkom proizvodnje za bijela vina imala niži ukupni ekstrakt, pepeo, hlapivu kiselost i ukupne fenole.Rhine riesling wines produced by usual technology for white wines and by maceration for 3 hours and maceration for 6 hours were investigated for differences in chemical composition and sensory properties. Chemical analyses were performed after fermentation and sensory testing was done 3 months after fermentation. Wine produced by maceration for 3 hours was evaluated as sensory the best while the wine produced by maceration for 6 hours and usual technology was of inferior quality. In chemical composition there was no difference between wine produced by maceration of grape pomace while wines produced by standard technology for white wine had lower total extract, ashes, volatyle acidity and total phenols


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    Količine Å”ećera i kiselina u moÅ”tu Rizling rajnski Kutjevačkog vinogorja praćene su u petogodiÅ”njem razdoblju, od 1999.-2003. godine, na obiteljskom gospodarstvu Jakobović. Istraživanja ukazuju na variranje kakvoće moÅ”tova i vina zbog klimatskih uvjeta pojedine godine. Posebno se izdvajaju godine 2000. i 2003. godina, kada su količine Å”ećera bile izrazito visoke, a sadržaj ukupnih kiselina znatno niži, Å”to se kasnije odrazilo i na količine alkohola i kiselina u vinu, kao i na organoleptiku vina.Quantities of sugar and acid in the must of Riesling Rhine of Kutjevo vineyard area were observed on the Jakobovic Family Estate in the period of five years, from 1999 to 2003. The analysis shows varying quality of must and wine due to climatic conditions of a particular year. In the year 2000 and 2003 the quantities of sugar were exceptionally high and the content of all acids considerably lower which reflected later on the quantity of alcohol and acid in wine, as well as on organoleptic traits of wine

    From Genomics to Metabolomics of Analgesics in Children

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    Personalizirana medicina, odnosno individualizirana terapija lijekovima prema bolesnikovoj genetici očekivano se trebala razviti iz projekta humanoga genoma. Farmakogenomika proučava interakciju između ljudskoga genoma i kliničkog odgovora na lijek. Međutim, složenost interakcija između lijeka i pacijenta ne ovisi samo o bolesnikovu genomu već i o mnogima drugim čimbenicima, kao okoliÅ”nim faktorima, interakcijama lijek ā€“ lijek, polimorfizmu u transporterima i receptorima. U djece je situacija joÅ” složenija jer u obzir treba uzeti ontogenomiku, gdje je razvoj ključnih tjelesnih enzima vezan uz kronoloÅ”ku dob djeteta, koja stvara varijabilnost i u farmakokinetici i u farmakodinamici.Personalised medicine or individualised medicamentous treatment based on patientā€™s genetics was expected to develop from the human genome project. Pharmacogenomics is a science investigating interactions between human genome and clinical drug response. However, the complexity of drug-patient interactions is not only patient genome dependent, but it also depends on many other factors like environmental, drug to drug interactions, and transporter and receptor polymorphism. The situation in children is even more complex given ontogenomics and the development of functional enzymes related to the chronological age of the child, which in turn creates variability in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

    Soziale Anleitungen in der Arbeit mit SchĆ¼lern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Stƶrung

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    Cilj je ovoga rada prikazati jednu od metoda učenja socijalnih vjeÅ”tina, socijalne priče. U radu je najprije riječ o socijalnim vjeÅ”tinama i o tome zaÅ”to je neku djecu s teÅ”koćama u razvoju potrebno poučavati socijalnim vjeÅ”tinama. Potom se definiraju učenici s poremećajem iz spektra autizma, te socijalne priče koje su originalno osmiÅ”ljene za njih. Socijalne su priče pisane iz perspektive učenika i objaÅ”njavaju socijalnu situaciju ili koncept, opisuju bitne sastavnice situacije te sugeriraju očekivane odgovore. Nadalje, u radu se objaÅ”njava kako na temelju funkcionalne procjene ponaÅ”anja izraditi socijalnu priču, tipove rečenica koje se koriste u socijalnoj priči te se navode dodatne smjernice za primjenu. Zaključno promiÅ”ljanje: velik broj djece s teÅ”koćama u razvoju mora naučiti kako čitati i reagirati na neverbalnu komunikaciju, Å”to zbog njezine viÅ”eznačnosti često ne uspijevaju učiniti. Ovladavanje socijalnim vjeÅ”tinama jača samopoÅ”tovanje, neovisnost i emocionalnu otpornost, a koriÅ”tenje socijalnih priča jedna je od učinkovitih metoda poučavanja socijalnih vjeÅ”tina. Ovom se metodom mogu koristiti učenici s teÅ”koćama u razvoju kojima je takva podrÅ”ka potrebna, a ne samo učenici s poremećajem iz spektra autizma. U prilogu su dana tri primjera socijalnih priča.The aim of this paper is to present one of the methods of learning social skills: social stories. The paper first describes social skills and why some children with disabilities need to acquirie social skills. Then the students with autism spectrum disorders are defined, and the social stories, which were originally designed for them. Social stories are stories written from the perspective of students which explain the social situation or concept, describe the essential elements of the situation and suggest the expected answers. Furthermore, the paper explains how to make a social story on the basis of a functional behavioral assessment, the types of sentences which are used in a social story, and provides additional guidance for the application. The final consideration: a large number of children with disabilities must learn how to read and respond to non-verbal communication, which because of its ambiguity often don\u27t succeed. Mastering social skills boosts self-esteem, independence and emotional resilience, and the use of social stories is an effective method of teaching social skills. This method is applicable to all students with disabilities who are in need of such help, and not just students with autism spectrum disorders. In the appendix three examples of social stories are given.Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Lernmethode der sozialen FƤhigkeiten zu prƤsentieren: soziale Anleitungen (Social Story). In der Arbeit werden zunƤchst soziale Kompetenzen beschrieben und warum einigen Kinder mit Entwicklungsstƶrungen soziale FƤhigkeiten beigebracht werden mĆ¼ssen. Danach werden die SchĆ¼ler mit Autismus-Spektrum-Stƶrung und die sozialen Anleitungen definiert, die speziell fĆ¼r diese SchĆ¼ler entworfen wurden. Soziale Anleitungen sind Geschichten, die zuerst aus der Perspektive der SchĆ¼ler geschrieben werden, soziale Situation oder ein Konzept erklƤren, wesentliche Bestandteile der Situation beschreiben und erwartete Antworten suggerieren. DarĆ¼ber hinaus erlƤutert der Beitrag, wie man auf der Grundlage einer funktionalen Verhaltensbewertung eine soziale Anleitung und die passenden Satzarten erarbeiten kann, und bietet zusƤtzliche Anweisungen fĆ¼r die Anwendung. Fazit: eine groƟe Anzahl von Kindern mit Entwicklungsstƶrungen muss lernen, wie man liest und auf nonverbale Kommunikation reagiert, was aufgrund ihrer Mehrdeutigkeit oft nicht gelingt. Das Beherrschen der sozialen FƤhigkeiten steigert das SelbstwertgefĆ¼hl, die UnabhƤngigkeit und die emotionale WiderstandsfƤhigkeit. Der Einsatz sozialer Anleitungen ist eine der effektiven Methoden zur Vermittlung sozialer Kompetenzen, die nicht nur von den SchĆ¼lern mit Autismus-Spektrum-Stƶrung, sondern auch von SchĆ¼lern mit Entwicklungsstƶrungen genutzt werden kƶnnen, die eine solche Hilfe benƶtigen. Im Anhang werden drei Beispiele fĆ¼r soziale Anleitungen dargestellt

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