46 research outputs found

    Finding MNEMON: Reviving Memories of Node Embeddings

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    Previous security research efforts orbiting around graphs have been exclusively focusing on either (de-)anonymizing the graphs or understanding the security and privacy issues of graph neural networks. Little attention has been paid to understand the privacy risks of integrating the output from graph embedding models (e.g., node embeddings) with complex downstream machine learning pipelines. In this paper, we fill this gap and propose a novel model-agnostic graph recovery attack that exploits the implicit graph structural information preserved in the embeddings of graph nodes. We show that an adversary can recover edges with decent accuracy by only gaining access to the node embedding matrix of the original graph without interactions with the node embedding models. We demonstrate the effectiveness and applicability of our graph recovery attack through extensive experiments

    GSWO: A Programming Model for GPU-enabled Parallelization of Sliding Window Operations in Image Processing

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    Sliding Window Operations (SWOs) are widely used in image processing applications. They often have to be performed repeatedly across the target image, which can demand significant computing resources when processing large images with large windows. In applications in which real-time performance is essential, running these filters on a CPU often fails to deliver results within an acceptable timeframe. The emergence of sophisticated graphic processing units (GPUs) presents an opportunity to address this challenge. However, GPU programming requires a steep learning curve and is error-prone for novices, so the availability of a tool that can produce a GPU implementation automatically from the original CPU source code can provide an attractive means by which the GPU power can be harnessed effectively. This paper presents a GPUenabled programming model, called GSWO, which can assist GPU novices by converting their SWO-based image processing applications from the original C/C++ source code to CUDA code in a highly automated manner. This model includes a new set of simple SWO pragmas to generate GPU kernels and to support effective GPU memory management. We have implemented this programming model based on a CPU-to-GPU translator (C2GPU). Evaluations have been performed on a number of typical SWO image filters and applications. The experimental results show that the GSWO model is capable of efficiently accelerating these applications, with improved applicability and a speed-up of performance compared to several leading CPU-to- GPU source-to-source translators

    Multi-Level Variational Spectroscopy using a Programmable Quantum Simulator

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    Energy spectroscopy is a powerful tool with diverse applications across various disciplines. The advent of programmable digital quantum simulators opens new possibilities for conducting spectroscopy on various models using a single device. Variational quantum-classical algorithms have emerged as a promising approach for achieving such tasks on near-term quantum simulators, despite facing significant quantum and classical resource overheads. Here, we experimentally demonstrate multi-level variational spectroscopy for fundamental many-body Hamiltonians using a superconducting programmable digital quantum simulator. By exploiting symmetries, we effectively reduce circuit depth and optimization parameters allowing us to go beyond the ground state. Combined with the subspace search method, we achieve full spectroscopy for a 4-qubit Heisenberg spin chain, yielding an average deviation of 0.13 between experimental and theoretical energies, assuming unity coupling strength. Our method, when extended to 8-qubit Heisenberg and transverse-field Ising Hamiltonians, successfully determines the three lowest energy levels. In achieving the above, we introduce a circuit-agnostic waveform compilation method that enhances the robustness of our simulator against signal crosstalk. Our study highlights symmetry-assisted resource efficiency in variational quantum algorithms and lays the foundation for practical spectroscopy on near-term quantum simulators, with potential applications in quantum chemistry and condensed matter physics

    Examining sensor-based physical activity recognition and monitoring for healthcare using Internet of Things: A systematic review.

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    Due to importantly beneficial effects on physical and mental health and strong association with many rehabilitation programs, Physical Activity Recognition and Monitoring (PARM) have been considered as a key paradigm for smart healthcare. Traditional methods for PARM focus on controlled environments with the aim of increasing the types of identifiable activity subjects complete and improving recognition accuracy and system robustness by means of novel body-worn sensors or advanced learning algorithms. The emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) enabling technology is transferring PARM studies to open and connected uncontrolled environments by connecting heterogeneous cost-effective wearable devices and mobile apps. Little is currently known about whether traditional PARM technologies can tackle the new challenges of IoT environments and how to effectively harness and improve these technologies. In an effort to understand the use of IoT technologies in PARM studies, this paper will give a systematic review, critically examining PARM studies from a typical IoT layer-based perspective. It will firstly summarize the state-of-the-art in traditional PARM methodologies as used in the healthcare domain, including sensory, feature extraction and recognition techniques. The paper goes on to identify some new research trends and challenges of PARM studies in the IoT environments, and discusses some key enabling techniques for tackling them. Finally, this paper consider some of the successful case studies in the area and look at the possible future industrial applications of PARM in smart healthcare

    Branched DNA-Based Electrochemical Biosensor for Sensitive Nucleic Acids Analysis with Gold Nanoparticles as Amplifier

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    A branched DNA-based electrochemical biosensor was designed to sensitively detect specific nucleic acids. On this platform, novel a branched DNA with three sticky ends could be used as a biosensor to sensitively and specifically detect nucleic acids. Meanwhile, we also employed branched DNA-modified AuNPs as a signal amplifier to further improve the sensitivity. Branched DNA sensors, target DNA, and DNA-modified AuNPs formed a sandwich structure to produce an electronic signal for target DNA detection. The reaction primarily involved DNA hybridization without bulky thermal cyclers and enzymes. We proved that the hybridization reaction easily occurred under different conditions, such as the NaCl concentration, reaction time, pH, and temperature, except for a pH lower than 4. The limit of detection could go as low as 0.09 pM (S/N = 3) with excellent specificity and selectivity. There was a correlation curve relationship between the peak current and the logarithm of the target DNA concentration (0.10 pM to 10 nM). The correlation coefficient reached 0.987. The electrochemical platform enables a branched DNA nanostructure to determine nucleic acids for disease diagnosis