45 research outputs found

    Online-Campaigning dargestellt an den Wahlen zum deutschen Bundestag 1998-2009 im Vergleich zum US-amerikanischen Online-Campaigning im Rahmen der Präsidentschaftswahlen 2000-2008

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    In dieser Arbeit wird untersucht, woraus Online-Campaigning besteht, welche Elemente es aufweist und welchen Stellenwert der Online-Wahlkampf einnimmt, insbesondere bei den Bundestagswahlen von 1998, 2002, 2005 und 2009 sowie bei den Präsidentschaftswahlen in den USA von 2000-2008 – die dortige Entwicklung eilte jener in Deutschland um etwa drei Jahre voraus. Dabei soll auch der Frage nachgegangen werden, ob und inwiefern eine Übertragbarkeit der Erfolge im Rahmen des US-amerikanischen Online-Campaignings, insbesondere durch Barack Obamas Kampagne 2008, auf den deutschen Wahlkampf gegeben ist. Unter Berücksichtigung der Anfänge des Online-Campaignings (USA 1994 und 1996, Deutschland 1998 und 2002) wird der Entwicklungs- und Lernprozess nachgezeichnet, der von großen Techniksprüngen mitbestimmt wurde. Darüber hinaus werden die Unterschiede im Online-Wahlkampf zwischen den Parteien in Deutschland und den USA berücksichtigt. Für Deutschland werden dabei die im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien CDU/CSU, SPD, FDP, Die Grünen sowie die Linkspartei betrachtet. Aus der Berufspraxis der Autorin heraus werden Anregungen gegeben, wie man Online-Kampagnen analysieren und optimieren kann

    Financial planning and control for the military officer

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    Ductoscopic Detection of Intraductal Lesions in Cases of Pathologic Nipple Discharge in Comparison with Standard Diagnostics: The German Multicenter Study

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    SummaryBackground: According to the literature, ductoscopy is gaining increasing importance in the diagnosis of intraductal anomalies in cases of pathologic nipple discharge. In a multicenter study, the impact of this method was assessed in comparison with that of standard diagnostics. Patients and Methods: Between 09/2006 and 05/2009, a total of 214 patients from 7 German breast centers were included. All patients underwent elective ductoscopy and subsequent ductal excision because of pathologic nipple discharge. Ductoscopy was compared with the following standard diagnostics: breast sonography, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), galactography, cytologic nipple swab, and ductal lavage cytology. The histological and imaging results were compared and contrasted to the results obtained from the nipple swab and cytologic assessment. Results: Sonography had the highest (82.9%) sensitivity, followed by MRI (82.5%), galactography (81.3%), ductoscopy (71.2%), lavage cytology (57.8%), mammography (57.1%), and nipple swab (22.8%). Nipple swabs had the highest (85.5%) specificity, followed by lavage cytology (85.2%), ductoscopy (49.4%), galactography (44.4%), mammography (33.3%), sonography (17.9%), and MRI (11.8%). Conclusion: Currently, ductoscopy provides a direct intraoperative visualization of intraductal lesions. Sensitivity and specificity are similar to those of standard diagnostics. The technique supports selective duct excision, in contrast to the unselective technique according to Urban. Therefore, ductoscopy extends the interventional/diagnostic armamentarium

    Negative ion formation in potassium–nitromethane collisions

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    Ion-pair formation in gaseous nitromethane (CH3NO2) induced by electron transfer has been studied by investigating the products of collisions between fast potassium atoms and nitromethane molecules using a crossed molecular-beam technique. The negative ions formed in such collisions were analysed using time-of-flight mass spectroscopy. The six most dominant product anions are NO2?, O?, CH3NO2?, OH?, CH2NO2? and CNO?. By using nitromethane-d3 (CD3NO2), we found that previous mass 17 amu assignment to O? delayed fragment, is in the present experiment may be unambiguously assigned to OH?. The formation of CH2NO2? may be explained in terms of dissociative electron attachment to highly vibrationally excited molecules

    Different impact of gadopentetate and gadobutrol on inflammation-promoted retention and toxicity of gadolinium within the mouse brain

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    OBJECTIVES: Using a murine model of multiple sclerosis, we previously showed that repeated administration of gadopentetate dimeglumine led to retention of gadolinium (Gd) within cerebellar structures and that this process was enhanced with inflammation. This study aimed to compare the kinetics and retention profiles of Gd in inflamed and healthy brains after application of the macrocyclic Gd-based contrast agent (GBCA) gadobutrol or the linear GBCA gadopentetate. Moreover, potential Gd-induced neurotoxicity was investigated in living hippocampal slices ex vivo. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Mice at peak of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE; n = 29) and healthy control mice (HC; n = 24) were exposed to a cumulative dose of 20 mmol/kg bodyweight of either gadopentetate dimeglumine or gadobutrol (8 injections of 2.5 mmol/kg over 10 days). Magnetic resonance imaging (7 T) was performed at baseline as well as at day 1, 10, and 40 post final injection (pfi) of GBCAs. Mice were sacrificed after magnetic resonance imaging and brain and blood Gd content was assessed by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma (ICP)-mass spectrometry (MS) and ICP-MS, respectively. In addition, using chronic organotypic hippocampal slice cultures, Gd-induced neurotoxicity was addressed in living brain tissue ex vivo, both under control or inflammatory (tumor necrosis factor a [TNF-a] at 50 ng/µL) conditions. RESULTS: Neuroinflammation promoted a significant decrease in T1 relaxation times after multiple injections of both GBCAs as shown by quantitative T1 mapping of EAE brains compared with HC. This corresponded to higher Gd retention within the EAE brains at 1, 10, and 40 days pfi as determined by laser ablation-ICP-MS. In inflamed cerebellum, in particular in the deep cerebellar nuclei (CN), elevated Gd retention was observed until day 40 after last gadopentetate application (CN: EAE vs HC, 55.06 ± 0.16 µM vs 30.44 ± 4.43 µM). In contrast, gadobutrol application led to a rather diffuse Gd content in the inflamed brains, which strongly diminished until day 40 (CN: EAE vs HC, 0.38 ± 0.08 µM vs 0.17 ± 0.03 µM). The analysis of cytotoxic effects of both GBCAs using living brain tissue revealed an elevated cell death rate after incubation with gadopentetate but not gadobutrol at 50 mM. The cytotoxic effect due to gadopentetate increased in the presence of the inflammatory mediator TNF-a (with vs without TNF-a, 3.15% ± 1.18% vs 2.17% ± 1.14%; P = 0.0345). CONCLUSIONS: In the EAE model, neuroinflammation promoted increased Gd retention in the brain for both GBCAs. Whereas in the inflamed brains, efficient clearance of macrocyclic gadobutrol during the investigated time period was observed, the Gd retention after application of linear gadopentetate persisted over the entire observational period. Gadopentetate but not gadubutrol appeared to be neurotoxic in an ex vivo paradigm of neuronal inflammation

    Untangling the chemical evolution of Titan's atmosphere and surface–from homogeneous to heterogeneous chemistry

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    The arrival of the Cassini-Huygens probe at Saturn's moon Titan - the only Solar System body besides Earth and Venus with a solid surface and a thick atmosphere with a pressure of 1.4 atm at surface level - in 2004 opened up a new chapter in the history of Solar System exploration. The mission revealed Titan as a world with striking Earth-like landscapes involving hydrocarbon lakes and seas as well as sand dunes and lava-like features interspersed with craters and icy mountains of hitherto unknown chemical composition. The discovery of a dynamic atmosphere and active weather system illustrates further the similarities between Titan and Earth. The aerosol-based haze layers, which give Titan its orange-brownish color, are not only Titan's most prominent optically visible features, but also play a crucial role in determining Titan's thermal structure and chemistry. These smog-like haze layers are thought to be very similar to those that were present in Earth's atmosphere before life developed more than 3.8 billion years ago, absorbing the destructive ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, thus acting as 'prebiotic ozone' to preserve astrobiologically important molecules on Titan. Compared to Earth, Titan's low surface temperature of 94 K and the absence of liquid water preclude the evolution of biological chemistry as we know it. Exactly because of these low temperatures, Titan provides us with a unique prebiotic 'atmospheric laboratory' yielding vital clues - at the frozen stage - on the likely chemical composition of the atmosphere of the primitive Earth. However, the underlying chemical processes, which initiate the haze formation from simple molecules, have been not understood well to date

    Proton-Assisted Hydration at Hydrophobic Sites in Protonated Ether and Keto Dimers

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    Diagnostic value of plasma insulin-like growth factor-1 levels in relation to fertility, disease, and culling in multiparous cows

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    Lõputöö Veterinaarmeditsiini õppekavalViimastel aastakümnetel on lehmade piimatoodang suurenenud, mis on kaasa toonud sigivus- ja ainevahetusprobleeme. Somatotroopsesse telge kuuluv insuliinisarnane kasvufaktor-1 (IGF-1) on maksas sünteesitud hormoon, mis mõjutab lehmade sigivust ja on seotud negatiivse energiabilansi, haigestumise ja prakeerimisega. Lõputöö eesmärk oli hinnata IGF-1 diagnostilist väärtust seoses sigivuse, haigestumuse ja prakeerimisega, leida muutujaspetsiifilised optimaalsed IGF-1 piirmäärad ja selgitada IGF-1 mõju tiinestuvuse ajale. Selleks analüüsiti varem kogutud andmeid 118 korduvpoeginud holsteini lehma kohta. IGF-1 kontsentratsiooni mõõdeti kokku kolmel korral, kaks nädalat enne poegimist ning üks ja kolm nädalat pärast poegimist. IGF-1 optimaalsed prognostilised piirmäärad leiti ROC-kõvera analüüsiga. IGF-1 seoseid sigivusnäitajate, haigestumise ja prakeerimisega analüüsiti logistilise regressioonanalüüsiga ja ajast sõltuvaid muutujaid elumusanalüüsiga. Enne ja pärast poegimist mõõdetud IGF-1 oli seotud sigivusnäitajatega ning tugevaim seos esines üks nädal pärast poegimist, kui IGF-1 piirmäär oli 33 ng/ml. Pärast poegimist mõõdetud IGF-1 oli seotud haigestumise ja prakeerimisega. Vastavast piirmäärast väiksema IGF-1 kontsentratsiooniga lehmade šanss tiinestuda vähenes, aga šanss haigestuda ja prakeeritud saada suurenes. Aega poegimisest tiinestumiseni mõjutasid IGF-1 kontsentratsioon, haiguste esinemine ja aeg poegimisest esimese seemendamiseni. IGF-1 määramiseks tuleks proove võtta kindlal ajal, sest piirmäär sõltub proovivõtuajast. IGF-1 olulise mõju tõttu tuleks leida viise selle hormooni kontsentratsiooni tõstmiseks organismis.Milk yield per cow has increased in the last decades and it has caused a rise in metabolic and fertility problems. Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) belonging to the somatotropic axis is synthesised in the liver and affects fertility and is associated with negative energy balance, disease, and culling. The aim of the thesis was to evaluate the diagnostic value of IGF-1 in association with fertility, disease and culling. The aim was to also find variable specific optimal IGF-1 thresholds and the effect of IGF-1 on fertility. Previously collected data on 118 multiparous Holstein cows were analyzed. IGF-1 concentrations were measured a total of three times, two weeks before calving and one and three weeks after calving. IGF-1 optimal prognostic thresholds were found with ROC-curve analysis. The association of IGF-1 with fertility variables, disease and culling was analyzed by logistic regression analysis and with time-dependent variables by survival analysis. IGF-1 measured before and after calving was associated with fertility variables, with the strongest association occurring one week after calving when the IGF1 threshold was 33 ng/ml. IGF-1 measured after calving was associated with occurrence of disease and culling. Cows with lower IGF-1 concentrations than the corresponding threshold had a lower chance of becoming pregnant, but an increased chance of disease and culling. The variables affecting time to pregnancy were IGF-1 concentration, disease, and time from calving to first insemination. IGF-1 samples must be taken at a specific time as the threshold depends on the sampling time. Due to the significant effect of IGF-1, ways should be found to increase its concentration